An MSI provider for the MSI-Proxy that provides MSI messages from the Danish legacy MSI-admin production system.
On the server running the MSI-Proxy, you need to set up a MySQL database with imported data from the legacy MSI-admin production system. This entails the following steps:
On the MSI-admin production server, a job must be set up to export the relevant tables on a regular basis. The tables constitute a subset of the MSI-admin database and do not contain sensitive data (users, passewords, etc).
The list of relevant tables can be seen in the following command:
mysqldump -u <<DB_USER>> --password=<<DB_PWD>> <<DB_NAME>> \
message priority msg_class msg_category msg_sub_category location locationtype main_area country point \
firing_period, firing_area, firing_area_information, information, information_type, firing_area_position \
| gzip -9 > msi-safe-dump.sql.gz
Currently, this export is made publicly available at
Set up an "oldmsi" database with an oldmsi/oldmsi user:
mysql -u root -p < db/create-database.sql
Define a cron job for fetching the MSI-Admin export and importing it into the "oldmsi" MSI-Proxy database.
40 * * * * /home/enav/ >> /home/enav/legacy-msi-import.log 2>&1
shell script can be found under db/