OOFEM is parallel, object-oriented finite element code for solving mechanical, transport and fluid mechanics problems.
OOFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 1993 - 2021 Borek Patzak
The source directory tree holds source code to the OOFEM package.
|-- doc - contains the "User's guide", sources to generate "Reference manual",
| documents describing the input file specifications, element and
| material libraries, and other useful documents.
|-- src - source files of all oofem modules
| |
| |-- oofemlib - sources of the core part of OOFEM, the OOFEMlib module.
| |
| |-- sm - sources of structural analysis module.
| |
| |-- tm - sources of transport problem module.
| |
| |-- fm - sources of fluid mechanics module.
| |
| |-- dss - includes the sources for Direct Sparse Solver (DSS),
| | contributed by R. Vondracek)
| |
| |-- main - contains the sources of main() and implementation of some
| global functions for oofem, oofeg.
|-- tools - sources for several utility programs.
|-- tests - contains several tests, which are useful to verify
| the program functionality.
|-- bindings - holds sources to generate OOFEM bindings to Python programming language.
The oofem requires the CMake cross-platform build system and C++ compiler with STL support (Standard Template Library).
The oofem contains interface to IML++ library. It is the C++ templated library of modern iterative methods for solving both symmetric and non-symmetric linear systems of equations, written by Roldan Pozo. It can be downloaded from http://math.nist.gov/iml++/.
Parallel support for distributed memory requires MPI library to be installed. If you do not have any, we recommend to use Open MPI. This is a freely available, high-performance, and portable implementation of MPI (http://www.open-mpi.org/).
For high performance linear solvers, OOFEM can use PETSc, SuperLU, MKL Pardiso or Pardiso-project.org solvers.
For high performance eigenvalue solvers, oofem uses SLEPc. The toolkit can be downloaded from SLEPc project home page (http://www.grycap.upv.es/slepc).
- unpack sources
- create an out-of-tree build directory
mkdir -p ~/build/debug
- configure the target
cd ~/build/debug; cmake PATH_TO_OOFEM_SOURCES
where PATH_TO_OOFEM_SOURCES is the path to OOFEM source directory, created in step 0 (~/oofem-2.2, for example).
- compile OOFEM
To run the tests, go to your build directory and run ctest
Instead of cmake you can use ccmake which uses an ncurses interface, or cmake-gui for a GUI. Use the command make help for a list of all targets.
You can find detailed installation (including installation on Windows) instruction on OOFEM wiki (http://www.oofem.org/wiki/doku.php?id=installation)
To get support check out oofem wiki (www.oofem.org/wiki) and oofem forum (www.oofem.org/forum) as well.
The oofem program prints out the available options when run without any option. To run a specific job, you can enter
oofem -f input_file_name
You may find OOFEM documentation here.
Please consult oofem home page (http://www.oofem.org) for more documentation, manuals and new versions.
See the list of contributors who participated in this project.