diff --git a/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9875c90c1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
+community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
+identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
+and orientation.
+We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
+diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
+community include:
+* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
+ and learning from the experience
+* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
+ overall community
+Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
+ advances of any kind
+* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
+ address, without their explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+ professional setting
+## Enforcement Responsibilities
+Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
+acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
+or harmful.
+Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
+comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
+not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
+decisions when appropriate.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
+an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
+Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
+posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
+All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
+All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
+reporter of any incident.
+## Enforcement Guidelines
+Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
+the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
+### 1. Correction
+**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
+unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
+**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
+clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
+behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
+### 2. Warning
+**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
+of actions.
+**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
+interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
+those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
+includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
+like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
+permanent ban.
+### 3. Temporary Ban
+**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
+sustained inappropriate behavior.
+**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
+communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
+private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
+with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
+Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
+### 4. Permanent Ban
+**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
+standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
+individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
+**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
+the community.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
+version 2.0, available at
+Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
+enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity).
+[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
+https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at
diff --git a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f8b6390292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Contributing
+Thank you for your interest in contributing to this repo.
+By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our [Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
+As a member of the community, you are invited and encouraged to contribute by submitting issues, offering suggestions for improvements, adding review comments to existing pull requests, or creating new pull requests to fix issues.
+All contributions to DFINITY documentation and the developer community are respected and appreciated.
+Your participation is an important factor in the success of the Internet Computer.
+## Contents of this repository
+This repository contains source code for the canister interface description language—often referred to as Candid or IDL. Candid provides a common language for specifying the signature of a canister service and interacting with canisters running on the
+Internet Computer.
+## Before you contribute
+Before contributing, please take a few minutes to review these contributor guidelines.
+The contributor guidelines are intended to make the contribution process easy and effective for everyone involved in addressing your issue, assessing changes, and finalizing your pull requests.
+Before contributing, consider the following:
+- If you want to report an issue, click **Issues**.
+- If you have more general questions related to Candid and its use, post a message to the [community forum](https://forum.dfinity.org/) or submit a [support request](mailto://support@dfinity.org).
+- If you are reporting a bug, provide as much information about the problem as possible.
+- If you want to contribute directly to this repository, typical fixes might include any of the following:
+ - Fixes to resolve bugs or documentation errors
+ - Code improvements
+ - Feature requests
+ Note that any contribution to this repository must be submitted in the form of a **pull request**.
+- If you are creating a pull request, be sure that the pull request only implements one fix or suggestion.
+If you are new to working with GitHub repositories and creating pull requests, consider exploring [First Contributions](https://github.com/firstcontributions/first-contributions) or [How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](https://egghead.io/courses/how-to-contribute-to-an-open-source-project-on-github).
+# How to make a contribution
+Depending on the type of contribution you want to make, you might follow different workflows.
+This section describes the most common workflow scenarios:
+- Reporting an issue
+- Submitting a pull request
+### Reporting an issue
+To open a new issue:
+1. Click **Issues**.
+1. Click **New Issue**.
+1. Click **Open a blank issue**.
+1. Type a title and description, then click **Submit new issue**.
+ Be as clear and descriptive as possible.
+ For any problem, describe it in detail, including details about the crate, the version of the code you are using, the results you expected, and how the actual results differed from your expectations.
+### Submitting a pull request
+If you want to submit a pull request to fix an issue or add a feature, here's a summary of what you need to do:
+1. Make sure you have a GitHub account, an internet connection, and access to a terminal shell or GitHub Desktop application for running commands.
+1. Navigate to the DFINITY public repository in a web browser.
+1. Click **Fork** to create a copy of the repository associated with the issue you want to address under your GitHub account or organization name.
+1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
+1. Create a new branch for your fix by running a command similar to the following:
+ ```bash
+ git checkout -b my-branch-name-here
+ ```
+1. Open the file you want to fix in a text editor and make the appropriate changes for the issue you are trying to address.
+1. Add the file contents of the changed files to the index `git` uses to manage the state of the project by running a command similar to the following:
+ ```bash
+ git add path-to-changed-file
+ ```
+1. Commit your changes to store the contents you added to the index along with a descriptive message by running a command similar to the following:
+ ```bash
+ git commit -m "Description of the fix being committed."
+ ```
+1. Push the changes to the remote repository by running a command similar to the following:
+ ```bash
+ git push origin my-branch-name-here
+ ```
+1. Create a new pull request for the branch you pushed to the upstream GitHub repository.
+ Provide a title that includes a short description of the changes made.
+1. Wait for the pull request to be reviewed.
+1. Make changes to the pull request, if requested.
+1. Celebrate your success after your pull request is merged!
diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..24fb13978cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+version: 2
+ - package-ecosystem: github-actions
+ directory: "/"
+ schedule:
+ interval: daily
+ time: '00:00'
+ timezone: UTC
+ open-pull-requests-limit: 10
diff --git a/.github/workflows/comment-artifact-link.yml b/.github/workflows/comment-artifact-link.yml
index 78217b23aee..3b91f725bb3 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/comment-artifact-link.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/comment-artifact-link.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ jobs:
if: github.event.workflow_run.event == 'pull_request' && github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/github-script@v6
+ - uses: actions/github-script@v7
# This snippet is public-domain, taken from
# https://github.com/oprypin/nightly.link/blob/master/.github/workflows/pr-comment.yml
diff --git a/.github/workflows/niv-updater-rare.yml b/.github/workflows/niv-updater-rare.yml
index 8b7e5d57b11..e65a823f045 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/niv-updater-rare.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/niv-updater-rare.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ on:
types: niv-updater-nudge
# * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
- # Run every monday
+ # Run every Monday
- cron: '0 0 * * 1'
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: niv-updater-action
- uses: knl/niv-updater-action@v12
+ uses: knl/niv-updater-action@v15
# might be too noisy
- whitelist: 'ic-ref,musl-wasi'
+ whitelist: 'ic-ref,ic-wasm'
labels: |
keep_updating: true
diff --git a/.github/workflows/niv-updater-trial.yml b/.github/workflows/niv-updater-trial.yml
index 36333ed12e2..e202c40c6ab 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/niv-updater-trial.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/niv-updater-trial.yml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ on:
types: niv-updater-nudge
# * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
- # Run every monday
+ # Run every Monday
- cron: '0 0 * * 0'
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: niv-updater-action
- uses: knl/niv-updater-action@v12
+ uses: knl/niv-updater-action@v15
- whitelist: 'nixpkgs,musl-wasi,ic'
+ whitelist: 'nixpkgs,ic'
labels: |
keep_updating: true
diff --git a/.github/workflows/niv-updater.yml b/.github/workflows/niv-updater.yml
index e5cfc212bd8..31dc1e07a07 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/niv-updater.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/niv-updater.yml
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: niv-updater-action
- uses: knl/niv-updater-action@v12
+ uses: knl/niv-updater-action@v15
# might be too noisy
- blacklist: 'nixpkgs,ic-ref,musl-wasi,ic'
+ blacklist: 'nixpkgs,ic-ref,ic'
labels: |
keep_updating: true
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index ae90f7492f4..8c25b61a57f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Get the version
id: get_version
@@ -43,20 +43,18 @@ jobs:
- os: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-latest ]
+ os: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-13 ]
needs: changelog
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v20
- with:
- install_url: https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.13.3/install
- - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v30
+ - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v15
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/')
name: ic-hs-test
# NB: No auth token, we don’t want to push new stuff here
- - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
+ - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v15
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
name: ic-hs-test
@@ -75,11 +73,9 @@ jobs:
runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'
needs: [ changelog, build ]
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v20
- with:
- install_url: https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.13.3/install
- - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v30
+ - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v15
name: ic-hs-test
# NB: No auth token, we don’t expect to push new stuff here
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index 6ff7fe08d13..5ea8aa48b27 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -7,33 +7,55 @@ jobs:
- os: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-latest ]
+ os: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-13 ]
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# fetch full history so that git merge-base works
fetch-depth: 0
# fetch PR commit, not predicted merge commit
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v20
- with:
- install_url: https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.13.3/install
+ - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v30
# We are using the ic-hs-test cachix cache that is also used by
# dfinity/ic-hs. This is partly laziness (on need to set up a separate
# cache), but also to get the ic-ref-test binary without rebuilding
- - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
+ - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v15
name: ic-hs-test
authToken: '${{ secrets.CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN }}'
+ # Free up disk space on Ubuntu
+ - name: Free Disk Space (Ubuntu)
+ uses: insightsengineering/disk-space-reclaimer@v1
+ if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu-')
+ with:
+ # this might remove tools that are actually needed,
+ # if set to "true" but frees about 6 GB
+ tools-cache: false
+ # all of these default to true, but feel free to set to
+ # "false" if necessary for your workflow
+ android: true
+ dotnet: true
+ haskell: true
+ large-packages: true
+ docker-images: true
+ swap-storage: false
# until https://github.com/cachix/cachix-action/issues/86 is fixed:
- run: cachix watch-store ic-hs-test &
- run: nix-env -iA nix-build-uncached -f nix/
+ - name: "pre-build `drun`"
+ if: startsWith(github.head_ref, 'update/ic-')
+ run: |
+ nix-build --max-jobs 1 -A drun
+ nix-store --gc --print-roots | grep /motoko/
- name: "nix-build"
run: nix-build-uncached --max-jobs 4 -A all-systems-go -build-flags -L
@@ -57,7 +79,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Find performance comment
if: github.actor != 'dependabot[bot]' && runner.os == 'Linux' && github.event_name == 'pull_request'
- uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v2
+ uses: peter-evans/find-comment@v3
id: fc
issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
@@ -68,7 +90,7 @@ jobs:
# motoko#2864.
- name: Create or update performance comment
if: github.actor != 'dependabot[bot]' && runner.os == 'Linux' && github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository
- uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v2
+ uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v4
comment-id: ${{ steps.fc.outputs.comment-id }}
issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
@@ -83,11 +105,9 @@ jobs:
concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v20
- with:
- install_url: https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.13.3/install
- - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v30
+ - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v15
name: ic-hs-test
- name: Fetch report
@@ -103,15 +123,14 @@ jobs:
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository && contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'build_artifacts')
- needs: tests
- concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }}
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ os: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-13 ]
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v20
- with:
- install_url: https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.13.3/install
- - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v30
+ - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v15
name: ic-hs-test
- name: nix-build
@@ -121,9 +140,8 @@ jobs:
# https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact/issues/92
- run: echo "UPLOAD_PATH=$(readlink -f result)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: upload artifacts
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- name: moc
+ name: moc-${{ matrix.os }}
path: ${{ env.UPLOAD_PATH }}
retention-days: 5
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-hash.yml b/.github/workflows/update-hash.yml
index f748aa60d5f..54cef9d8be1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/update-hash.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/update-hash.yml
@@ -12,15 +12,14 @@ jobs:
if: github.actor != 'dependabot[bot]'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# This is needed to be able to push and trigger CI with that push
token: ${{ secrets.NIV_UPDATER_TOKEN }}
- - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v20
+ - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v30
- install_url: https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.13.3/install
nix_path: nixpkgs=channel:nixos-22.11
- - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v12
+ - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v15
name: ic-hs-test
authToken: '${{ secrets.CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN }}'
@@ -28,8 +27,11 @@ jobs:
run: |
cd nix
nix shell -f . nix-update -c nix-update --version=skip drun
+ - name: Update ic-wasm cargo hash
+ run: |
+ nix shell -f default.nix nix-update -c nix-update --version=skip ic-wasm
- name: Commit changes
- uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9.1.1
+ uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9.1.4
default_author: github_actions
author_name: Nix hash updater
diff --git a/.mergify.yml b/.mergify.yml
index ebaa0d6be30..877ca10d017 100644
--- a/.mergify.yml
+++ b/.mergify.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,23 @@
- name: default
- conditions:
+ queue_conditions:
+ - "#approved-reviews-by>=1"
+ - "#changes-requested-reviews-by=0"
+ - status-success=tests (ubuntu-latest)
+ - status-success=tests (macos-13)
+ - base=master
+ - label=automerge-squash
+ merge_conditions:
- "#approved-reviews-by>=1"
- "#changes-requested-reviews-by=0"
- status-success=tests (ubuntu-latest)
- - status-success=tests (macos-latest)
+ - status-success=tests (macos-13)
+ merge_method: squash
+ commit_message_template: |
+ {{ title }} (#{{ number }})
+ {{ body }}
- name: Automatic merge (squash)
@@ -12,22 +25,16 @@ pull_request_rules:
- "#approved-reviews-by>=1"
- "#changes-requested-reviews-by=0"
- status-success=tests (ubuntu-latest)
- - status-success=tests (macos-latest)
+ - status-success=tests (macos-13)
- base=master
- label=automerge-squash
- queue:
- name: default
- method: squash
- commit_message_template: |
- {{ title }} (#{{ number }})
- {{ body }}
delete_head_branch: {}
+ queue:
- name: Automatically closing successful trials
- status-success=tests (ubuntu-latest)
- - status-success=tests (macos-latest)
+ - status-success=tests (macos-13)
- label=autoclose
@@ -39,8 +46,8 @@ pull_request_rules:
- - automerge-squash
- - autoclose
+ - automerge-squash
+ - autoclose
- name: Auto-approve auto-PRs
- author=dfinity-bot
@@ -70,4 +77,4 @@ pull_request_rules:
message: A change to `doc/docusaurus/package-lock.json`? I can handle that!
- - automerge-squash
+ - automerge-squash
diff --git a/Building.md b/Building.md
index 99c6cef29eb..f89b5389e6d 100644
--- a/Building.md
+++ b/Building.md
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ dependencies manually, which can take several hours.
## Installation using Nix
If you want just to _use_ `moc`, you can install the `moc` binary into your `nix`
-environment with
+environment by running
$ nix-env -i -f . -A moc
+in a check-out of the `motoko` repository.
## Development using Nix
@@ -55,11 +56,11 @@ For more details on our CI and CI setup, see `CI.md`.
## Making releases
-We make frequent releases, at least weekly. The steps to make a release (say, version 0.9.1) are:
+We make frequent releases, at least weekly. The steps to make a release (say, version 0.13.1) are:
* Make sure that the top section of `Changelog.md` has a title like
- ## 0.9.1 (2023-06-12)
+ ## 0.13.1 (2024-09-10)
with today’s date.
@@ -76,18 +77,18 @@ We make frequent releases, at least weekly. The steps to make a release (say, ve
* Define a shell variable `export MOC_MINOR=1`
- * Look at `git log --first-parent 0.9.$(expr $MOC_MINOR - 1)..HEAD` and check
+ * Look at `git log --first-parent 0.13.$(expr $MOC_MINOR - 1)..HEAD` and check
that everything relevant is mentioned in the changelog section, and possibly
clean it up a bit, curating the information for the target audience.
- * `git commit -am "Releasing 0.8.$MOC_MINOR"`
+ * `git commit -am "chore: Releasing 0.13."$MOC_MINOR`
* Create a PR from this commit, and label it `automerge-squash`. E.g.
- with `git push origin HEAD:$USER/0.9.$MOC_MINOR`. Mergify will
+ with `git push origin HEAD:$USER/0.13.$MOC_MINOR`. Mergify will
merge it into `master` without additional approval, but it will take some
time as the title (version number) enters into the `nix` dependency tracking.
* `git switch master; git pull --rebase`. The release commit should be your `HEAD`
- * `git tag 0.9.$MOC_MINOR -m "Motoko 0.9.$MOC_MINOR"`
- * `git push origin 0.9.$MOC_MINOR`
+ * `git tag 0.13.$MOC_MINOR -m "Motoko 0.13."$MOC_MINOR`
+ * `git push origin 0.13.$MOC_MINOR`
Pushing the tag should cause GitHub Actions to create a “Release” on the GitHub
project. This will fail if the changelog is not in order (in this case, fix and
@@ -101,11 +102,13 @@ branch to the `next-moc` branch.
* Wait ca. 5min after releasing to give the CI/CD pipeline time to upload the release artifacts
* Change into `motoko-base`
* `git switch next-moc; git pull`
-* `git switch -c $USER/update-moc-0.9.$MOC_MINOR`
-* Update the `moc_version` env variable in `.github/workflows/{ci, package-set}.yml`
+* `git switch -c $USER/update-moc-0.13.$MOC_MINOR`
+* Update the `CHANGELOG.md` file with an entry at the top
+* Update the `moc_version` env variable in `.github/workflows/{ci, package-set}.yml` and `mops.toml`
to the new released version:
- `perl -pi -e "s/moc_version: \"0\.9\.\\d+\"/moc_version: \"0.9.$MOC_MINOR\"/g" .github/workflows/ci.yml .github/workflows/package-set.yml`
-* `git add .github/ && git commit -m "Motoko 0.9.$MOC_MINOR"`
+ `perl -pi -e "s/moc_version: \"0\.13\.\\d+\"/moc_version: \"0.13.$MOC_MINOR\"/g; s/moc = \"0\.13\.\\d+\"/moc = \"0.13.$MOC_MINOR\"/g; s/version = \"0\.13\.\\d+\"/version = \"0.13.$MOC_MINOR\"/g" .github/workflows/ci.yml .github/workflows/package-set.yml mops.toml`
+* `git add .github/ CHANGELOG.md mops.toml && git commit -m "Motoko 0.13."$MOC_MINOR`
+* Revise `CHANGELOG.md`, adding a top entry for the release
* You can `git push` now
Make a PR off of that branch and merge it using a _normal merge_ (not
@@ -114,25 +117,25 @@ repo by a scheduled `niv-updater-action`.
Finally tag the base release (so the documentation interpreter can do the right thing):
* `git switch master && git pull`
-* `git tag moc-0.9.$MOC_MINOR`
-* `git push origin moc-0.9.$MOC_MINOR`
+* `git tag moc-0.13.$MOC_MINOR`
+* `git push origin moc-0.13.$MOC_MINOR`
If you want to update the portal documentation, typically to keep in sync with a `dfx` release, follow the instructions in https://github.com/dfinity/portal/blob/master/MAINTENANCE.md.
## Coverage report
To build with coverage enabled, compile the binaries in `src/` with
- make DUNE_OPTS="--instrument-with bisect_ppx"`
+make DUNE_OPTS="--instrument-with bisect_ppx"`
and then use `bisect-ppx-report html` to produce a report.
The full report can be built with
- nix-build -A tests.coverage
+nix-build -A tests.coverage
and the report for latest `master` can be viewed at
## Profile the compiler
diff --git a/CI.md b/CI.md
index 1d0b9b9375a..27fe264ac9e 100644
--- a/CI.md
+++ b/CI.md
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Hydra job status page, and the there is a stable link for the latest build of
**Implementation (external):**
The latest `master` version of the file is availble at
The reports are calculated in PRs (so failures would be caught), but are not
hosted anywhere.
diff --git a/Changelog.md b/Changelog.md
index e7567a4edb5..2360ede6f57 100644
--- a/Changelog.md
+++ b/Changelog.md
@@ -1,5 +1,514 @@
# Motoko compiler changelog
+## 0.13.4 (2024-11-29)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * refactoring: Updating and simplifying the runtime system dependencies (#4677).
+* motoko-base
+ * Breaking change (minor): `Float.format(#hex)` is no longer supported.
+ This is because newer versions of Motoko (such as with enhanced orthogonal persistence)
+ rely on the Rust-native formatter that does not offer this functionality.
+ It is expected that this formatter is very rarely used in practice (dfinity/motoko-base#589).
+ * Formatter change (minor): The text formatting of `NaN`, positive or negative,
+ will be `NaN` in newer Motoko versions, while it was `nan` or `-nan` in older versions (dfinity/motoko-base#589).
+## 0.13.3 (2024-11-13)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * typing: suggest conversions between primitive types from imported libraries
+ and, with `--ai-errors`, all available package libraries (#4747).
+* motoko-base
+ * Add modules `OrderedMap` and `OrderedSet` to replace `RBTree` with improved functionality, performance
+ and ergonomics avoiding the need for preupgrade hooks (thanks to Serokell) (dfinity/motoko-base#662).
+## 0.13.2 (2024-10-18)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Made the `actor`'s _self_ identifier available in the toplevel block. This also allows using
+ functions that refer to _self_ from the initialiser (e.g. calls to `setTimer`) (#4720).
+ * bugfix: `actor ` now correctly performs definedness tracking (#4731).
+## 0.13.1 (2024-10-07)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Improved error messages for unbound identifiers and fields that avoid reporting large types and use an edit-distance based metric to suggest alternatives (#4720).
+ * Flag `--ai-errors` to tailor error messages to AI clients (#4720).
+ * Compilation units containing leading type definitions are now rejected with an improved error message (#4714).
+ * bugfix: `floatToInt64` now behaves correctly in the interpreter too (#4712).
+## 0.13.0 (2024-09-17)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Added a new primitive `cyclesBurn : Nat -> Nat` for burning the canister's cycles
+ programmatically (#4690).
+ * **For beta testing:** Support __enhanced orthogonal persistence__, enabled with new `moc` flag `--enhanced-orthogonal-persistence` (#4193).
+ This implements scalable and efficient orthogonal persistence (stable variables) for Motoko:
+ * The Wasm main memory (heap) is retained on upgrade with new program versions directly picking up this state.
+ * The Wasm main memory has been extended to 64-bit to scale as large as stable memory in the future.
+ * The runtime system checks that data changes of new program versions are compatible with the old state.
+ Implications:
+ * Upgrades become extremely fast, only depending on the number of types, not on the number of heap objects.
+ * Upgrades will no longer hit the IC instruction limit, even for maximum heap usage.
+ * The change to 64-bit increases the memory demand on the heap, in worst case by a factor of two.
+ * For step-wise release handling, the IC initially only offers a limited capacity of the 64-bit space (e.g. 4GB or 6GB), that will be gradually increased in future to the capacity of stable memory.
+ * There is moderate performance regression of around 10% for normal execution due to combined related features (precise tagging, change to incremental GC, and handling of compile-time-known data).
+ * The garbage collector is fixed to incremental GC and cannot be chosen.
+ * `Float.format(#hex prec, x)` is no longer supported (expected to be very rarely used in practice).
+ * The debug print format of `NaN` changes (originally `nan`).
+ To activate enhanced orthogonal persistence under `dfx`, the following command-line argument needs to be specified in `dfx.json`:
+ ```
+ ...
+ "type" : "motoko"
+ ...
+ "args" : "--enhanced-orthogonal-persistence"
+ ...
+ ```
+ BREAKING CHANGE (Minor): changes some aspects of `Float` formatting.
+ For more information, see:
+ * The Motoko design documentation `design/OrthogonalPersistence.md`
+ * The Motoko user documentation `doc/md/canister-maintenance/upgrades.md`.
+ * Candid decoding: impose an upper limit on the number of values decoded or skipped in a single candid payload,
+ as a linear function, `max_values`, of binary payload size.
+ ```
+ max_values(blob) = (blob.size() * numerator)/denominator + bias
+ ```
+ The current default settings are `{numerator = 1; denominator = 1; bias = 1024 }`, allowing a maximum
+ of 1024 values plus one additional value per byte in the payload.
+ While hopefully not required, the constant factors can be read/modified using system functions:
+ * Prim.setCandidLimits: `{numerator : Nat32; denominator : Nat32; bias : Nat32 } -> ()`
+ * Prim.getCandidLimits: `() -> {numerator : Nat32; denominator : Nat32; bias : Nat32 }`
+## 0.12.1 (2024-08-08)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Added a new command-line flag `--print-source-on-error` to print source code context on error (#4650).
+ * debugging: `__motoko_runtime_information()` as privileged query for runtime statistics (#4635).
+ Exposing a privileged system-level query function `__motoko_runtime_information()`
+ that reports the current runtime statistics of the canister, such as the heap size,
+ the total number of allocated objects, the total amount of reclaimed memory and more.
+ This is useful because several statistics of the reported information cannot be
+ inspected on the IC replica dashboard as they are internal to the Motoko runtime system.
+ This query is only authorized to the canister controllers and self-calls of the canister.
+ ``` Motoko
+ __motoko_runtime_information : () -> {
+ compilerVersion : Text;
+ rtsVersion : Text;
+ garbageCollector : Text;
+ sanityChecks : Nat;
+ memorySize : Nat;
+ heapSize : Nat;
+ totalAllocation : Nat;
+ reclaimed : Nat;
+ maxLiveSize : Nat;
+ stableMemorySize : Nat;
+ logicalStableMemorySize : Nat;
+ maxStackSize : Nat;
+ callbackTableCount : Nat;
+ callbackTableSize : Nat;
+ }
+ ```
+* motoko-base
+ * Added `Iter.concat` function (thanks to AndyGura) (dfinity/motoko-base#650).
+## 0.12.0 (2024-07-26)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * feat: `finally` clauses for `try` expressions (#4507).
+ A trailing `finally` clause to `try`/`catch` expressions facilitates structured
+ resource deallocation (e.g. acquired locks, etc.) and similar cleanups in the
+ presence of control-flow expressions (`return`, `break`, `continue`, `throw`).
+ Additionally, in presence of `finally` the `catch` clause becomes optional and
+ and any uncaught error from the `try` block will be propagated, after executing the `finally` block.
+ _Note_: `finally`-expressions that are in scope will be executed even if an execution
+ path _following_ an `await`-expression traps. This feature, formerly not available in Motoko,
+ allows programmers to implement cleanups even in the presence of traps. For trapping
+ execution paths prior to any `await`, the replica-provided state roll-back mechanism
+ ensures that no cleanup is required.
+ The relevant security best practices are accessible at
+ https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/security/security-best-practices/inter-canister-calls#recommendation
+ BREAKING CHANGE (Minor): `finally` is now a reserved keyword,
+ programs using this identifier will break.
+ * bugfix: `mo-doc` will now generate correct entries for `public` variables (#4626).
+## 0.11.3 (2024-07-16)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * feat: `motoko-san` contributions by Serokell. Now able to verify some simple but non-trivial actors
+ (thanks to the entire Serokell team) (#4500).
+ * bugfix: Corrects the interpreter (and compiler) to recognise certain type parameters as callable function types (#4617).
+## 0.11.2 (2024-07-06)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * deprecation: Deprecate the use of base library's `ExperimentalStableMemory` (ESM) (#4573).
+ New `moc` flag `--experimental-stable-memory ` controls the level of deprecation:
+ * n < 0: error on use of stable memory primitives.
+ * n = 0: warn on use of stable memory primitives.
+ * n > 1: warning-less use of stable memory primitives (for legacy applications).
+ Users of ESM should consider migrating their code to use isolated regions (library `Region.mo`) instead.
+ * bugfix: Fix the detection of unused declarations in `switch` and `catch` alternatives (#4560).
+ * improvement: Only warn on unused identifiers if type checking is error-free (#4561).
+## 0.11.1 (2024-03-15)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * feat: Custom error message for unused, punned field bindings (#4454).
+ * feat: Don't report top-level identifiers as unused (#4452).
+ * bugfix: Declaring `` capability on a class enables system capabilities in its body (#4449).
+ * bugfix: Fix crash compiling actor reference containing an `await` (#4418, #4450).
+ * bugfix: Fix crash when compiling with flag `--experimental-rtti` (#4434).
+## 0.11.0 (2024-03-05)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Warn on detection of unused identifiers (code `M0194`) (#4377).
+ - By design, warnings are not emitted for code imported from a package.
+ - A warning can be suppressed by replacing the identifier entirely by a wildcard `_`,
+ or by prefixing it with an `_`, e.g. replace `x` by `_x`.
+ **Limitations**: recursive and mutually recursive definitions are considered used,
+ even if never referenced outside the recursive definition.
+ * Remove `__get_candid_interface_tmp_hack` endpoint. Candid interface is already stored as canister metadata, this temporary endpoint is redundant, thus removed. (#4386)
+ * Improved capability system, introducing a synchronous (`system`) capability (#4406).
+ `actor` initialisation body, `pre`/`postupgrade` hooks, `async` function bodies (and
+ blocks) possess this capability. Functions (and classes) can demand it by prepending `system`
+ to the type argument list. The capability can be forwarded in calls by mentioning ``
+ in the instantiation parameter list.
+ BREAKING CHANGE (Minor): A few built-in functions have been marked with demand
+ for the `system` capability. In order to call these, the full call hierarchy needs to be
+ adapted to pass the `system` capability.
+ * Introduced the feature for precise tagging of scalar values (#4369).
+ Controlled by flag `--experimental-rtti` (off by default). Minor performance changes for
+ arithmetic expected. We advise to only turn on the feature for testing, as currently no
+ productive upsides exist (though future improvements will depend on it), and performance
+ of arithmetic will degrade somewhat. See the PR for the whole picture.
+* motoko-base
+ * Added `Option.equal` function (thanks to ByronBecker) (dfinity/motoko-base#615).
+## 0.10.4 (2024-01-10)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Officializing the new **incremental garbage collector** after a successful beta testing phase.
+ The incremental GC can be enabled by the `moc` flag `--incremental-gc` (#3837) and is designed to scale for large program heap sizes.
+ **Note**: While resolving scalability issues with regard to the instruction limit of the GC work, it is now possible to hit other scalability limits:
+ - _Out of memory_: A program can run out of memory if it fills the entire memory space with live objects.
