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Diogo Resende edited this page Jul 30, 2013 · 10 revisions

After [connecting](Connecting to Database), you can use the connection object (db) to define your models. You need to specify the name of the model, a specification of the properties and options (optional). Here's a small example:

var Person = db.define('person', {
	name    : { type: "text" },
	surname : { type: "text" },
	age     : { type: "number" }
}, {
	methods : {
		fullName: function () {
			return + " " + this.surname;

The model is called person (which is usually the name of the table in the database), it has 3 properties (name and surname as text and age as number). The second object passed is the options. In this example there is a model method called fullName. Here's an example of the usage of this model:

Person.get(73, function (err, person) {
	if (err) throw err;

	console.log("Hi, my name is %s", person.fullName());

This would get person with id=73 and print it's name and surname.

There are other types of [properties available](Model Properties).

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