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Contribute to the development of badaas


Unit tests

We use the standard test suite in combination with to do our unit testing. Mocks are generated using mockery a mock generator using this command mockery --all --keeptree.

To run them, please run:

go test $(go list ./... | sed 1d) -v

Feature tests (of end to end tests)

We use docker to run a Badaas instance in combination with one node of CockroachDB.


docker compose -f "scripts/e2e/docker-compose.yml" up -d --build

Then in an another shell:

go test -v

The feature files can be found in the feature folder.


We use ubber's zap to log stuff, please take zap.Logger as an argument for your services constructors. fx will provide your service with an instance.

Directory structure

This is the directory structure we use for the project:

  • commands/ (Go code): Contains all the CLI commands. This package relies heavily on
  • configuration/ (Go code): Contains all the configuration holders. Please only use the interfaces, they are all mocked for easy testing
  • controllers/ (Go code): Contains all the http controllers, they handle http requests and consume services.
  • docs/: Contains the documentation.
  • features/: Contains all the feature tests (or end to end tests).
  • logger/ (Go code): Contains the logger creation logic. Please don't call it from your own services and code, use the dependency injection system.
  • persistance/ (Go code):
    • /gormdatabase/ (Go code): Contains the logic to create a database. Also contains a go package named gormzap: it is a compatibility layer between and
    • /models/ (Go code): Contains the models. (For a structure to me considered a valid model, it has to embed models.BaseModel and satisfy the models.Tabler interface. This interface returns the name of the sql table.)
      • /dto/ (Go code): Contains the Data Transfert Objects. They are used mainly to decode json payloads.
    • /pagination/ (Go code): Contains the pagination logic.
    • /repository/ (Go code): Contains the repository interface and implementation. Use uint as ID when using gorm models.
  • resources/ (Go code): Contains the resources shared with the rest of the codebase (ex: API version).
  • router/ (Go code): Contains http router of badaas.
    • /middlewares/ (Go code): Contains the various http middlewares that we use.
  • scripts/e2e/ : Contains the docker-compose file for end-to-end test.
    • /api/ : Contains the Dockerfile to build badaas with a dedicated config file.
    • /db/ : Contains the Dockerfile to build a developpement version of CockroachDB.
  • services/ (Go code): Contains the Dockerfile to build a developpement version of CockroachDB.
    • /auth/protocols/: Contains the implementations of authentication clients for differents protocols.
      • /basicauth/ (Go code): Handle the authentification using email/password.
      • /oidc/ (Go code): Handle the authentication via Open-ID Connect.
    • /sessionservice/ (Go code): Handle sessions and their lifecycle.
    • /userservice/ (Go code): Handle users.
    • validators/ (Go code): Contains validators such as an email validator.

At the root of the project, you will find:

  • The README.
  • The changelog.
  • The files for the E2E test http support.
  • The LICENCE file.


Branch naming policy


  • BRANCH_TYPE is a prefix to describe the purpose of the branch.

    Accepted prefixes are:

    • feature, used for feature development
    • bugfix, used for bug fix
    • improvement, used for refacto
    • library, used for updating library
    • prerelease, used for preparing the branch for the release
    • release, used for releasing project
    • hotfix, used for applying a hotfix on main
    • poc, used for proof of concept
  • BRANCH_NAME is managed by this regex: [a-z0-9._-] (_ is used as space character).

Default branch

The default branch is main. Direct commit on it is forbidden. The only way to update the application is through pull request.

Release tag are only done on the main branch.

How to release

We use Semantic Versioning as guideline for the version management.

Steps to release:

  • Create a new branch labeled release/vX.Y.Z from the latest main.
  • Improve the version number in and resources/api.go.
  • Verify the content of the
  • Commit the modifications with the label Release version X.Y.Z.
  • Create a pull request on github for this branch into main.
  • Once the pull request validated and merged, tag the main branch with vX.Y.Z
  • After the tag is pushed, make the release on the tag in GitHub