- Install Docker and Compose plugin https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/
docker network create traefik
mkdir /var/www/my.site
andcd /var/www/my.site
- add to your hosts file: site.local nginxtest.loc
git clone THIS_REPO ./
make bash
symfony new . --version="7.1.*" --webapp
or -
symfony new . --version=7.1 --php=8.3 --webapp
or -
composer create-project symfony/symfony-demo app
fix .env file in symfony to this:
- open http://nginxtest.loc:777/ - to check Nginx running
- open http://mylepp.local/ - to check App is running
make down
git pull
docker compose up --build -d
- optional:
make composer-install
- optional:
make migrate
- Settings - PHP - CLI Interpreter
- Click on
- Add new (+) - From Docker-compose- Pay attention to the Config field where you need to specify the docker-compose.yml file,
- and you must take it exactly from Your project
- In the Service field, choose php-fpm - OK
- Lifecycle - Connect to existing container
- OK
- Now it is very important to add project directory mapping:
- With the PHP window open
- Find the
Path mappings
field - Click on the folder icon
- A window
Edit project path mappings
will appear - In this window, click on
and add a line:- Local Path =
- Remote Path =
- OK
- Local Path =
- OK
- Click on
- sudo apt-get install nginx python3-certbot-nginx
- sudo certbot --nginx -d app.phpqa.ru
sudo cp -r /etc/letsencrypt /var/www/my.docker.lepp8.3/.docker/nginx/letsencrypt