+ - _Upgrade limits_: When using stable variables, the current mechanism of serialization and deserialization to and from stable memory can exceed the instruction limit or run out of memory.
+ **Recommendations**:
+ - _Test the upgrade_: Thoroughly test the upgrade mechanism for different data volumes and heap sizes and conservatively determine the amount of stable data that is supported when upgrading the program.
+ - _Monitor the heap size_: Monitor the memory and heap size (`Prim.rts_memory_size()` and `Prim.rts_heap_size()`) of the application in production.
+ - _Limit the heap size_: Implement a custom limit in the application to keep the heap size and data volume below the scalability limit that has been determined during testing, in particular for the upgrade mechanism.
+ - _Avoid large allocations per message_: Avoid large allocations of 100 MB or more per message, but rather distribute larger allocations across multiple messages. Large allocations per message extend the duration of the GC increment. Moreover, memory pressure may occur because the GC has a higher reclamation latency than a classical stop-the-world collector.
+ - _Consider a backup query function_: Depending on the application case, it can be beneficial to offer an privileged _query_ function to extract the critical canister state in several chunks. The runtime system maintains an extra memory reserve for query functions. Of course, such a function has to be implemented with a check that restricts it to authorized callers only. It is also important to test this function well.
+ - _Last resort if memory would be full_: Assuming the memory is full with objects that have shortly become garbage before the memory space has been exhausted, the canister owner or controllers can call the system-level function `__motoko_gc_trigger()` multiple times to run extra GC increments and complete a GC run, for collecting the latest garbage in a full heap. Up to 100 calls of this function may be needed to complete a GC run in a 4GB memory space. The GC keeps an specific memory reserve to be able to perform its work even if the application has exhausted the memory. Usually, this functionality is not needed in practice but is only useful in such exceptional cases.
+ * Allow type annotations on free-standing `object`/`module`/`actor` blocks, in order to perform a conformity check with an interface type (#4324).
+## 0.10.3 (2023-12-20)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Include doc comments to Candid interfaces generated via the `--idl` flag (#4334).
+ * bugfix: fix broken implementations of `Region.loadNat32`, `Region.storeNat32`, `Region.loadInt32`, `Region.storeInt32` (#4335).
+ Values previously stored with the broken 32-bit operations must be loaded with care.
+ If bit 0 is clear, the original value can be obtained by an arithmetic shift right by 1 bit.
+ If bit 0 is set, the value cannot be trusted and should be ignored
+ (it encodes some transient address of a boxed value).
+* motoko-base
+ * Added `ExperimentalInternetComputer.performanceCounter` function to get the raw performance
+ counters (dfinity/motoko-base#600).
+ * Added `Array.take` function to get some prefix of an array (dfinity/motoko-base#587).
+ * Deprecated `TrieSet.mem` in favor of `TrieSet.has` (dfinity/motoko-base#576).
+ * bugfix: `Array.chain(as, f)` was incorrectly trapping when `f(a)` was an empty array
+ (dfinity/motoko-base#599).
+## 0.10.2 (2023-11-12)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * bugfix: separate tag from underscore in coverage warnings (#4274).
+ * Code compiled for targets WASI (`-wasi-system-api`) and pure Wasm (`-no-system-api`) can now
+ use up to 4GB of (efficiently emulated) stable memory, enabling more offline testing of, for example,
+ stable data structures built using libraries `Regions.mo` and `ExperimentalStableMemory.mo`.
+ Note that any Wasm engine (such as `wasmtime`), used to execute such binaries, must support and enable
+ Wasm features `multi-memory` and `bulk-memory` (as well as the standard NaN canonicalization) (#4256).
+ * bugfix: fully implement `Region.loadXXX/storeXXX` for `Int8`, `Int16` and `Float` (#4270).
+ * BREAKING CHANGE (Minor): values of type [`Principal`](doc/md/base/Principal.md) are now constrained to contain
+ at most 29 bytes, matching the IC's notion of principal (#4268).
+ In particular:
+ * An actor `import` will be statically rejected if the binary representation of the (aliased) textually encoded
+ principal contains strictly more than 29 bytes.
+ * `Principal.fromBlob(b)` will trap if `b` contains strictly more than 29 bytes.
+ * The actor literal, `actor `, will trap if the binary representation of
+ of the textually encoded principal `` contains strictly more than 29 bytes.
+* motoko-base
+ * bugfix: fix `Array.tabulateVar` to avoid repeated side-effects (dfinity/motoko-base#596)
+## 0.10.1 (2023-10-16)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * bugfix: fix assertion failure renaming `or`-patterns (#4236, #4224).
+ * bugfix: unsuccessful Candid decoding of an optional array now defaults to null instead of crashing (#4240).
+ * bugfix: Candid decoding of an optional, unknown variant with a payload now succeeds instead of crashing (#4238).
+ * Implement Prim.textLowercase and Prim.textUppercase (via Rust) (#4216).
+ * perf: inline sharable low-level functions in generated coded,
+ trading code size for reduced cycle count (#4212).
+ Controlled by flags:
+ * `-fno-shared-code` (default)
+ * `-fshared-code` (legacy)
+ (Helps mitigate the effect of the IC's new cost model, that increases
+ the cost of function calls).
+* motoko-base
+ * Added `Principal.toLedgerAccount` (dfinity/motoko-base#582).
+ * Added `Text.toLowercase` and `Text.toUppercase` (dfinity/motoko-base#590).
+## 0.10.0 (2023-09-11)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Added a new stable `Region` type of dynamically allocated, independently growable and
+ isolated regions of IC stable memory (#3768). See documentation.
+ BREAKING CHANGE: stable memory changes may occur that can prevent returning
+ to previous `moc` versions.
+ * Added doc comments in generated Candid files (#4178).
+* motoko-base
+ * Exposed conversions between adjacent fixed-width types (dfinity/motoko-base#585).
+ * Added library `Region.mo` offering isolated regions of IC stable memory (dfinity/motoko-base#580).
+## 0.9.8 (2023-08-11)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Added numerical type conversions between adjacent fixed-width types (#4139).
+ * Administrative: legacy-named release artefacts are no longer created (#4111).
+## 0.9.7 (2023-07-18)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Performance improvement: lower the default allocation for bignums (#4102).
+ * Performance improvement: generate better code for pattern matches on some small variants (#4093).
+ * bugfix: don't crash on import of Candid composite queries (#4128).
+## 0.9.6 (2023-07-07)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Allow canister controllers to call the `__motoko_stable_var_info` query endpoint (#4103).
+ (Previously only self-queries were permitted.)
+ * Performance improvement: reduced cycle consumption for allocating objects (#4095).
+ * bugfix: reduced memory consumption in the Motoko Playground (#4106).
+## 0.9.5 (2023-07-05)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Allow identifiers in `or`-patterns (#3807).
+ Bindings in alternatives must mention the same identifiers and have compatible types:
+ ``` Motoko
+ let verbose = switch result {
+ case (#ok) "All is good!";
+ case (#warning why or #error why) "There is some problem: " # why;
+ }
+ ```
+ * Performance improvement: improved cycle consumption allocating fixed-size objects (#4064).
+ Benchmarks indicate up to 10% less cycles burned for allocation-heavy code,
+ and 2.5% savings in realistic applications.
+ * Administrative: binary build artefacts are now available according to standard naming
+ conventions (thanks to EnzoPlayer0ne) (#3997).
+ Please consider transitioning to downloading binaries following the new scheme,
+ as legacy naming will be discontinued at some point in the future.
+## 0.9.4 (2023-07-01)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Allow multiline text literals (#3995).
+ For example,
+ ```
+ "A horse walks into a bar.
+ The barman says: `Why the long face?`"
+ ```
+ parses as:
+ ```
+ "A horse walks into a bar.\nThe barman says: `Why the long face?`"
+ ```
+ * Added pipe operator ` |> ` and placeholder expression `_` (#3987).
+ For example:
+ ``` motoko
+ Iter.range(0, 10) |>
+ Iter.toList _ |>
+ List.filter(_, func n { n % 3 == 0 }) |>
+ { multiples = _ };
+ ```
+ may, according to taste, be a more readable rendition of:
+ ``` motoko
+ { multiples =
+ List.filter(
+ Iter.toList(Iter.range(0, 10)),
+ func n { n % 3 == 0 }) };
+ ```
+ However, beware the change of evaluation order for code with side-effects.
+ New keyword `composite` allows one to declare Internet Computer *composite queries* (#4003).
+ For example,
+ ``` motoko
+ public shared composite query func sum(counters : [Counter]) : async Nat {
+ var sum = 0;
+ for (counter in counters.vals()) {
+ sum += await counter.peek();
+ };
+ sum
+ }
+ ```
+ has type:
+ ``` motoko
+ shared composite query [Counter] -> async Nat
+ ```
+ and can call both `query` and other `composite query` functions.
+ See the documentation for full details.
+ * Allow canister imports of Candid service constructors, ignoring the service arguments to
+ import the instantiated service instead (with a warning) (#4041).
+ * Allow optional terminal semicolons in Candid imports (#4042).
+ * bugfix: allow signed float literals as static expressions in modules (#4063).
+ * bugfix: improved reporting of patterns with record types in error messages (#4002).
+* motoko-base
+ * Added more `Array` (and `Text`) utility functions (thanks to roman-kashitsyn) (dfinity/motoko-base#564).
+## 0.9.3 (2023-06-19)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ * Added fields `sender_canister_version` for actor class version tracking (#4036).
+## 0.9.2 (2023-06-10)
+* motoko (`moc`)
+ `or`-patterns in function definitions cannot be inferred any more. The new error
+ message suggests to add a type annotation instead. This became necessary in order
+ to avoid potentially unsound types (#4012).
+ * Added implementation for `ic0.canister_version` as a primitive (#4027).
+ * Added a more efficient `Prim.blobCompare` (thanks to nomeata) (#4009).
+ * bugfix: minor error in grammar for `async*` expressions (#4005).
+* motoko-base
+ * Add `Principal.isController` function (dfinity/motoko-base#558).
## 0.9.1 (2023-05-15)
* motoko (`moc`)
@@ -97,7 +606,7 @@
- Optimized `AssocList.{replace, find}` to avoid unnecesary allocation (dfinity/motoko-base#535, dfinity/motoko-base#539).
+ Optimized `AssocList.{replace, find}` to avoid unnecessary allocation (dfinity/motoko-base#535, dfinity/motoko-base#539).
Note: this subtly changes the order in which the key-value pairs occur after replacement. May affect other containers that use `AssocList`.
* Performance improvement: Optimized deletion for `Trie`/`TrieMap` (dfinity/motoko-base#525).
@@ -326,7 +835,7 @@
* each `await*` of the same `async*` value repeats its effects.
This feature is experimental and may evolve in future. Use with discretion.
- See the [manual](doc/md/language-manual.md) for details.
+ See the [manual](doc/md/reference/language-manual.md) for details.
* Suppress GC during IC `canister_heartbeat`, deferring any GC to the scheduled Motoko `heartbeat` `system` method (#3623).
This is a temporary workaround, to be removed once DTS is supported for `canister_heartbeat` itself (#3622).
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index d5dadbd59b1..8ce86e883a6 100644
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on
the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification
within third-party archives.
-Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+Copyright 2020 DFINITY Stiftung
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 32dece9294c..79e0a4d588b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,37 +1,36 @@
# [Motoko](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/motoko/main/about-this-guide) · [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) [![Tests](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/dfinity/motoko/release.yml?branch=master&logo=github)](https://github.com/dfinity/motoko/actions?query=workflow:"release") [![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg)](https://github.com/dfinity/motoko/blob/master/Building.md)
-A safe, simple, actor-based programming language for authoring [Internet Computer](https://internetcomputer.org/) (IC) canister smart contracts.
+A safe, simple, actor-based programming language for building [Internet Computer](https://internetcomputer.org/) (ICP) canister smart contracts.
+![Motoko Logo](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/844ca364-4d71-42b3-aaec-4a6c3509ee2e)
## User Documentation & Samples
-* [Building, installing, and developing on Motoko](Building.md).
-* [Overview](doc/md/overview.md).
-* [Small samples](samples).
-* [Language manual](doc/md/language-manual.md).
-* [Concrete syntax](doc/md/examples/grammar.txt).
-* [Documentation sources](doc/md/).
-* [Base library documentation](doc/md/base/index.md).
-* [_Motoko-san_: a prototypical deductive verifier](src/viper/README.md).
+* [Introduction](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/motoko/main/getting-started/motoko-introduction)
+* [Basic concepts and terms](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/motoko/main/getting-started/basic-concepts)
+* [Sample code](samples)
+* [Language manual](doc/md/reference/language-manual.md)
+* [Concrete syntax](doc/md/examples/grammar.txt)
+* [Documentation sources](doc/md/)
+* [Base library documentation](doc/md/base/index.md)
+* [_Motoko-san_: a prototypical deductive verifier](src/viper/README.md)
## Introduction
### Motivation and Goals
-* High-level language for programming IC applications
-* Simple ("K.I.S.S.") design and familiar syntax for average programmers
-* Good and convenient support for actor model
+* High-level programming language for ICP smart contracts
-* Good fit for underlying Wasm and IC execution model
+* Simple design and familiar syntax
-* Anticipate future extensions to Wasm where possible
+* Convenient support for the [actor model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model)
+* Good fit for underlying Wasm and ICP execution model
### Key Design Points
-* Simple class-based OO language, objects as closures
+* Object-based language with actors, classes, modules, etc. as closures
* Classes can be actors
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ A safe, simple, actor-based programming language for authoring [Internet Compute
* Inspirations from Java, C#, JavaScript, Swift, Pony, ML, Haskell
-## Related repositories
+## Related Repositories
* [Base library](https://github.com/dfinity/motoko-base)
* [Vessel package manager](https://github.com/dfinity/vessel)
@@ -55,10 +54,14 @@ A safe, simple, actor-based programming language for authoring [Internet Compute
* [VS Code extension](https://github.com/dfinity/vscode-motoko) · ([install](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dfinity-foundation.vscode-motoko))
* [Browser and Node.js bindings](https://github.com/dfinity/node-motoko) · ([npm package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/motoko))
-## Community resources
+## Community Resources
* [Awesome Motoko](https://github.com/motoko-unofficial/awesome-motoko#readme)
* [Blocks - an online low-code editor for Motoko](https://github.com/Blocks-Editor/blocks)
* [MOPS - a Motoko package manager hosted on the IC](https://j4mwm-bqaaa-aaaam-qajbq-cai.ic0.app/)
* [Motoko Bootcamp](https://github.com/motoko-bootcamp/bootcamp#readme) · ([YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa7_xHjvOESf9v281VU4qVw))
* [Motoko library starter template](https://github.com/ByronBecker/motoko-library-template)
+## Contributing
+See our [contribution guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) and [code of conduct](.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) to get started.
diff --git a/add-tags.sh b/add-tags.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e993c1c341f..00000000000
--- a/add-tags.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-if ! test -d "$1" -o -d "$2" -o -d "$3"
- echo "Adds tags to the motoko and motoko-base repository based on sdk repository tags"
- echo "and tracing the nix pins. Runs git push --tags!"
- echo
- echo "Usage: $0 ../sdk ./ ../motoko-base"
- echo
- echo "(i.e. paths to sdk, motoko and motoko-base repos)"
- exit 1
-set -e
-git -C "$1" fetch --tags
-# 0.5.10 was the first where we have motoko-base via motoko
-for tag in $(git -C "$1" tag --contains 0.5.10 | sort -V)
- mo_rev="$(git -C "$1" show "$tag:nix/sources.json" | jq -r .motoko.rev)"
- base_rev="$(git -C "$2" show "$mo_rev:nix/sources.json" | jq -r .'["motoko-base"]'.rev)"
- echo "$tag: motoko $mo_rev, motoko-base $base_rev"
- git -C "$2" tag -f "sdk-$tag" "$mo_rev"
- git -C "$3" tag -f "dfx-$tag" "$base_rev"
-git -C "$2" push --tags
-git -C "$3" push --tags
diff --git a/bin/wrapper.sh b/bin/wrapper.sh
index 45b7b341078..5131878d71d 100755
--- a/bin/wrapper.sh
+++ b/bin/wrapper.sh
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ declare -A envs # list of expected environment variables with paths to products
# Define build products here
hint[moc]="make -C $rel_root/src moc"
hint[mo-ld]="make -C $rel_root/src mo-ld"
@@ -32,10 +32,12 @@ hint[candid-tests]="make -C $rel_root/src candid-tests"
rts_hint="make -C $rel_root/rts"
for var in ${envs[moc]}; do
diff --git a/ci.nix b/ci.nix
index e996e270985..fed5b421751 100644
--- a/ci.nix
+++ b/ci.nix
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
-{ src ? { rev = null; }, labels ? {}, releaseVersion ? "latest" }:
+{ src ? { rev = null; }, labels ? { }, releaseVersion ? "latest" }:
nixpkgs = import ./nix { };
- inject-rev = drv: drv.overrideAttrs (attrs: { rev = src.rev; });
- removeRecurseForDerivations = nixpkgs.lib.filterAttrsRecursive (k: v: k != "recurseForDerivations");
+ inject-rev = drv: drv.overrideAttrs { rev = src.rev; };
+ removeRecurseForDerivations =
+ nixpkgs.lib.filterAttrsRecursive (k: v: k != "recurseForDerivations");
- linux = removeRecurseForDerivations (import ./default.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
- darwin = removeRecurseForDerivations (import ./default.nix { system = "x86_64-darwin"; });
+ linux = removeRecurseForDerivations
+ (import ./default.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
+ darwin = removeRecurseForDerivations
+ (import ./default.nix { system = "x86_64-darwin"; });
- all-systems-go =
- nixpkgs.releaseTools.aggregate {
- name = "all-systems-go";
- constituents = [
- linux.all-systems-go
- darwin.all-systems-go
- ];
- };
-linux // {
+ all-systems-go = nixpkgs.releaseTools.aggregate {
+ name = "all-systems-go";
+ constituents = [ linux.all-systems-go darwin.all-systems-go ];
+ };
+in linux // {
darwin = darwin.all-systems-go;
all-systems-go = inject-rev all-systems-go;
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
index a0f22b651f0..d1b13ca8e4f 100644
--- a/default.nix
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
let nixpkgs = import ./nix { inherit system; }; in
+assert !officialRelease || nixpkgs.lib.asserts.assertOneOf "system" system [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" ];
let releaseVersion = import nix/releaseVersion.nix { pkgs = nixpkgs; inherit officialRelease; }; in
let stdenv = nixpkgs.stdenv; in
@@ -23,13 +25,18 @@ let ic-ref-run =
let haskellPackages = nixpkgs.haskellPackages.override {
overrides = import nix/haskell-packages.nix nixpkgs subpath;
}; in
+let emscripten = nixpkgs.emscripten.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
+ patches = (oldAttrs.patches or []) ++ [
+ nix/emscripten-fix.patch
+ ];
+ });
rtsBuildInputs = with nixpkgs; [
- # pulls in clang (wrapped) and clang-13 (unwrapped)
- llvmPackages_13.clang
- # pulls in wasm-ld
- llvmPackages_13.lld
- llvmPackages_13.bintools
+ llvmPackages_18.clang
+ llvmPackages_18.bintools
@@ -42,17 +49,17 @@ let
llvmEnv = ''
# When compiling to wasm, we want to have more control over the flags,
# so we do not use the nix-provided wrapper in clang
- export WASM_CLANG="clang-13"
+ export WASM_CLANG="clang-18"
export WASM_LD=wasm-ld
# because we use the unwrapped clang, we have to pass in some flags/paths
# that otherwise the wrapped clang would take care for us
- export WASM_CLANG_LIB="${nixpkgs.llvmPackages_13.clang-unwrapped.lib}"
+ export WASM_CLANG_LIB="${nixpkgs.llvmPackages_18.clang-unwrapped.lib}"
# When compiling natively, we want to use `clang` (which is a nixpkgs
# provided wrapper that sets various include paths etc).
# But for some reason it does not handle building for Wasm well, so
- # there we use plain clang-13. There is no stdlib there anyways.
- export CLANG="${nixpkgs.clang_13}/bin/clang"
+ # there we use plain clang-18. There is no stdlib there anyways.
+ export CLANG="${nixpkgs.clang_18}/bin/clang"
@@ -83,11 +90,9 @@ let commonBuildInputs = pkgs:
- pkgs.ocamlPackages.ocaml-migrate-parsetree
- pkgs.ocamlPackages.ppx_tools_versioned
- pkgs.ocamlPackages.obelisk
+ pkgs.obelisk
]; in
@@ -144,15 +149,6 @@ let ocaml_exe = name: bin: rts:
$out/bin/* --help >/dev/null
- musl-wasi-sysroot = stdenv.mkDerivation {
- name = "musl-wasi-sysroot";
- src = nixpkgs.sources.musl-wasi;
- phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" ];
- installPhase = ''
- make SYSROOT="$out" include_dirs
- '';
- };
rec {
@@ -162,14 +158,14 @@ rec {
cargoVendorTools = nixpkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
name = "cargo-vendor-tools";
src = subpath "./rts/${name}/";
- cargoSha256 = "sha256-gzLk4kNBSbd8ujJ/7mNs/vwCu76ASqtyoVU84PdaJCw=";
+ cargoSha256 = "sha256-E6GTFvmZMjGsVlec7aH3QaizqIET6Dz8Csh0N1jeX+M=";
# Path to vendor-rust-std-deps, provided by cargo-vendor-tools
vendorRustStdDeps = "${cargoVendorTools}/bin/vendor-rust-std-deps";
# SHA256 of Rust std deps
- rustStdDepsHash = "sha256-dGQzospDaIlGKWu08b8oaXJgIsniBVxI//zc6/LywIE=";
+ rustStdDepsHash = "sha256-U4BTr1CzFuOMdyLuhw5ry3/u8bkRiPmnMr4pLo3IdOQ=";
# Vendor directory for Rust std deps
rustStdDeps = nixpkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
@@ -195,7 +191,7 @@ rec {
name = "motoko-rts-deps";
src = subpath ./rts;
sourceRoot = "rts/motoko-rts-tests";
- sha256 = "sha256-jCk92mPwXd8H8zEH4OMdcEwFM8IiYdlhYdYr+WzDW5E=";
+ sha256 = "sha256-prLZVOWV3BFb8/nKHyqZw8neJyBu1gs5d0D56DsDV2o=";
copyLockfile = true;
@@ -243,10 +239,9 @@ rec {
"directory" = "$(stripHash ${allDeps})"
export TOMMATHSRC=${nixpkgs.sources.libtommath}
- export MUSLSRC=${nixpkgs.sources.musl-wasi}/libc-top-half/musl
- export MUSL_WASI_SYSROOT=${musl-wasi-sysroot}
doCheck = true;
@@ -257,10 +252,12 @@ rec {
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/rts
- cp mo-rts.wasm $out/rts
- cp mo-rts-debug.wasm $out/rts
+ cp mo-rts-non-incremental.wasm $out/rts
+ cp mo-rts-non-incremental-debug.wasm $out/rts
cp mo-rts-incremental.wasm $out/rts
cp mo-rts-incremental-debug.wasm $out/rts
+ cp mo-rts-eop.wasm $out/rts
+ cp mo-rts-eop-debug.wasm $out/rts
# This needs to be self-contained. Remove mention of nix path in debug
@@ -270,12 +267,17 @@ rec {
-t ${nixpkgs.rustc-nightly} \
-t ${rtsDeps} \
-t ${rustStdDeps} \
- $out/rts/mo-rts.wasm $out/rts/mo-rts-debug.wasm
+ $out/rts/mo-rts-non-incremental.wasm $out/rts/mo-rts-non-incremental-debug.wasm
remove-references-to \
-t ${nixpkgs.rustc-nightly} \
-t ${rtsDeps} \
-t ${rustStdDeps} \
$out/rts/mo-rts-incremental.wasm $out/rts/mo-rts-incremental-debug.wasm
+ remove-references-to \
+ -t ${nixpkgs.rustc-nightly} \
+ -t ${rtsDeps} \
+ -t ${rustStdDeps} \
+ $out/rts/mo-rts-eop.wasm $out/rts/mo-rts-eop-debug.wasm
allowedRequisites = [];
@@ -320,20 +322,17 @@ rec {
testDerivationDeps =
- (with nixpkgs; [ wabt bash perl getconf moreutils nodejs-16_x ]) ++
+ (with nixpkgs; [ wabt bash perl getconf moreutils nodejs-18_x ]) ++
[ filecheck wasmtime ];
# extra deps for test/ld
ldTestDeps =
- with nixpkgs; [ llvmPackages_13.bintools llvmPackages_13.clang ];
+ with nixpkgs; [ llvmPackages_18.lld llvmPackages_18.clang ];
testDerivation = args:
stdenv.mkDerivation (testDerivationArgs // args);
- ocamlTestDerivation = args:
- staticpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation (testDerivationArgs // args);
# we test each subdirectory of test/ in its own derivation with
# cleaner dependencies, for more parallelism, more caching
# and better feedback about what aspect broke
@@ -365,29 +364,34 @@ rec {
# Run a variant with sanity checking on
snty_subdir = dir: deps:
- (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs (args: {
+ (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs {
EXTRA_MOC_ARGS = "--sanity-checks";
- });
- generational_gc_subdir = dir: deps:
- (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs (args: {
- EXTRA_MOC_ARGS = "--generational-gc";
- });
+ };
snty_compacting_gc_subdir = dir: deps:
- (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs (args: {
+ (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs {
EXTRA_MOC_ARGS = "--sanity-checks --compacting-gc";
- });
+ };
snty_generational_gc_subdir = dir: deps:
- (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs (args: {
+ (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs {
EXTRA_MOC_ARGS = "--sanity-checks --generational-gc";
- });
+ };
snty_incremental_gc_subdir = dir: deps:
- (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs (args: {
+ (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs {
EXTRA_MOC_ARGS = "--sanity-checks --incremental-gc";
- });
+ };
+ enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir = dir: deps:
+ (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs {
+ EXTRA_MOC_ARGS = "--enhanced-orthogonal-persistence";
+ };
+ snty_enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir = dir: deps:
+ (test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs {
+ EXTRA_MOC_ARGS = "--sanity-checks --enhanced-orthogonal-persistence";
+ };
perf_subdir = dir: deps:
(test_subdir dir deps).overrideAttrs (args: {
@@ -412,7 +416,7 @@ rec {
buildInputs =
[ moc wasmtime haskellPackages.qc-motoko nixpkgs.drun ];
checkPhase = ''
- export LANG=C.utf8 # for haskell
+ export LANG=C.utf8 # for haskell
qc-motoko${nixpkgs.lib.optionalString (replay != 0)
" --quickcheck-replay=${toString replay}"}
@@ -423,14 +427,14 @@ rec {
buildInputs = [ moc haskellPackages.lsp-int ];
checkPhase = ''
echo running lsp-int
- export LANG=C.utf8 # for haskell
+ export LANG=C.utf8 # for haskell
lsp-int ${mo-ide}/bin/mo-ide .
- unit = ocamlTestDerivation {
+ unit = testDerivation {
src = subpath ./src;
- buildInputs = commonBuildInputs staticpkgs;
+ buildInputs = commonBuildInputs nixpkgs;
checkPhase = ''
patchShebangs .
make DUNE_OPTS="--display=short" unit-tests
@@ -447,27 +451,28 @@ rec {
- profiling-graphs = testDerivation {
- src = test_src "perf";
- buildInputs =
- (with nixpkgs; [ perl wabt wasm-profiler-instrument wasm-profiler-postproc flamegraph-bin ]) ++
- [ moc nixpkgs.drun ];
- checkPhase = ''
- patchShebangs .
- type -p moc && moc --version
- type -p drun && drun --help
- ./profile-report.sh
- '';
- installPhase = ''
- mv _profile $out;
- mkdir -p $out/nix-support
- echo "report flamegraphs $out index.html" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
- '';
- };
+ # wasm-profiler is not compatible with passive data segments and memory64
+ # profiling-graphs = testDerivation {
+ # src = test_src "perf";
+ # buildInputs =
+ # (with nixpkgs; [ perl wabt wasm-profiler-instrument wasm-profiler-postproc flamegraph-bin ]) ++
+ # [ moc nixpkgs.drun ];
+ # checkPhase = ''
+ # patchShebangs .
