lem4 rm output/*/*/edb/{gene_sets.gmt,results.edb}
lem4 "R -e \"dir('output2', recursive = T, '.png$', full = T) %>% file.remove\""
read_gsea_summary <- function(path) {
id <- basename(path) %>% str_replace('\\.Gsea\\.\\d+', '');
# pattern = 'neg_'; correlation = 'negative'
impl <- function(pattern, correlation) {
#" empty file just contains a header line, after collapsed into a string, readr will treat it as a file, so I add \n to the end
report_files <- dir(path, pattern, full.names = T) %>% stringr::str_subset('report');
if (length(report_files) == 0L) return(tibble::tibble())
stringr::str_subset(report_files, 'xls$') %>% readr::read_lines() %>%
c('\n') %>% stringr::str_replace('\t$', '') %>% paste0(collapse = '\n') %>%
readr::read_tsv(T, 'cccnnnnnnnc') %>% tibble::add_column(correlation, .before = 1)
dplyr::bind_rows(impl('neg_', 'negative'), impl('pos_', 'positive')) %>% add_column(id, .before = 1);
#> # A tibble: 15 x 13
#> id correlation NAME `GS<br> follow … `GS DETAILS` SIZE ES NES
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 GSE1… negative HALL… HALLMARK_HYPOXIA Details ... 19 -0.375 -1.08
#> 2 GSE1… negative HALL… HALLMARK_ESTROG… Details ... 17 -0.370 -1.01
#> ...
read_collection_output <- function(collection) {
dir(collection, full = T) %>%
mclapply(qGSEA::read_gsea_summary) %>% bind_rows %>%
add_column(collection = basename(collection), .before = 1)
dir('output', full = T) %>%
lapply(read_collection_output) %>% bind_rows %>%
rename(accession = id) %>% write_rds('data-raw/gsea_output_full.rds')