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File metadata and controls

137 lines (73 loc) · 2.84 KB

Manage wordpress using set of commands WP-CLI

You can update plugins, configure multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser.


curl -O
php wp-cli.phar --info
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
wp --info

Generate a wp-config.php file

wp core config --dbhost=localhost --dbname=testing --dbuser=wp --dbpass=securepswd --dbprefix=wp_

Manage users

List all users

wp user list

Create user

wp user create bob [email protected] --role=author

Update user with ID 123

wp user update 123 --user_pass=newpass

Delete user 123 and reassign posts to user 567

wp user delete 123 --reassign=567

Launch PHP’s built-in web server

wp server
wp server --host=
sudo wp server --host=localhost.localdomain --port=80


List Plugins

wp plugin list

Install and activate plugin at once

wp plugin install --activate akismet

Deactivate plugin

wp plugin deactivate akismet

Delete plugin without deactivating or uninstalling

wp plugin delete akismet

Update plugins

wp plugin update akismet
wp plugin update --all

Manage rewrite rules

To regenerate a .htaccess file with WP-CLI, you’ll need to add the mod_rewrite module to your wp-cli.yml or config.yml.

Create wp-cli.yml file and write below

  - mod_rewrite

Flush rewrite rules.

wp rewrite flush

Update the permalink structure

wp rewrite structure '/%postname%'


Perform a hard flush - update .htaccess rules as well as rewrite rules in database. Works only on single site installs.

wp rewrite flush
wp rewrite structure '/%postname%'

Search/replace strings in the database

Search and replace database

wp search-replace

Run search/replace operation but dont save in database

wp search-replace

Turn your production multisite database into a local dev database

wp search-replace 'wp_*_options' wp_blogs

Search/replace to a SQL file without transforming the database

wp search-replace foo bar --export=database.sql

Download, install, update and otherwise manage WordPress proper

Display the WordPress version

wp core version

Update WordPress

wp core update

Update the WordPress database

wp core update-db

Update databases for all sites on a network

wp core update-db --network

Perform basic database operations

Export database with drop query included

wp db export --add-drop-table

Import a MySQL database from a file or from STDIN

wp db import wordpress_dbase.sql