- Download ISIMIP3a daily runoff and convert it to DLND format to drive MOSART.
- Available ISIMIP3a impact models: CLASSIC, CWatM, H08, HydroPy, JULES-W2, JULES-W2-DDM30, MIROC-INTEG-LAND
- Climate forcing: GSWP3-W5E5
- Climate scenario
- counterclim: counterfactual climate
- obsclim: factual climate
Required packages
- Python
- numpy, os, urllib, matplotlib, netCDF4, csv
Download GSIM dataset
wget https://store.pangaea.de/Publications/DoH-etal_2018/GSIM_metadata.zip
wget https://store.pangaea.de/Publications/GudmundssonL-etal_2018/GSIM_indices.zip
On compy
module load python/3.7.3
python3 Step01_Download_ISIMIP3a.py
Download ISIMIP3a runoff forcingspython3 Step02_Generate_DLND.py
Process the ISIMIP3a runoff forcings to DLND formatsh Step03_Run_MOSART.sh
setup, build, and submit DLND-MOSART simulation. Need to mannuallyMODEL
and MOSART input file.python3 Step04_Validate_MOSART.py -m model_name -r True -c case_name
to read MOSART output for a specified simulation.- For exmaple,
python3 Step04_Validate_MOSART.py -m H08 -r True -c Global_DLND_MOSART_H08_640f471.2024-01-18-112852
to process the simulation forced by H08 runoff. python3 Step04_Validate_MOSART.py -m H08 -d True -g 1
to check time series comparion between observation and simulation for 1st GSIM gage.
- For exmaple,
- mpiexec -n 12 python3 -m mpi4py ISIMIP3a_Step01_Download_forcings.py --mca btl_openib_allow_ib 1