NOTICE: This ec2 nodes provider is for RunDeck 1.3 and earlier. It is now deprecated in favor of the plugin mechanism (to be) introduced in RunDeck 1.4.
A new Github project provides a plugin offering the ec2 node functionality for RunDeck 1.4:
Please use the new plugin for RunDeck 1.4+ and file any issues under the Github Issues for that project.
Thank you,
- Greg Schueler, 10/18/2011
The directory ec2-rundeck-node-generator
contains a Java project that can be used to generate a resources.xml file which includes node definitions for all nodes described by the AWS EC2 API.
The cgi
directory contains a simple CGI script to execute the node generator and return the XML.
Using included Gradle wrapper:
$ ./gradlew
Produces: target/
Unzip this file, e.g at $RDECK_BASE/java-ec2-nodes, and use the enclosed cgi file.
See the ec2-rundeck-node-generator/ file for information on usage of the jar file.
Copy the generatenodes.cgi script to your web server, make sure Apache is configured to execute .cgi files and that the file is executable.
Modify the "$awscreds" variable to be the path to a credentials properties file. This file should contain:
accessKey=<your access key>
secretKey=<your secret key>
You can get your AWS access/secret key from this page:
Modify the "$genjar" variable to be the path to the ec2-rundeck-node-generator.jar file.
You can also specify a "" file to use to configure the way properties are set on the generated Nodes. Set the "$genprops" variable to be the path to this file. See the ec2-rundeck-node-generator/ for more information.
Finally, try to view the generatenodes.cgi through your webserver. For example, using curl:
$ curl http://myserver/generatenodes.cgi
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="Example4" type="Node" description="Ec2 node instance" hostname="" osArch="x86_64" osFamily="unix" osName="Linux" osVersion="" username="rundeck-user" editUrl="" remoteUrl="" privateIpAddress="" privateDnsName="ip-127-0-29-73.ec2.internal"/>
<node name="Example1" type="Node" description="Ec2 node instance" hostname="" osArch="x86_64" osFamily="unix" osName="Linux" osVersion="" username="rundeck-user" editUrl="" remoteUrl="" privateIpAddress="" privateDnsName="ip-127-1-54-85.ec2.internal"/>
<node name="Example5" type="Node" description="Ec2 node instance" hostname="" osArch="x86_64" osFamily="unix" osName="Linux" osVersion="" username="rundeck-user" editUrl="" remoteUrl="" privateIpAddress="" privateDnsName="ip-127-0-29-44.ec2.internal"/>
<node name="Example3" type="Node" description="Ec2 node instance" hostname="" osArch="x86_64" osFamily="unix" osName="Linux" osVersion="" username="rundeck-user" editUrl="" remoteUrl="" privateIpAddress="" privateDnsName="ip-127-0-11-34.ec2.internal"/>
<node name="Example2" type="Node" description="Ec2 node instance" hostname="" osArch="x86_64" osFamily="unix" osName="Linux" osVersion="" username="rundeck-user" editUrl="" remoteUrl="" privateIpAddress="" privateDnsName="ip-127-2-5-19.ec2.internal"/>
- 0.2 - Updated to support Rundeck 1.2+ resources format
- 0.1 - initial release