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File metadata and controls

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Active Record Model

October provides the option of using an Active Record pattern to access the database, through the use of the Model class. The class extends and shares the features of Eloquent ORM provided by Laravel.


Model classes reside in the models subdirectory of a plugin directory. An example of a model directory structure:

        user/             <=== Model config directory
          columns.yaml    <=== Model config files
          fields.yaml     <==^
        User.php          <=== Model class

The model configuration directory could contain the model's list column and form field definitions. The model configuration directory name matches the model class name written in lowercase.

Class definition

You should create one model class for each database table. All model classes must extend the Model class. The most basic representation of a model used inside a Plugin looks like this:

namespace Acme\Blog\Models;

use Model;

class Post extends Model {

    protected $table = 'acme_blog_posts';


The $table protected field specifies the database table corresponding the model. The table name is a snake case name of the author, plugin and pluralized record type name.


October models allow to define relationships with the model class fields. The following relations are available, along with their optional and required arguments:

  • $hasOne - has a single related model that belongs to it. Optional: primaryKey.
  • $hasMany - has many related models that belong to. Optional: primaryKey.
  • $belongsTo - owned by another related model (slave). Optional: foreignKey.
  • $belongsToMany - owned by multiple related models. Optional: table, primaryKey, foreignKey, pivot, timestamps.
  • $morphTo - polymorphic version of belongs to. Optional: name, type, id.
  • $morphOne - polymorphic version of has one. Optional: type, id. Required: name.
  • $morphMany - polymorphic version of has many. Optional: type, id. Required: name.
  • $morphToMany - polymorphic version of belongs to many. Optional: table, primaryKey, foreignKey, pivot, timestamps. Required: name.
  • $morphedByMany - polymorphic version of belongs to many, inversed. Optional: table, primaryKey, foreignKey, pivot, timestamps. Required: name.
  • $attachOne - single file attachment. Optional: public.
  • $attachMany - multiple file attachments. Optional: public.
  • $hasManyThrough - has many related models through another model. Optional: primaryKey, throughKey. Required: through.

Note: The key arguments are in the context of the defining model. The defining [primary] model is identified by a primaryKey and the foreign model is identified by a foreignKey.

An example of defining a relationship:

class Post extends \Model
    public $belongsTo = [
        'user' => ['User', 'foreignKey' => 'user_id']

    public $belongsToMany = [
        'categories' => ['Category', 'table' => 'october_blog_posts_categories']

    public $attachMany = [
        'featured_images' => ['System\Models\File']

    public $hasManyThrough = [
        'followers' => ['RainLab\Forum\Models\Member', 'through' => 'RainLab\Forum\Models\TopicFollower'],

Default relationship filters can be used on all relations:

  • order - sorting order for multiple records.
  • conditions - applies a where statement (TODO).
public $belongsToMany = [
    'categories' => ['Category', 'order' => 'name desc', 'conditions' => 'active = 1']

Attribute modifiers

October models can apply modifiers to the attribute values when the model is loaded or saved to the database. The modifiers are defined with the model class properties as arrays.For example:

class User extends \October\Rain\Database\Model
    protected $hashable = ['password'];

    protected $purgeable = ['password_confirmation'];

    protected $jsonable = ['permissions'];

    protected $encryptable = ['api_key'];

    protected $slugs = ['slug' => 'name'];

The following attribute modifiers are supported:

  • $hashable - values are hashed, they can be verified but cannot be reversed. Requires trait: October\Rain\Database\Traits\Hashable.
  • $purgeable - attributes are removed before attempting to save to the database. Requires trait: October\Rain\Database\Traits\Purgeable.
  • $jsonable - values are encoded as JSON before saving and converted to arrays after fetching.
  • $encrypted - values are encrypted and decrypted for storing sensitive data.
  • $slugs - key attributes are generated as unique url names (slugs) based on value attributes. Requires trait: October\Rain\Database\Traits\Sluggable.
  • $dates - values are converted to an instance of Carbon/DateTime objects after fetching.
  • $timestamps - boolean that if true will automatically set created_at and updated_at fields.