+ # type -p moc && moc --version
+ # type -p drun && drun --help
+ # ./profile-report.sh
+ # '';
+ # installPhase = ''
+ # mv _profile $out;
+ # mkdir -p $out/nix-support
+ # echo "report flamegraphs $out index.html" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
+ # '';
+ #};
fix_names = builtins.mapAttrs (name: deriv:
- deriv.overrideAttrs (_old: { name = "test-${name}"; })
+ deriv.overrideAttrs { name = "test-${name}"; }
coverage = testDerivation {
@@ -499,23 +504,32 @@ rec {
in fix_names ({
run = test_subdir "run" [ moc ] ;
run-dbg = snty_subdir "run" [ moc ] ;
+ run-eop-release = enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "run" [ moc ];
+ run-eop-debug = snty_enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "run" [ moc ];
# ic-ref-run = test_subdir "run-drun" [ moc ic-ref-run ];
drun = test_subdir "run-drun" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ];
drun-dbg = snty_subdir "run-drun" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ];
drun-compacting-gc = snty_compacting_gc_subdir "run-drun" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ] ;
drun-generational-gc = snty_generational_gc_subdir "run-drun" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ] ;
drun-incremental-gc = snty_incremental_gc_subdir "run-drun" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ] ;
+ drun-eop-release = enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "run-drun" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ] ;
+ drun-eop-debug = snty_enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "run-drun" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ] ;
fail = test_subdir "fail" [ moc ];
+ fail-eop = enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "fail" [ moc ];
repl = test_subdir "repl" [ moc ];
ld = test_subdir "ld" ([ mo-ld ] ++ ldTestDeps);
+ ld-eop = enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "ld" ([ mo-ld ] ++ ldTestDeps);
idl = test_subdir "idl" [ didc ];
mo-idl = test_subdir "mo-idl" [ moc didc ];
+ mo-idl-eop = enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "mo-idl" [ moc didc ];
trap = test_subdir "trap" [ moc ];
+ trap-eop = enhanced_orthogonal_persistence_subdir "trap" [ moc ];
run-deser = test_subdir "run-deser" [ deser ];
perf = perf_subdir "perf" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ];
- bench = perf_subdir "bench" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ];
- viper = test_subdir "viper" [ moc nixpkgs.which nixpkgs.openjdk nixpkgs.z3 ];
- inherit qc lsp unit candid profiling-graphs coverage;
+ bench = perf_subdir "bench" [ moc nixpkgs.drun ic-wasm ];
+ viper = test_subdir "viper" [ moc nixpkgs.which nixpkgs.openjdk nixpkgs.z3_4_12 ];
+ # TODO: profiling-graph is excluded because the underlying partity_wasm is deprecated and does not support passive data segments and memory64.
+ inherit qc lsp unit candid coverage;
}) // { recurseForDerivations = true; };
samples = stdenv.mkDerivation {
@@ -539,7 +553,7 @@ rec {
buildInputs = commonBuildInputs nixpkgs ++ [
- nixpkgs.nodejs-16_x
+ nixpkgs.nodejs-18_x
buildPhase = ''
@@ -559,7 +573,7 @@ rec {
doInstallCheck = true;
test = ./test + "/test-${n}.js";
installCheckPhase = ''
- NODE_PATH=$out/bin node $test
+ NODE_PATH=$out/bin node --experimental-wasm-memory64 $test
@@ -570,13 +584,31 @@ rec {
recurseForDerivations = true;
- inherit (nixpkgs) wabt wasmtime wasm;
+ inherit (nixpkgs) drun wabt wasmtime wasm nix-update;
filecheck = nixpkgs.runCommandNoCC "FileCheck" {} ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp ${nixpkgs.llvm}/bin/FileCheck $out/bin
+ ic-wasm =
+ nixpkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
+ name = "ic-wasm";
+ src = nixpkgs.sources.ic-wasm;
+ cargoSha256 = "sha256-lQ4I6Fmodi0jxVuWPSvxbOpXcEX+0Lny7/N3GpW8UUI=";
+ doCheck = false;
+ patchPhase = ''
+ mkdir -p .cargo
+ cat > .cargo/config.toml << EOF
+rustflags = [ "-C", "linker=c++" ]
+rustflags = [ "-C", "linker=c++" ]
+ '';
+ };
# gitMinimal is used by nix/gitSource.nix; building it here warms the nix cache
inherit (nixpkgs) gitMinimal;
@@ -689,15 +721,13 @@ rec {
mkdir -p $out
ln -s ${base-doc} $out/base-doc
ln -s ${docs} $out/docs
- ln -s ${tests.profiling-graphs} $out/flamegraphs
ln -s ${tests.coverage} $out/coverage
cd $out;
# generate a simple index.html, listing the entry points
( echo docs/overview-slides.html;
echo docs/html/motoko.html;
echo base-doc/
- echo coverage/
- echo flamegraphs/ ) | \
+ echo coverage/ ) | \
tree -H . -l --fromfile -T "Motoko build reports" > index.html
@@ -715,7 +745,7 @@ rec {
name = "check-grammar";
src = subpath ./src/gen-grammar;
phases = "unpackPhase buildPhase installPhase";
- buildInputs = [ nixpkgs.diffutils nixpkgs.bash nixpkgs.ocamlPackages.obelisk ];
+ buildInputs = [ nixpkgs.diffutils nixpkgs.bash nixpkgs.obelisk ];
buildPhase = ''
patchShebangs .
./gen-grammar.sh ${./src/mo_frontend/parser.mly} > expected
@@ -758,7 +788,7 @@ rec {
- ic-ref-run
+ # ic-ref-run
@@ -766,8 +796,9 @@ rec {
] ++
- builtins.attrValues tests ++
- builtins.attrValues js;
+ builtins.attrValues tests
+ ++ builtins.attrValues js
+ ;
viperServer = nixpkgs.fetchurl {
@@ -788,25 +819,26 @@ rec {
let dont_build =
[ moc mo-ld didc deser candid-tests ] ++
builtins.attrValues coverage_bins;
- in
- nixpkgs.lib.lists.unique (builtins.filter (i: !(builtins.elem i dont_build)) (
+ in with nixpkgs;
+ [ ic-wasm ] ++
+ lib.lists.unique (builtins.filter (i: !(builtins.elem i dont_build)) (
commonBuildInputs nixpkgs ++
rts.buildInputs ++
js.moc.buildInputs ++
docs.buildInputs ++
check-rts-formatting.buildInputs ++
builtins.concatMap (d: d.buildInputs or []) (builtins.attrValues tests) ++
- [ nixpkgs.ncurses
- nixpkgs.ocamlPackages.merlin
- nixpkgs.ocamlformat
- nixpkgs.ocamlPackages.utop
- nixpkgs.fswatch
- nixpkgs.niv
- nixpkgs.nix-update
- nixpkgs.rlwrap # for `rlwrap moc`
- nixpkgs.difftastic
- nixpkgs.openjdk nixpkgs.z3 nixpkgs.jq # for viper dev
- ] ++ nixpkgs.lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin nixpkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Security
+ [ ncurses
+ ocamlPackages.merlin
+ ocamlPackages.utop
+ ocamlformat
+ fswatch
+ niv
+ nix-update
+ rlwrap # for `rlwrap moc`
+ openjdk z3_4_12 # for viper dev
+ difftastic
+ ] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Security
shellHook = llvmEnv + ''
@@ -818,8 +850,6 @@ rec {
TOMMATHSRC = nixpkgs.sources.libtommath;
- MUSLSRC = "${nixpkgs.sources.musl-wasi}/libc-top-half/musl";
- MUSL_WASI_SYSROOT = musl-wasi-sysroot;
LOCALE_ARCHIVE = nixpkgs.lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux "${nixpkgs.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive";
MOTOKO_BASE = base-src;
CANDID_TESTS = "${nixpkgs.sources.candid}/test";
diff --git a/design/Custom-Sections.md b/design/Custom-Sections.md
index 35f70d7cb68..fe0d8cba31e 100644
--- a/design/Custom-Sections.md
+++ b/design/Custom-Sections.md
@@ -34,3 +34,7 @@ let hash : string -> int32 = fun s ->
(Lib.String.explode s)
+Motoko generates an additional `"enhanced-orthogonal-persistence"` private custom section to
+mark Motoko Wasm binaries that rely on IC's support to retain the main Wasm memory on an upgrade,
+cf. [Orthogonal Persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
diff --git a/design/DFX-Interface.md b/design/DFX-Interface.md
index bca70ebb6cb..8e6c565890a 100644
--- a/design/DFX-Interface.md
+++ b/design/DFX-Interface.md
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ Compiling Motoko Files to Wasm
In order to compile a Motoko file, `dfx` invokes `moc` with
- moc some/path/input.mo \
- -o another/path/output.wasm \
- { --package pkgname pkgpath } \
- { --actor-alias alias url } \
- [ --actor-idl actorpath ] \
- { --public-metadata name }
+moc some/path/input.mo \
+ -o another/path/output.wasm \
+ { --package pkgname pkgpath } \
+ { --actor-alias alias url } \
+ [ --actor-idl actorpath ] \
+ { --public-metadata name }
This _reads_ the following files
* `some/path/input.mo`
* any `.mo` file referenced by `some/path/input.mo`, either relatively, absolutely or via the provided package aliases
@@ -118,29 +118,37 @@ used only in very specific cases.
The above metadata is stored in the Wasm module, and is only accessible by the controllers of the canister, unless the
metadata name is specified in the `--public-metadata` flag.
+Moreover, the compiler generates a special marker custom section `"enhanced-orthogonal-persistence"` if the new orthogonal
+persistence support is enabled, see [Orthogonal Persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md). This section is always private and
+always emited independent of the compiler flags `--public-metadata` or `--public-metadata`.
Checking stable type compatibility
The command
- moc --stable-compatible old.most new.most
+moc --stable-compatible old.most new.most
checks if the stable interface can evolve from `old.most` to `new.most` in
a type safe way without unintentional data loss.
If the check succeeds, nothing will be printed.
If the check fails, the error message will be printed in stderr and the command returns with exit code 1.
+The check can also emit warning messages, e.g. if stable variables are dropped.
+With [enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md), the stable compatibility is also integrated in the runtime
+system, to atomically guarantee memory compatibility during an upgrade.
Invoking the IDE
In order to start the language server, `dfx` invokes
- mo-ide --canister-main some/path/main.mo \
- { --package pkgname pkgpath } \
- { --actor-alias alias url } \
- [ --actor-idl actorpath ]
+mo-ide --canister-main some/path/main.mo \
+ { --package pkgname pkgpath } \
+ { --actor-alias alias url } \
+ [ --actor-idl actorpath ]
with `stdin` and `stdout` connected to the LSP client.
This may _read_ the same files as `moc` would.
@@ -149,21 +157,21 @@ Listing dependencies
The command
- moc --print-deps some/path/input.mo
+moc --print-deps some/path/input.mo
prints to the standard output all URLs _directly_ imported by
`some/path/input.mo`, one per line. Each line outputs the original
URL, and optionally a full path if `moc` can resolve the URL, separated by a space.
For example,
- mo:base/List
- mo:other_package/Some/Module
- ic:em77e-bvlzu-aq
- canister:alias
- ./local_import some/path/local_import.mo
- ./runtime some/path/runtime.wasm
+./local_import some/path/local_import.mo
+./runtime some/path/runtime.wasm
This _reads_ only `some/path/input.mo`, and writes no files.
By transitively exploring the dependency graph using this command (and
@@ -175,11 +183,11 @@ Generating documentation
In order to generate documentation for a given Motoko package `dfx` invokes
- mo-doc
- [ --source source_dir ]
- [ --output output_dir ]
- [ --format html|adoc ]
+ [ --source source_dir ]
+ [ --output output_dir ]
+ [ --format html|adoc ]
The default source directory is `src`, the default output is `docs`, and the default format is `html`.
`mo-doc` will then generate documentation in the output directory mirroring the directory/file structure of the source directory.
diff --git a/design/GraphCopyStabilization.md b/design/GraphCopyStabilization.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa125afc896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/design/GraphCopyStabilization.md
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Graph-Copy-Based Stabilization
+This is part of the enhanced orthogonal persistence support, see [Orthogonal Persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
+## Purpose
+This allows future potentially radical changes of the persistent memory layout, such as introducing a new GC, rearranging persistent metadata, or specializing arrays for small element types etc.
+This also relies on precise value tagging to allow more advanced changes that require value metadata, e.g. specializing arrays for small value element types or even downgrading to 32-bit heap layouts (provided that the amount of live data fits into a 32-bit memory).
+## Design
+Graph copy of sub-graph of stable objects from main memory to stable memory and vice versa on upgrades.
+## Properties
+* Preserve sharing for all objects like in the heap.
+* Allow the serialization format to be independent of the main memory layout.
+* Limit the additional main memory needed during serialization and deserialization.
+* Avoid deep call stack recursion (stack overflow).
+* Allows arbitrarily long large stabilization/destabilization due to incremental mechanism (see below).
+## Memory Compatibility Check
+Apply a memory compatibility check analogous to the enhanced orthogonal persistence, since the upgrade compatibility of the graph copy is not identical to the Candid subtype relation.
+## Incremental Upgrade
+Supporting arbitrarily large upgrades beyond the instruction limit:
+* Splitting the stabilization/destabilization in multiple asynchronous messages.
+* Limiting the stabilization work units to fit the update or upgrade messages.
+* Blocking other messages during the explicit incremental stabilization.
+* Restricting the upgrade functionality to the canister owner and controllers.
+* Stopping the GC during the explicit incremental upgrade process.
+**Note**: Graph copying needs to be explicitly initiated as the usual upgrade engages enhanced orthogonal persistence, simply retaining main memory with compatibility check.
+### Usage
+When upgrading to a Motoko version that is not compatible with the current enhanced orthogonal persistence:
+1. Initiate the explicit stabilization before the upgrade:
+dfx canister call CANISTER_ID __motoko_stabilize_before_upgrade "()"
+* An assertion first checks that the caller is the canister owner or a canister controller.
+* All other messages to the canister will be blocked until the upgrade has been successfully completed.
+* The GC is stopped.
+* If defined, the actor's pre-upgrade function is called before the explicit stabilization.
+* The stabilzation runs in possibly multiple asynchronous messages, each with a limited number of instructions.
+2. Run the actual upgrade:
+dfx deploy CANISTER_ID
+* Completes the explicit stabilization if not yet done before this call.
+* Perform the actual upgrade of the canister on the IC.
+* Detects that graph-copying is in use.
+* Clears the heap if enhanced orthogonal persistence is active.
+* Start the destabilization with a limited number of steps to fit into the upgrade message.
+* If destabilization cannot be completed, the canister does not start the GC and does not accept messages except step 3.
+3. Complete the explicit destabilization after the upgrade:
+dfx canister call CANISTER_ID __motoko_destabilize_after_upgrade "()"
+* An assertion checks that the caller is the canister owner or a canister controller.
+* All other messages remain blocked until the successful completion of the destabilization.
+* The destabilzation runs in possibly multiple asynchronous messages, each with a limited number of instructions.
+* If defined, the actor's post-upgrade function is called at the end of the explicit destabilization.
+* The GC is restarted.
+### Remarks
+* When receiving the `dfx` error "The request timed out." during explicit stabilization, upgrade, or destabilization, one can simply repeat the call until it completes.
+* Steps 3 (explicit destabilization) may not be needed if the corresponding operation fits into the upgrade message.
+* Stabilization and destabilization steps are limited to the increment limits:
+ Operation | Message Type | IC Instruction Limit | **Increment Limit**
+ ----------|--------------|----------------------|--------------------
+ **Explicit (de)stabilization step** | Update | 20e9 | **16e9**
+ **Actual upgrade** | Upgrade | 200e9 | **160e9**
+* The graph copy steps also limit the amount of processed stable data (read or write), in order not to exceed the
+IC's stable memory access limits.
+ Operation | Message Type | IC Stable Access Limit | **Increment Limit**
+ ----------|--------------|----------------------|--------------------
+ **Explicit (de)stabilization step** | Update | 2 GB | **1 GB**
+ **Actual upgrade** | Upgrade | 8 GB | **6 GB**
+## Graph-Copy Algorithm
+Applying Cheney’s algorithm [1, 2] for both serialization and deserialization:
+### Serialization
+* Cheney’s algorithm using main memory as from-space and stable memory as to-space:
+* Focusing on stable variables as root (sub-graph of stable objects).
+* The target pointers and Cheney’s forwarding pointers denote the (skewed) offsets in stable memory.
+* Using streaming reads for the `scan`-pointer and streaming writes for the `free`-pointer in stable memory.
+### Deserialization
+* Cheney’s algorithm using stable memory as from-space and main memory as to-space:
+* Starting with the stable root created during the serialization process.
+* A scan stack is used in the main memory to remember the deserialized objects for later scanning.
+* Objects are allocated in main memory using the default allocator.
+* Using random read/write access on the stable memory.
+## Stable Format
+For a long-term perspective, the object layout of the serialized data in the stable memory is fixed and independent of the main memory layout.
+* Pointers are represented in 64-bit like main memory in enhanced orthogonal persistence.
+* The Brooks forwarding pointer used by the incremental GC is omitted.
+* The pointers encode skewed stable memory offsets to the corresponding target objects.
+* References to the null objects are encoded by a defined null sentinel value.
+* `BigInt` are explicitly serialized in a defined portable little endian representation, without that the serialization or deserialization allocates temporary objects.
+The format is also versioned to allow future refinements of the graph copy algorithm.
+## Specific Aspects
+* Field hashes in objects are serialized in a blob. On deserialization, the hash blob is allocated in the dynamic heap. Same-typed objects that have been created by the same program version share the same hash blob.
+* Stable records can dynamically contain non-stable fields due to structural sub-typing. A dummy value can be serialized for such fields as a new program version can no longer access this field through the stable types.
+* For backwards compatibility, old Candid destabilization is still supported when upgrading from a program that used older compiler version.
+* Incremental GC: Serialization needs to consider Brooks forwarding pointers (not to be confused with the Cheney's forwarding information), while deserialization can deal with partitioned heap that can have internal fragmentation (free space at partition ends).
+* The partitioned heap prevents linear scanning of the heap, especially in the presence of large objects that can be placed at a higher partition than subsequently allocated normal-sized objects. For this reason, a scan stack is allocated in the main memory, remembering the deserialized objects that still need to be scanned. With this, the deserialization does not need to make any assumptions of the heap structure (e.g. monotonically increasing allocations, free space markers, empty heap on deserialization start etc.).
+* If actor fields are promoted to the `Any` type in a new program version, their content is released in that variable to allow memory reclamation.
+* Both stabilization and destabilization read and write data linearly, which is beneficial for guarding a work set limit (number of accessed pages) per IC message. Destabilization is also linear because it deserializes objects in the same order back as they have been serialized.
+## Open Aspects
+* Unused fields in stable records that are no longer declared in a new program versions should be removed. This could be done during garbage collection, when objects are moved/evacuated. This scenario equally applies to enhanced orthogonal persistence.
+* The scan stack used during destabilization involves dynamic allocations.
+## References
+[1] C. J. Cheney. A Non-Recursive List Compacting Algorithm. Communications of the ACM, 13(11):677-8, November 1970.
+[2] R. Jones and R. Lins. Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management. Wiley 2003. Algorithm 6.1: Cheney's algorithm, page 123.
diff --git a/design/IDL-Motoko.md b/design/IDL-Motoko.md
index 9f57fe659aa..a1799593812 100644
--- a/design/IDL-Motoko.md
+++ b/design/IDL-Motoko.md
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ escape_method = (* failure, unsupported *)
are idiomatically expressed in the IDL:
e((Int, Nat)) = record {int;nat}
- e({i:Int, n:Nat)) = record {i:int; n:nat}
- e({_0_:Int, _1_:Nat)) = record {0:int; 1:nat}
+ e({i:Int, n:Nat}) = record {i:int; n:nat}
+ e({_0_:Int, _1_:Nat}) = record {0:int; 1:nat}
* The mapping `i` tries to detect types that can be expressed as
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ escape_method = (* failure, unsupported *)
i(record {int;nat}) = (Int, Nat)
i(record {int; nat; foo:text}) = {_0_:Int; _1_:Nat; foo:Text}
- i(record {0:Int, 1:Nat)) = {_0_:int; _1_:nat}
+ i(record {0:int, 1:nat}) = {_0_:Int; _1_:Nat}
But note that
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ escape_method = (* failure, unsupported *)
names that are not valid Motoko names (fake hash values):
i(record {int; if:text; foobar_:nat; "_0_":bool})
- = (_0_:Int; if_:Text; _1234_:Nat; _4321_:Bool)
+ = {_0_:Int; if_:Text; _1234_:Nat; _4321_:Bool}
This is another source of partiality for `e`:
diff --git a/design/Implementation.md b/design/Implementation.md
index 341839042f1..9d73ed44efa 100644
--- a/design/Implementation.md
+++ b/design/Implementation.md
@@ -9,25 +9,29 @@
## Heap
-* Uniform representation with 32 bit word size.
+* Uniform representation with a defined word size.
+For [enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md), 64-bit words are used, while for classical persistence, the word size is 32-bit.
-* Use pointer tagging in LSB;.
- - 0 for pointers, 1 for scalars.
- - Scalars are real value shifted left by 1, lowest bit set.
-* Q: Allocation and GC strategies?
+* Use pointer tagging in the LSB:
+ - 1 for pointers, 0 for scalars.
+ - Scalars are real value shifted left by 1, lowest bit clear.
+ For [enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md), the types of scalars are additionally tagged.
+* Garbage collected.
## Primitive types
-* Nat and Int compile to heap-allocated big nums; unboxed for small numbers <= 31 bit.
+* Nat and Int compile to heap-allocated big nums; unboxed for small numbers `<= 31` bit.
-* Nat8/16 compile to unboxed scalars; Nat32/64 are boxed.
+* Nat8/16 compile to unboxed scalars;
+ On a 32-bit heap, Nat32/64 are boxed.
+ On a 64-bit heap, only Nat64 is boxed, while Nat32 remains unboxed.
- May unbox locally.
* Characters are scalars (unicode code points).
-* Text is heap-allocated.
+* Text is heap-allocated. Using ropes for concatenations.
## Tuples
@@ -103,6 +107,11 @@ TODO
+## Persistence
+Different * [persistence modes](OrthogonalPersistence.md):
+* [Enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
+* [Classical persistence](OldStableMemory.md).
# Hypervisor Extensions needed
diff --git a/design/Memory.md b/design/Memory.md
index 7f628ad9a11..ab245410cf4 100644
--- a/design/Memory.md
+++ b/design/Memory.md
@@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ In the future (with the GC proposal), Wasm will have a 4th form of mutable state
The Heap is *not* an explicit entity that can be im/exported, only individual references to structures on the heap can be passed.
-Note: It is highly likely that most languages implemented on Wasm will eventually use Wasm GC.
-Various implementers are currently waiting for it to become available before they start porting their language to Wasm.
+Note: It is highly likely that several managed languages implemented on Wasm will eventually use Wasm GC.
+However, in our case, it would require snapshotting the Wasm managed heap which is currently not possible for `wasmtime`.
+Moreover, the GC implemented on the managed heap does probably not fit the IC with hard instruction limits.
+A fully incremental GC would be needed, which is currently not implemented in any Wasm engine (often only using reference counting or a GC that has worst-case unbounded pauses).
+Conceptually, enhanced orthogonal persistence could be implemented on Wasm GC.
### Internet Computer (IC)
@@ -48,19 +51,16 @@ All references are *sharable*, i.e., can be passed between actors as message arg
Other than actors, all reference types must be pure (immutable and without identity) to prevent shared state and allow transparent copying by the implementation.
Element buffers can encode arbitrary object trees.
-Once Wasm GC is available, some of these types (esp. buffers) could be replaced by proper Wasm types.
-## Language Implementation
+## Language Implementation Rationales
### Representing Data Structures
There are 3 possible ways of representing structured data in Wasm/IC.
-#### Using Wasm Memory
+#### Using Wasm Memory <- Chosen Design
-All data structures are laid out and managed in Memory by the compiler and the language runtime.
-References are stored via indirections through a Table.
+All data structures are laid out and managed in Wasm memory by the compiler and the runtime system.
+Function references are stored via indirections through a Wasm table.
1. local data access maximally efficient
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ References are stored via indirections through a Table.
1. message arguments require de/serialisation into IC buffers on both ends (in addition to the de/serialisation steps already performed by IC)
2. each actor must ship its own instance of a GC (for both memory and table) and de/serialisation code
- 3. all references require an indirection
+ 3. all function references require an indirection
4. more implementation effort
#### Using IC API
@@ -102,88 +102,8 @@ All data structures are represented as Wasm GCed objects.
1. Wasm GC is 1-2 years out
2. unclear how to implement transparent persistence (see below)
## Persistence
-### Persistence models
-There are at least 3 general models for providing persistence.
-#### *Explicit* persistence
-IC API provides explicit system calls to manage persistent data.
-Wasm state is volatile; each message received runs in a fresh instance of the actor's module.
- Pros:
- 1. easy and efficient to implement
- 2. apps have maximal control over persistent data and its layout
- Cons:
- 1. bifurcation of state space
- 2. programs need to load/store and de/serialise persistent data to/from local state
-#### *Transparent* persistence
-All Wasm state is implicitly made persistent.
-Conceptually, each message received runs in the same instance of the actor's module.
- Pros:
- 1. "perfect" model of infinitely running program
- 2. programmers need to "think" less
- Cons:
- 1. hard to implement efficiently without knowing neither language nor application
- 2. can easily lead to space leaks or inefficiencies if programmers aren't careful
-#### *Hybrid* persistence
-Wasm state entities can be marked as persistent selectively.
-Conceptually, each message received runs in the same instance of the actor's module,
-but Wasm is extended with some notion of volatile state and reinitialisation.
- Pros:
- 1. compromise between other two models
- Cons:
- 1. compromise between other two models
- 2. creates dangling references between bifurcated state parts
- 3. incoherent with Wasm semantics (segments, start function)
-### Implementing Transparent persistence
-#### *High-level* implementation of persistence
-Hypervisor walks data graph (wherever it lives), turns it into merkle tree.
- Pros:
- 1. agnostic to implementation details of the engine
- 2. agnostic to GC (or subsumes GC)
- Cons:
- 1. requires knowledge of and access to data graph
- 2. deep mutations result in deep changes in merkle tree (mutation cost is logarithmic in depth)
- 3. unclear how to detect changes efficiently
-#### *Low-level* implementation of persistence
-Hypervisor provides memory to Wasm engine, detects dirty pages; could be memory-mapped files.
- Pros:
- 1. agnostic to language and data graph
- 2. fast when mutation patterns have good locality
- 3. can potentially offload much of the implementation to existing hardware/OS/library mechanisms
- Cons:
- 1. bad interaction with language-internal GC (mutates large portions of the memory at once)
- 2. does not extend to tables (contain position-dependent physical pointers)
- 3. no obvious migration path to Wasm GC
- 4. dependent on VM specifics (and internals?)
-#### *Selectable* implementation of persistence
-Provide both previous options, possibly in a mutually exclusive fashion.
- Pros:
- 1. choice for implementers
- Cons:
- 1. maximal complexity for platform
+Different * [persistence modes](OrthogonalPersistence.md):
+* [Enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
+* [Classical persistence](OldStableMemory.md).
diff --git a/design/OldStableMemory.md b/design/OldStableMemory.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..984b6054fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/design/OldStableMemory.md
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Old Stable Memory API
+This describes the legacy stable memory mechanism intended to be replaced by
+true orthogonal persistence where the main memory is retained across upgrades.
+See `OrthogonalPersistence.md`.
+The current implementation of stable variables is based on
+serialization and deserialization of all stable data on upgrade. This
+clearly doesn't scale to large amounts of stable data as there may not
+be enough cycles to perform (de)serialization.
+To avoid this upgrade hazard, some canisters with low-level API
+access, and large stable memory footprints, arrange to store their
+persistent data in stable memory at all times, using either a custom
+binary encoding or a mixture of candid and raw binary.
+To provide more fine-grained access to stable memory we propose
+extending the existing stable variable implementation with an orthogonal,
+library providing (almost) direct access to the IC Stable Memory API.
+Since the implementation of stable variables itself makes temporary use of
+stable memory, some coordination between these two alternative, co-existing
+interfaces to IC stable memory is required.
+# The IC's Stable Memory API
+The IC provides a very small set of functions for operating on stable memory:
+ic0.stable_size : () -> (page_count : i32); // *
+ic0.stable_grow : (new_pages : i32) -> (old_page_count : i32); // *
+ic0.stable_write : (offset : i32, src : i32, size : i32) -> (); // *
+ic0.stable_read : (dst : i32, offset : i32, size : i32) -> (); // *
+(see https://sdk.dfinity.org/docs/interface-spec/index.html#system-api-stable-memory)
+These grow memory and do bulk transfers between Wasm and stable
+memory. The `// *` means that they can be called in all contexts
+(e.g. init, update, query etc). Direct reads and writes of word-sized
+data to/from the stack are not supported but can be emulated at cost.
+The initial size of the stable memory is zero. The contents of fresh pages (after grow) is initially zero.
+Note that, in this API, the client is responsible for growing (both
+stable and wasm) memory before access by read or write (out-of-bounds
+access will trap).
+# A minimal Stable Memory API
+The minimal Motoko prims could be:
+module StableMemory {
+ size : () -> (logical_page_count : i32); // <= ic0.stable_size()
+ grow : () -> (new_pages : i32) -> (old_logical_page_count : i32);
+ loadNat8 : (offset : Nat32) -> Nat8;
+ // traps outside logical address space
+ storeNat8 : (offset : Nat32, n : Nat8) -> ();
+ // traps outside logical address space
+ ...
+ loadBlob : (offset : Nat32, size : Nat) -> Blob
+ // read Blob contents from memory at [offset,..,offset+size-1] into fresh blob, trapping if exceeding logical address space
+ storeBlob : (offset : Nat32, b : Blob) -> (); // write contents of blob to memory, trapping if exceeding logical address space
+NOTE: Motoko's `Nat32` value are always boxed - it might be more efficient to use [`Nat`](../base/Nat.md) which is unboxed for 30(?)-bit values.
