- Apologies but the NYT clue data-set is no longer available.
- Feel free to contact me directly if you have questions. (2/25/2018)
This is a CSV dump of collected data representing clues and answers from The New York Times crossword over almost 16 years.
It spans December 1993
through to July 2017
. The data was first collected for a small project to build a search engine with it. The clues.txt
files is about 13.1MB in size and contains 432,205 clues with answers.
The data is a tab-delimited CSV with the columns (omitted), in this order:
For example:
"1048337","Jul2814A24",,"nytimes","Jul2814.puz","2014-07-28 00:00:00","Monday","6","A","24",,"0","nytimes","Cutters that cut with the grain","RIPSAWS"
"1048338","Jul3015A48",,"nytimes","Jul3015.puz","2015-07-30 00:00:00","Thursday","3","A","48",,"0","nytimes","Ill-looking","PALE"
"1048336","Jul3015D47",,"nytimes","Jul3015.puz","2015-07-30 00:00:00","Thursday","3","D","47",,"0","nytimes","Like some tea","HERBAL"
"1048335","Jul2814D23",,"nytimes","Jul2814.puz","2014-07-28 00:00:00","Monday","6","D","23",,"0","nytimes","With great attention to detail","MINUTELY"
"1048333","Jul2814A22",,"nytimes","Jul2814.puz","2014-07-28 00:00:00","Monday","6","A","22",,"0","nytimes","Portent","OMEN"
"1048329","Jul2814A20",,"nytimes","Jul2814.puz","2014-07-28 00:00:00","Monday","6","A","20",,"0","nytimes","In the manner of","ALA"
There may be gaps in the data. Let me know if you find any.
- Recover 2006. - DONE
- Re-insert day, full-date - DONE
- Across/Down, Clue Numbers (there were enough discrepancies that made it better to commit than include)