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A tool that offers Identity & Access Management of the Maritime Cloud Services as well as management of services published in Maritime Cloud.

A live demo of the system may be found here:

Implemented features:

  • sign up and user management
  • creation of organizations
  • provision of spatially defined services -- management of endpoints
  • location based search of services
  • organization and service alias support
  • management of user membership
  • activity log


  • management of identity certificates
  • creation and management of Service Specifications
  • management of Operational Services (or more likely a sort of Service Categories) See also [The state of the solution] (#the-state-of-the-solution)


The list of documentation, like user guide, developer guide and API refeerences can be found in [src/main/asciidoc/main.adoc] (

A fully rendered version can be found in the Jenkins workspace as [HTML] ( and PDF.

Software Architecture

The MaritimeCloudPortalTestbed client is a rich client HTML/JS-application with a server side JSON webservice API. The server is currently a Spring Boot wrapped standalone Jetty server application.

On the client side we use:

  • JavaScript/HTML
  • AngularJS (for forms and calling webservices)
  • Twitter Bootstrap (for basic layout)
  • Grunt (for building)
  • JQuery (limited use for some DOM-manipulation)
  • HTML5 Application Cache
  • Karma with Mocha and Chai (for unit testing)
  • Protractor (for end2end testing)

On the server side we use:

  • Java 8
  • Maven (for building)
  • JPA(Hibernate) (for persistence)
  • SpringBoot (for packaging single jar service)
  • SpringFramework (for dependency injection)
  • SpringData (for query data repositories)
  • Axon framework (for CQRS and Event Sourcing)
  • Jersey (for JSON-webservices)
  • Shiro (for security)
  • JUnit (for unit-test)
  • Mockito (for mocking)

Server Architecture

The main part of the server architecture is based on the principles of Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES). The reason for this choice is that CQRS/ES is said to be suitable for collaboration systems with limited write operations and massive read operations.

All events, which are the result of processing commands, are stored in an Event Store.

In the current configuration, the event store is based on plain files; one folder per aggregate type, and one file per aggregate. In a productional environment this is likely to be changed to something more durable like a RDB or some NoSQL store.

Query data is kept in a relational persistence store, which is currently memory-based. This implies that in order to populate the query model, the entire event store has to be replayed upon re-launching the system. From a developer perspective, this has the interesting side-effect of easing the development iterations as new queries which are based on existing events (a.k.a. Projections) can be build and changed without much maintenance effort.

Client Architecture Structure

The client application structure tend to organize resources based on features rather than their types in line with the Google recommendations for Angular Applications (as outlined in: Googles recommendations ). In addition, it leans more towards the DRY'er guidelines by John Papa, as outlined in John Papas Guidelines. Particularly we try to limit redundant use of "-controller" in JS-filenames when it is obvious that this is the only kind of JS content in a folder. Actually, we take the LIFT guidelines a bit further. Instead of introducing a js-file for each controller in a module, we gather them in a single js-file. It also may contain filters and very specialized directives. The reasoning is that we want to limit the maintenance of dependencies in the index.html file as well as the shared dependencies on module names that will be scattered across many a controller- or filter file.
The rule of thumb, so far, is to have a single js-file in each component named after that component have it and define a corresponding angular module like this "mcp.". If the file gets to big then fall back to the more rigid one-file-per-controller rule but share the module name. (All this may of course change again in the future.)

Also, we use users.html instead of user-list.html.




Initial setup

Install Node js modules (e.g. Karma and friends)

In order to download front-end devDependencies (for test) you need to run

npm install

This will download external dependencies defined in 'packages.json' to the folder "src/main/webapp/app/node_modules".

Install Selenium webdriver (for protractor to use)

The webdriver-manager is a helper tool to easily get an instance of a Selenium Server running. Use it to download the necessary binaries with:

webdriver-manager update

To start the selenium server instance see [the end2end test section] (#end2end-test)

See for more on protractor and webdriver


In order to download front-end dependencies you need to run

bower install

This will download external dependencies to the folder "src/main/webapp/app/bower"


E-mails notifications are sent out by the application when for instance users sign up or forget their password.

The solution uses Spring Boot to auto configure a JavaMailSender. The mail sender settings, like host, port and password, can be supplied via "". The default configuration assumes the mail host to be on "localhost" port 25 and to allow for anonymous access:


To change the configuration to another mail account please refer to the settings file "src/main/resources/". Possible variations can be found here

The most effective way to override these settings is to create a new file called "" with those properties that should be overridden in it and place the file relative to the working directory, like this:


If the password should be kept secret to other users, consider to protect the "/config"-folder for reads and launch you application as a user with read-permissions.

Alternatively, or additionally, if you only need to supply the password, you could supply it on the command line when launching the app:

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments="--spring.mail.password=my_secret"

WARNING: Just keep in mind that this will render the password visible to anyone with access to th machine with e.g. "ps -ef".

See [Spring Boot configuration - Application property files] ( for further possibilities.