+fun loadNat8(offset, b) =
+ assert (offset < StableMemory.size() * wasm_page_size);
+ mem[offset]
+fun storeNat8(offset, b) =
+ assert (offset < StableMemory.size() * wasm_page_size);
+ mem[offset] := b
+(To avoid overflow on the rhs, we could implement the check as `assert ((offset >> 16) < StableMemory.size())`.)
+On top of this basic API, users should be able to build more
+interesting higher-level APIs for pickling user-defined data.
+Actually implementing the sketched assignments using the existing IC
+API involves writing the contents to memory and then copying stable
+memory - even for individual words - this could be optimized by an
+improved system API offering direct load and stores from/to the stack:
+ic0.stable_write_i32 : (offset : i32, val: i32) -> (); // *
+ic0.stable_read_i32 : (offset : i32, size : i32) -> i32; // *
+// similarly for i64, f32, f64
+## Bikeshedding:
+It might be preferable to arrange the API by type, with one nested
+module per type:
+module StableMemory {
+ Nat8 : module {
+ load : (offset : Nat32) -> Nat8;
+ store : (offset : Nat32, n : Nat8) -> ();
+ };
+ Nat16 : module {
+ load : (offset : Nat32) -> Nat16;
+ store : (offset : Nat32, n : Nat16) -> ();
+ };
+ // uniformly for all scalar prim types.
+ ...
+ Blob : module {
+ read: (offset : Nat32, size : i32) -> Blob
+ write : (offset : Nat32, b : Blob) -> ();
+ }
+(I think the compiler will still optimize these nested calls to known
+function calls, but it would be worth checking).
+# Maintaining existing Stable Variables (Legacy Persistence).
+In classical persistence, stable memory is hidden behind the abstraction of stable
+variables, which we will still need to maintain. This old
+implementation of stable variables stores all variables as a
+Candidish record of _stable_ fields, starting at stable memory address 0 with
+initial word encoding size (in bytes?) followed by contents.
+(Candidish is the Motoko extension of Candid to support mutable data.)
+Starting from a clean slate, we would extend this so all user-defined StableMemory is
+stored at a low address, with _stable variable_ data stored just
+beyond the currently used StableMemory content on canister_pre_upgrade
+and canister_post_upgrade. That way the StableMemory area need not
+move, with stable variables simply serialized and appended in
+`canister_pre_upgrade` and deserialized and discarded in
+`canister_post_upgrade`, leaving the manual StableMemory unchanged.
+For backwards compatibility reasons, we can't do that.
+Luckily, stable variables always require non-zero bytes to encode, so we
+can devise a backwards compatible scheme for upgrading
+from pre-StableMemory canisters to post-StableMemory
+canisters, as follows.
+During execution, abstract stable memory (StableMemory) is aligned
+with IC stable memory, at address 0, for reasonable efficiency (apart
+from bound checks against logical `size()`).
+During upgrade, if StableMemory has zero pages, we use the existing format, writing
+(non_zero) length and content of any stable variables from address 0 or leaving ic0.stable_mem()
+at zero with no pages allocated (if there are no stable variables).
+Otherwise, we compute the length and data of the stable variable encoding;
+save the first word of StableMemory at a known offset from the end of stable memory;
+write a 0x00 marker to the first word; and append length (even if zero) and
+data (if any) to the end of StableMem.
+The logical size of StableMemory and a version number are also written at
+known offsets from the end of StableMemory.
+In post_upgrade, we reverse this process to recover the size of StableMemory,
+restore the displaced first word of StableMemory and deserialize any stable vars,
+taking care to zero the (logically) free StableMemory occupied by any encoded stable variables
+and other metadata (so that initial reads after growing beyond page `size` always return 0).
+This scheme avoids relocating most of StableMem and is constant time when
+there are no stable variables.
+[Enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md) introduces a new peristence implementation.
+The old mechanism is only supported for backwards compatibility.
+# Details:
+Stable memory layout (during execution):
+* aligned with stable-memory, with global word `size` holding logical page count (initially 0 < !size < 2^16).
+* user are responsible for allocating logical pages.
+* each load/store does a `size`-related bounds check.
+During execution, stable variables aren't maintained in stable memory - they are on the Motoko heap.
+Stable memory layout (between upgrades), assuming stable variable encoding `v == {fs:vs}`, a record value of record type `{fs:Ts}`.
+NOTE: A program with no stable variables still writes an empty record value `v = {}`.
+(case !size == 0) // hence N = 0
+ [0..3] StableVariable data len
+ [4..4+len-1] StableVariable data
+ [len+4..len+12-1] instruction costs of stabilization (optional)
+ [len+12,..M-1] 0...0 // zero padding
+(case !size > 0)
+[0..3] 0...0
+[4..N-1] StableMemory bytes
+[N..N+3] StableVariable data len
+[N+4..(N+4)+len-1] StableVariable data
+[(N+4)+len..M-20] 0...0 // zero padding
+[M-20..M-13] instruction costs of stabilization (optional)
+[M-12..M-9] value N/64Ki = !size
+[M-8..M-5] saved StableMemory bytes
+[M-4..M-1] version word
+where N = !size * pagesize // logical memory size
+ M = ic0.stable_size() * pagesize // physical memory size
+ pagesize = 64Kb (2^16 bytes)
+where (len, data) = serialize(v,data)
+On pre_upgrade
+func stabilise {fs:Ts} v : value =
+ let len, data = serialize(v)
+ in
+ if !size == 0 then
+ mem[0,..,3] := len
+ mem[4,...,4+len-1] := data
+ else
+ let N = !size * page_size in
+ // if necessary, grow mem to page including address N + 4 + len + 4 + 4 + 4
+ let M = pagesize * ic0.stable_size() in
+ mem[N,..,N+3] := len
+ mem[N+4,..,N+4+len-1] := data
+ mem[M-12..M-9] := !size
+ men[M-8..M-5] := mem[0,...,3] // save StableMemory bytes 0-3
+ mem[0,..,3] := 0..0 // write marker
+ mem[M-4..M-1] := version
+on post_upgrade
+// restores StableMemory (size and memory) and deserializes any stable variables, zeroing their storage
+fun destabilize {fs:Ts} : value =
+ let pages = ic0.stable_size() in
+ if pages == 0 then
+ size := 0;
+ {fs = nulls}
+ else
+ let marker = mem[0,..,3] in // read zero or size of stable value
+ mem[0,..,3] = 0;
+ let (offset, len) =
+ if marker == 0x0 then
+ let M = pages * pagesize in
+ let ver = mem[M-4,..,M-1] in
+ mem[M-4,..,M-1] := 0;
+ if (ver > version) assert false
+ mem[0,..,3] = mem[M-8,..,M-5]; // restore StableMemory bytes 0-3
+ size := mem[M-12,..,M-9];
+ mem[M-12,..,M-9] := 0;
+ N = size * pagesize;
+ let len = mem[N,..,N+3] in
+ mem[N,..,N+3] := 0;
+ assert len > 0
+ assert (N+4+len-1 <= ic0.stable_size() * pagesize)
+ (N+4, len)
+ else
+ (4, marker)
+ in
+ assert (0 < len <= ic0.stable_size() * pagesize)
+ let v = deserialise(offset, len) in
+ mem[offset,..,offset+len-1] := 0 // clear serialization memory
+ v
+We explicitly clear memory used by stable variables so StableMem
+doesn't need to clear memory when grabbing logical pages from already
+existing physical ones.
+NOTE: We still need to do some work during updgrade and postupgrade,
+but if stable variables and user-defined pre/post upgrade hooks are
+avoided, then the work is minimal and highly unlikely to exhaust cycle
+* An actor that has no stable variables and allocates no StableMem
+ should require no physical stable memory
+* An actor that has n > 0 pages of StableMem will (unfortunately)
+ require at least n+1 pages of physical memory since we need at least
+ one extra bit to encode the presence or absence of stable variables
+ (there is no other preserved state that could record this bit).
+FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS: It would be nice if there was some way to
+allow a Motoko actor (perhaps intended to upgrade from a foreign
+canister with foreign stable memory format) to have unadulterated,
+full-speed access to stable memory, without the protocol required by
+the possibility of stable variables. Perhaps we could special case
+programs that have *no* stable variables to support this raw
+semantics. I.e. if the program declares no stable variables, we
+install and upgrade by simply setting `(StableMemory.)size :=
+ic0.stable_size()`, never consulting or altering physical memory and
+(ideally) omitting the additional bounds checking.
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index 00000000000..1a8c1b8c17e
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@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Enhanced Orthogonal Persistence
+This implements the vision of **enhanced orthogonal persistence** in Motoko that combines:
+* **Stable heap**: Persisting the program main memory across canister upgrades.
+* **64-bit heap**: Extending the main memory to 64-bit for large-scaled persistence.
+As a result, the use of secondary storage (explicit stable memory, dedicated stable data structures, DB-like storage abstractions) will no longer be necessary: Motoko developers can directly work on their normal object-oriented program structures that are automatically persisted and retained across program version changes.
+## Activation
+Enhanced orthogonal persistence is offered for **beta testing** via the compiler flag `--enhanced-orthogonal-persistence`.
+Classical persistence with 32-bit main memory and Candid stabilization currently remains the default mode.
+See `design/PersistenceModes.md` for more information.
+## Advantages
+Compared to the existing orthogonal persistence in Motoko, this design offers:
+* **Performance**: New program versions directly resume from the existing main memory and have access to the memory-compatible data.
+* **Scalability**: The upgrade mechanism scales with larger heaps and in contrast to serialization, does not hit IC instruction limits.
+Compared to the explicit use of stable memory, this design improves:
+* **Simplicity**: Developers do not need to deal with explicit stable memory.
+* **Performance**: No copying to and from the separate stable memory is necessary.
+## Design
+The enhanced orthogonal persistence is based on the following main properties:
+* Extension of the IC to retain main memory on upgrades.
+* Supporting 64-bit main memory on the IC.
+* A long-term memory layout that is invariant to new compiled program versions.
+* A fast memory compatibility check performed on each canister upgrade.
+* Incremental garbage collection using a partitioned heap.
+## IC Main Memory Retention
+The IC introduces a new upgrade option `wasm_memory_persistence` to control the retention of the canister's Wasm main memory.
+* `wasm_memory_persistence = opt keep` retains the Wasm main memory and is required for Motoko's enhanced orthogonal persistence. The IC prevents using this options for canisters with classical persistence.
+* `wasm_memory_persistence = null` uses the classical persistence, replacing the main memory. However, a safety check is implemented to prevent that main memory is not accidentally dropped for enhanced orthogonal persistence.
+* The other option `replace` is not recommended as it drops main memory, even for enhanced orthogonal persistence.
+### Memory Layout
+In a co-design between the compiler and the runtime system, the main memory is arranged in the following structure, invariant of the compiled program version:
+* Lower 4MB: Rust call stack.
+* Space between 4MB and 4.5MB: Limited reserved space Wasm data segments, only used for the Motoko runtime system.
+* Between 4.5MB and 5MB: Persistent metadata.
+* Thereafter: Dynamic heap space. Fix start address at 5MB.
+### Persistent Metadata
+The persistent metadata describes all anchor information for the program to resume after an upgrade.
+More specifically, it comprises:
+* A stable heap version that allows evolving the persistent memory layout in the future.
+* The stable subset of the main actor, containing all stable variables declared in the main actor.
+* A descriptor of the stable static types to check memory compatibility on upgrades.
+* The runtime state of the garbage collector, including the dynamic heap metadata and memory statistics.
+* A reserve for future metadata extensions.
+### Compatibility Check
+Upgrades are only permitted if the new program version is compatible with the old version, such that the runtime system guarantees a compatible memory structure.
+Compatible changes for immutable types are largely analogous to the allowed Motoko subtype relation, e.g.
+* Adding or removing actor fields.
+* Removing object fields.
+* Adding variant fields.
+* `Nat` to `Int`.
+* Shared function parameter contravariance and return type covariance.
+The existing IDL-subtype functionality is reused with some adjustments to check memory compatibility: The compiler generates the type descriptor, a type table, that is recorded in the persistent metadata. Upon an upgrade, the new type descriptor is compared against the existing type descriptor, and the upgrade only succeeds for compatible changes.
+This compatibility check serves as an additional safety measure on top of the DFX Candid subtype check that can be bypassed by users (when ignoring a warning). Moreover, in some aspects, the memory compatibility rules differ to the Candid sub-type check:
+* Top-level actor fields (`stable` fields) can change mutability (`let` to `var` and vice-versa).
+* Support of variable (MutBox) with type invariance.
+* Types cannot be made optional (no insertion of Option).
+* Same arity for function parameters and function return types (no removed optional parameters, no additional optional results).
+* Records cannot introduce additional optional fields.
+* Same arity for tuple types (no insertion of optional items).
+* Records and tuples are distinct.
+### Garbage Collection
+The implementation focuses on the incremental GC and abandons the other GCs because the GCs use different memory layouts. For example, the incremental GC uses a partitioned heap with objects carrying a forwarding pointer.
+The incremental GC is chosen because it is designed to scale on large heaps and the stable heap design also aims to increase scalability.
+The garbage collection state needs to be persisted and retained across upgrades. This is because the GC may not yet be completed at the time of an upgrade, such that object forwarding is still in use. The heap partition structure is described by a linked list of partition tables that is reachable from the GC state.
+The garbage collector uses two kinds of roots:
+* Persistent roots: These refer to root objects that need to survive canister upgrades.
+* Transient roots: These cover additional roots that are only valid in a specific version of a program and are discarded on an upgrade.
+The persistent roots are registered in the persistent metadata and comprise:
+* All stable variables of the main actor, only stored during an upgrade.
+* The stable type table.
+The transient roots are referenced by the Wasm data segments and comprise:
+* All canister variables of the current version, including flexible variables.
+### Main Actor
+On an upgrade, the main actor is recreated and existing stable variables are recovered from the persistent root. The remaining actor variables, the flexible fields as well as new stable variables, are (re)initialized.
+As a result, the GC can collect unreachable flexible objects of previous canister versions. Unused stable variables of former versions can also be reclaimed by the GC.
+### No Static Heap
+The static heap is abandoned and former static objects need to be allocated in the dynamic heap. This is because these objects may also need to survive upgrades and the persistent main memory cannot accommodate a growing static heap of a new program version in front of the existing dynamic heap. The incremental GC also operates on these objects, meaning that forwarding pointer resolution is also necessary for these objects.
+For memory and runtime efficiency, object pooling is implemented for compile-time-known constant objects (with side-effect-free initialization), i.e. those objects are already created on program initialization/upgrade in the dynamic heap and thereafter the reference to the corresponding prefabricated object is looked up whenever the constant value is needed at runtime.
+The runtime system avoids any global Wasm variables for state that needs to be preserved on upgrades. Instead, such global runtime state is stored in the persistent metadata.
+### Wasm Data Segments
+Only passive Wasm data segments are used by the Motoko compiler and runtime system. In contrast to ordinary active data segments, passive segments can be explicitly loaded to a dynamic address.
+This simplifies two aspects:
+* The generated Motoko code can contain arbitrarily large data segments (to the maximum that is supported by the IC). The segments can be loaded to the dynamic heap when needed.
+* The IC can simply retain the main memory on an upgrade without needing to patch any active data segments of the new program version to the persistent main memory.
+However, more specific handling is required for the Rust-implemented runtime system (RTS): The Rust-generated active data segment of the runtime system is changed to the passive mode and loaded to the expected static address on the program start (canister initialization and upgrade). The location and size of the RTS data segments is therefore limited to a defined reserve of 512 KB, see above. This is acceptable because the RTS only requires a controlled small amount of memory for its data segments, independent of the compiled Motoko program.
+### Null Sentinel
+As an optimization, the top-level `null` pointer is represented as a constant sentinel value pointing to the last unallocated Wasm page. This allows fast null tests without involving forwarding pointer resolution of potential non-null comparand pointers.
+### Memory Capacity
+The canister has no upfront knowledge of the maximum allocatable Wasm main memory in 64-bit address space, as there is no IC API call to query the main memory limit. This limit may also be increased in future IC releases.
+Therefore, a mechanism is implemented to deal with an unknown and dynamically increasable main memory capacity offered by the IC. This is needed in two cases:
+* GC reserve (strict): The runtime system ensures sufficient free space to allow garbage collection at all times, even if the heap is full. For this purpose, the runtime system already pre-allocates the reserve, to be sure that the reserve is available despite the unknown capacity. As an optimization, this pre-allocation is skipped when the memory demand including the GC reserve is below a guaranteed minimum Wasm memory limit of the IC, e.g. 4GB or 6GB.
+* GC scheduling (heuristic): The GC schedules at high frequency when memory is becoming scarce. For this purpose, the GC maintains an assumption of the minimum memory limit and probes the supposed limit when the heap size approaches this limit. If the allocation succeeds, the assumed limit is increased. Otherwise, the critical high-frequency GC scheduling rate is activated.
+In both cases, the runtime system tries to reduce Wasm memory allocations as much as possible, i.e. not pre-allocating memory for small heap sizes, and not probing an allocation in certain memory ranges by assuming that the IC only offers main memory of a certain granularity, e.g. multiples of 2GB. To save instructions, the critical GC scheduling is only activated when reaching the actual memory limit. Moreover, the mechanism can handle an increased memory capacity at runtime, e.g. when the IC is upgraded to a new release with a higher memory limit.
+### Migration Path
+When migrating from the old serialization-based stabilization to the new persistent heap, the old data is deserialized one last time from stable memory and then placed in the new persistent heap layout. Once operating on the persistent heap, the system should prevent downgrade attempts to the old serialization-based persistence.
+Assuming that the persistent memory layout needs to be changed in the future, the runtime system supports serialization and deserialization to and from stable memory in a defined data format using graph copy.
+### Graph Copy
+The graph copy is an alternative persistence mechanism that will be only used in the rare situation when the persistent memory layout will be changed in the future. Arbitrarily large data can be serialized and deserialized beyond the instruction and working set limit of upgrades: Large data serialization and deserialization is split in multiple messages, running before and/or after the IC upgrade to migrate large heaps. Of course, other messages will be blocked during this process and only the canister owner or the canister controllers are permitted to initiate this process.
+Graph copying needs to be explicitly initiated before an upgrade to new Motoko version that is incompatible to the current enhanced orthogonal persistent layout. For large data, the graph copy needs to be manually completed after the actual upgrade.
+dfx canister call CANISTER_ID __motoko_stabilize_before_upgrade "()"
+dfx deploy CANISTER_ID
+dfx canister call CANISTER_ID __motoko_destabilze_after_upgrade "()"
+More detailed information and instructions on graph copy are contained in `design/GraphCopyStabilization.md`.
+### Old Stable Memory
+The old stable memory remains equally accessible as secondary (legacy) memory with the new support.
+## Current Limitations
+* The memory footprint of a program increases with 64 bit as the word size for scalars and pointers are doubled. In turn, in some cases, boxing can be avoided due to larger word size which again reduces memory demand.
+* Freeing old object fields: While new program versions can drop object fields, the runtime system should also delete the redundant fields of persistent objects of previous program versions. This could be realized during garbage collection when objects are copied. For this purpose, the runtime system may maintain a set of field hashes in use and consult this table during garbage collection. Another, probably too restrictive solution could be to disallow field removal (subtyping) on object upgrades during the memory compatibility check.
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Persistence Modes
+This Motoko build includes two substantially different persistence modes in one build:
+* [Classical Persistence](OldStableMemory.md) (default):
+ This is the traditional Motoko compiler design based on 32-bit memory and Candid-based stabilization for upgrades.
+ This mode is known to have severe scalability problems on upgrades, because the stabilization may exceed upgrade instruction limit for stable data amounts, besides other problems such as exponential duplication or stack overflows depending on the data structures.
+ The mode is temporarily retained to allow beta testing of the new enhanced orthogonal persistence until the new persistence is officialized.
+* [Enhanced Orthogonal Persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md) (new, for beta testing):
+ This implements scalable persistence with 64-bit main memory that is retained across upgrades without stabilization to stable memory.
+ The mode needs to be enabled by the compiler flag `--enhanced-orthogonal-persistence` and is intended to become the future default mode, deprecating classical persistence.
+The reason for having one build instead of two separate branches and release artefact is for having a unified branch, and ensure that new features are implemented and tested for both persistence modes, passing the same CI.
+## Compiler Flags
+* (no flag): Use classical persistence
+* `--enhanced-orthogonal-persistence`: Use enhanced orthogonal persistence. NOTE: This is currently in the **beta testing** phase.
+Certain compiler flags are only applicable to a specific persistence mode:
+Flag | Applicable Mode
+--rts-stack-pages | Classical persistence only
+--stabilization-instruction-limit | Enhanced persistence only
+--copying-gc | Classical persistence only
+--compacting-gc | Classical persistence only
+--generational-gc | Classical persistence only
+(All other flags are applicable to both modes.)
+Incremental graph copy stabilization with `__motoko_stabilize_before_upgrade` and `__motoko_destabilize_after_upgrade` are only available with enhanced orthogonal persistence and only needed in a seldom case of memory layout upgrade.
+## Source Structure
+## Runtime System
+The Motoko runtime system (RTS) is a combined source base supporting 3 modes, each with a debug and release build:
+* 32-bit classical persistence, with classical non-incremental GCs
+* 32-bit classical persistence, with the incremental GC
+* 64-bit enhanced orthogonal persistence
+## Compiler
+For pragmatic purposes, the compiler backend is split/duplicated in two parts
+* `compile-enhanced.ml`: Enhanced orthogonal persistence, 64-bit, passive data segments, incremental graph copy.
+* `compile-classical.ml`: Classical persistence, 32-bit, Candid stabilization.
+The linker integrates both persistence modes and 32-bit and 64-bit in one package.
+## Tests
+Most tests run on both modes. Specific tests apply to selected modes, as defined by the `ENHANCED-ORTHOGONAL-PERSISTENCE` or `CLASSICAL-PERSISTENCE` tags.
diff --git a/design/Stable.md b/design/Stable.md
index 6fd40a09174..63a59318256 100644
--- a/design/Stable.md
+++ b/design/Stable.md
@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ Concretely, the syntax of `` is extended as follows:
Additional restrictions apply:
-* Either a `stable` or `flexible` modifier _must_ appear on `let` and `var` declarations that are actor fields.
+* A `stable` or `flexible` modifier _can_ appear on `let` and `var` declarations that are actor fields.
* A `stable` or `flexible` modifier _must not_ appear anywhere else.
-Both restrictions may be relaxed in the future.
+Currently, `flexible` is assumed as implicit keyword on actor fields if no keyword is declared.
+However, we should revise this design, as it may lead to accidental loss of data on upgrade if programmers accidentally forgot to specify `stable`.
+In other languages of orthogonal persistence, pointers are by default persistent, analogous to `stable` in Motoko.
(Note: One possible future use case might be to mark private methods as stable, which would be a requisite that they can be handed out as capabilities, because such methods must also remain backwards compatible.)
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ Question: Should the stable signature become a superset of Candid signatures, i.
Like the Candid IDL, the Motoko compiler can produce stable signatures for the actors it compiles.
-We will also need a tool (the compiler, or a separate one?) that can compare stable signature and verify that an extension is valid according to the Motoko subtyping rules.
+By using `moc --stable-compatible`, one can compare stable signature and verify that an extension is valid according to the Motoko subtyping rules.
To make that test reliable, the stable signature of an actor should be contained in the Wasm module of a deployed Motoko actor.
That way, it is ensured that accurate signature information is always available for each installed actor.
@@ -130,19 +132,16 @@ One way to store it would be in a Motoko-specific custom section;
another alternative is as a separate internal asset.
In either case, it is probably sufficient to use a textual representation.
-Like for the IDL, the System would need to provide a way to extract this information from an on-chain canister.
+Like for the IDL, the System would need to provide a way to extract this information from an onchain canister.
+For even higher safety, [enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md) integrates the compatibility check in the runtime system,
+such that it is atomically guarded and cannot be bypassed e.g. by skipping a `dfx` stable compatibility warning.
## Upgrade Hooks
The System API provides a number of hooks that a canister can implement.
In particular, this includes the pre & post upgrade hooks.
-Motoko does not currently provide a way to define these hooks.
-While the post upgrade hook can be exploited by using expression declarations (see above), there is no immediate way to define the pre upgrade hook.
-Note: This feature could potentially be deferred until later.
+Motoko allows to define custom pre-/post upgrade hooks, see below.
### Syntax
@@ -180,13 +179,6 @@ Note: The post-upgrade method differs from expression declarations in the body o
## Implementation
-Until Wasm provides multiple memories, the values of stable variables need to be written to the _stable memory_ provided by the System API.
-There are multiple possible implementation strategies for this:
-1. Lazy de/serialisation: the compiler generates a pre_upgrade hook that serialises a map of all stable variables to the stable memory, and a post_upgrade hook that deserialises.
-2. Eager de/serialisation: reading/writing a stable variable de/serialises their value directly into a key/value store living in the stable memory.
-Dealing with in-place update on mutable components requires indirections in the store via some extensible table.
-It also necessitates some form of garbage collection of the stable heap.
-3. Possibly other, like more smarter incremental approaches...
+Different [persistence modes](OrthogonalPersistence.md):
+* [Enhanced orthogonal persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
+* [Classical orthogonal persistence](OldStableMemory.md).
diff --git a/design/StableMemory.md b/design/StableMemory.md
index d9ddfdeccb6..759ba39390d 100644
--- a/design/StableMemory.md
+++ b/design/StableMemory.md
@@ -1,24 +1,3 @@
-# Stable Memory API
-The current implementation of stable variables is based on
-serialization and deserialization of all stable data on upgrade. This
-clearly doesn't scale to large amounts of stable data as there may not
-be enough cycles to perform (de)serialization.
-To avoid this upgrade hazard, some canisters with low-level API
-access, and large stable memory footprints, arrange to store their
-persistent data in stable memory at all times, using either a custom
-binary encoding or a mixture of candid and raw binary.
-To provide more fine-grained access to stable memory we propose
-extending the existing stable variable implementation with an orthogonal,
-library providing (almost) direct access to the IC Stable Memory API.
-Since the implementation of stable variables itself makes temporary use of
-stable memory, some coordination between these two alternative, co-existing
-interfaces to IC stable memory is required.
# The IC's Stable Memory API
The IC provides a very small set of functions for operating on stable memory:
@@ -42,249 +21,10 @@ Note that, in this API, the client is responsible for growing (both
stable and wasm) memory before access by read or write (out-of-bounds
access will trap).
-# A minimal Stable Memory API
-The minimal Motoko prims could be:
-module StableMemory {
- size : () -> (logical_page_count : i32); // <= ic0.stable_size()
- grow : () -> (new_pages : i32) -> (old_logical_page_count : i32);
- loadNat8 : (offset : Nat32) -> Nat8;
- // traps outside logical address space
- storeNat8 : (offset : Nat32, n : Nat8) -> ();
- // traps outside logical address space
- ...
- loadBlob : (offset : Nat32, size : Nat) -> Blob
- // read Blob contents from memory at [offset,..,offset+size-1] into fresh blob, trapping if exceeding logical address space
- storeBlob : (offset : Nat32, b : Blob) -> (); // write contents of blob to memory, trapping if exceeding logical address space
-NOTE: Motoko's `Nat32` value are always boxed - it might be more efficient to use `Nat` which is unboxed for 30(?)-bit values.
-fun loadNat8(offset, b) =
- assert (offset < StableMemory.size() * wasm_page_size);
- mem[offset]
-fun storeNat8(offset, b) =
- assert (offset < StableMemory.size() * wasm_page_size);
- mem[offset] := b
-(To avoid overflow on the rhs, we could implement the check as `assert ((offset >> 16) < StableMemory.size())`.)
-On top of this basic API, users should be able to build more
-interesting higher-level APIs for pickling user-defined data.
-Actually implementing the sketched assignments using the existing IC
-API involves writing the contents to memory and then copying stable
-memory - even for individual words - this could be optimized by an
-improved system API offering direct load and stores from/to the stack:
-ic0.stable_write_i32 : (offset : i32, val: i32) -> (); // *
-ic0.stable_read_i32 : (offset : i32, size : i32) -> i32; // *
-// similarly for i64, f32, f64
-## Bikeshedding:
-It might be preferable to arrange the API by type, with one nested
-module per type:
-module StableMemory {
- Nat8 : module {
- load : (offset : Nat32) -> Nat8;
- store : (offset : Nat32, n : Nat8) -> ();
- };
- Nat16 : module {
- load : (offset : Nat32) -> Nat16;
- store : (offset : Nat32, n : Nat16) -> ();
- };
- // uniformly for all scalar prim types.
- ...
- Blob : module {
- read: (offset : Nat32, size : i32) -> Blob
- write : (offset : Nat32, b : Blob) -> ();
- }
-(I think the compiler will still optimize these nested calls to known
-function calls, but it would be worth checking).
-# Maintaining existing Stable Variables.
