In adnn, a neural network is just an AD function with some associated parameters. The nn
module contains code that makes it easy to define and work with such objects.
All neural networks in adnn expose a common interface:
var nn = require('adnn/nn');
var Tensor = require('adnn/tensor');
var net = nn.linear(10, 10);
// Feed an input through a network by calling its 'eval' method
var input = new Tensor([10]).fillRandom();
// Networks have associated parameters, which is a list of tensors.
net.getParameters(); // May be empty for certain networks
// When training is enabled, NNs will compute partial derivatives w.r.t.
// their parameters. Otherwise, they do not (for efficiency).
// NNs can also be serialized to JSON objects and deserialized back.
// This saves their structure as well as their current parameter values.
net = nn.deserializeJSON(net.serializeJSON());
adnn comes with many built-in neural nets:
For every function in ad.tensor
, there is a corresponding neural net in the nn
module. These are all simple networks with no parameters.
var nn = require('adnn/nn');
// 'nn.linear(nInputs, nOutputs)' creates a fully-connected layer
var fc = nn.linear(100, 10);
// There are several available nonlinear activation functions
var activations = [
// 'nn.mlp' is a convenience function for defining multilayer perceptrons
var mlp = nn.mlp(100, // Number of inputs
[{nOut: 50, activation: nn.tanh}, // 'activation' is optional
{nOut: 10}]
// mlp: linear(100, 50) -> tanh -> linear(50, 10)
var nn = require('adnn/nn');
// 'nn.convolution' creates a convolutional layer
var conv = nn.convolution({
inDepth: // Number of input channels (default: 1)
outDepth: // Number of output channels (default: 1)
filterSize: // Width/height of filter
filterWidth: // Width of filter (default: filterSize)
filterHeight: // Height of filter (default: filterSize)
stride: // Number of pixels to skip between filter windows (default: 1)
strideX: // Number of horizontal pixels to skip between filter windows (default: stride)
strideY: // Number of vertical pixels to skip between filter windows (default: stride)
pad: // Number of pixels to pad the output with (default: make output same size as input)
padX: // Number of horizontal pixels to pad the output with (default: pad)
padY: // Number of vertical pixels to pad the output with (default: pad)
// A number of pooling layers are available; their interfaces are identical
var pools = [
var maxp = nn.maxpool({
filterSize: // Width/height of filter
filterWidth: // Width of filter (default: filterSize)
filterHeight: // Height of filter (default: filterSize)
stride: // Number of pixels to skip between filter windows (default: filterSize)
strideX: // Number of horizontal pixels to skip between filter windows (default: filterWidth)
strideY: // Number of vertical pixels to skip between filter windows (default: filterHeight)
pad: // Number of pixels to pad the output with (default: 0)
padX: // Number of horizontal pixels to pad the output with (default: pad)
padY: // Number of vertical pixels to pad the output with (default: pad)
: A network whoseeval()
method returns a constant parameter vector. Useful for e.g. defining the initial hidden state of a recurrent network.
There are several different avenues for creating your own neural nets:
If you wish to implement a network layer that corresponds to a fixed function with no parameters, implement it as an AD function and then turn it into a NN by calling nn.lift
on it. This is how all the functions in ad.tensor
are turned into NNs.
There are three different ways to create a neural net by composing other neural nets:
var nn = require('adnn/nn');
// 'nn.sequence' creates a neural net out of a linear composition of other neural nets
// i.e. f(g(h(...))
// Useful for e.g. creating the linear 'tower' architectures common in CNNs.
var seqnet = nn.sequence([
nn.linear(100, 50),
nn.linear(50, 20),
nn.linear(20, 10)
// The nn module also provides a simple DSL for constructing a composite network out
// of an arbitrary directed graph of other networks.
// This is similar to Torch's 'nngraph' module.
// 'nn.sequence' is actually implemented using this DSL.
// For example, here's a network that adds two inputs and then puts the result through
// a fully connected layer:
var inputs = [nn.ast.input(), nn.ast.input()];
var output = nn.linear(20, 10).compose(nn.add.compose(inputs[0], inputs[1]));
var compilednet = nn.ast.compile(inputs, [output]); // compile supports multi-output functions
// More generally, 'nn.compound' creates a network out of *any* function involving
// neural nets, provided it is given a list of all the networks used by that function
// The graph-compilation DSL is implemented in terms of 'nn.compound'
// Here's how the above example would be expressed using 'nn.compound':
var linearnet = nn.linear(20, 10);
function addThenLinear(x1, x2) {
return linearnet.eval(nn.add.eval(x1, x2));
var compoundnet = nn.compound(addThenLinear, [linearnet, nn.add], 'addThenLinear');
// The third argument is an optional name which must be provided in order to serialize
// the network. Any code which deserializes such a network must have first created
// at least one instance of the network in order to register its deserializer.
If you have a network with complex internal logic that cannot be captured by the composition of existing networks, then you can extend the nn.Network
class (see network.js). Be sure to provide parameter getter/setter functions in the paramGetter
and paramSetter
members. You'll also need to implement serializeJSON
var nn = require('adnn/nn');
// For a new NN class called 'MyNetwork'
MyNetwork.prototype.serializeJSON = function() {
return {
type: 'mynetwork',
// other fields here...
// Declare a deserializer corresponding to the 'type' field used above
nn.Network.deserializers.mynetwork = function(json) {
// parse JSON object and return new MyNetwork object