The following attribute declarations are supported:

  • $fillable - values are fields accessible to mass assignment.
  • $guarded - values are fields guarded from mass assignment.
  • $visible - values are fields made visible when converting the model to JSON or an array.
  • $hidden - values are fields made hidden when converting the model to JSON or an array.

Joined eager loading

Similar to the standard Eager Loading, you you can eager load and join a relation to the main query. This feature is mainly useful for belongsToMany relationships. The next example will also eager load the relation.

Post::joinWith('category')->select("concat(, ' - ',")->get();
Post::joinWith('comments')->where('comments.user_id', 6)->count();

Model events

You can handle different model life cycle events by defining special methods in the model class. The following events are available:

  • beforeCreate - before the model is saved, when first created.
  • afterCreate - after the model is saved, when first created.
  • beforeSave - before the model is saved, either created or updated.
  • afterSave - after the model is saved, either created or updated.
  • beforeValidate - before the supplied model data is validated.
  • afterValidate - after the supplied model data has been validated.
  • beforeUpdate - before an existing model is saved.
  • afterUpdate - after an existing model is saved.
  • beforeDelete - before an existing model is deleted.
  • afterDelete - after an existing model is deleted.
  • beforeRestore - before a soft-deleted model is restored.
  • afterRestore - after a soft-deleted model has been restored.
  • beforeFetch - before an existing model is populated.
  • afterFetch - after an existing model has been populated.

An example of using an event:

public function beforeCreate()
    // Generate a URL slug for this model
    $this->slug = Str::slug($this->name);

Model validation

October models use Laravel's built-in Validator class. The validation rules are defined in the model class as a property named $rules and the class must use the trait October\Rain\Database\Traits\Validation:

class User extends \October\Rain\Database\Model
    use \October\Rain\Database\Traits\Validation;

    public $rules = [
        'name'                  => 'required|between:4,16',
        'email'                 => 'required|email',
        'password'              => 'required|alpha_num|between:4,8|confirmed',
        'password_confirmation' => 'required|alpha_num|between:4,8',

Note: You're free to use the array syntax for validation rules as well.

Models validate themselves automatically when the save() method is called.

$user = new User;
$user->name = 'Adam Person';
$user->email = '[email protected]';
$user->password = 'passw0rd';

// Returns false if model is invalid
$success = $user->save();

Note: You can also validate a model at any time using the validate() method.

Retrieving validation errors

When a model fails to validate, a Illuminate\Support\MessageBag object is attached to the model. The object which contains validation failure messages. Retrieve the validation errors message collection instance with errors() method or $validationErrors property. Retrieve all validation errors with errors()->all(). Retrieve errors for a specific attribute using validationErrors->get('attribute').

Note: The Model leverages Laravel's MessagesBag object which has a simple and elegant method of formatting errors.

Overriding validation

The forceSave() method validates the model and saves regardless of whether or not there are validation errors.

$user = new User;

// Creates a user without validation

Custom error messages

Just like the Laravel Validator, you can set custom error messages using the same syntax.

class User extends \October\Rain\Database\Model
    public $customMessages = [
       'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',

Custom validation rules

You can also create custom validation rules the same way you would for the Laravel Validator.

File attachments

Models can support file attachments using a polymorphic relationship.

A single file attachment:

public $attachOne = [
    'avatar' => ['System\Models\File']

Multiple file attachments:

public $attachMany = [
    'photos' => ['System\Models\File']

Protected attachments are uploaded to the application's uploads/protected directory which is not accessible for the direct access from the Web. A protected file attachment is defined like this:

public $attachOne = [
    'avatar' => ['System\Models\File', 'public' => false]

Creating new attachments

Attach a file uploaded with a form:

$model->avatar = Input::file('file_input');

Attach a prepared File object:

$file = new System\Models\File;
$file->data = Input::file('file_input');


Viewing attachments

The getPath() method returns the full URL of an uploaded public file. The following code would print something like

echo $model->avatar->getPath();

Returning multiple attachment file paths:

foreach ($model->photos as $photo)
    echo $photo->getPath();

You can resize an image with the getThumb() method. The method takes 3 parameters - image width, image height and the options parameter. The following options are supported:

  • mode - auto, exact, portrait, landscape, crop (default: auto).
  • quality - 0-100 (default: 95).
  • extension - jpg, png, gif (default: png).