-Stable memory is currently hidden behind the abstraction of stable
-variables, which we will still need to maintain. The current
-implementation of stable variables stores all variables as a
-Candidish record of _stable_ fields, starting at stable memory address 0 with
-initial word encoding size (in bytes?) followed by contents.
-(Candidish is the Motoko extension of Candid to support mutable data.)
-Starting from a clean slate, we would extend this so all user-defined StableMemory is
-stored at a low address, with _stable variable_ data stored just
-beyond the currently used StableMemory content on canister_pre_upgrade
-and canister_post_upgrade. That way the StableMemory area need not
-move, with stable variables simply serialized and appended in
-`canister_pre_upgrade` and deserialized and discarded in
-`canister_post_upgrade`, leaving the manual StableMemory unchanged.
-For backwards compatibility reasons, we can't do that.
-Luckily, stable variables always require non-zero bytes to encode, so we
-can devise a backwards compatible scheme for upgrading
-from pre-StableMemory canisters to post-StableMemory
-canisters, as follows.
-During execution, abstract stable memory (StableMemory) is aligned
-with IC stable memory, at address 0, for reasonable efficiency (apart
-from bound checks against logical `size()`).
-During upgrade, if StableMemory has zero pages, we use the existing format, writing
-(non_zero) length and content of any stable variables from address 0 or leaving ic0.stable_mem()
-at zero with no pages allocated (if there are no stable variables).
-Otherwise, we compute the length and data of the stable variable encoding;
-save the first word of StableMemory at a known offset from the end of stable memory;
-write a 0x00 marker to the first word; and append length (even if zero) and
-data (if any) to the end of StableMem.
-The logical size of StableMemory and a version number are also written at
-known offsets from the end of StableMemory.
-In post_upgrade, we reverse this process to recover the size of StableMemory,
-restore the displaced first word of StableMemory and deserialize any stable vars,
-taking care to zero the (logically) free StableMemory occupied by any encoded stable variables
-and other metadata (so that initial reads after growing beyond page `size` always return 0).
-This scheme avoids relocating most of StableMem and is constant time when
-there are no stable variables.
-# Details:
-Stable memory layout (during execution):
-* aligned with stable-memory, with global word `size` holding logical page count (initially 0 < !size < 2^16).
-* user are responsible for allocating logical pages.
-* each load/store does a `size`-related bounds check.
-During execution, stable variables aren't maintained in stable memory - they are on the Motoko heap.
-Stable memory layout (between upgrades), assuming stable variable encoding `v == {fs:vs}`, a record value of record type {fs:Ts}.
-NOTE: A program with no stable variables still writes an empty record value `v = {}`.
-(case !size == 0) // hence N = 0
- [0..3] StableVariable data len
- [4..4+len-1] StableVariable data
- [4+len-1,..M-1] 0...0 // zero padding
-(case !size > 0)
-[0..3] 0...0
-[4..N-1] StableMemory bytes
-[N..N+3] StableVariable data len
-[N+4..(N+4)+len-1] StableVariable data
-[(N+4)+len..M-13] 0...0 // zero padding
-[M-12..M-9] value N/64Ki = !size
-[M-8..M-5] saved StableMemory bytes
-[M-4..M-1] version word
-where N = !size * pagesize // logical memory size
- M = ic0.stable_size() * pagesize // physical memory size
- pagesize = 64Kb (2^16 bytes)
-where (len, data) = serialize(v,data)
-On pre_upgrade
-func stabilise {fs:Ts} v : value =
- let len, data = serialize(v)
- in
- if !size == 0 then
- mem[0,..,3] := len
- mem[4,...,4+len-1] := data
- else
- let N = !size * page_size in
- // if necessary, grow mem to page including address N + 4 + len + 4 + 4 + 4
- let M = pagesize * ic0.stable_size() in
- mem[N,..,N+3] := len
- mem[N+4,..,N+4+len-1] := data
- mem[M-12..M-9] := !size
- men[M-8..M-5] := mem[0,...,3] // save StableMemory bytes 0-3
- mem[0,..,3] := 0..0 // write marker
- mem[M-4..M-1] := version
-on post_upgrade
-// restores StableMemory (size and memory) and deserializes any stable variables, zeroing their storage
-fun destabilize {fs:Ts} : value =
- let pages = ic0.stable_size() in
- if pages == 0 then
- size := 0;
- {fs = nulls}
- else
- let marker = mem[0,..,3] in // read zero or size of stable value
- mem[0,..,3] = 0;
- let (offset, len) =
- if marker == 0x0 then
- let M = pages * pagesize in
- let ver = mem[M-4,..,M-1] in
- mem[M-4,..,M-1] := 0;
- if (ver > version) assert false
- mem[0,..,3] = mem[M-8,..,M-5]; // restore StableMemory bytes 0-3
- size := mem[M-12,..,M-9];
- mem[M-12,..,M-9] := 0;
- N = size * pagesize;
- let len = mem[N,..,N+3] in
- mem[N,..,N+3] := 0;
- assert len > 0
- assert (N+4+len-1 <= ic0.stable_size() * pagesize)
- (N+4, len)
- else
- (4, marker)
- in
- assert (0 < len <= ic0.stable_size() * pagesize)
- let v = deserialise(offset, len) in
- mem[offset,..,offset+len-1] := 0 // clear serialization memory
- v
-We explicitly clear memory used by stable variables so StableMem
-doesn't need to clear memory when grabbing logical pages from already
-existing physical ones.
-NOTE: We still need to do some work during updgrade and postupgrade,
-but if stable variables and user-defined pre/post upgrade hooks are
-avoided, then the work is minimal and highly unlikely to exhaust cycle
-* An actor that has no stable variables and allocates no StableMem
- should require no physical stable memory
+# Stable Memory Accesses
-* An actor that has n > 0 pages of StableMem will (unfortunately)
- require at least n+1 pages of physical memory since we need at least
- one extra bit to encode the presence or absence of stable variables
- (there is no other preserved state that could record this bit).
+Direct stable memory accesses (`ExperimentalStableMemory` in Motoko's base library) has been deprecated.
+Instead, [stable regions](StableRegions.md) are available to explicitly access stable memory.
-FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS: It would be nice if there was some way to
-allow a Motoko actor (perhaps intended to upgrade from a foreign
-canister with foreign stable memory format) to have unadulterated,
-full-speed access to stable memory, without the protocol required by
-the possibility of stable variables. Perhaps we could special case
-programs that have *no* stable variables to support this raw
-semantics. I.e. if the program declares no stable variables, we
-install and upgrade by simply setting `(StableMemory.)size :=
-ic0.stable_size()`, never consulting or altering physical memory and
-(ideally) omitting the additional bounds checking.
+However, generally, programmers do not need to use stable memory due to the support of orthogonal persistence,
+see [Enhanced Orthogonal Persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3fe0cc709d
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@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# Stable Region API
+See StableMemory.md for context of the current experimental API.
+This document aims to specify the API and memory representations for a generalization
+of this API that permits multiple isolated _regions_ of stable memory, where each can be
+grown independently.
+The **region manager** is the state and logic to support this generalization.
+## Role for "stable regions" in Motoko
+The current stable memory module in `base` has been "experimental" for a long time, and requires a more composable API to graduate from this status.
+Stable regions address the problem that the deprecated `ExperimentalStableMemory` module only provided a single, monolithic memory that makes it unsuitable for directly building composable software parts.
+Stable regions permit a new API that supports composable use cases.
+Stable regions also bring Motoko closer to parity with Rust canister development support today, by giving a run-time-system-based analog of a special Rust library for stable data structures that allocates “pages” for them from stable memory in separate, isolated, memory regions.
+## Design space
+The design space for the page allocator is defined by at least two
+ 1. fully-stable representation of allocator meta data **versus** fast load/store operations.
+ 2. Total scaling capacity **versus** minimum footprint for meta data.
+**Tension 1** is introduced because we want to avoid relying on the Motoko heap as the "ground truth" about the allocator's state. If this heap is lost, as it is during an upgrade, then a developer may still want to recover all of the regions' data and meta data.
+Tension 1 is resolved by storing the ground truth in stable memory, keeping it in sync with heap structures that permit faster access operations.
+Compared with the Rust version, we store enough extra meta data to permit:
+ - Regions whose page blocks are in arbitrary order, not
+ necessarily in order of smallest to highest address.
+ - 2^64-1 Regions max (instead of 255 Regions max).
+ Due to the limit on blocks, only 2^16-1 can have non-zero page size.
+We want to permit arbitrary page block orders to make a smooth
+transition to region reclamation and re-allocation in the near
+future, with potential integration into the Motoko GC. The
+extra complexity is modest, and seems "worth" the cost.
+We change the maximum region limit because 255 may be too small in
+some extreme cases and incompatible with GC.
+Instead, we can freely allocate new regions, recycling blocks, but not
+Region ids. The id of a Region is invariant and will not change, even with GC.
+We address the question of whether the new limit of 32k regions is
+"enough" in the Q&A section (it is, for all practical purposes)
+**Tension 2** is introduced because we want a design that will continue
+to work even when canisters can store more stable data than today (32GB).
+Tension 2 is resolved by making prudent representation choices.
+The representations we choose for regions and region identifiers
+permit a scaling to 256GB of stable data while still permitting meta
+data to be repeated in both stable and non-stable arenas. These are
+the same limits imposed by the Rust implementation, for the same
+reasons. See Q&A for more discussion.
+## Definitions and constants
+ - a **page** is 65536 bytes.
+ - a **page block** is a contiguous sequence of 128 pages (~8MB).
+ - a **page block index** is a 16 bit, index-based identifier for a page block.
+ - a **region** is a sequence of (generally non-contiguous) **page blocks**.
+ - the maximum number of page blocks is 32768.
+ - the maximum amount of stable memory for all regions is 256GB.
+## Questions and answers
+### Q: What determines the 8MB non-empty region minimum?
+Mostly, we want to reduce the amount of metadata we need to track, so instead of per-page metadata (lots) we only need per-block metadata (less).
+This size means we grow a region by more than one physical page at
+a time (in terms of the way that the canister interacts with the
+system API, at least). Rather than actually grow by a single page,
+the implementation grows by a "page block" (8MB) at a time.
+This choice means that there are 128 pages per page block, and that
+the maximum number of regions and region blocks are each relatively
+small (32k each). Consequently, they can each be identified with a
+2-byte identifier, and we can pre-allocate tables to store certain
+relations about them, which is critical.
+### Q: Are 32767 regions enough?
+A: Permitting more than 32k regions may seem theoretically
+interesting, but is not practical given other parameters today that
+control the minimal footprint of a region (8MB) and dictate the
+maximum size of stable memory for a canister today (32GB). With 32k
+regions at 8MB each, well over the maximum stable memory size is used
+(256GB compared to 32GB, the limit today)
+### Q: When is stable memory becoming less costly?
+Spring 2023.
+### Q: How does the cheaper stable memory access cost compare with ordinary heap memory access cost?
+2-3x slower than ordinary heap memory.
+## Design details
+### API
+Internal region allocator operations:
+ - `initialize` -- called by the RTS, not by the Motoko developer.
+User-facing region allocator operations:
+ - `region_new` -- create a dynamic region.
+ - `region_grow` -- grow region by a specified number of pages.
+ - `region_load` -- read some data from the region.
+ - `region_store` -- store some data into the region.
+Add a special operation, for testing our design for future GC integration (bonus):
+- `region_release` -- release region and reuse region's page blocks.
+The `_release` operation is *not* part of the user-facing API nor part of the MVP,
+but supporting it is important because it means we can transition quickly to an integration
+with the ambient Motoko GC if we can support it.
+Another special operation, for disaster recovery:
+ - `rebuild` -- not needed unless we need to recreate all Region objects from their stable-memory counterparts.
+## Internal footprint
+The state of the allocator is stored in a combination of:
+ - stable memory fields and tables and
+ - stable heap memory, in the form of objects of opaque type `Region`.
+The stable memory state is sufficient to reconstitute the stable heap objects
+(`rebuild` operation, described in a subsection below).
+That means that even if the stable parts of the heap are lost, the
+stable memory state can fully describe the region objects that will be rebuilt when it succeeds.
+### stable memory fields
+ - total allocated blocks, `u16`, max value is `32768`.
+ - total allocated regions, `u64`, max value is 2^64-1 (one region is reserved for "no region" in block-region table).
+ - The `block` table (fixed size, about 6 pages).
+### representation of values of type `Region`
+ - A singleton, heap-allocated object with mutable fields.
+ - While being heap-allocated, the object is also `stable` (can be stored in a `stable var`, etc).
+ - `RegionObject { id_lower: u32, id_upper: u32; mut page_count: u32; mut vec_pages: Value }`
+ - Fields id_lower (lower 32-bits) and id_upper (upper 32-bits) gives the Region's numerical 64-bit (id = (id_upper \<\< 32 | id_lower)).
+ - Field `page_count` gives the number of pages allocated to the Region.
+ - Field `vec_pages` points at a heap-allocated `Blob` value, and it works with `page_count`
+ to represent a growable vector that we call the region's **"access
+ vector"** (because "blocks vector" sounds a bit strange, and its
+ used to support O(1) access operations):
+ - the access vector has `vec_capacity` slots.
+ - each slot is a `u16`.
+ - the first `page_count + 127 / 128` slots contain a valid page block ID for the region.
+ - during an upgrade, the access vectors get serialized and deserialized as data `Blobs`.
+### region-blocks relation
+The `region-blocks` relation is not materialized into a table in stable memory (doing so with a pre-allocated table would be prohibitively large).
+Instead, this relation is represented in two ways at the same time:
+ 1. by the set of heap-allocated region objects, and their access vectors. The access vectors provide O(1) store and load support.
+ 2. by the `block-region` table, which together are sufficient to recreate all of the heap-allocated region objects.
+In ordinary operation, the second feature is not required. In the event of an upgrade failure, however, it could be vital (See `rebuild`).
+### block-region table
+ - purpose:
+ - relate a block ID ("page block ID") to its region (if any), its position (or rank) in that region (see `rebuild`) and its current size in (used) pages (`<=128`).
+ All but the last block owned by a region should have all pages 128 allocated.
+ - NB: The organization of this table is not useful for efficient
+ access calculations of load or store (they require a linear
+ search that would be prohibitively slow). OTOH, this
+ table is suitable to do a "batch" rebuild of the dynamic heap-allocated vectors
+ in that table, if need be (see `rebuild`).
+ - 32768 entries (statically sized).
+ - 8 (id) +2 (rank) + 1 (used) = 11 bytes per entry.
+ - entry type = `BlockRegion { region : u64, position : u16, size: u8 }`
+ - the location of each entry gives its corresponding block ID.
+### Overview of `rebuild`
+When upgrades work as expected, stable `Regions` are serialized and deserialized just like other stable data.
+For disaster recovery, we can **also** rebuild all of the region objects from data in stable memory.
+We use the `block-region` tables in stable memory to rebuild the regions' objects:
+ - The `block-region` table gives a relative position and region ID for each block ID together with utilized page count.
+Once each regions' vectors have been sized (by a linear scan of block-region, summing block sizes) and allocated, the block-region table says how to fill them, one entry at a time.
+Unlike the Rust design, vector entries can be populated out-of-order.
+Currently, we need only recover region 0 (when upgrading).
+### Special (reserved) regions
+ - Region 0 -- Anonymous region, for supporting the legacy API that we have today, which lacks `Region` values.
+ - Region 1 -- "Reclaimed blocks" region that consists of blocks reclaimed from GC'd regions.
+ - Regions 2-15 -- Future use by Motoko RTS (TBD).
+### Overview of GC support (future work)
+- Regions are represented (see special subsection) with heap objects that are `stable`, but mutable.
+- They have special GC headers to recognize their special structure.
+- The block-region table (or a more transient bitmap) keeps track of which blocks are in use as Region heap values are GC'd.
+Blocks can be marked during normal GC, with unmarked blocks returned to a transient free-list. In this design, blocks are recycled during
+the lifetime of a single canister version.
+Alternatively, Blocks can be marked only during deserialization after an upgrade, for bespoke, Region-only, GC during upgrades, with unmarked blocks
+returned to a free list.
+In this design, blocks are only recycled during upgrade from one version to the next, meaning long-lived canisters that create garbage regions will leak
+### Migration from earlier designs into region system
+#### Version overview
+Including this design, there are three possible verions (`0`, `1`, or `2`):
+ 0. Stable vars only.
+ 1. Stable vars *plus* direct access to IC0 API, including `grow`.
+ This access is exposed via the Experimental Stable Memory API.
+ 2. This Region system, where direct access still works through region zero.
+#### Key points
+- Version 0:
+ - will never be forced to "migrate" to other versions (assuming no stable memory API use).
+ - will never incur the space overhead of the region system.
+- Migration from 0 to version 1 occurs when:
+ - Experimental Stable Memory function `grow` is invoked for the first time.
+ This will not incur the space overhead of the region system.
+- Migration from version 0 or version 1 to version 2 occurs when:
+ - An initial region is allocated via `Region.new`.
+ This will incur the space overhead of the region system.
+ The space overhead is 16 pages (1MB) when migration from version 0, and 128 pages (8MiB) when migrating from version 1.
+#### Compiler flag
+Compiler flag
+ --stable-regions
+Affects upgrades only and forces migration directly into version 2 from version 0 or 1.
+It is provided for testing purposes and *not* required for use of regions.
+#### Format version details
+The first 32 bits of stable memory record a "marker," which indicates how to determine the "version number"
+for Motoko stable memory. This version number is stored either:
+ - *implicitly*, when the marker is non-zero, and version is `0`.
+ - *explicitly*, when the marker is zero, and version is stored elsewhere (but currently always `1`).
+Including this design, there are three possible verions (`0`, `1`, or `2`). See preceeding section.
+In the first cases (`0`) and (`1`), we wish to *selectively* migrate into the region system (`2`), with its own internal versioning.
+#### Opt-in mechanism
+The opt-in mechanism for using version 2 consists of using:
+ - dynamically calling `Region.new()` form a canister currently in version 0 or 1;
+ - staticly specifying compiler flag `--stable-regions`. This is mostly useful for testing.
+1. The use of physical stable memory is pay-as-you-go: canisters that do not use regions do not pay for that priviledge.
+2. There is no provision for "downgrading" back to earlier, pre-region systems.
+##### Version 0 migration.
+To migrate from version 0 to version 2, there is nothing additional to do for existing data.
+The region system detects this case by measuring the zero-sized stable memory during its initialization and
+starts allocating blocks from address 16*2^16 (1MiB overhead), leaving 10 pages unused for future use.
+##### Version 1 migration.
+Migrating version 1 stable memory renames it as "region 0" in Version 2.
+Critically, to migrate from version 1, we must perserve existing data, but reorganize it slightly.
+In effect, all existing data will retain its logical order as (pre-allocated) region 0.
+To accomodate the meta data of the region system, we move the first block of region 0, physically.
+Then, we reformat the first block of stable memory as the region meta data block.
+The rest of the blocks become part of region 0, with its first block stored at the end of physical memory.
+The region system starts allocating blocks from address 128*2^16 (8MiB overhead), leaving 122 pages unused for future use.
+Since we do not move the remaining blocks of region 0, the first block of memory (excluding meta-data) is unused space.
+This design ensures that an existing canister using very large amounts of experimental stable memory can be migrated with only constant-cost movement
+of the first block (128 pages) of memory.
+## Orthogonal Persistence
+Stable regions can be used together with orthogonal persistence, see [Classical Persistence](OldStableMemory.md) and [Enhanced Orthogonal Persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
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--- a/design/WhitePaper.md
+++ b/design/WhitePaper.md
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Oftentimes, these goals are difficult to achieve fully or can be in conflict wit
* *Modules.* Motoko also features a simple module system, where modules are essentially a restricted form of object that must be stateless. Modules can contain type definitions, but not (currently) abstract them, i.e., hide their implementation. A Motoko compilation unit is either a module, or a top-level actor or actor class definition that can be imported as if it was contained in a module.
-* *Canonical type system.* Motoko's type system, at its core, is a fairly canonical typed lambda calculus with primitive types, labeled products and sums (i.e., objects and variants), first-class function types, polymorphism (i.e., generics), and structural recursive subtyping with top and bottom types. Type theory experts will recognise the close similarity to (Kernel) System F<:. Type checking mostly follows a strict bidirectional discipline, with only a few exceptions regarding optional inference of polymorphic type instantiation, overloaded operators, and multiple passes to account for recursive declarations.
+* *Canonical type system.* Motoko's type system, at its core, is a fairly canonical typed lambda calculus with primitive types, labeled products and sums (i.e., objects and variants), first-class function types, polymorphism (i.e., generics), and structural recursive subtyping with top and bottom types. Type theory experts will recognise the close similarity to (Kernel) System F\<:. Type checking mostly follows a strict bidirectional discipline, with only a few exceptions regarding optional inference of polymorphic type instantiation, overloaded operators, and multiple passes to account for recursive declarations.
* *Shared types.* Motoko distinguishes a subset of types that are "sharable". These are those types whose values can be serialised, compared, or otherwise be inspected transparently. They include primitive types, immutable aggregates (arrays, objects, variants) whose components are shared, and references to actors or shared functions.
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ becomes
func(x) {
- Result.chain(g(2),
+ Result.chain(g(2),
func(y) {
Result.make(f(x, y))
@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ The relation `<:infer` infers the rhs type substitution, as for implict type arg
Challenge: One issue with the above is that `T1` does not generally determine all type parameters of `chain`, particularly the ones only occurring in the result type `T'`. It may be necessary to type-check `exp!` in analysis mode, though that could be inconvenient.
-#### Bindings in `or`-Patterns
+#### Bindings in `or`-Patterns ([#3807](https://github.com/dfinity/motoko/pull/3807))
-Currently, when using `or`-patterns, it is not possible to bind a variable in the alternatives. In other languages, this is usually allowed, and is useful.
+When using `or`-patterns, it is possible to bind a variable in the alternatives. This is useful to avoid `case` repetitions:
func free(x : Text, e : exp) : Nat {
switch e {
@@ -621,14 +621,8 @@ Note: the obvious "solution", namely storing closure environments inside the ori
#### Upgrades and Memory
-The most difficult problem to solve in the programming model of the IC by far is the question of safe and robust upgrades. Motoko currently uses the IC's _stable memory_ API to serialise the entire heap of an actor into stable memory before an upgrade, and restore it afterwards. The crucial point of this is that the serialised format is fixed and not dependent on the compiler version. Consequently, it is perfectly fine if the new version of the actor has been compiled with a different (typically newer) compiler version that potentially uses a differen memory layout internally (e.g., a new garbage collector).
-The drawback is that this serialisation/deserialisation step is expensive. Worse, it may even run out of cycles.
-There are multiple ways in which the representation of stable variables could be improved to avoid this overhead (or rather, trade it off against a different overhead). However, most of them would be extremely costly with the IC's stable memory API. This API was merely a stop-gap measure while we wait for the IC to support the upcoming Wasm proposal for accessing multiple memories. Once this becomes available, it would unlock a number of new and better implementation options.
-Yet, representing all persistent data in terms of serialised Motoko values might never be enough for all use cases. Imagine, for example, emulating a file system or a high-performance data base as persistent storage. For these use cases, Motoko will provide a low-level interface that enables direct access to raw stable memory, leaving it up to respective libraries to build suitable high-level abstraction on top.
+The most difficult problem to solve in the programming model of the IC by far is the question of safe and robust upgrades.
+For this purpose, Motoko implements powerful and safe persistence, see [Enhanced Orthogonal Persistence](OrthogonalPersistence.md).
#### Upgrades and Methods
@@ -669,14 +663,16 @@ The ability to link compiled modules together would also be a first step towards
Unfortunately, though, this is a more difficult problem than linking modules compiled in the same language, since the data types, memory management, and calling conventions used by different languages are rarely compatible. Supporting cross-language calls requires a suitable ABI agreed upon by different Wasm compilers, which in turn requires some kind of standard. There is work on a proposal ([interface types](https://github.com/WebAssembly/interface-types/blob/main/proposals/interface-types/Explainer.md)) for Wasm that could be the basis of such a mechanism, but it's not ready yet.
+Wasm component model offers a solution for secure intra-canister language interop on the IC.
-#### On-chain Linking
+#### Onchain Linking
[Separate compilation](#separate-compilation) avoids the need to _compile_ applications in a monolitic manner, but it does not prevent the need to _deploy_ them in monolithic form. No matter how large an application and how small a change, upgrading always requires redeploying the entire code.
-Also, it is not possible to share modules on-chain between multiple applications. For features like [unicode support](#text), it would be desirable if respective modules of the language runtime would only have to be installed on the chain once and could be shared between applications.
+Also, it is not possible to share modules onchain between multiple applications. For features like [unicode support](#text), it would be desirable if respective modules of the language runtime would only have to be installed on the chain once and could be shared between applications.
-Supporting this would require a new mechanism in the IC that allows canisters to consist of more than just a single Wasm module, and linking these modules _dynamically_, "on-chain", reminiscent of dynamic linking in conventional operating systems. Unfortunately, there currently isn't any mechanism planned for the IC to support that.
+Supporting this would require a new mechanism in the IC that allows canisters to consist of more than just a single Wasm module, and linking these modules _dynamically_, "onchain", reminiscent of dynamic linking in conventional operating systems. Unfortunately, there currently isn't any mechanism planned for the IC to support that.
### Platform Support
diff --git a/design/scoped-await.md b/design/scoped-await.md
index 6bc0ed30c88..d4773c30213 100644
--- a/design/scoped-await.md
+++ b/design/scoped-await.md
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ is rejected because, once annotated:
-since `$1 <> $` and `$2` <> `$`.
+since `$1 <> $` and `$2` \<\> `$`.
### Imperative deadlock
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
index 1a8cfecbcc9..7a95611367d 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ html:
# TODO: perhaps use node and remark-cli to compile out remark plugins first or use docusaurus to build site properly
rm -rf html
mkdir -p html
- for f in md/*.md; do pandoc -f gfm --toc -t html -s --metadata title="$$f" -o html/$$(basename $$f .md).html $$f; done
+ for f in md/*/*.md; do pandoc -f gfm --toc -t html -s --metadata title="$$f" -o html/$$(basename $$f .md).html $$f; done
diff --git a/doc/README.md b/doc/README.md
index 458fdc86c59..b1b586785bf 100644
--- a/doc/README.md
+++ b/doc/README.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ python3 -m http.server --directory html
CI pushes these docs for latest master to
The local documentation is suboptimal and compiled with pandoc, not
docusaurus so it doesn't understand or process remark-code-import file includes,
diff --git a/doc/md/about-this-guide.md b/doc/attic/about-this-guide.md
similarity index 96%
rename from doc/md/about-this-guide.md
rename to doc/attic/about-this-guide.md
index 25808984761..c68e63d290a 100644
--- a/doc/md/about-this-guide.md
+++ b/doc/attic/about-this-guide.md
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ For transparency into the principles that guide the engineering effort, the engi
The following guiding principles represent the core values of the engineering organization in prioritized order:
-1. Seamless integration with the [Internet Computer blockchain network](../../concepts/what-is-IC.md#what-is-the-internet-computer) to ensure that Motoko provides full language support for the actor-based model, asynchronous messaging, data persistence, interface description language interoperability, and other features.
+1. Seamless integration with the Internet Computer blockchain network to ensure that Motoko provides full language support for the actor-based model, asynchronous messaging, data persistence, interface description language interoperability, and other features.
2. Ergonomics to ensure that Motoko embraces familiarity, simplicity, clarity, explicitness, and other human factors.
diff --git a/doc/md/advanced-discussion.md b/doc/attic/advanced-discussion.md
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/md/advanced-discussion.md
rename to doc/attic/advanced-discussion.md
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similarity index 100%
rename from doc/md/extrastuff.md
rename to doc/attic/extrastuff.md
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..628a65882fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/attic/overview.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+# Concise overview of Motoko
+This is terse, slide-like introduction to Motoko and its features.
+(For a gentler introduction, visit the other sections on this site.)
+## Motivation and Goals
+A simple, useful language for the Internet Computer (IC)
+- Familiar syntax
+- Safe by default
+- Incorporating **actor** model for canister smart contracts
+- Seamless integration of Internet Computer features
+- Making most of present and future WebAssembly
+## Key Design Points
+- Object-oriented, functional & imperative
+- Objects as records of functions
+- `async`/`await` for sequential programming of asynchronous messaging
+- Structural typing with simple generics and subtyping
+- Safe arithmetic (both unbounded and checked)
+- Non-nullable types by default
+- Garbage collected (no manual memory management)
+- JavaScript-like syntax but statically typed & sane
+Inspirations: Java, JavaScript, C#, Swift, Pony, ML, Haskell
+## Semantics
+- call-by-value (like Java, C, JS, ML; unlike Haskell)
+- declarations are locally mutually recursive
+- parametric, bounded polymorphism
+- subtyping as zero-cost subsumption, not coercion
+- no dynamic casts
+- no inheritance
+## Implementation(s)
+- implemented in OCaml (leverages `wasm` libary)
+- simple reference interpreter
+- less simple compiler to WebAssembly
+ - multipass with typed IR in each pass.
