To run the application locally simply run:
docker compose up -d
To perform test payments (not real ones), Stripe data has to be provided in the .env
secrets, items and price_ids can be found in the Stripe Dashboard.
The frontend also needs the public secret
Note: docker compose
is merely an alias for docker-compose
which only exists in newer versions. Omitting the dash may not work for older docker versions.
The docker compose setup exposes a Mailserver for testing. The web interface of said server can be used to verify the mail functionality.
When starting up an initial user is automatically created:
email: [email protected]
password: WeAllLoveDevOps
When developing having all components up and running is mostly unnecessary. To run all components BUT one simply run:
docker compose up -d --scale=<service name>=0
So for example:
docker compose up -d --scale=frontend=0
The webhook secrets might expire or change...this leads to 503 errors for the payments webhook in the backend. To get the new key:
- Get the new webhook secrets. It is in the very first logline of the stripe cli container.
docker logs stripe-cli
- Update the
with the new webhook secret value