Maya rigs, scenes, and other resources for the Vector Robot!
Sincere thanks to Randall Maas for his generous contributions to the OSKR project and to the Vector community!
Building new animations requires a license to Autodesk Maya 2018-2020. Once you have installed Maya, you will need to install the AnkiMenu plugin (see the installation guide below). Once that is done, please see the documentation folder for build guidelines.
Install Maya 2018 or 2019
Open and close it
Install git and git-lfs with brew:
brew install git-lfs
Clone this git in your home directory:
cd ~
git clone
Install pip for python2:
curl --output
sudo python2
Install the Python packages:
python2.7 -m pip install CharDet httplib2 idna python-ldap oauth2 Pillow requests pySerial sortedcontainers tlslite urllib3 nose tornado
Copy the Maya.env:
cp ~/vector-animations-raw/tools/other/Maya.env ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2018/
Open Maya!
Install Maya 2018 or 2019
Fully open it and close it once
Install Git Bash for Windows
Install this VC redistributable
Go to the start menu, type cmd
, then open it
Run these commands:
curl -o python_ldap-2.5.2-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install python_ldap-2.5.2-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl
C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install CharDet httplib2 idna oauth2 Pillow requests pySerial sortedcontainers tlslite urllib3 nose tornado
Open Git Bash from the start menu search
cd Documents
git clone
cp vector-animations-raw/assets/tools/other/windowsMaya.env maya/2018/Maya.env
(If you installed 2019, replace 2018 with 2019)
cp /c/Python27/Lib/site-packages/* vector-animations-raw/assets/tools/pylibs/downloaded/
Open Maya!
Install Maya 2018 or 2019
Open and close it
Install the git-lfs
package with your distro's package manager
Clone this git in your home directory:
cd ~
git clone
Install pip for python2:
curl --output
sudo python2
Install the Python packages:
python2.7 -m pip install CharDet httplib2 idna python-ldap oauth2 Pillow requests pySerial sortedcontainers tlslite urllib3 nose tornado
Copy the Maya.env:
cp ~/vector-animations-raw/tools/other/linuxMaya.env ~/maya/2018/
Open up ~/vector-animations-raw/assets/tools/pylibs/ankimaya/ in a text editor and replace GAME_EXPORTER_PLUGIN = "gameFbxExporter"
Open Maya!