+ - uniform representation, unboxed arithmetic
+ - copying GC, compacting GC, or generational GC
+ (select which with compiler flag)
+ - GC invoked after messages (for now)
+- polymorphism by erasure
+# The language
+## Expressions
+- Identifiers:
+ `x`, `foo_bar`, `test123`, `List`, `Map`
+- Parentheses `( … )` for grouping
+- Braces `{ … }` for scoping (and records)
+- `;` for sequencing
+- Type annotations (to help type inference):
+ `(42 : Int)`
+ (zero cost)
+## Libraries
+``` motoko name=impDebugInt
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+import Int "mo:base/Int";
+(`import MyLib "src/MyLib"` imports a library from the local file system.)
+Specific bindings can be imported from the module using object patterns
+``` motoko
+import { push; nil } = "mo:base/List";
+## Libraries continued
+``` motoko
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+import Int "mo:base/Int";
+import Trie "mo:base/Trie";
+type Users = Trie.Trie; // reference types
+Debug.print(Int.toText(7)); // reference functions/values
+## Blocks and declarations
+``` motoko include=impDebugInt
+type Delta = Nat;
+func print() {
+ Debug.print(Int.toText(counter));
+let d : Delta = 42;
+var counter = 1;
+counter := counter + d;
+- Semicolon after each declaration!
+- Mutually recursive
+- Mutable variables marked explicitly
+## Control flow
+The usual suspects…
+- `do { … }`
+- `if b …`
+- `if b … else …`
+- `switch e { case pat1 e1; …; case _ en }`
+- `while b …`
+- `loop …`
+- `loop … while b`
+- `for (pat in e) …`
+- `return`, `return e`
+- `label l e`, `break l e`
+- `do ? { … e! … }`
+- `async e`, `await e` *(restricted)*
+- `throw`, `try … catch x { … }` *(restricted)*
+# Primitive types
+## Unbounded integers
+`{ …, -2, 1, 0, 1, 2, … }`
+Inferred by default for negative literals.
+Literals: `13`, `0xf4`, `-20`, `+1`, `1_000_000`
+## Unbounded naturals
+`{ 0, 1, 2, … }`
+Non-negative, trap on underflow.
+Inferred by default for non-negative literals
+Literals: `13`, `0xf4`, `1_000_000`
+`Nat <: Int`
+[`Nat`](../base/Nat.md) is a *subtype* of `Int`
+(you can supply a [`Nat`](../base/Nat.md) wherever an `Int` is expected)
+## Bounded numbers (trapping)
+`Nat8`, `Nat16`, `Nat32`, `Nat64`, `Int8`, `Int16`, `Int32`, `Int64`
+Trap on over- and underflow; wrap-around and bit-manipulating operations available separately
+Needs type annotations (somewhere)
+Literals: `13`, `0xf4`, `-20`, `1_000_000`
+## Floating point numbers
+IEEE 754 double precision (64 bit) semantics, normalized NaN
+Inferred for fractional literals
+Literals: 0, -10, `2.71`, `-0.3e+15`, `3.141_592_653_589_793_12`
+## Numeric operations
+No surprises here
+`- x`
+`a + b`
+`a % b`
+`a & b`
+`a << b`
+`a +% b, a -% b, …` for wrapping, modular arithmetic (where appropriate)
+## Characters and Text
+`Char`, `Text`
+Unicode! Character = Unicode scalar value; no random access on text
+- `'x'`, `'\u{6a}'`, `'☃'`,
+- `"boo"`, `"foo \u{62}ar ☃"`
+- `"Concat" # "enation"`
+## Booleans
+Literals: `true`, `false`
+`a or b`
+`a and b`
+`not b`
+`if (b) e1 else e2`
+# Functions
+## Function types
+- Simple functions:
+ ``` motoko no-repl
+ Int.toText : Int -> Text
+ ```
+- multiple arguments and return values
+ ``` motoko no-repl
+ divRem : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
+ ```
+- can be generic/polymorphic
+ ``` motoko no-repl
+ Option.unwrapOr : (?T, default : T) -> T
+ ```
+- first-class (can be passed around, stored)
+ ``` motoko no-repl
+ map : (f : A -> B, xs : [A]) -> [B]
+ let funcs : [(T) -> T] = …
+ ```
+## Function Declarations & Use
+``` motoko include=impDebugInt
+func add(x : Int, y : Int) : Int = x + y;
+func applyNTimes(n : Int, x : T, f : T -> ()) {
+ if (n <= 0) return;
+ f(x);
+ applyNTimes(n-1, x, f);
+applyNTimes(3, "Hello!", func(x) { Debug.print(x) } );
+- `func() { … }` short for `func() : () = { … }`
+- Parametric functions
+- Type instantiations may sometimes be omitted
+- Anonymous functions (a.k.a. lambdas)
+# Composite types
+## Tuples
+`(Bool, Float, Text)`
+immutable, heterogeneous, fixed size
+``` motoko name=tuple
+let tuple = (true or false, 0.6 * 2.0, "foo" # "bar");
+``` motoko include=tuple
+``` motoko include=tuple
+let (_,_,t) = tuple;
+## Options
+is either a value of that type, e.g. `?"hello"`, or `null`.
+``` motoko name=display
+func display(x : ?Text) : Text {
+ switch x {
+ case (null) { "No value" };
+ case (?y) { "Value: " # y };
+ };
+``` motoko include=display
+(display(null), display(?"Test"))
+## Option blocks
+Switching on every option value can be inconvenient …
+The *option block*, `do ? { … }`, allow you to safely access option values with a postfix *null break* `!` expression.
+Within `do ? { … }`, which returns an option, the expression `e!` immediately exits the block with `null` when the value of option `e` is `null` or continues with the option’s contents.
+``` motoko
+func add(x : ?Nat, y: ?Nat) : ?Nat {
+ do ? { x! + y! };
+(add(null, null), add (?1,null), add (?1,?2), add (null,?2));
+## Arrays (immutable)
+``` motoko include=impDebugInt
+let days = [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" ];
+assert(days.size() == 7);
+assert(days[1] == "Tue");
+// days[7] will trap (fixed size)
+for (d in days.vals()) { Debug.print(d) };
+## Arrays (mutable)
+`[var Nat]`
+``` motoko
+let counters = [var 1, 2, 3];
+assert(counters.size() == 3);
+counters[1] := counters[1] + 1;
+// counters[3] will trap (fixed size)
+## Records
+`{first : Text; last : Text; salary : var Nat}`
+``` motoko include=impDebugInt
+let employee = {first = "John"; last = "Doe"; var salary = 81_932};
+ employee.first # " " # employee.last # " earns " #
+ Int.toText(employee.salary) # " pounds."
+employee.salary += 79_496;
+## Objects
+`{first : Text; last : Text; get : () → Nat; add : Nat → ()}`
+``` motoko
+object self {
+ public let first = "John";
+ public let last = "Doe";
+ var salary : Nat = 81_932; // private by default
+ public func get() : Nat = salary;
+ public func add(bump : Nat) { salary += bump };
+## Classes
+``` motoko
+class Employee(fst : Text, lst : Text) {
+ public let first = fst;
+ public let last = lst;
+ var salary : Nat = 0;
+ public func get() : Nat = salary;
+ public func add(bump : Nat) { salary += bump };
+Classes are factories for constructing objects.
+A class introduces a type and a function (for constructing instances).
+Just sugar for:
+``` motoko no-repl
+type Employee = {first : Text; last : Text; get : () -> Nat; add : Nat -> ()};
+func Employee(fst : Text, lst : Text) : Employee = object { … }
+## Variants
+`{#sun; #mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri; #sat}`
+``` motoko
+type Day = {#sun; #mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri; #sat};
+func toText(d : Day) : Text {
+ switch d {
+ case (#sun) "Sunday";
+ case (#mon) "Monday";
+ case (#tue) "Tuesday";
+ case (#wed) "Wednesday";
+ case (#thu) "Thursday";
+ case (#fri) "Friday";
+ case (#sat) "Saturday";
+ };
+func sort(d : Day) : { #weekDay; #weekEnd } {
+ switch d {
+ case (#sun or #sat) #weekEnd; // or pattern
+ case _ #weekDay; // wildcard pattern
+ };
+## Recursive Types
+``` motoko name=Lists
+type List = {
+ #item : {head : Text; tail : List}; // variant with payload!
+ #empty // ^^^^ recursion!
+func reverse(l : List) : List {
+ func rev(l : List, r : List) : List {
+ switch l {
+ case (#empty) { r };
+ case (#item { head; tail }) { // nested patterns
+ rev(tail, #item {head; tail = r})
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ rev(l, #empty);
+let l = reverse(#item {head = "A"; tail = #item {head = "B"; tail = #empty}});
+## Generic types
+``` motoko
+type List = {
+ #item : {head : T; tail : List};
+ #empty
+func reverse(l : List) : List {
+ func rev(l : List, r : List) : List {
+ switch l {
+ case (#empty) { r };
+ case (#item { head; tail }) { // a nested pattern
+ rev(tail, #item {head; tail = r})
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ rev(l, #empty);
+let s : List =
+ reverse(#item {head = "A"; tail = #item {head = "B"; tail = #empty}});
+let ns : List =
+ reverse(#item {head = 0; tail = #item {head = 1; tail = #empty}})
+# Packages and modules
+## Modules
+``` motoko no-repl
+// the type of base/Int.mo
+module {
+ type Int = Prim.Types.Int;
+ toText : Int -> Text;
+ abs : Int -> Nat;
+ // ...
+modules contain named types and values (like objects),
+but are restricted to *static* content (pure, no state, …)
+## Module imports
+``` motoko no-repl
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug"; // import from package
+import Int "mo:base/Int";
+import MyLib "lib/MyLib"; // import from local file MyLib.mo
+`base` package provides basic features as separate modules.
+More libraries popping up!
+`MyLib.mo` *must* contain a module or actor class, eg:
+``` motoko no-repl
+module {
+ public type List = …;
+ public func reverse(l : List) : List { … };
+# Platform features
+## Actor types
+Like object types, but marked as `actor`:
+``` motoko name=actorTypes
+type Broadcast = actor {
+ register : Receiver -> ();
+ send : Text -> async Nat;
+type Receiver = actor {
+ recv : query Text -> async Nat
+*sharable* arguments and *no* or *async* result type.
+- `register` is a *oneway* IC method (unawaitable).
+- `send` is an IC *update* method
+- `recv` is IC *query* method
+IC canister with Candid interface ≈ Motoko actor
+## sharable ≈ serializable
+- all primitive types
+- records, tuples, arrays, variants, options
+ with immutable sharable components
+- `actor` types
+- `shared` function type
+**Not sharable:**
+- mutable things
+- local functions
+- objects (with methods)
+## A complete actor
+``` motoko
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+actor Broadcast {
+ type Receiver = actor {recv : query Text -> async Nat};
+ var r : [Receiver] = [];
+ public func register(a : Receiver) {
+ r := Array.append(r, [a]);
+ };
+ public func send(t : Text) : async Nat {
+ var sum = 0;
+ for (a in r.vals()) {
+ sum += await a.recv(t);
+ };
+ return sum;
+ };
+a typical actor/canister main file
+## Async/await
+`async T`
+asychronous future or promise
+introduced by `async { … }`
+(implicit in async function declaration)
+`await e`
+suspends computation pending `e`’s result:
+if the result is a value, continues with that value,
+if the result is an `Error`, `throw`s the error.
+``` motoko no-repl
+ public func send(t : Text) : async Nat {
+ var sum = 0;
+ for (a in r.vals()) {
+ sum += await a.recv(t); // may return Nat or `throw` error
+ };
+ return sum;
+ };
+(Errors can be handled using `try … catch …`)
+## Concurrency Hazards
+Functions that `await` are *not* atomic.
+Suspension introduces *concurrency hazards*.
+A bad implementation of `send`:
+``` motoko no-repl
+ var sum = 0; // shared state!
+ public func send(t : Text) : async Nat {
+ sum := 0;
+ for (a in r.vals()) {
+ sum += await a.recv(t);
+ };
+ return sum;
+ };
+(Concurrent `send`s will share and clobber `sum`.)
+Beware of race conditions!
+## Actor import
+``` motoko
+import Broadcast "canister:Broadcast";
+/* or
+import Broadcast "ic:r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai";
+actor Self {
+ var count = 0;
+ public func go() {
+ Broadcast.register(Self);
+ };
+ public query func recv(msg : Text) : async Nat {
+ return count;
+ }
+(assumes there is a Candid file describing the interface of the import)
+## A Candid interface file
+`Broadcast`'s Candid file (produced by `moc --idl Broadcast.mo` compiler).
+``` candid
+type Receiver =
+ service {
+ recv: (text) -> (nat) query;
+ };
+service : {
+ register: (Receiver) -> () oneway;
+ send: (text) -> (nat);
+A language independent interface definition.
+Could just as easily describe a Rust implementation of `Broadcast`.
+## Principal and caller
+``` motoko
+import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
+actor Self {
+ public shared(context) func hello() : async Text {
+ let myself : Principal = Principal.fromActor(Self);
+ if (context.caller == myself) {
+ "Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness";
+ } else {
+ "Hello, nice to see you";
+ };
+ };
+## Errors
+``` motoko no-repl
+import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
+import Error "mo:base/Error";
+actor Self {
+ public shared(context) func hello() : async Text {
+ let myself : Principal = Principal.fromActor(Self);
+ if (context.caller == myself) {
+ throw Error.reject("Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness");
+ } else {
+ "Hello, nice to see you";
+ };
+ };
+async {
+ let t = try Self.hello() catch (e) { Error.message(e); }
+Similar to exceptions in other languages,
+but *only* available in async contexts, e.g. shared functions; async blocks
+## Stable variables
+If we upgrade the `Broadcast` actor, all current registrations are lost.
+To preserve them, declare the state variable `r` as `stable`.
+``` motoko no-repl
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+actor Broadcast {
+ type Receiver = actor {recv : query Text -> async Nat};
+ stable var r : [Receiver] = []; // declare r `stable`
+ public func register(a : Receiver) { … }
+ public func send(t : Text) : async Nat { … }
+ // optional pre-upgrade action
+ system func preupgrade() { Debug.print("saving receivers"); }
+ // optional post-upgrade action
+ system func postupgrade() { Debug.print("restoring receivers"); }
+stable variables must have *stable* types (see manual)
+`system` hooks can’t send messages
+# Type system
+## Structural
+``` motoko include=Lists
+type List = {
+ #item : {head : Text; tail : List};
+ #empty
+func reverse(l : List) : List { //... };
+type Stack = {
+ #empty;
+ #item : {tail : Stack; head : Text};
+let stack : Stack = #empty;
+let revStack = reverse(stack); // works though reverse defined on List (not Stack)
+Type definitions
+do not create types,
+but name existing types
+Despite their different names, `Stack` and `List` are equivalent types.
+## Subtyping (Variants)
+`WeekDay <: Day`
+``` motoko
+type WeekDay = {#mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri};
+type Day = {#sun; #mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri; #sat};
+func toText(d : Day) : Text {
+ switch d
+ { case (#sun) "Sunday";
+ case (#mon) "Monday";
+ //...
+ };
+let mon : WeekDay = #mon;
+let t = toText(mon); // also works, since WeekDay <: Day
+`t1 <: t2`: `t1` can be used wherever `t2` is expected
+`Employee <: Person`
+``` motoko
+type Employee = {first : Text; last : Text; var salary : Nat};
+type Person = {first : Text; last : Text};
+func toText(p : Person) : Text {
+ p.last # "," # p.first;
+let employee : Employee =
+ { first = "John"; last = "Doe"; var salary = 161_401};
+let t = toText(employee); // also works, since Employee <: Person
+# Fin
+## Not covered
+- Polymorphic functions with type bounds
+- User defined iterator objects, supporting `for` loops.
+- Actor classes
+- `debug_show` for conversion of almost any value to text.
+- `debug e` expressions for debug-only compilation
+- `do ? { … e! … }` blocks for handling/propagating option values.
+- `assert e` expressions for conditional traps
+- tools:
+ - `mo_doc` (generates doc from doc comments),
+ - `vessel` (package manager)
+ - `mo_ide` (LSP language server for VSCode, emacs etc)
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+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/wrap-ansi/-/wrap-ansi-8.1.0.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-si7QWI6zUMq56bESFvagtmzMdGOtoxfR+Sez11Mobfc7tm+VkUckk9bW2UeffTGVUbOksxmSw0AA2gs8g71NCQ==",
"requires": {
"ansi-styles": "^6.1.0",
"string-width": "^5.0.1",
diff --git a/doc/docusaurus/src/theme/CodeBlock/hljs_run.js b/doc/docusaurus/src/theme/CodeBlock/hljs_run.js
index e4928253c90..27ae9ee0380 100644
--- a/doc/docusaurus/src/theme/CodeBlock/hljs_run.js
+++ b/doc/docusaurus/src/theme/CodeBlock/hljs_run.js
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export function registerMotoko() {
$pattern: "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*",
"actor and await break case catch class" +
- " continue debug do else for func if in import" +
+ " continue composite debug do else for func if in import" +
" module not object or label let loop private" +
" public return shared try throw query switch" +
" type var while with stable flexible system debug_show assert ignore from_candid to_candid",
diff --git a/doc/md/actor-classes.md b/doc/md/actor-classes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8acf74831b0..00000000000
--- a/doc/md/actor-classes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Actor classes
-Actor classes enable you to create networks of actors (canister smart contracts) *programmatically*. Currently, actor classes have to be defined in a separate source file. To illustrate how to define and import actor classes, the following example implements a distributed map of keys of type `Nat` to values of type `Text`. It provides simple insert and lookup functions, `put(k, v)` and `get(k)`, for working with these keys and values.
-To distribute the data for this example, the set of keys is partitioned into `n` buckets. For now, we just fix `n = 8`. The bucket, `i`, of a key, `k`, is determined by the remainder of `k` divided by `n`, that is, `i = k % n`. The `i`th bucket (`i` in `[0..n)`) receives a dedicated actor to store text values assigned to keys in that bucket.
-The actor responsible for bucket `i` is obtained as an instance of the actor class `Bucket(i)`, defined in the sample `Buckets.mo` file, as follows:
-``` motoko name=Buckets file=./examples/Buckets.mo
-A bucket stores the current mapping of keys to values in a mutable `map` variable containing an imperative RedBlack tree, `map`, that is initially empty.
-On `get(k)`, the bucket actor simply returns any value stored at `k`, returning `map.get(k)`.
-On `put(k, v)`, the bucket actor updates the current `map` to map `k` to `?v` by calling `map.put(k, v)`.
-Both functions use the class parameters `n` and `i` to verify that the key is appropriate for the bucket by asserting `((k % n) == i)`.
-Clients of the map can then communicate with a coordinating `Map` actor, implemented as follows:
-``` motoko include=Buckets file=./examples/Map.mo
-As this example illustrates, the `Map` code imports the `Bucket` actor class as module `Buckets`.
-The actor maintains an array of `n` allocated buckets, with all entries initially `null`. Entries are populated with `Bucket` actors on demand.
-On `get(k, v)`, the `Map` actor:
-- uses the remainder of key `k` divided by `n` to determine the index `i` of the bucket responsible for that key
-- returns `null` if the `i`th bucket does not exist, or
-- delegates to that bucket by calling `bucket.get(k, v)` if it does.
-On `put(k, v)`, the `Map` actor:
-- uses the remainder of key `k` divided by `n` to determine the index `i` of the bucket responsible for that key
-- installs bucket `i` if the bucket does not exist by using an asynchronous call to the constructor, `Buckets.Bucket(i)`, and, after awaiting the result, records it in the array `buckets`
-- delegates the insertion to that bucket by calling `bucket.put(k, v)`.
-While this example sets the number of buckets to `8`, you can easily generalize the example by making the `Map` actor an actor *class*, adding a parameter `(n : Nat)` and omitting the declaration `let n = 8;`. For example:
-``` motoko no-repl
-actor class Map(n : Nat) {
- type Key = Nat
- ...
-Clients of actor *class* `Map` are now free to determine the (maximum) number of buckets in the network by passing an argument on construction.
- On the Internet Computer, calls to a class constructor must be provisioned with cycles to pay for the creation of a principal. See [ExperimentalCycles](./base/ExperimentalCycles.md) for instructions on how to add cycles to a call using the imperative `ExperimentalCycles.add(cycles)` function.
-## Configuring and managing actor class instances
-On the Internet Computer, the primary constructor of an imported actor class always creates a new principal and installs a fresh instance of the class as the code for that principal.
-To provide further control over actor class installation, Motoko endows each imported actor class with an extra, secondary constructor.
-This constructor takes an additional first argument that specifies the desired installation mode. The constructor is only available via special syntax that stresses its
-`system` functionality.
-Using this syntax, it's possible to specify initial canister settings (such as an array of controllers), manually install, upgrade and reinstall canisters, exposing all of the
-lower-level facilities of the Internet Computer.
-See [Actor class management](language-manual.md#actor-class-management) for more details.
diff --git a/doc/md/actors-async.md b/doc/md/actors-async.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 986f2d17809..00000000000
--- a/doc/md/actors-async.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# Actors and async data
-The programming model of the Internet Computer consists of memory-isolated canisters communicating by asynchronous message passing of binary data encoding Candid values. A canister processes its messages one-at-a-time, preventing race conditions. A canister uses call-backs to register what needs to be done with the result of any inter-canister messages it issues.
-Motoko abstracts the complexity of the Internet Computer with a well known, higher-level abstraction: the *actor model*. Each canister is represented as a typed actor. The type of an actor lists the messages it can handle. Each message is abstracted as a typed, asynchronous function. A translation from actor types to Candid types imposes structure on the raw binary data of the underlying Internet Computer. An actor is similar to an object, but is different in that its state is completely isolated, its interactions with the world are entirely through asynchronous messaging, and its messages are processed one-at-a-time, even when issued in parallel by concurrent actors.
-In Motoko, sending a message to an actor is a function call, but instead of blocking the caller until the call has returned, the message is enqueued on the callee, and a *future* representing that pending request immediately returned to the caller. The future is a placeholder for the eventual result of the request, that the caller can later query. Between issuing the request, and deciding to wait for the result, the caller is free to do other work, including issuing more requests to the same or other actors. Once the callee has processed the request, the future is completed and its result made available to the caller. If the caller is waiting on the future, its execution can resume with the result, otherwise the result is simply stored in the future for later use.
-In Motoko, actors have dedicated syntax and types; messaging is handled by so called *shared* functions returning futures (shared because they are available to remote actors); a future, `f`, is a value of the special type `async T` for some type `T`; waiting on `f` to be completed is expressed using `await f` to obtain a value of type `T`. To avoid introducing shared state through messaging, for example, by sending an object or mutable array, the data that can be transmitted through shared functions is restricted to immutable, *shared* types.
-To start, we consider the simplest stateful service: a `Counter` actor, the distributed version of our previous, local `counter` object.
-## Example: a Counter service
-Consider the following actor declaration:
-``` motoko file=./examples/counter-actor.mo
-The `Counter` actor declares one field and three public, *shared* functions:
-- the field `count` is mutable, initialized to zero and implicitly `private`.
-- function `inc()` asynchronously increments the counter and returns a future of type `async ()` for synchronization.
-- function `read()` asynchronously reads the counter value and returns a future of type `async Nat` containing its value.
-- function `bump()` asynchronously increments and reads the counter.
-Shared functions, unlike local functions, are accessible to remote callers and have additional restrictions: their arguments and return value must be *shared* types - a subset of types that includes immutable data, actor references, and shared function references, but excludes references to local functions and mutable data. Because all interaction with actors is asynchronous, an actor’s functions must return futures, that is, types of the form `async T`, for some type `T`.
-The only way to read or modify the state (`count`) of the `Counter` actor is through its shared functions.
-A value of type `async T` is a future. The producer of the future completes the future when it returns a result, either a value or error.
-Unlike objects and modules, actors can only expose functions, and these functions must be `shared`. For this reason, Motoko allows you to omit the `shared` modifier on public actor functions, allowing the more concise, but equivalent, actor declaration:
-``` motoko name=counter file=./examples/counter-actor-sugar.mo
-For now, the only place shared functions can be declared is in the body of an actor or actor class. Despite this restriction, shared functions are still first-class values in Motoko and can be passed as arguments or results, and stored in data structures.
-The type of a shared function is specified using a shared function type. For example, the value `inc` has type `shared () → async Nat` and could be supplied as a standalone callback to some other service (see [publish-subscribe](sharing.md) for an example).
-## Actor types
-Just as objects have object types, actors have *actor types*. The `Counter` actor has the following type:
-``` motoko no-repl
-actor {
- inc : shared () -> async ();
- read : shared () -> async Nat;
- bump : shared () -> async Nat;
-Again, because the `shared` modifier is required on every member of an actor, Motoko both elides them on display, and allows you to omit them when authoring an actor type.
-Thus the previous type can be expressed more succinctly as:
-``` motoko no-repl
-actor {
- inc : () -> async ();
- read : () -> async Nat;
- bump : () -> async Nat;
-Like object types, actor types support subtyping: an actor type is a subtype of a more general one that offers fewer functions with more general types.
-## Using `await` to consume async futures
-The caller of a shared function typically receives a future, a value of type `async T` for some T.
-The only thing the caller, a consumer, can do with this future is wait for it to be completed by the producer, throw it away, or store it for later use.
-To access the result of an `async` value, the receiver of the future use an `await` expression.
-For example, to use the result of `Counter.read()` above, we can first bind the future to an identifier `a`, and then `await a` to retrieve the underlying `Nat`, `n`:
-``` motoko include=counter
-let a : async Nat = Counter.read();
-let n : Nat = await a;
-The first line immediately receives *a future of the counter value*, but does not wait for it, and thus cannot (yet) use it as a natural number.
-The second line `await`s this future and extracts the result, a natural number. This line may suspend execution until the future has been completed.
-Typically, one rolls the two steps into one and one just awaits an asynchronous call directly:
-``` motoko include=counter
-let n : Nat = await Counter.read();
-Unlike a local function call, which blocks the caller until the callee has returned a result, a shared function call immediately returns a future, `f`, without blocking. Instead of blocking, a later call to `await f` suspends the current computation until `f` is complete. Once the future is completed (by the producer), execution of `await p` resumes with its result. If the result is a value, `await f` returns that value. Otherwise the result is some error, and `await f` propagates the error to the consumer of `await f`.
-Awaiting a future a second time will just produce the same result, including re-throwing any error stored in the future. Suspension occurs even if the future is already complete; this ensures state changes and message sends prior to *every* `await` are committed.
-A function that does not `await` in its body is guaranteed to execute atomically - in particular, the environment cannot change the state of the actor while the function is executing. If a function performs an `await`, however, atomicity is no longer guaranteed. Between suspension and resumption around the `await`, the state of the enclosing actor may change due to concurrent processing of other incoming actor messages. It is the programmer’s responsibility to guard against non-synchronized state changes. A programmer may, however, rely on any state change prior to the await being committed.
-For example, the implementation of `bump()` above is guaranteed to increment and read the value of `count`, in one atomic step. The alternative implementation:
-``` motoko no-repl
- public shared func bump() : async Nat {
- await inc();
- await read();
- };
-does *not* have the same semantics and allows another client of the actor to interfere with its operation: each `await` suspends execution, allowing an interloper to change the state of the actor. By design, the explicit `await`s make the potential points of interference clear to the reader.
-## Traps and Commit Points
-A trap is a non-recoverable runtime failure caused by, for example, division-by-zero, out-of-bounds array indexing, numeric overflow, cycle exhaustion or assertion failure.
-A shared function call that executes without executing an `await` expression never suspends and executes atomically. A shared function that contains no `await` expression is syntactically atomic.
-An atomic shared function whose execution traps has no visible effect on the state of the enclosing actor or its environment - any state change is reverted, and any message that it has sent is revoked. In fact, all state changes and message sends are tentative during execution: they are committed only after a successful *commit point* is reached.
-The points at which tentative state changes and message sends are irrevocably committed are:
-- implicit exit from a shared function by producing a result,
-- explict exit via `return` or `throw` expressions, and
-- explicit `await` expressions.
-A trap will only revoke changes made since the last commit point. In particular, in a non-atomic function that does multiple awaits, a trap will only revoke changes attempted since the last await - all preceding effects will have been committed and cannot be undone.
-For example, consider the following (contrived) stateful `Atomicity` actor:
-``` motoko no-repl file=./examples/atomicity.mo
-Calling (shared) function `atomic()` will fail with an error, since the last statement causes a trap. However, the trap leaves the mutable variable `s` with value `0`, not `1`, and variable `pinged` with value `false`, not `true`. This is because the trap happens *before* method `atomic` has executed an `await`, or exited with a result. Even though `atomic` calls `ping()`, `ping()` is tentative (queued) until the next commit point, so never delivered.
-Calling (shared) function `nonAtomic()` will fail with an error, since the last statement causes a trap. However, the trap leaves the variable `s` with value `3`, not `0`, and variable `pinged` with value `true`, not `false`. This is because each `await` commits its preceding side-effects, including message sends. Even though `f` is complete by the second await on `f`, this await also forces a commit of the state, suspends execution and allows for interleaved processing of other messages to this actor.
