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Az.Network supports the retrieval of private link resource in Get-AzPrivateLinkResource as well as the management of private endpoint connection in Approve-AzPrivateEndpointConnect, Deny-AzPrivateEndpointConnect, Remove-AzPrivateEndpointConnect and Set-AzPrivateEndpointConnect.

For providers who

  • supports the features of private linke resource and private endpoint connection already
  • and want to onboard these features in Azure PowerShell,

they need register provider configuration in ProviderConfiguration.cs.

Notes: No additional commands for the features of private linke resource and private endpoint connection need to be added.


We assume the API for List private link resource and Get private endpoint connection is available in the provider that claims to support private endpoint connection features. That means it supports following APIs:

# List Private Link Resource API
# Get Private Endpoint Connection API

if "List Private Endpoint Connection API" is not available, privateEndpointConnections must be included in the properties of top resource returned by "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{provider}/{Top-Level-Resource}/{Top-Level-Resource-Name}". So that Private Endpoint Connections will be retrieved from the top resource.

# List Private Endpoint Connection API

Code Changes Needed

To add corresponding {Provider}, {Top-Level-Resource} and {API-Version} into ProviderConfiguration.cs, we need to follow in following pattern:

RegisterConfiguration("{Provider}/{Top-Level-Resource}", "{API-Version}", bool hasPrivateEndppointConnectionsURI, bool hasPrivateLinkResourceURI)
  • "{Provider}/{Top-Level-Resource}" describes the type of provider. For example, "Microsoft.Sql/servers".
  • "{API-Version}" specifies the API version to be used. For example, "2018-06-01-preview".
  • hasPrivateEndppointConnectionsURI marks the provider whether provides "List Private Endpoint Connection API".
# Get Private Link Resource API
  • hasPrivateLinkResourceURI marks the provider whether providers "Get Private Endpoint Connection API".

For instance, for provider "Microsoft.Sql/servers" with API version "2018-06-01-preview", it supports "List Private Endpoint Connection API" and "Get Private Endpoint Connection API". So it's registration configuration should be

RegisterConfiguration("Microsoft.Sql/servers", "2018-06-01-preview", true, true);

End-To-End Test

Item Needed

  • Top level resource
New-Az{Top-Level-Resource} -ResourceGroupName {rg_name} -Name {top_level_resource_name}

$TopLevelResource = Get-Az{Top-Level-Resource} -ResourceGroupName {rg_name} -Name {top_level_resource_name}
  • private link resource
$PrivateLinkResource = Get-AzPrivateLinkResource -PrivateLinkResourceId $TopLevelResource.Id
  • subnet config (object in memory)
$SubnetConfig = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name {config_name} -AddressPrefix ""      -PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies "Disabled"
  • virtual network
New-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName {rg_name} -Name {vnet_name} -Location {location} -AddressPrefix "" -Subnet $SubnetConfig

$VNet=Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName {rg_name} -Name {vnet_name}
  • private link service connection (object in memory)
$PLSConnection = New-AzPrivateLinkServiceConnection -Name {pls_connection_name} -PrivateLinkServiceId $TopLevelResource.Id -GroupId $TopLevelResource.GroupId
  • endpoint
New-AzPrivateEndpoint -ResourceGroupName {rg_name} -Name {endpoint_name} -Location {location} -Subnet $VNet.subnets[0] -PrivateLinkServiceConnection $PLSConnection -ByManualRequest


  • Add Network.csproj to {Module}.sln, and Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network to {Module}.Test.csproj

  • Create listed items above

  • To get the connection, if list for private endpoint connection was supported,

$connection = Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection -PrivateLinkResourceId $TopLevelResource.Id
  • To get the connection, if list for private endpoint connection was not supported,
$TopLevelResource = Get-Az{Top-Level-Resource} -ResourceGroupName {rg_name} -Name {top_level_resource_name}

$ConnectionId = $TopLevelResource.PrivateEndpointConnection[0].Id

$Connection = Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection -ResourceId $ConnectionId
  • Approve/Deny the connection
Approve-AzPrivateEndpointConnection -ResourceId $ConnectionId


Deny-AzPrivateEndpointConnection -ResourceId $ConnectionId
  • Connection cannot be approved after rejection

  • One top level resource can have maximum 3 private end point connection