Setting the base URL of links in mail messages

The mails that are send out usually contains a confirmation-link or similar that points to the application. The base URL of these links may be configured using the "baseUrl"-property:


As it defaults to localhost you will need to provide the correct address of the application server. You should probably use something like this:


Echo mails to console for testing and development

The mailing functionality can be overridden to echo all e-mails to the console instead of sending them out for real. In order to trigger this behavior you must specify the mail host to be "console" using the property or system variable called:


mvn clean install


Unit tests

Karma is used for unit-testing of the client. To launch karma during development, simply run

karma start

End2End test

Protractor is used for "end-to-end" test of the client. To run the protractor tests two steps must be completed:

Start the selenium server

webdriver-manager start


./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager start

depending on where you installed the webdriver.

Use CTRL-C to stop it again when you'redone with testing.

Run the jasmine based tests


This will use the default protractor configuration 'protractor.conf.js'

To run the cucumber scripts use instead:

./node_modules/.bin/protractor ./src/test/specs/cucumber.conf.js


The build produces a executable .war-file in the /target folder. The application can be launched with:

java -jar target/maritimecloud-portal-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war

or by using maven:

mvn spring-boot:run

A local deployment will setup MaritimeCloudPortalTestbed at the following URL:



Currently only a limited set of test users exists. To gain admin rights log in with admin/test. To see an ordinary user log in with Tintin/test.

Instant reload of web resources and running in exploded mode

(This works at least on NetBeans ... not sure for other ides!?)

When using NetBeans as Ide you can easily open the project as a maven project.

To launch the server from inside Netbeans, navigate to the main class

and launch it.

(Notice: On MacBooks it's adviced to launch the application in debug-mode, as for some reason the IDE is unable to kill the maven-spawned process afterwards.)

Also, currently a durable persistence mechanism is not implemented, and it is therefore necessary to use the in memory based implementation based on hashmaps. To launch this version navigate to the test class below and launch it


Prepare deployment GIT project

To get the WAR-file moved onto the target server (AWS) we use a git repository as middle station.

Clone the deployment project

Copy your prepared WAR-file into the folder enav-appsrv/mc_portal/. Eg.

 mv *.war enav-appsrv/mc_portal/ 

Commit og push

Install and launch on target AWS server

Log on to server, fetch new version and restart the application

ssh [email protected]
cd enav-appsrv/mc_portal
git pull
./ stop
./ start

Follow the startup process with

tail –f portal.log

Once up-n-running the result can be seen from the link below

Alternatively, skip the git-part

Commit changes and await build on jenkins.

Log on to server and "reploy"

ssh [email protected]
cd enav-appsrv/mc_portal
./ reploy

This will download the latest build from jenkins and restart the server, hence short-cutting the git-commit-push-and-pull steps. Use this method to avoid polluting the git deployment project repository with a lot of intermediate minor correction version

Follow the startup process with

tail –f portal.log

Once up-n-running the result can be seen from the link below


The Maritime Cloud Portal can be run from a Docker container. See Docker [] for instructions on getting started with Docker. A pre-build portal image can be found at and pulled with:

docker pull dmadk/maritimecloud-portal


To build your own image, use this command (possibly from a Boot2Docker shell) from the root of the project:

docker build -t dmadk/maritimecloud-portal .


To run the build docker image, create a new container and launch it (in one go):

 docker run -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/target/events:/portal/target/events -v `pwd`/config:/portal/config --name=mcp dmadk/maritimecloud-portal

This will create a docker container for the image and mount the two local disk volumes "./target/events" and "./config". The first one specifies the local folder of where the aggregates are stored and the second allows you to override any properties by adding an file.

NOTE: If you run from a Boot2Docker-shell, you need to know the IP of this virtual machine. From the Boot2Docker shell use:

boot2docker ip

This will give you the ip address of the virtual machine. In this case the Maritime Cloud Portal will be accessible from the resulting ip on port 8080.

Consider to map the ip to eg. "mcp" in your host-file.

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

And add something like:

# Maritime Cloud Portal via Boot2Docker IP  mcp


A foreground process can be stopped with CTRL-C. To stop a background process, use:

docker stop mcp


The container can be restarted, in foreground with:

docker start -ai mcp

Omit the "-ai" option to run it in background:

docker start mcp

Advanced actions

To connect to the running container you can use

docker exec -it mcp /bin/bash

This will start a shell within the container. Use "exit" to leave it again. You can use this shell to for instance wget a new version of the portal from Jenkins.

Demo [Maritime Cloud Portal] (

Login with "Tintin", "Haddock" or "admin". Password is "test" in all cases. Feel free to modify services and members. You may also sign up to get your own user. Just be aware that this is a demo and that the database may be cleared now and then, for instance due to updates.

Admin user has extended privileges, although currently this amounts to the ability to see a full list of users.