-## Query functions
-In Internet Computer terminology, all three `Counter` functions are *update* messages that can alter the state of the canister when called. Effecting a state change requires agreement amongst the distributed replicas before the Internet Computer can commit the change and return a result. Reaching consensus is an expensive process with relatively high latency.
-For the parts of applications that don’t require the guarantees of consensus, the Internet Computer supports more efficient *query* operations. These are able to read the state of a canister from a single replica, modify a snapshot during their execution and return a result, but cannot permanently alter the state or send further Internet Computer messages.
-Motoko supports the implementation of Internet Computer queries using `query` functions. The `query` keyword modifies the declaration of a (shared) actor function so that it executes with non-committing, and faster, Internet Computer query semantics.
-For example, we can extend the `Counter` actor with a fast-and-loose variant of the trustworthy `read` function, called `peek`:
-``` motoko file=./examples/CounterWithQuery.mo
-The `peek()` function might be used by a `Counter` frontend offering a quick, but less trustworthy, display of the current counter value.
-It is a compile-time error for a query method to call an actor function since this would violate dynamic restrictions imposed by the Internet Computer. Calls to ordinary functions are permitted.
-Query functions can be called from non-query functions. Because those nested calls require consensus, the efficiency gains of nested query calls will be modest at best.
-The `query` modifier is reflected in the type of a query function:
-``` motoko no-repl
- peek : shared query () -> async Nat
-As before, in `query` declarations and actor types the `shared` keyword can be omitted.
-## Messaging Restrictions
-The Internet Computer places restrictions on when and how canisters are allowed to communicate. These restrictions are enforced dynamically on the Internet Computer but prevented statically in Motoko, ruling out a class of dynamic execution errors. Two examples are:
-- canister installation can execute code, but not send messages.
-- a canister query method cannot send messages.
-These restrictions are surfaced in Motoko as restrictions on the context in which certain expressions can be used.
-In Motoko, an expression occurs in an *asynchronous context* if it appears in the body of an `async` expression, which may be the body of a (shared or local) function or a stand-alone expression. The only exception are `query` functions, whose body is not considered to open an asynchronous context.
-In Motoko calling a shared function is an error unless the function is called in an asynchronouus context. In addition, calling a shared function from an actor class constructor is also an error.
-The `await` construct is only allowed in an asynchronous context.
-The `async` construct is only allowed in an asynchronous context.
-It is only possible to `throw` or `try/catch` errors in an asynchronous context. This is because structured error handling is supported for messaging errors only and, like messaging itself, confined to asynchronous contexts.
-These rules also mean that local functions cannot, in general, directly call shared functions or `await` futures. This limitation can sometimes be awkward: we hope to extend the type system to be more permissive in future.
-## Actor classes generalize actors
-An actor *class* generalizes a single actor declaration to the declaration of family of actors satisfying the same interface. An actor class declares a type, naming the interface of its actors, and a function that constructs a fresh actor of that type each time it is supplied with an argument. An actor class thus serves as a factory for manufacturing actors. Because canister installation is asynchronous on the Internet Computer, the constructor function is asynchronous too, and returns its actor in a future.
-For example, we can generalize `Counter` given above to `Counter(init)` below, by introducing a constructor parameter, variable `init` of type `Nat`:
-``` motoko name=Counters file=./examples/Counters.mo
-If this class is stored in file `Counters.mo`, then we can import the file as a module and use it to create several actors with different initial values:
-``` motoko include=Counters
-import Counters "Counters";
-let C1 = await Counters.Counter(1);
-let C2 = await Counters.Counter(2);
-(await C1.read(), await C2.read())
-The last two lines above *instantiate* the actor class twice. The first invocation uses the initial value `1`, where the second uses initial value `2`. Because actor class instantiation is asynchronous, each call to `Counter(init)` returns a future that can be `await`ed for the resulting actor value. Both `C1` and `C2` have the same type, `Counters.Counter` and can be used interchangeably.
-For now, the Motoko compiler gives an error when compiling programs that do not consist of a single actor or actor class. Compiled programs may still, however, reference imported actor classes. For more information, see [Importing actor classes](modules-and-imports.md#importing-actor-classes) and [Actor classes](actor-classes.md#actor-classes).
diff --git a/doc/md/base-intro.md b/doc/md/base-intro.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 563416fc184..00000000000
--- a/doc/md/base-intro.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Using Motoko base modules
-The design of Motoko strives to minimize built-in types and operations. Instead of built-in types, Motoko provides a base library of modules to handle many kinds of common operations and make the language feel complete. This base library is still evolving with modules that support core features and all of the base library APIs are subject to change over time to varying degrees. You should note, in particular, that the size and number of modules and functions included in the base library is likely to increase dramatically and updates to the base library modules might introduce breaking changes that require you to update your programs to remain compatible.
-## Importing from the base library
-To import from the base library, use the `import` keyword followed by a local module name and a URL where the `import` declaration can find the module you want to import. For example:
-``` motoko
-import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
-Debug.print("hello world");
-This example illustrates how to import Motoko code—indicated by using the `mo:` prefix—using the `base/` base library path and the module name `Debug`. You can also import Motoko code and other modules using relative paths. For example, if you have created a Motoko program named `types.mo` in the same folder as your main program, you could include it with an import declaration like this:
-``` motoko no-repl
-import Types "./types";
-## Viewing the base library modules
-You can find source code and documentation for Motoko base modules in the [motoko-base](https://github.com/dfinity/motoko-base) open source repository. There are instructions in the repository for generating a local copy of the current documentation for the Motoko base library.
-You can also search for documentation by using Search in any page of the Developer Center.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Array.md b/doc/md/base/Array.md
index 7b9e1762745..8240932c8fc 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Array.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Array.md
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func append(array1 : [X], array2 : [X]) : [X]
Create a new array by appending the values of `array1` and `array2`.
-@deprecated `Array.append` copies its arguments and has linear complexity;
+Note that `Array.append` copies its arguments and has linear complexity;
when used in a loop, consider using a `Buffer`, and `Buffer.append`, instead.
```motoko include=import
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ Space: O(1)
## Function `subArray`
``` motoko no-repl
-func subArray(arr : [X], start : Nat, length : Nat) : [X]
+func subArray(array : [X], start : Nat, length : Nat) : [X]
Returns a new subarray from the given array provided the start index and length of elements in the subarray
@@ -514,5 +514,122 @@ Limitations: Traps if the start index + length is greater than the size of the a
let array = [1,2,3,4,5];
let subArray = Array.subArray(array, 2, 3);
+Runtime: O(length);
+Space: O(length);
+## Function `indexOf`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func indexOf(element : X, array : [X], equal : (X, X) -> Bool) : ?Nat
+Returns the index of the first `element` in the `array`.
+```motoko include=import
+import Char "mo:base/Char";
+let array = ['c', 'o', 'f', 'f', 'e', 'e'];
+assert Array.indexOf('c', array, Char.equal) == ?0;
+assert Array.indexOf('f', array, Char.equal) == ?2;
+assert Array.indexOf('g', array, Char.equal) == null;
+Runtime: O(array.size());
+Space: O(1);
+## Function `nextIndexOf`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func nextIndexOf(element : X, array : [X], fromInclusive : Nat, equal : (X, X) -> Bool) : ?Nat
+Returns the index of the next occurence of `element` in the `array` starting from the `from` index (inclusive).
+```motoko include=import
+import Char "mo:base/Char";
+let array = ['c', 'o', 'f', 'f', 'e', 'e'];
+assert Array.nextIndexOf('c', array, 0, Char.equal) == ?0;
+assert Array.nextIndexOf('f', array, 0, Char.equal) == ?2;
+assert Array.nextIndexOf('f', array, 2, Char.equal) == ?2;
+assert Array.nextIndexOf('f', array, 3, Char.equal) == ?3;
+assert Array.nextIndexOf('f', array, 4, Char.equal) == null;
+Runtime: O(array.size());
+Space: O(1);
+## Function `lastIndexOf`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func lastIndexOf(element : X, array : [X], equal : (X, X) -> Bool) : ?Nat
+Returns the index of the last `element` in the `array`.
+```motoko include=import
+import Char "mo:base/Char";
+let array = ['c', 'o', 'f', 'f', 'e', 'e'];
+assert Array.lastIndexOf('c', array, Char.equal) == ?0;
+assert Array.lastIndexOf('f', array, Char.equal) == ?3;
+assert Array.lastIndexOf('e', array, Char.equal) == ?5;
+assert Array.lastIndexOf('g', array, Char.equal) == null;
+Runtime: O(array.size());
+Space: O(1);
+## Function `prevIndexOf`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func prevIndexOf(element : T, array : [T], fromExclusive : Nat, equal : (T, T) -> Bool) : ?Nat
+Returns the index of the previous occurance of `element` in the `array` starting from the `from` index (exclusive).
+```motoko include=import
+import Char "mo:base/Char";
+let array = ['c', 'o', 'f', 'f', 'e', 'e'];
+assert Array.prevIndexOf('c', array, array.size(), Char.equal) == ?0;
+assert Array.prevIndexOf('e', array, array.size(), Char.equal) == ?5;
+assert Array.prevIndexOf('e', array, 5, Char.equal) == ?4;
+assert Array.prevIndexOf('e', array, 4, Char.equal) == null;
+Runtime: O(array.size());
+Space: O(1);
+## Function `slice`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func slice(array : [X], fromInclusive : Nat, toExclusive : Nat) : I.Iter
+Returns an iterator over a slice of the given array.
+```motoko include=import
+let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+let s = Array.slice(array, 3, array.size());
+assert s.next() == ?4;
+assert s.next() == ?5;
+assert s.next() == null;
+let s = Array.slice(array, 0, 0);
+assert s.next() == null;
+Runtime: O(1)
+Space: O(1)
+## Function `take`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func take(array : [T], length : Int) : [T]
+Returns a new subarray of given length from the beginning or end of the given array
+Returns the entire array if the length is greater than the size of the array
+```motoko include=import
+let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+assert Array.take(array, 2) == [1, 2];
+assert Array.take(array, -2) == [4, 5];
+assert Array.take(array, 10) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+assert Array.take(array, -99) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Runtime: O(length);
Space: O(length);
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Blob.md b/doc/md/base/Blob.md
index 6c60ddc91f6..883c072f0ac 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Blob.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Blob.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Some built in features not listed in this module:
* `b.size() : Nat` returns the number of bytes in the blob `b`;
* `b.vals() : Iter.Iter` returns an iterator to enumerate the bytes of the blob `b`.
- For example:
+For example:
```motoko include=import
import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Blob.hash(blob) // => 1_818_567_776
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
-func compare(blob1 : Blob, blob2 : Blob) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
+func compare(b1 : Blob, b2 : Blob) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
General purpose comparison function for `Blob` by comparing the value of
diff --git a/doc/md/base/ExperimentalCycles.md b/doc/md/base/ExperimentalCycles.md
index 270b6844c90..5b22fb6adb8 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/ExperimentalCycles.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/ExperimentalCycles.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
actor {
public func main() : async() {
Debug.print("Main balance: " # debug_show(Cycles.balance()));
- Cycles.add(15_000_000);
+ Cycles.add(15_000_000);
await operation(); // accepts 10_000_000 cycles
Debug.print("Main refunded: " # debug_show(Cycles.refunded())); // 5_000_000
Debug.print("Main balance: " # debug_show(Cycles.balance())); // decreased by around 10_000_000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ actor {
func operation() : async() {
Debug.print("Operation balance: " # debug_show(Cycles.balance()));
Debug.print("Operation available: " # debug_show(Cycles.available()));
- let obtained = Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
+ let obtained = Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
Debug.print("Operation obtained: " # debug_show(obtained)); // => 10_000_000
Debug.print("Operation balance: " # debug_show(Cycles.balance())); // increased by 10_000_000
Debug.print("Operation available: " # debug_show(Cycles.available())); // decreased by 10_000_000
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
actor {
public func main() : async() {
- Cycles.add(15_000_000);
+ Cycles.add(15_000_000);
await operation(); // accepts 10_000_000 cycles
func operation() : async() {
- let obtained = Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
+ let obtained = Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
Debug.print("Obtained: " # debug_show(obtained)); // => 10_000_000
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ import Cycles "mo:base/ExperimentalCycles";
actor {
func operation() : async() {
- ignore Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
+ ignore Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
public func main() : async() {
- Cycles.add(15_000_000);
+ Cycles.add(15_000_000);
await operation();
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
actor {
func operation() : async() {
- ignore Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
+ ignore Cycles.accept(10_000_000);
public func main() : async() {
- Cycles.add(15_000_000);
+ Cycles.add(15_000_000);
await operation(); // accepts 10_000_000 cycles
Debug.print("Refunded: " # debug_show(Cycles.refunded())); // 5_000_000
diff --git a/doc/md/base/ExperimentalInternetComputer.md b/doc/md/base/ExperimentalInternetComputer.md
index 4d0a7aa13ad..1a5f511d7bf 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/ExperimentalInternetComputer.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/ExperimentalInternetComputer.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let rawReply = await IC.call(ledger, method, to_candid(input)); // serialized Ca
let output : ?OutputType = from_candid(rawReply); // { decimals = 8 }
-[Learn more about Candid serialization](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/build/cdks/motoko-dfinity/language-manual#candid-serialization)
+[Learn more about Candid serialization](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/motoko/main/reference/language-manual#candid-serialization)
## Function `countInstructions`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -53,3 +53,32 @@ let count = IC.countInstructions(func() {
// ...
+## Value `performanceCounter`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let performanceCounter : (counter : Nat32) -> (value : Nat64)
+Returns the current value of IC _performance counter_ `counter`.
+* Counter `0` is the _current execution instruction counter_, counting instructions only since the beginning of the current IC message.
+ This counter is reset to value `0` on shared function entry and every `await`.
+ It is therefore only suitable for measuring the cost of synchronous code.
+* Counter `1` is the _call context instruction counter_ for the current shared function call.
+ For replicated message executing, this excludes the cost of nested IC calls (even to the current canister).
+ For non-replicated messages, such as composite queries, it includes the cost of nested calls.
+ The current value of this counter is preserved across `awaits` (unlike counter `0`).
+* The function (currently) traps if `counter` >= 2.
+Consult [Performance Counter](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/ic-interface-spec#system-api-performance-counter) for details.
+```motoko no-repl
+import IC "mo:base/ExperimentalInternetComputer";
+let c1 = IC.performanceCounter(1);
+let diff : Nat64 = IC.performanceCounter(1) - c1;
diff --git a/doc/md/base/ExperimentalStableMemory.md b/doc/md/base/ExperimentalStableMemory.md
index ca86d7e00eb..eee62ef66bf 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/ExperimentalStableMemory.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/ExperimentalStableMemory.md
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ Byte-level access to (virtual) _stable memory_.
and may be replaced by safer alternatives in later versions of Motoko.
Use at your own risk and discretion.
+**DEPRECATION**: Use of `ExperimentalStableMemory` library may be deprecated in future.
+Going forward, users should consider using library `Region.mo` to allocate *isolated* regions of memory instead.
+Using dedicated regions for different user applications ensures that writing
+to one region will not affect the state of another, unrelated region.
This is a lightweight abstraction over IC _stable memory_ and supports persisting
raw binary data across Motoko upgrades.
Use of this module is fully compatible with Motoko's use of
@@ -30,7 +35,7 @@ NB: The IC's actual stable memory size (`ic0.stable_size`) may exceed the
page size reported by Motoko function `size()`.
This (and the cap on growth) are to accommodate Motoko's stable variables.
Applications that plan to use Motoko stable variables sparingly or not at all can
-increase `--max-stable-pages` as desired, approaching the IC maximum (initially 8GiB, then 32Gib, currently 48Gib).
+increase `--max-stable-pages` as desired, approaching the IC maximum (initially 8GiB, then 32Gib, currently 64Gib).
All applications should reserve at least one page for stable variable data, even when no stable variables are used.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Float.md b/doc/md/base/Float.md
index 06b19128493..c7e02ca529b 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Float.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Float.md
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ Advice:
* For absolute precision, it is recommened to encode the fraction number as a pair of a Nat for the base
and a Nat for the exponent (decimal point).
+NaN sign:
+* The NaN sign is only applied by `abs`, `neg`, and `copySign`. Other operations can have an arbitrary
+ sign bit for NaN results.
## Type `Float`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ Determines whether the `number` is a `NaN` ("not a number" in the floating point
* Equality test of `NaN` with itself or another number is always `false`.
* There exist many internal `NaN` value representations, such as positive and negative NaN,
- signalling and quiet nans, each with many different bit representations.
+ signalling and quiet NaNs, each with many different bit representations.
@@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ Special cases:
abs(+inf) => +inf
abs(-inf) => +inf
-abs(NaN) => NaN
+abs(-NaN) => +NaN
abs(-0.0) => 0.0
@@ -177,7 +180,7 @@ let trunc : (x : Float) -> Float
Returns the nearest integral float not greater in magnitude than `x`.
-This is equilvent to returning `x` with truncating its decimal places.
+This is equivalent to returning `x` with truncating its decimal places.
Special cases:
@@ -477,7 +480,7 @@ Float.log(Float.e) // => 1.0
## Function `format`
``` motoko no-repl
-func format(fmt : {#fix : Nat8; #exp : Nat8; #gen : Nat8; #hex : Nat8; #exact}, x : Float) : Text
+func format(fmt : {#fix : Nat8; #exp : Nat8; #gen : Nat8; #exact}, x : Float) : Text
Formatting. `format(fmt, x)` formats `x` to `Text` according to the
@@ -486,13 +489,15 @@ formatting directive `fmt`, which can take one of the following forms:
* `#fix prec` as fixed-point format with `prec` digits
* `#exp prec` as exponential format with `prec` digits
* `#gen prec` as generic format with `prec` digits
-* `#hex prec` as hexadecimal format with `prec` digits
* `#exact` as exact format that can be decoded without loss.
`-0.0` is formatted with negative sign bit.
-Positive infinity is formatted as `inf`.
-Negative infinity is formatted as `-inf`.
-`NaN` is formatted as `NaN` or `-NaN` depending on its sign bit.
+Positive infinity is formatted as "inf".
+Negative infinity is formatted as "-inf".
+Note: The numerical precision and the text format can vary between
+Motoko versions and runtime configuration. Moreover, `NaN` can be printed
+differently, i.e. "NaN" or "nan", potentially omitting the `NaN` sign.
@@ -616,12 +621,12 @@ Traps if `epsilon` is negative or `NaN`.
Special cases:
-equal(+0.0, -0.0, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-equal(-0.0, +0.0, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-equal(+inf, +inf, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-equal(-inf, -inf, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-equal(x, NaN, epsilon) => false for any x and `epsilon >= 0.0`
-equal(NaN, y, epsilon) => false for any y and `epsilon >= 0.0`
+equalWithin(+0.0, -0.0, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+equalWithin(-0.0, +0.0, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+equalWithin(+inf, +inf, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+equalWithin(-inf, -inf, epsilon) => true for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+equalWithin(x, NaN, epsilon) => false for any x and `epsilon >= 0.0`
+equalWithin(NaN, y, epsilon) => false for any y and `epsilon >= 0.0`
@@ -629,7 +634,7 @@ Example:
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let epsilon = 1e-6;
-Float.equal(-12.3, -1.23e1, epsilon) // => true
+Float.equalWithin(-12.3, -1.23e1, epsilon) // => true
## Function `notEqualWithin`
@@ -645,12 +650,12 @@ Traps if `epsilon` is negative or `NaN`.
Special cases:
-notEqual(+0.0, -0.0, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-notEqual(-0.0, +0.0, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-notEqual(+inf, +inf, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-notEqual(-inf, -inf, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
-notEqual(x, NaN, epsilon) => true for any x and `epsilon >= 0.0`
-notEqual(NaN, y, epsilon) => true for any y and `epsilon >= 0.0`
+notEqualWithin(+0.0, -0.0, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+notEqualWithin(-0.0, +0.0, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+notEqualWithin(+inf, +inf, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+notEqualWithin(-inf, -inf, epsilon) => false for any `epsilon >= 0.0`
+notEqualWithin(x, NaN, epsilon) => true for any x and `epsilon >= 0.0`
+notEqualWithin(NaN, y, epsilon) => true for any y and `epsilon >= 0.0`
@@ -658,7 +663,7 @@ Example:
import Float "mo:base/Float";
let epsilon = 1e-6;
-Float.notEqual(-12.3, -1.23e1, epsilon) // => false
+Float.notEqualWithin(-12.3, -1.23e1, epsilon) // => false
## Function `less`
@@ -757,8 +762,8 @@ func compare(x : Float, y : Float) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
Defines a total order of `x` and `y` for use in sorting.
Note: Using this operation to determine equality or inequality is discouraged for two reasons:
-* It does not consider numerical errors, see comment above. Use `equal(x, y)` or
- `notEqual(x, y)` to test for equality or inequality, respectively.
+* It does not consider numerical errors, see comment above. Use `equalWithin(x, y, espilon)` or
+ `notEqualWithin(x, y, epsilon)` to test for equality or inequality, respectively.
* `NaN` are here considered equal if their sign matches, which is different to the standard equality
by `==` or when using `equal()` or `notEqual()`.
@@ -787,8 +792,16 @@ func neg(x : Float) : Float
Returns the negation of `x`, `-x` .
Changes the sign bit for infinity.
-Issue: Inconsistent behavior for zero and `NaN`. Probably related to
+Special cases:
+neg(+inf) => -inf
+neg(-inf) => +inf
+neg(+NaN) => -NaN
+neg(-NaN) => +NaN
+neg(+0.0) => -0.0
+neg(-0.0) => +0.0
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Int.md b/doc/md/base/Int.md
index f731a0172eb..80e784f8e84 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Int.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Int.md
@@ -233,6 +233,11 @@ Example:
Int.neg(123) // => -123
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Int, y : Int) : Int
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Int16.md b/doc/md/base/Int16.md
index 9e5ec937a76..4ec85bb969f 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Int16.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Int16.md
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# Int16
-16-bit signed integers with checked arithmetic.
+Provides utility functions on 16-bit signed integers.
-Common 16-bit integer functions.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
## Type `Int16`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -18,6 +22,11 @@ let minimumValue : Int16
Minimum 16-bit integer value, `-2 ** 15`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.minimumValue // => -32_768 : Int16
## Value `maximumValue`
``` motoko no-repl
let maximumValue : Int16
@@ -25,6 +34,11 @@ let maximumValue : Int16
Maximum 16-bit integer value, `+2 ** 15 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.maximumValue // => +32_767 : Int16
## Value `toInt`
``` motoko no-repl
let toInt : Int16 -> Int
@@ -33,9 +47,7 @@ let toInt : Int16 -> Int
Converts a 16-bit signed integer to a signed integer with infinite precision.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.toInt(12_345) // => 12_345 : Int
@@ -49,9 +61,7 @@ Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 16-bit signed integer.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.fromInt(12_345) // => +12_345 : Int16
@@ -65,12 +75,62 @@ Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 16-bit signed integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.fromIntWrap(-12_345) // => -12_345 : Int
+## Value `fromInt8`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let fromInt8 : Int8 -> Int16
+Converts a 8-bit signed integer to a 16-bit signed integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.fromInt8(-123) // => -123 : Int16
+## Value `toInt8`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let toInt8 : Int16 -> Int8
+Converts a 16-bit signed integer to a 8-bit signed integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.toInt8(-123) // => -123 : Int8
+## Value `fromInt32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let fromInt32 : Int32 -> Int16
+Converts a 32-bit signed integer to a 16-bit signed integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.fromInt32(-12_345) // => -12_345 : Int16
+## Value `toInt32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let toInt32 : Int16 -> Int32
+Converts a 16-bit signed integer to a 32-bit signed integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.toInt32(-12_345) // => -12_345 : Int32
## Value `fromNat16`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromNat16 : Nat16 -> Int16
@@ -81,9 +141,7 @@ Converts an unsigned 16-bit integer to a signed 16-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.fromNat16(12_345) // => +12_345 : Int16
@@ -97,9 +155,7 @@ Converts a signed 16-bit integer to an unsigned 16-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.toNat16(-1) // => 65_535 : Nat16 // underflow
@@ -108,13 +164,11 @@ Int16.toNat16(-1) // => 65_535 : Nat16 // underflow
func toText(x : Int16) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
-Formats the integer in decimal representation without underscore separators for thousand figures.
+Returns the Text representation of `x`. Textual representation _do not_
+contain underscores to represent commas.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.toText(-12345) // => "-12345"
@@ -128,9 +182,7 @@ Returns the absolute value of `x`.
Traps when `x == -2 ** 15` (the minimum `Int16` value).
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.abs(-12345) // => +12_345
@@ -142,9 +194,7 @@ func min(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.min(+2, -3) // => -3
@@ -156,9 +206,7 @@ func max(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.max(+2, -3) // => +2
@@ -167,13 +215,28 @@ Int16.max(+2, -3) // => +2
func equal(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Int16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.equal(-1, -1); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
-Int16.equal(123, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Int16.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
@@ -181,55 +244,66 @@ Int16.equal(123, 123) // => true
func notEqual(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Int16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
-Int16.notEqual(123, 123) // => false
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.notEqual(-1, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Int16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
-Int16.less(123, 1234) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.less(-2, 1); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Int16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
-Int16.lessOrEqual(123, 1234) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.lessOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Int16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
-Int16.greater(1234, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.greater(-2, 1); // => false
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
@@ -237,13 +311,12 @@ Int16.greater(1234, 123) // => true
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Int16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
-Int16.greaterOrEqual(1234, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.greaterOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
## Function `compare`
@@ -251,13 +324,20 @@ Int16.greaterOrEqual(1234, 123) // => true
func compare(x : Int16, y : Int16) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General-purpose comparison function for `Int16`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.compare(-3, 2) // => #less
-Int16.compare(123, 1234) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([1, -2, -3] : [Int16], Int16.compare) // => [-3, -2, 1]
## Function `neg`
@@ -269,14 +349,16 @@ Returns the negation of `x`, `-x`.
Traps on overflow, i.e. for `neg(-2 ** 15)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.neg(123) // => -123
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -287,10 +369,19 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.add(100, 23) // => +123
-Int16.add(1234, 123) // => +1_357
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int16.add) // => -4
## Function `sub`
@@ -303,10 +394,19 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.sub(123, 100) // => +23
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
-Int16.sub(1234, 123) // => +1_111
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int16.sub) // => 4
## Function `mul`
@@ -319,10 +419,19 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
+Int16.mul(12, 10) // => +120
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
-Int16.mul(123, 100) // => +12_300
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 1, Int16.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
@@ -336,12 +445,15 @@ Rounds the quotient towards zero, which is the same as truncating the decimal pl
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.div(123, 10) // => +12
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -353,12 +465,15 @@ which is defined as `x - x / y * y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.rem(123, 10) // => +3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -369,12 +484,15 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow and when `y < 0 or y >= 16`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.pow(2, 10) // => +1_024
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitnot(x : Int16) : Int16
@@ -383,12 +501,15 @@ func bitnot(x : Int16) : Int16
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitnot(-256 /* 0xff00 */) // => +255 // 0xff
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -397,12 +518,15 @@ func bitand(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
Returns the bitwise "and" of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitand(0x0fff, 0x00f0) // => +240 // 0xf0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -411,11 +535,13 @@ func bitor(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
Returns the bitwise "or" of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitor(0x0f0f, 0x00f0) // => +4_095 // 0x0fff
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `|` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `|`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -425,11 +551,13 @@ func bitxor(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
Returns the bitwise "exclusive or" of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitxor(0x0fff, 0x00f0) // => +3_855 // 0x0f0f
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -444,12 +572,15 @@ For `y >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y % 16)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y + y % 16)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitshiftLeft(1, 8) // => +256 // 0x100 equivalent to `2 ** 8`.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -463,12 +594,15 @@ For `y >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight(x, y % 16)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight (x, y + y % 16)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitshiftRight(1024, 8) // => +4 // equivalent to `1024 / (2 ** 8)`
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -482,12 +616,15 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotLeft(x, y % 16)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitrotLeft(0x2001, 4) // => +18 // 0x12.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -501,12 +638,15 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotRight(x, y % 16)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitrotRight(0x2010, 8) // => +4_128 // 0x01020.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Int16, p : Nat) : Bool
@@ -514,11 +654,10 @@ func bittest(x : Int16, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p` in `x`, `x & 2**p == 2**p`.
If `p >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bittest(x, p % 16)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bittest(128, 7) // => true
@@ -531,9 +670,7 @@ Returns the value of setting bit `p` in `x` to `1`.
If `p >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bitset(x, p % 16)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitset(0, 7) // => +128
@@ -546,9 +683,7 @@ Returns the value of clearing bit `p` in `x` to `0`.
If `p >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 16)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitclear(-1, 7) // => -129
@@ -561,9 +696,7 @@ Returns the value of flipping bit `p` in `x`.
If `p >= 16`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 16)`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitflip(255, 7) // => +127
@@ -575,9 +708,7 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int16) -> Int16
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitcountNonZero(0xff) // => +8
@@ -589,9 +720,7 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int16) -> Int16
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitcountLeadingZero(0x80) // => +8
@@ -603,9 +732,7 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int16) -> Int16
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.bitcountTrailingZero(0x0100) // => +8
@@ -618,14 +745,16 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.addWrap(2 ** 14, 2 ** 14) // => -32_768 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -635,14 +764,16 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.subWrap(-2 ** 15, 1) // => +32_767 // underflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -652,14 +783,16 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.mulWrap(2 ** 8, 2 ** 8) // => 0 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Int16, y : Int16) : Int16
@@ -670,10 +803,13 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
Traps if `y < 0 or y >= 16`.
