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Release notes

0.2 series


Allow changing the confidence radius for CUCB, ESCB, and LLR. Tuning this parameter may yield better performance (i.e. lower regret).

Some bug fixing.

0.2.0 (December 18, 2020)

Addition of a new bandit algorithm: OSSB. It comes with several implementations, depending on how the Graves-Lai problem is solved:

  • Naïve exact solution, with the original formulation (OSSBExactNaive)
  • Exact solution, with an improved formulation (OSSBExact)
  • Exact solution, with an improved formulation and constraint generation (OSSBExactSmart), probably the most efficient technique right now
  • Subgradient-based algorithm, with polynomial-time guarantees (OSSBSubgradientBudgeted)

The combinatorial problems have moved to a separate package, Kombinator.jl. The nonsmooth- optimisation facilities required to implement OSSB in polynomial time were short-lived in this package; they have already moved to NonsmoothOptim.jl.

Minor enhancements:

  • New functions estimate_Δmax and estimate_Δmin.
  • New function maximum_solution_length.

0.1 series

0.1.4 (December 17, 2020)

ESCB2: propose an automatic choice of parameters. Refactor the way the discretisation is performed to give more flexibility to the user.

0.1.3 (February 17, 2020)

Update to JuMP 0.21. Fix an infinite loop in LP-based formulation for elementary paths.

0.1.2 (February 7, 2020)

Quite a bit of bug fixing, especially regarding matching algorithms.

0.1.1 (January 31, 2020)

Update requirements for DataStructures to allow more versions.

Implement a refined approximation algorithm for budgeted maximum spanning trees. It now provides a traditional approximation factor (1/2) instead of an approximation term. See comments around st_prim_budgeted_lagrangian_approx_half for more details.

0.1.0 (January 31, 2020)

First release. Several combinatorial bandits algorithms are included:

  • Thompson sampling
  • LLR
  • CUCB
  • ESCB-2

Only the last two algorithms provide state-of-the-art regret, but do not have polynomial-time algorithm for all polynomial-time-solvable combinatorial problems.

They can be applied on several combinatorial problems:

  • perfect matching in bipartite graphs
  • elementary paths (mostly, longest paths: all algorithms are guaranteed to work with DAGs, only LP-based algorithm with any graph)
  • spanning trees
  • m-sets

Several polynomial-time algorithms are implemented for ESCB-2:

  • generic greedy heuristic
  • exact, mathematical-optimisation-based algorithm (if the instance has a LP formulation of the problem: for now, all four basic instances)
  • exact algorithm based on budgeted versions of the linear problems (provided for: m-sets, elementary paths, spanning trees)