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{"links":[{"end":"RenderOutput","filter":"Linear","slot":0,"start":"Image","wrapMode":"Repeat"}],"metadata":{"Author":"whisky_shusuky","Description":"Inspired by arabesque.\nhttps://cineshader.com/editor","Name":"Octagrams","ShaderToyURL":"https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tlVGDt"},"nodes":[{"class":"RenderOutput","name":"RenderOutput"},{"class":"GLSLShader","name":"Image","source":"precision highp float;\n\n\nfloat gTime = 0.;\nconst float REPEAT = 5.0;\n\n// 回転行列\nmat2 rot(float a) {\n\tfloat c = cos(a), s = sin(a);\n\treturn mat2(c,s,-s,c);\n}\n\nfloat sdBox( vec3 p, vec3 b )\n{\n\tvec3 q = abs(p) - b;\n\treturn length(max(q,0.0)) + min(max(q.x,max(q.y,q.z)),0.0);\n}\n\nfloat box(vec3 pos, float scale) {\n\tpos *= scale;\n\tfloat base = sdBox(pos, vec3(.4,.4,.1)) /1.5;\n\tpos.xy *= 5.;\n\tpos.y -= 3.5;\n\tpos.xy *= rot(.75);\n\tfloat result = -base;\n\treturn result;\n}\n\nfloat box_set(vec3 pos, float iTime) {\n\tvec3 pos_origin = pos;\n\tpos = pos_origin;\n\tpos .y += sin(gTime * 0.4) * 2.5;\n\tpos.xy *= rot(.8);\n\tfloat box1 = box(pos,2. - abs(sin(gTime * 0.4)) * 1.5);\n\tpos = pos_origin;\n\tpos .y -=sin(gTime * 0.4) * 2.5;\n\tpos.xy *= rot(.8);\n\tfloat box2 = box(pos,2. - abs(sin(gTime * 0.4)) * 1.5);\n\tpos = pos_origin;\n\tpos .x +=sin(gTime * 0.4) * 2.5;\n\tpos.xy *= rot(.8);\n\tfloat box3 = box(pos,2. - abs(sin(gTime * 0.4)) * 1.5);\t\n\tpos = pos_origin;\n\tpos .x -=sin(gTime * 0.4) * 2.5;\n\tpos.xy *= rot(.8);\n\tfloat box4 = box(pos,2. - abs(sin(gTime * 0.4)) * 1.5);\t\n\tpos = pos_origin;\n\tpos.xy *= rot(.8);\n\tfloat box5 = box(pos,.5) * 6.;\t\n\tpos = pos_origin;\n\tfloat box6 = box(pos,.5) * 6.;\t\n\tfloat result = max(max(max(max(max(box1,box2),box3),box4),box5),box6);\n\treturn result;\n}\n\nfloat map(vec3 pos, float iTime) {\n\tvec3 pos_origin = pos;\n\tfloat box_set1 = box_set(pos, iTime);\n\n\treturn box_set1;\n}\n\n\nvoid mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) {\n\tvec2 p = (fragCoord.xy * 2. - iResolution.xy) / min(iResolution.x, iResolution.y);\n\tvec3 ro = vec3(0., -0.2 ,iTime * 4.);\n\tvec3 ray = normalize(vec3(p, 1.5));\n\tray.xy = ray.xy * rot(sin(iTime * .03) * 5.);\n\tray.yz = ray.yz * rot(sin(iTime * .05) * .2);\n\tfloat t = 0.1;\n\tvec3 col = vec3(0.);\n\tfloat ac = 0.0;\n\n\n\tfor (int i = 0; i < 99; i++){\n\t\tvec3 pos = ro + ray * t;\n\t\tpos = mod(pos-2., 4.) -2.;\n\t\tgTime = iTime -float(i) * 0.01;\n\t\t\n\t\tfloat d = map(pos, iTime);\n\n\t\td = max(abs(d), 0.01);\n\t\tac += exp(-d*23.);\n\n\t\tt += d* 0.55;\n\t}\n\n\tcol = vec3(ac * 0.02);\n\n\tcol +=vec3(0.,0.2 * abs(sin(iTime)),0.5 + sin(iTime) * 0.2);\n\n\n\tfragColor = vec4(col ,1.0 - t * (0.02 + 0.02 * sin (iTime)));\n}\n\n/** SHADERDATA\n{\n\t\"title\": \"Octgrams\",\n\t\"description\": \"Lorem ipsum dolor\",\n\t\"model\": \"person\"\n}\n*/\n","type":"Image"}]}