#dgov network telegram chat is the pace for quick exchange of announcements, feedback etc. Join the network to get the link to it.
Some feedback:
I just wanted to thank you guys for this Telegram Channel. It has the best signal-to-noise ratio of all the channels I'm on, always engaging, and great references. – Grace Rachmany
- Founder's Circle (MetaCartel)
- DAOincubator Channel
- Genesis DAO Community (for Genesis DAO members)
- DAO Creation and Design
- DAO Legal
- TCR Community Collaboration Coalition
- DAOstack: R&D
- Token Engineering WG
- Все про DAO (in russian)
#dgov network forum is the place for deep conversation, materials and working groups
Newsletter comes out on the first business day of the month and contains updates from the network, top news and articles and of course dunk memes!
Subscribe to the newsletter by joining the dgov network