Allow changing the confidence radius for CUCB, ESCB, and LLR. Tuning this parameter may yield better performance (i.e. lower regret).
Some bug fixing.
Addition of a new bandit algorithm: OSSB. It comes with several implementations, depending on how the Graves-Lai problem is solved:
- Naïve exact solution, with the original formulation (
) - Exact solution, with an improved formulation (
) - Exact solution, with an improved formulation and constraint generation (
), probably the most efficient technique right now - Subgradient-based algorithm, with polynomial-time guarantees (
The combinatorial problems have moved to a separate package, Kombinator.jl. The nonsmooth- optimisation facilities required to implement OSSB in polynomial time were short-lived in this package; they have already moved to NonsmoothOptim.jl.
Minor enhancements:
- New functions
. - New function
ESCB2: propose an automatic choice of parameters. Refactor the way the discretisation is performed to give more flexibility to the user.
Update to JuMP 0.21. Fix an infinite loop in LP-based formulation for elementary paths.
Quite a bit of bug fixing, especially regarding matching algorithms.
Update requirements for DataStructures to allow more versions.
Implement a refined approximation algorithm for budgeted maximum spanning trees.
It now provides a traditional approximation factor (1/2) instead of an
approximation term. See comments around st_prim_budgeted_lagrangian_approx_half
for more details.
First release. Several combinatorial bandits algorithms are included:
- Thompson sampling
- ESCB-2
Only the last two algorithms provide state-of-the-art regret, but do not have polynomial-time algorithm for all polynomial-time-solvable combinatorial problems.
They can be applied on several combinatorial problems:
- perfect matching in bipartite graphs
- elementary paths (mostly, longest paths: all algorithms are guaranteed to work with DAGs, only LP-based algorithm with any graph)
- spanning trees
- m-sets
Several polynomial-time algorithms are implemented for ESCB-2:
- generic greedy heuristic
- exact, mathematical-optimisation-based algorithm (if the instance has a LP formulation of the problem: for now, all four basic instances)
- exact algorithm based on budgeted versions of the linear problems (provided for: m-sets, elementary paths, spanning trees)