Netbeans setup

Simply open the project as an existing maven-based project. Thats it - no mumbojumbo here ;)

JavaScript Validation Errors in Netbeans & Eclipse

Ways to avoid annoying JavaScript Validation Errors:

in Netbeans:

Navigate to one of the offending scripts and open it. Go to one of the offending lines and click the light-bulb in left margin. Choose to suppress warnings from the menu by choosing the folder level that encapsulates the offending scripts.

in Eclipse:

The state of the solution

The solution is a prototype which implies that it is incomplete in many ways. For instance, when inviting a user to join an organization, the user is actually joined right away. Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of loose ends.

A (non-exhaustive) list of loose ends and known problems

  • The API is not properly protected so please scrutiny the access configuration before considering taking this to production -- any organization may for instance send a command to invite a user to some other organization. -- also, the shiro configuration has to allow for anonymous access to e.g. users resource in order to allow for sign-up and confirmation commands. The current lack of more granular access configuration prevents us from stating that only these commands should be permitted. Consider to introduce some annotations or the like that will allow to annotate access on resource methods.
  • The system lacks caching
  • In many queries the full result list is returned which may lead to a poor visual experience as well as poor performance
  • the client is probably more 'chatty' than needs be, as references are in many cases resolved on the client side. Caching and more rich events could solve some of this. See for instance Udi Dahans notes on "request batching".
  • SSL is not activated. Remember to change baseUrl from http to https when doing so!
  • Notification E-mails are likely to end in spam-folders, as the sender server is not explicitly authorized to use the domain name, see Sender Policy Framework
  • Lacking uniqueness test of user email address. System behavior is inconsistent if two users provide the same email address. Needs investigation.


The REST-alike Generic Commands API


# List all supported commands
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/command

# Create an Organization
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/command -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=CreateOrganizationCommand" -d '{"organizationId":{"identifier":"AN_ORG_ID"},"primarAlias":"AN_ALIAS","name":"A_NAME","summary":"A_SUMMARY"}' -X POST

# Rename organization and change summary 
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/command -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=ChangeOrganizationNameAndSummaryCommand" -d '{"organizationId":{"identifier":"AN_ORG_ID"},"name":"ANOTHER_NAME","summary":"ANOTHER_SUMMARY"}' -X PUT

# Prepare a service specification 
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/command -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=PrepareServiceSpecificationCommand" -d '{"ownerId":{"identifier":"AN_ORG_ID"}, "serviceSpecificationId":{"identifier":"A_SPEC_ID"}, "name":"A_NAME","summary":"A_SUMMARY fail"}' -X POST

# Rename service specification and change summary 
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/command -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=ChangeServiceSpecificationNameAndSummaryCommand" -d '{"serviceSpecificationId":{"identifier":"A_SPEC_ID"},"name":"ANOTHER_NAME","summary":"ANOTHER_SUMMARY"}' -X PUT

# Provide a service instance (with no coverage!!!)
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/command -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=ProvideServiceInstanceCommand" -d '{"providerId":{"identifier":"AN_ORG_ID"},"specificationId":{"identifier":"A_SPEC_ID"},"serviceInstanceId":{"identifier":"AN_INSTANCE_ID"},"name":"A_NAME","summary":"A_SUMMARY","coverage":null}' -X POST

# Rename service instance and change summary 
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/command -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=ChangeServiceInstanceNameAndSummaryCommand" -d '{"serviceInstanceId":{"identifier":"AN_INSTANCE_ID"},"name":"ANOTHER_NAME","summary":"ANOTHER_SUMMARY"}' -X PUT

The (more real REST) Commands API


#TODO: add list of commands bound to its aggregates, e.g.
#curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/org/dma/AN_ORG_ID -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=ChangeOrganizationNameAndSummaryCommand" -d '{"name":"ANOTHER_NAME","summary":"ANOTHER_SUMMARY"}' -X PUT    

# Rename service instance and change summary 
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/org/dma/si/AN_INSTANCE_ID -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=ChangeServiceInstanceNameAndSummaryCommand" -d '{"serviceInstanceId":{"identifier":"AN_INSTANCE_ID"},"name":"ANOTHER_NAME","summary":"ANOTHER_SUMMARY"}' -X PUT

# Change coverage to a circle:
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/org/dma/si/AN_INSTANCE_ID -H "Content-Type: application/json;domain-model=ChangeServiceInstanceCoverageCommand" -d '{"serviceInstanceId":{"identifier":"AN_INSTANCE_ID"},"coverage":[{"type":"circle","center-latitude":55.8444821875883,"center-longitude":11.788330078125,"radius":87521.03421291267}]}' -X PUT

The Query API

# List all specifications
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/org/specification

# List all service instances of the current organization
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/org/dma/service-instance

# List a service instance resource by its "alias path" 
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/rest/api/org/sma/si/anAlias

The Almanac (the public query api)

# List organizations 
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/organization

# Details of the selected organization (=dma) 
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/organization/dma

# List operational services
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/operational-service

# Details of the selected operational service
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/operational-service/vsr

# List all service specifications
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/service-specification

# Details service specification
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/service-specification/a-spec

# List all service instances
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/service-instance

# Details service instance
curl http://localhost:8080/rest/api/almanac/service-instance/an-instance