If you make changes to the code that are appropriate to share with all counties, please open a pull request. The request will be reviewed by the development team at the Center for Data Science and Public Policy before being approved and merged.
Whether it be an unexpected error, a design flaw, a typo in documentation, or a desired feature, we track all potential changes to the code in Github Issues. Our issues page is at https://github.com/dssg/matching-tool/issues - do a search first to see if the issue has been mentioned before. If so, feel free to add any new information or even just let the community know that you are experiencing the same problem.
If your issue doesn't exist yet, create it! Try and be as detailed as possible.
If it's an unexpected error, the following types of information can be helpful:
- what page you were on
- the steps you took up until finding the error
- a screenshot of the page at error time
- any browser console errors
- any server-side errors that your systems administrator was able to find
On the other hand, if it's an idea for a new feature or design change you'd like to make, the following information will help discussion:
- What problem would this change solve?
- Would this change help all users of the tool?
The general workflow for making a code change to submit to this repository is described at GitHub's Forking Projects tutorial. If you are new to Git and GitHub in general, GitHub's Guides should be helpful in learning the basics.
If you'd like to learn about making changes to the code, the development section of the documentation site is the best place to start.