The width and height parameters should be specified as a number or as the auto word for the automatic proportional scaling.

echo $model->avatar->getThumb(100, 100, ['mode' => 'crop']);

Usage example

This section shows a full usage example of the model attachments feature - from defining the relation in a model to displaying the uploaded image on a page.

Inside your model define a relationship to the System\Models\File class, for example:

class Post extends Model
    public $attachOne = [
        'featured_image' => ['System\Models\File']

Build a form for uploading a file:

<?= Form::open(['files' => true]) ?>

    <input name="example_file" type="file">

    <button type="submit">Upload File</button>

<?= Form::close() ?>

Process the uploaded file on the server and attach it to a model:

// Find the Blog Post model
$post = Post::find(1);

// Save the featured image of the Blog Post model
if (Input::hasFile('example_file'))
    $post->featured_image = Input::file('example_file');

Alternatively you use the deferred binding:

// Find the Blog Post model
$post = Post::find(1);

// Look for the postback data 'example_file' in the HTML form above
$fileFromPost = Input::file('example_file');

// If it exists, save it as the featured image with a deferred session key
if ($fileFromPost)
    $post->featured_image()->create(['data' => $fileFromPost], $sessionKey);

Display the uploaded file on a page:

// Find the Blog Post model again
$post = Post::find(1);

// Look for the featured image address, otherwise use a default one
if ($post->featured_image)
    $featuredImage = $post->featured_image->getPath();
    $featuredImage = '';

<img src="<?= $featuredImage ?>" alt="Featured Image" />

Deferred binding

Deferred bindings allow you to postpone model relationships binding until the master record commits the changes. This is particularly useful if you need to prepare some models (such as file uploads) and associate them to another model that doesn't exist yet.

You can defer any number of slave models against a master model using a session key. When the master record is saved along with the session key, the relationships to slave records are updated automatically for you. Deferred bindings are supported in the back-end Form behavior automatically, but you may want to use this feature in other places.

Generating a session key

The session key is required for deferred bindings. You can think of a session key as of a transaction identifier. The same session key should be used for binding/unbinding relationships and saving the master model. You can generate the session key with PHP uniqid() function. Note that the form helper generates a hidden field containing the session key automatically.

$sessionKey = uniqid('session_key', true);

Defer a relation binding

The comment in the next example will not be added to the post unless the post is saved.

$comment = new Comment;
$comment->content = "Hello world!";

$post = new Post;
$post->comments()->add($comment, $sessionKey);

Note: the $post object has not been saved but the relationship will be created if the saving happens.

Defer a relation unbinding

The comment in the next example will not be deleted unless the post is saved.

$comment = Comment::find(1);
$post = Post::find(1);
$post->comments()->delete($comment, $sessionKey);

List all bindings

Use the withDeferred() method of a relation to load all records, including deferred. The results will include existing relations as well.


Cancel all bindings

It's a good idea to cancel deferred binding and delete the slave objects rather than leaving them as orphans.


Commit all bindings

You can commit (bind or unbind) all deferred bindings when you save the master model by providing the session key with the second argument of the save() method.

$post = new Post;
$post->title = "First blog post";
$post->save(null, $sessionKey);

The same approach works with the model's create() method:

$post = Post::create(['title' => 'First blog post'], $sessionKey);

Lazily commit bindings

If you are unable to supply the $sessionKey when saving, you can commit the bindings at any time using the the next code:


Clean up orphaned bindings

Destroys all bindings that have not been committed and are older than 1 day:


Note: October automatically destroys deferred bindings that are older than 5 days. It happens when a back-end user logs into the system.

Extending models

Models can be extended with the static extend() method. The method takes a closure and passes the model object into it. Inside the closure you can add relations to the model::

User::extend(function($model) {
    $model->hasOne['author'] = ['Author', 'foreignKey' => 'user_id'];