This repository contains the ACM SIGSOFT Empirical Standards for researchers, peer reviewers, editors and publications venues.
The standards themselves can be found in the Standards directory. There is a General Standard, which applies to all empirical research, and a set of specific standards, which apply to specific research methods such as Case Studies, Controlled Experiments and Systematic Literature Reviews.
In the Supplements directory, you will find a set of supplemental standards that address cross-cutting concerns including Information Visualization, Sampling and Inter-rater Reliability and Agreement.
In the Resources directory you'll find slide decks, links to videos and other materials about the standards.
In the main directory:
- gives advice on contributing to the standards
- Empirical_Standards_Report.pdf explains how the standards were created, their costs and benefits, how they should be used and governed, and the scientific basis of the empirical standards initiative.
- explains how to reference the standards
- explains the creative commons license used by the standards