Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
Install fastlane using
[sudo] gem install fastlane -NV
or alternatively using brew install fastlane
fastlane android browserstack_upload_live
Upload the APK to BrowserStack Live
fastlane android browserstack_e2e_tests
Upload the APK and run E2E tests on BrowserStack
fastlane android playstore_upload
Deliver the app to Play Store. Depending on the option production_delivery
the update is released to the general public.
fastlane android playstore_promote
Promote the most recent version in the beta track to the production track in the Play Store.
fastlane ios browserstack_upload_live
Upload the IPA to BrowserStack Live
fastlane ios browserstack_e2e_tests
Upload the IPA and run E2E tests on BrowserStack
fastlane ios appstoreconnect_upload
Deliver the app to App Store Connect. The app is submitted for review and released automatically.
fastlane ios testflight_upload
Deliver the app to TestFlight for testers
fastlane ios appstoreconnect_promote
Promote the app from testflight to production in App Store Connect.
fastlane ios prepare_release_notes
Prepare release notes
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run. More information about fastlane can be found on The documentation of fastlane can be found on