diff --git a/jpyjs9/jjs9.py b/jpyjs9/jjs9.py
index c36e919..4efc5c0 100644
--- a/jpyjs9/jjs9.py
+++ b/jpyjs9/jjs9.py
@@ -1,128 +1,99 @@
-JS9 wrapper to be used in Jupyter/IPython notebooks
-Adapted from jjs9 by Matias Carrasco Kind
+JS9 wrapper to be used in Jupyter/IPython notebooks.
+Some of the ideas were adopted from jjs9
-import pyjs9
+from pyjs9 import JS9_
+import weakref
+import uuid
import ipywidgets as ipw
from sidecar import Sidecar
-from six import BytesIO
-import base64
-from socketIO_client import SocketIO
-import json
-from io import StringIO
-import http
-import requests
-import socketio
-import uuid
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from collections import defaultdict
-import weakref
+# ignore socketio connection error
+import logging
-class KeepRefs(object):
- __refs__ = defaultdict(list)
- def __init__(self):
- self.__refs__[self.__class__].append(weakref.ref(self))
- @classmethod
- def get_instances(cls):
- for inst_ref in cls.__refs__[cls]:
- inst = inst_ref()
- if inst is not None:
- yield inst
+_JS9Refs = {}
+class JS9(JS9_):
+ def __init__(self, side=False, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Start or connect to an instance of JS9
+ Parameters:
+ -----------
+ host: 'http://localhost:2718',
+ id: 'JS9',
+ multi: False,
+ pageid: None,
+ maxtries: 5,
+ delay: 1,
+ debug: False,
+ side: False, Set true to start in a side windown in jupyter
+ frame_url: 'http://localhost:8888/js9', the url to the js9 app
+ width: 600
+ height: 600
+ """
+ # append the main docstring from parent
+ JS9.__init__.__doc__ += JS9_.__init__.__doc__
-class jJS9(pyjs9.JS9, KeepRefs):
- def __init__(self, root='http://localhost', path='/js9', port_html=8888, port_io=2718, transport='socketio', wid=None):
- KeepRefs.__init__(self)
- pyjs9.js9Globals['transport'] = transport
- if wid is None:
- self.wid = str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ id = args[1]
+ args = (args[0],) + args[2:]
+ elif 'id' in kwargs:
+ id = kwargs.pop('id')
- self.wid = wid
- self.node_url = f'{root}:{port_io}'
- self.frame_url = f'{root}:{port_html}{parth}'
- self.displays = OrderedDict()
- self.connected = False
- self.msg = ''
- self.id = None
- #super(jJS9, self).__init__(host=self.node_url, id=wid+'JS9')
+ id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:4]
- def connect(self, wid = None, external=False):
- temp = self.wid
- if wid is not None:
- self.wid = wid
- if external:
- super(jJS9, self).__init__(host=self.node_url, id='JS9-'+self.wid)
- self.connected = True
- return
- if self.wid in self.displays:
- super(jJS9, self).__init__(host=self.node_url, id='JS9-'+self.wid)
- self.connected = True
- else:
- print(f'{self.wid} display does not exist')
- self.wid = temp
- def handler_displayed(self, widget):
- #self._connect()
- self.msg = 'connected'
- def new_display(self, attached=True, wid=None, height_px=600, width_px=580):
- if wid is not None:
- self.wid = str(wid)
- all_d = set()
- for r in self.get_instances():
- for j in r.displays.keys():
- all_d.add(j)
- if self.wid in all_d:
- print(f'{self.wid} exists. Enter a different id or remove current display')
- return
- html_code = "".format(self.frame_url, self.wid, width_px, height_px)
- self.displays[self.wid] = {'attached': attached, 'obj':ipw.widgets.HTML(value = html_code)}
- if attached:
- display(self.displays[self.wid]['obj'])
+ if len(args) == 7:
+ debug = args[6]
+ elif 'debug' in kwargs:
+ debug = kwargs['debug']
- self.sc = Sidecar(title='{}'.format(self.wid), layout=ipw.Layout(width='580px', height='600px'))
- self.displays[self.wid]['obj'].on_displayed(self.handler_displayed)
+ debug = False
+ # extra parameter
+ frame_url = kwargs.get('frame_url', 'http://localhost:8888/js9')
+ width = kwargs.get('width', 600)
+ height = kwargs.get('height', 700)
+ ref = _JS9Refs.get(id, None)
+ if ref is not None:
+ if debug: print(f'Recovering instance {id}')
+ ref = ref()
+ if debug: print(f'Recoved instance {id}')
+ # attach the JS9 window
+ html = f""
+ self.ipw_obj = ipw.widgets.HTML(value = html)
+ self.sc = None
+ if side:
+ # open a side window
+ layout = ipw.Layout(width=f'{width}px', height=f'{height}px')
+ self.sc = Sidecar(title=f'JS9-{id}', layout=layout)
with self.sc:
- display(self.displays[self.wid]['obj'])
- return
- def close_display(self, wid=None):
- if wid is not None:
- closeid = wid
- else:
- closeid = self.wid
- temp = self.displays[closeid]
- if temp['attached']:
- temp['obj'].close()
+ display(self.ipw_obj)
+ display(self.ipw_obj)
+ if ref is None:
+ if debug: print(f'Starting a new instance {id}')
+ _JS9Refs[id] = weakref.ref(self)
+ # initialize the parent JS9 class, first remove our added keys
+ for k in ['frame_url', 'width', 'height']:
+ kwargs.pop(k, None)
+ if debug: print(f'Calling parent for {id}')
+ super(JS9, self).__init__(id=f'JS9-{id}', multi=True, *args, **kwargs)
+ def close(self):
+ # close the display as well as the js9 connection
+ self.ipw_obj.close()
+ if self.sc is not None:
- temp['obj'].close()
- #self.displays.pop(closeid)
- del(self.displays[closeid])
- self.connected = False
- return
- def close_all_displays(self, force=False):
- tkeys = list(self.displays.keys())
- for kid in tkeys:
- self.close_display(wid = kid)
- try:
- self.sc.close_all()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if force:
- for r in self.get_instances():
- for jid in r.displays.keys():
- temp = r.displays[jid]
- if temp['attached']:
- temp['obj'].close()
- else:
- r.sc.close()
- temp['obj'].close()
- del(r.displays[jid])
- r.connected = False
- return
\ No newline at end of file
+ super(JS9, self).close()