An omniconf inspired config library using malli
malapropism is deployed to Clojars
Configuration is one of the peripheries of our systems. It's a good place to ensure correctness. Enter malli, a library that I've really grown to appreciate.
Configuration should be flexible. Most solutions in this space assume too much.
With malapropism,
- Stick it in an atom? Yeah!
- Put it in a delay? Okay
- Keep it behind core.cache or core.memoize? Sure, why not?
- Deliver it to a promise? I could see it
- Re-compute it each and every time? I wouldn’t
- Have a single configuration? Yeah, that makes sense
- Have more than one? No one's going to stop you
(require '[org.passen.malapropism.core :as malapropism])
(def config-schema
[:env-key :keyword]
[:scm-rev :string]
[:port :int]
{:default "/api"}
(-> (malapropism/with-schema config-schema)
{:env-key :dev
:scm-rev "923345"
:port 8080
:prefix "/web"})
(malapropism/verify! :verbose? true))
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Copyright © 2022-2023 Derek Passen
Released under an MIT license.