GraPharm emerged from the collaborative efforts of a diverse team of passionate individuals at the D4Gen Hackathon 2024. With backgrounds ranging from structural biology, pharmaceuticals to artificial intelligence and beyond, we united under a common vision: to revolutionize pharmaceutical data analysis using knowledge graph-based AI method.
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Unraveling the Complexity of Biology and Pharmacology: Empowering Drug Discovery Through Integrated Knowledge Graphs
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Connecting the Dots: Navigating Complex Biological Networks; Unlocking Insights: Harnessing Big Data for Biomedical Discovery; Mapping the Future of Medicine: Transformative Insights at Your Fingertips; Bridging digital and life science: Empowering Innovations with Integrated Data; From Data to Discovery: Revolutionizing Drug Development with Intelligent Graphs
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Dedicated Experts Driving Biomedical Innovation; Collaborative Minds Shaping the Future of Healthcare; Passionate Professionals Fostering Breakthroughs in BioMedicine; Diverse Talents Uniting for Impactful Solutions; Leaders in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
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{% include feature.html image="images/people.png" link="team" title="Our Team" text=text %}