-import Int16 "mo:base/Int16";
+```motoko include=import
Int16.powWrap(2, 15) // => -32_768 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Int32.md b/doc/md/base/Int32.md
index b967d1bf1ff..a257a4917f0 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Int32.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Int32.md
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# Int32
-32-bit signed integers with checked arithmetic.
+Provides utility functions on 32-bit signed integers.
-Common 32-bit integer functions.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
## Type `Int32`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -18,6 +22,11 @@ let minimumValue : Int32
Minimum 32-bit integer value, `-2 ** 31`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.minimumValue // => -2_147_483_648
## Value `maximumValue`
``` motoko no-repl
let maximumValue : Int32
@@ -25,6 +34,11 @@ let maximumValue : Int32
Maximum 32-bit integer value, `+2 ** 31 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.maximumValue // => +2_147_483_647
## Value `toInt`
``` motoko no-repl
let toInt : Int32 -> Int
@@ -33,9 +47,7 @@ let toInt : Int32 -> Int
Converts a 32-bit signed integer to a signed integer with infinite precision.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.toInt(123_456) // => 123_456 : Int
@@ -49,9 +61,7 @@ Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 32-bit signed integer.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.fromInt(123_456) // => +123_456 : Int32
@@ -65,12 +75,62 @@ Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 32-bit signed integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.fromIntWrap(-123_456) // => -123_456 : Int
+## Value `fromInt16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let fromInt16 : Int16 -> Int32
+Converts a 16-bit signed integer to a 32-bit signed integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.fromInt16(-123) // => -123 : Int32
+## Value `toInt16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let toInt16 : Int32 -> Int16
+Converts a 32-bit signed integer to a 16-bit signed integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.toInt16(-123) // => -123 : Int16
+## Value `fromInt64`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let fromInt64 : Int64 -> Int32
+Converts a 64-bit signed integer to a 32-bit signed integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.fromInt64(-123_456) // => -123_456 : Int32
+## Value `toInt64`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let toInt64 : Int32 -> Int64
+Converts a 32-bit signed integer to a 64-bit signed integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.toInt64(-123_456) // => -123_456 : Int64
## Value `fromNat32`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromNat32 : Nat32 -> Int32
@@ -81,9 +141,7 @@ Converts an unsigned 32-bit integer to a signed 32-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.fromNat32(123_456) // => +123_456 : Int32
@@ -97,9 +155,7 @@ Converts a signed 32-bit integer to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.toNat32(-1) // => 4_294_967_295 : Nat32 // underflow
@@ -108,13 +164,11 @@ Int32.toNat32(-1) // => 4_294_967_295 : Nat32 // underflow
func toText(x : Int32) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
-Formats the integer in decimal representation without underscore separators for thousand figures.
+Returns the Text representation of `x`. Textual representation _do not_
+contain underscores to represent commas.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.toText(-123456) // => "-123456"
@@ -128,9 +182,7 @@ Returns the absolute value of `x`.
Traps when `x == -2 ** 31` (the minimum `Int32` value).
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.abs(-123456) // => +123_456
@@ -142,9 +194,7 @@ func min(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.min(+2, -3) // => -3
@@ -156,9 +206,7 @@ func max(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.max(+2, -3) // => +2
@@ -167,13 +215,28 @@ Int32.max(+2, -3) // => +2
func equal(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Int32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.equal(-1, -1); // => true
-Int32.equal(123, 123) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Int32.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
@@ -181,83 +244,110 @@ Int32.equal(123, 123) // => true
func notEqual(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Int32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
-Int32.notEqual(123, 123) // => false
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.notEqual(-1, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Int32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
-Int32.less(123, 1234) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.less(-2, 1); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Int32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
-Int32.lessOrEqual(123, 1234) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.lessOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Int32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
-Int32.greater(1234, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.greater(-2, -3); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Int32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
-Int32.greaterOrEqual(1234, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.greaterOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
func compare(x : Int32, y : Int32) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General-purpose comparison function for `Int32`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.compare(-3, 2) // => #less
-Int32.compare(123, 1234) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([1, -2, -3] : [Int32], Int32.compare) // => [-3, -2, 1]
## Function `neg`
@@ -269,14 +359,16 @@ Returns the negation of `x`, `-x`.
Traps on overflow, i.e. for `neg(-2 ** 31)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.neg(123) // => -123
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -287,10 +379,19 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
+Int32.add(100, 23) // => +123
-Int32.add(1234, 123) // => +1_357
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int32.add) // => -4
## Function `sub`
@@ -303,12 +404,21 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.sub(1234, 123) // => +1_111
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int32.sub) // => 6
## Function `mul`
``` motoko no-repl
func mul(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -319,12 +429,21 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.mul(123, 100) // => +12_300
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 1, Int32.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
``` motoko no-repl
func div(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -336,12 +455,15 @@ Rounds the quotient towards zero, which is the same as truncating the decimal pl
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.div(123, 10) // => +12
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -353,12 +475,15 @@ which is defined as `x - x / y * y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.rem(123, 10) // => +3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -369,12 +494,15 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow and when `y < 0 or y >= 32`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.pow(2, 10) // => +1_024
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitnot(x : Int32) : Int32
@@ -383,12 +511,15 @@ func bitnot(x : Int32) : Int32
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitnot(-256 /* 0xffff_ff00 */) // => +255 // 0xff
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -397,12 +528,15 @@ func bitand(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
Returns the bitwise "and" of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitand(0xffff, 0x00f0) // => +240 // 0xf0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -411,12 +545,15 @@ func bitor(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
Returns the bitwise "or" of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitor(0xffff, 0x00f0) // => +65_535 // 0xffff
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `|` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `|`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitxor(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -425,12 +562,15 @@ func bitxor(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
Returns the bitwise "exclusive or" of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitxor(0xffff, 0x00f0) // => +65_295 // 0xff0f
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftLeft(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -444,12 +584,15 @@ For `y >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y % 32)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y + y % 32)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitshiftLeft(1, 8) // => +256 // 0x100 equivalent to `2 ** 8`.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -463,12 +606,15 @@ For `y >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight(x, y % 32)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight (x, y + y % 32)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitshiftRight(1024, 8) // => +4 // equivalent to `1024 / (2 ** 8)`
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -482,12 +628,15 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotLeft(x, y % 32)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitrotLeft(0x2000_0001, 4) // => +18 // 0x12.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -501,12 +650,15 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotRight(x, y % 32)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitrotRight(0x0002_0001, 8) // => +16_777_728 // 0x0100_0200.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Int32, p : Nat) : Bool
@@ -514,11 +666,10 @@ func bittest(x : Int32, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p` in `x`, `x & 2**p == 2**p`.
If `p >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bittest(x, p % 32)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bittest(128, 7) // => true
@@ -531,9 +682,7 @@ Returns the value of setting bit `p` in `x` to `1`.
If `p >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bitset(x, p % 32)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitset(0, 7) // => +128
@@ -546,9 +695,7 @@ Returns the value of clearing bit `p` in `x` to `0`.
If `p >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 32)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitclear(-1, 7) // => -129
@@ -561,9 +708,7 @@ Returns the value of flipping bit `p` in `x`.
If `p >= 32`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 32)`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitflip(255, 7) // => +127
@@ -575,9 +720,7 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int32) -> Int32
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitcountNonZero(0xffff) // => +16
@@ -589,9 +732,7 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int32) -> Int32
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitcountLeadingZero(0x8000) // => +16
@@ -603,9 +744,7 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int32) -> Int32
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.bitcountTrailingZero(0x0201_0000) // => +16
@@ -618,14 +757,16 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.addWrap(2 ** 30, 2 ** 30) // => -2_147_483_648 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -635,14 +776,16 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.subWrap(-2 ** 31, 1) // => +2_147_483_647 // underflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -652,14 +795,16 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.mulWrap(2 ** 16, 2 ** 16) // => 0 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Int32, y : Int32) : Int32
@@ -670,10 +815,12 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
Traps if `y < 0 or y >= 32`.
-import Int32 "mo:base/Int32";
+```motoko include=import
Int32.powWrap(2, 31) // => -2_147_483_648 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Int64.md b/doc/md/base/Int64.md
index 62934851e48..1ded9b5fff1 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Int64.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Int64.md
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# Int64
-64-bit signed integers with checked arithmetic.
+Provides utility functions on 64-bit signed integers.
-Common 64-bit integer functions.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
## Type `Int64`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -18,6 +22,11 @@ let minimumValue : Int64
Minimum 64-bit integer value, `-2 ** 63`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.minimumValue // => -9_223_372_036_854_775_808
## Value `maximumValue`
``` motoko no-repl
let maximumValue : Int64
@@ -25,6 +34,11 @@ let maximumValue : Int64
Maximum 64-bit integer value, `+2 ** 63 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.maximumValue // => +9_223_372_036_854_775_807
## Value `toInt`
``` motoko no-repl
let toInt : Int64 -> Int
@@ -33,9 +47,7 @@ let toInt : Int64 -> Int
Converts a 64-bit signed integer to a signed integer with infinite precision.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.toInt(123_456) // => 123_456 : Int
@@ -49,12 +61,38 @@ Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 64-bit signed integer.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.fromInt(123_456) // => +123_456 : Int64
+## Value `fromInt32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let fromInt32 : Int32 -> Int64
+Converts a 32-bit signed integer to a 64-bit signed integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.fromInt32(-123_456) // => -123_456 : Int64
+## Value `toInt32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let toInt32 : Int64 -> Int32
+Converts a 64-bit signed integer to a 32-bit signed integer.
+Wraps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.toInt32(-123_456) // => -123_456 : Int32
## Value `fromIntWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromIntWrap : Int -> Int64
@@ -65,9 +103,7 @@ Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 64-bit signed integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.fromIntWrap(-123_456) // => -123_456 : Int64
@@ -81,9 +117,7 @@ Converts an unsigned 64-bit integer to a signed 64-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.fromNat64(123_456) // => +123_456 : Int64
@@ -97,9 +131,7 @@ Converts a signed 64-bit integer to an unsigned 64-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.toNat64(-1) // => 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 : Nat64 // underflow
@@ -108,13 +140,12 @@ Int64.toNat64(-1) // => 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 : Nat64 // underflow
func toText(x : Int64) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
-Formats the integer in decimal representation without underscore separators for thousand figures.
+Returns the Text representation of `x`. Textual representation _do not_
+contain underscores to represent commas.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.toText(-123456) // => "-123456"
@@ -128,9 +159,7 @@ Returns the absolute value of `x`.
Traps when `x == -2 ** 63` (the minimum `Int64` value).
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.abs(-123456) // => +123_456
@@ -142,9 +171,7 @@ func min(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.min(+2, -3) // => -3
@@ -156,9 +183,7 @@ func max(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.max(+2, -3) // => +2
@@ -167,13 +192,28 @@ Int64.max(+2, -3) // => +2
func equal(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Int64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.equal(-1, -1); // => true
-Int64.equal(123, 123) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Int64.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
@@ -181,83 +221,110 @@ Int64.equal(123, 123) // => true
func notEqual(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Int64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
-Int64.notEqual(123, 123) // => false
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.notEqual(-1, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Int64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
-Int64.less(123, 1234) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.less(-2, 1); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Int64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
-Int64.lessOrEqual(123, 1234) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.lessOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Int64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
-Int64.greater(1234, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.greater(-2, -3); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Int64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
-Int64.greaterOrEqual(1234, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.greaterOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
func compare(x : Int64, y : Int64) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General-purpose comparison function for `Int64`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.compare(-3, 2) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
-Int64.compare(123, 1234) // => #less
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([1, -2, -3] : [Int64], Int64.compare) // => [-3, -2, 1]
## Function `neg`
@@ -269,14 +336,16 @@ Returns the negation of `x`, `-x`.
Traps on overflow, i.e. for `neg(-2 ** 63)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.neg(123) // => -123
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -287,12 +356,21 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.add(1234, 123) // => +1_357
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int64.add) // => -4
## Function `sub`
``` motoko no-repl
func sub(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -303,10 +381,19 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.sub(123, 100) // => +23
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
-Int64.sub(1234, 123) // => +1_111
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int64.sub) // => 4
## Function `mul`
@@ -319,10 +406,19 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
+Int64.mul(123, 10) // => +1_230
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
-Int64.mul(123, 100) // => +12_300
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 1, Int64.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
@@ -336,12 +432,15 @@ Rounds the quotient towards zero, which is the same as truncating the decimal pl
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.div(123, 10) // => +12
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -353,12 +452,15 @@ which is defined as `x - x / y * y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.rem(123, 10) // => +3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -369,12 +471,15 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow and when `y < 0 or y >= 64`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.pow(2, 10) // => +1_024
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitnot(x : Int64) : Int64
@@ -383,12 +488,15 @@ func bitnot(x : Int64) : Int64
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitnot(-256 /* 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ff00 */) // => +255 // 0xff
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -397,12 +505,15 @@ func bitand(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
Returns the bitwise "and" of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitand(0xffff, 0x00f0) // => +240 // 0xf0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -411,12 +522,15 @@ func bitor(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
Returns the bitwise "or" of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitor(0xffff, 0x00f0) // => +65_535 // 0xffff
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `|` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `|`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitxor(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -425,12 +539,15 @@ func bitxor(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
Returns the bitwise "exclusive or" of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitxor(0xffff, 0x00f0) // => +65_295 // 0xff0f
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftLeft(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -444,12 +561,15 @@ For `y >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y % 64)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y + y % 64)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitshiftLeft(1, 8) // => +256 // 0x100 equivalent to `2 ** 8`.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -463,12 +583,15 @@ For `y >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight(x, y % 64)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight (x, y + y % 64)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitshiftRight(1024, 8) // => +4 // equivalent to `1024 / (2 ** 8)`
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -482,12 +605,16 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotLeft(x, y % 64)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitrotLeft(0x2000_0000_0000_0001, 4) // => +18 // 0x12.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -501,12 +628,15 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotRight(x, y % 64)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitrotRight(0x0002_0000_0000_0001, 48) // => +65538 // 0x1_0002.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Int64, p : Nat) : Bool
@@ -514,11 +644,10 @@ func bittest(x : Int64, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p` in `x`, `x & 2**p == 2**p`.
If `p >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bittest(x, p % 64)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bittest(128, 7) // => true
@@ -531,9 +660,7 @@ Returns the value of setting bit `p` in `x` to `1`.
If `p >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bitset(x, p % 64)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitset(0, 7) // => +128
@@ -546,9 +673,7 @@ Returns the value of clearing bit `p` in `x` to `0`.
If `p >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 64)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitclear(-1, 7) // => -129
@@ -561,9 +686,7 @@ Returns the value of flipping bit `p` in `x`.
If `p >= 64`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 64)`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitflip(255, 7) // => +127
@@ -575,9 +698,7 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int64) -> Int64
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitcountNonZero(0xffff) // => +16
@@ -589,9 +710,7 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int64) -> Int64
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitcountLeadingZero(0x8000_0000) // => +32
@@ -603,9 +722,7 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int64) -> Int64
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.bitcountTrailingZero(0x0201_0000) // => +16
@@ -618,14 +735,16 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.addWrap(2 ** 62, 2 ** 62) // => -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -635,14 +754,16 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.subWrap(-2 ** 63, 1) // => +9_223_372_036_854_775_807 // underflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -652,14 +773,16 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.mulWrap(2 ** 32, 2 ** 32) // => 0 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Int64, y : Int64) : Int64
@@ -670,10 +793,12 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
Traps if `y < 0 or y >= 64`.
-import Int64 "mo:base/Int64";
+```motoko include=import
Int64.powWrap(2, 63) // => -9_223_372_036_854_775_808 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Int8.md b/doc/md/base/Int8.md
index c2f27f8783a..036e188a0ba 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Int8.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Int8.md
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# Int8
-8-bit signed integers with checked arithmetic.
+Provides utility functions on 8-bit signed integers.
-Common 8-bit integer functions.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
## Type `Int8`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -18,6 +22,11 @@ let minimumValue : Int8
Minimum 8-bit integer value, `-2 ** 7`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.minimumValue // => -128
## Value `maximumValue`
``` motoko no-repl
let maximumValue : Int8
@@ -25,17 +34,20 @@ let maximumValue : Int8
Maximum 8-bit integer value, `+2 ** 7 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.maximumValue // => +127
## Value `toInt`
``` motoko no-repl
let toInt : Int8 -> Int
-Converts a 8-bit signed integer to a signed integer with infinite precision.
+Converts an 8-bit signed integer to a signed integer with infinite precision.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.toInt(123) // => 123 : Int
@@ -44,14 +56,12 @@ Int8.toInt(123) // => 123 : Int
let fromInt : Int -> Int8
-Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 8-bit signed integer.
+Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to an 8-bit signed integer.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.fromInt(123) // => +123 : Int8
@@ -60,17 +70,41 @@ Int8.fromInt(123) // => +123 : Int8
let fromIntWrap : Int -> Int8
-Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 8-bit signed integer.
+Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to an 8-bit signed integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.fromIntWrap(-123) // => -123 : Int
+## Value `fromInt16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let fromInt16 : Int16 -> Int8
+Converts a 16-bit signed integer to an 8-bit signed integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.fromInt16(123) // => +123 : Int8
+## Value `toInt16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let toInt16 : Int8 -> Int16
+Converts an 8-bit signed integer to a 16-bit signed integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.toInt16(123) // => +123 : Int16
## Value `fromNat8`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromNat8 : Nat8 -> Int8
@@ -81,9 +115,7 @@ Converts an unsigned 8-bit integer to a signed 8-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.fromNat8(123) // => +123 : Int8
@@ -97,9 +129,7 @@ Converts a signed 8-bit integer to an unsigned 8-bit integer.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.toNat8(-1) // => 255 : Nat8 // underflow
@@ -108,13 +138,10 @@ Int8.toNat8(-1) // => 255 : Nat8 // underflow
func toText(x : Int8) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
-Formats the integer in decimal representation.
+Converts an integer number to its textual representation.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.toText(-123) // => "-123"
@@ -128,9 +155,7 @@ Returns the absolute value of `x`.
Traps when `x == -2 ** 7` (the minimum `Int8` value).
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.abs(-123) // => +123
@@ -142,9 +167,7 @@ func min(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.min(+2, -3) // => -3
@@ -156,9 +179,7 @@ func max(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.max(+2, -3) // => +2
@@ -167,13 +188,28 @@ Int8.max(+2, -3) // => +2
func equal(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Int8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.equal(-1, -1); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
-Int8.equal(123, 123) // => true
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(1);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Int8.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
@@ -181,83 +217,110 @@ Int8.equal(123, 123) // => true
func notEqual(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Int8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
-Int8.notEqual(123, 123) // => false
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.notEqual(-1, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Int8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
-Int8.less(123, 124) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.less(-2, 1); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Int8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
-Int8.lessOrEqual(123, 124) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.lessOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Int8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
-Int8.greater(124, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.greater(-2, -3); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func greaterOrEqual(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Int8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
-Int8.greaterOrEqual(124, 123) // => true
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.greaterOrEqual(-2, -2); // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
func compare(x : Int8, y : Int8) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General-purpose comparison function for `Int8`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
+Int8.compare(-3, 2) // => #less
-Int8.compare(123, 124) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([1, -2, -3] : [Int8], Int8.compare) // => [-3, -2, 1]
## Function `neg`
@@ -269,14 +332,16 @@ Returns the negation of `x`, `-x`.
Traps on overflow, i.e. for `neg(-2 ** 7)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.neg(123) // => -123
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -287,12 +352,21 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.add(100, 23) // => +123
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int8.add) // => -4
## Function `sub`
``` motoko no-repl
func sub(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -303,12 +377,21 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.sub(123, 23) // => +100
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 0, Int8.sub) // => 4
## Function `mul`
``` motoko no-repl
func mul(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -319,12 +402,21 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.mul(12, 10) // => +120
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([1, -2, -3], 1, Int8.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
``` motoko no-repl
func div(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -336,12 +428,15 @@ Rounds the quotient towards zero, which is the same as truncating the decimal pl
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.div(123, 10) // => +12
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -353,12 +448,15 @@ which is defined as `x - x / y * y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.rem(123, 10) // => +3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -369,12 +467,15 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`.
Traps on overflow/underflow and when `y < 0 or y >= 8`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.pow(2, 6) // => +64
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitnot(x : Int8) : Int8
@@ -383,12 +484,15 @@ func bitnot(x : Int8) : Int8
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitnot(-16 /* 0xf0 */) // => +15 // 0x0f
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -397,12 +501,15 @@ func bitand(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
Returns the bitwise "and" of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitand(0x1f, 0x70) // => +16 // 0x10
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -411,12 +518,15 @@ func bitor(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
Returns the bitwise "or" of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitor(0x0f, 0x70) // => +127 // 0x7f
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `|` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `|`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitxor(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -425,12 +535,15 @@ func bitxor(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
Returns the bitwise "exclusive or" of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitxor(0x70, 0x7f) // => +15 // 0x0f
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftLeft(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -444,12 +557,15 @@ For `y >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y % 8)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftLeft(x, y + y % 8)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitshiftLeft(1, 4) // => +16 // 0x10 equivalent to `2 ** 4`.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -463,12 +579,15 @@ For `y >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight(x, y % 8)`.
For `y < 0`, the semantics is the same as for `bitshiftRight (x, y + y % 8)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitshiftRight(64, 4) // => +4 // equivalent to `64 / (2 ** 4)`
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -482,12 +601,15 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotLeft(x, y % 8)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitrotLeft(0x11 /* 0b0001_0001 */, 2) // => +68 // 0b0100_0100 == 0x44.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -501,12 +623,15 @@ Changes the direction of rotation for negative `y`.
For `y >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bitrotRight(x, y % 8)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitrotRight(0x11 /* 0b0001_0001 */, 1) // => -120 // 0b1000_1000 == 0x88.
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Int8, p : Nat) : Bool
@@ -514,11 +639,10 @@ func bittest(x : Int8, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p` in `x`, `x & 2**p == 2**p`.
If `p >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bittest(x, p % 8)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bittest(64, 6) // => true
@@ -531,9 +655,7 @@ Returns the value of setting bit `p` in `x` to `1`.
If `p >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bitset(x, p % 8)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitset(0, 6) // => +64
@@ -546,9 +668,7 @@ Returns the value of clearing bit `p` in `x` to `0`.
If `p >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 8)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitclear(-1, 6) // => -65
@@ -561,9 +681,7 @@ Returns the value of flipping bit `p` in `x`.
If `p >= 8`, the semantics is the same as for `bitclear(x, p % 8)`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitflip(127, 6) // => +63
@@ -575,9 +693,7 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Int8) -> Int8
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitcountNonZero(0x0f) // => +4
@@ -589,9 +705,7 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Int8) -> Int8
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitcountLeadingZero(0x08) // => +4
@@ -603,9 +717,7 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Int8) -> Int8
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.bitcountTrailingZero(0x10) // => +4
@@ -618,14 +730,16 @@ Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.addWrap(2 ** 6, 2 ** 6) // => -128 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -635,14 +749,16 @@ Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.subWrap(-2 ** 7, 1) // => +127 // underflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -652,14 +768,16 @@ Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.mulWrap(2 ** 4, 2 ** 4) // => 0 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Int8, y : Int8) : Int8
@@ -670,10 +788,12 @@ Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`.
Wraps on overflow/underflow.
Traps if `y < 0 or y >= 8`.
-import Int8 "mo:base/Int8";
+```motoko include=import
Int8.powWrap(2, 7) // => -128 // overflow
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Iter.md b/doc/md/base/Iter.md
index 81bcdf106ac..280190e1e08 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Iter.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Iter.md
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func filter(xs : Iter, f : A -> Bool) : Iter
Takes a function and an iterator and returns a new iterator that produces
elements from the original iterator if and only if the predicate is true.
-import Iter "o:base/Iter";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
let iter = Iter.range(1, 3);
let mappedIter = Iter.filter(iter, func (x : Nat) : Bool { x % 2 == 1 });
assert(?1 == mappedIter.next());
@@ -131,6 +131,25 @@ assert(?10 == iter.next());
// ...
+## Function `concat`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func concat(a : Iter, b : Iter) : Iter
+Takes two iterators and returns a new iterator that produces
+elements from the original iterators sequentally.
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+let iter1 = Iter.range(1, 2);
+let iter2 = Iter.range(5, 6);
+let concatenatedIter = Iter.concat(iter1, iter2);
+assert(?1 == concatenatedIter.next());
+assert(?2 == concatenatedIter.next());
+assert(?5 == concatenatedIter.next());
+assert(?6 == concatenatedIter.next());
+assert(null == concatenatedIter.next());
## Function `fromArray`
``` motoko no-repl
func fromArray(xs : [A]) : Iter
diff --git a/doc/md/base/List.md b/doc/md/base/List.md
index c783d956119..a31770bf1b3 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/List.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/List.md
@@ -162,7 +162,9 @@ sum // => 3
Runtime: O(size)
-Space: O(1)
+Space: O(size)
+*Runtime and space assumes that `f` runs in O(1) time and space.
## Function `map`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -219,6 +221,8 @@ Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
+*Runtime and space assumes that `f` runs in O(1) time and space.
## Function `mapFilter`
``` motoko no-repl
func mapFilter(l : List, f : T -> ?U) : List
@@ -245,6 +249,8 @@ Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
+*Runtime and space assumes that `f` runs in O(1) time and space.
## Function `mapResult`
``` motoko no-repl
func mapResult(xs : List, f : T -> Result.Result) : Result.Result, E>
@@ -654,7 +660,7 @@ Runtime: O(min(size(xs), size(ys)))
Space: O(min(size(xs), size(ys)))
-*Runtime and space assumes that `zip` runs in O(1) time and space.
+*Runtime and space assumes that `f` runs in O(1) time and space.
## Function `split`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -675,8 +681,6 @@ Runtime: O(n)
Space: O(n)
-*Runtime and space assumes that `zip` runs in O(1) time and space.
## Function `chunks`
``` motoko no-repl
func chunks(n : Nat, xs : List) : List>
@@ -703,8 +707,6 @@ Runtime: O(size)
Space: O(size)
-*Runtime and space assumes that `zip` runs in O(1) time and space.
## Function `fromArray`
``` motoko no-repl
func fromArray(xs : [T]) : List
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Nat.md b/doc/md/base/Nat.md
index e30877af69b..384b64c92a3 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Nat.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Nat.md
@@ -347,3 +347,41 @@ Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
as a function value at the moment.
+## Function `bitshiftLeft`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat, y : Nat32) : Nat
+Returns the (conceptual) bitwise shift left of `x` by `y`, `x * (2 ** y)`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat.bitshiftLeft(1, 3); // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in absence
+of the `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. While `Nat` is not defined in terms
+of bit patterns, conceptually it can be regarded as such, and the operation
+is provided as a high-performance version of the corresponding arithmetic
+## Function `bitshiftRight`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func bitshiftRight(x : Nat, y : Nat32) : Nat
+Returns the (conceptual) bitwise shift right of `x` by `y`, `x / (2 ** y)`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat.bitshiftRight(8, 3); // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in absence
+of the `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. While `Nat` is not defined in terms
+of bit patterns, conceptually it can be regarded as such, and the operation
+is provided as a high-performance version of the corresponding arithmetic
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Nat16.md b/doc/md/base/Nat16.md
index 713000b2e98..1d011098f20 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Nat16.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Nat16.md
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# Nat16
-16-bit unsigned integers with checked arithmetic
+Provides utility functions on 16-bit unsigned integers.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Nat16 "mo:base/Nat16";
## Type `Nat16`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -10,33 +15,122 @@ type Nat16 = Prim.Types.Nat16
16-bit natural numbers.
+## Value `maximumValue`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let maximumValue : Nat16
+Maximum 16-bit natural number. `2 ** 16 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.maximumValue; // => 65536 : Nat16
## Value `toNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let toNat : Nat16 -> Nat
+Converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to an unsigned integer with infinite precision.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.toNat(123); // => 123 : Nat
## Value `fromNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromNat : Nat -> Nat16
-Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts an unsigned integer with infinite precision to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.fromNat(123); // => 123 : Nat16
+## Function `fromNat8`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func fromNat8(x : Nat8) : Nat16
+Converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.fromNat8(123); // => 123 : Nat16
+## Function `toNat8`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func toNat8(x : Nat16) : Nat8
+Converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to an 8-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.toNat8(123); // => 123 : Nat8
+## Function `fromNat32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func fromNat32(x : Nat32) : Nat16
+Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.fromNat32(123); // => 123 : Nat16
+## Function `toNat32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func toNat32(x : Nat16) : Nat32
+Converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.toNat32(123); // => 123 : Nat32
## Value `fromIntWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromIntWrap : Int -> Nat16
-Conversion. Wraps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
+Wraps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.fromIntWrap(123 : Int); // => 123 : Nat16
## Function `toText`
``` motoko no-repl
func toText(x : Nat16) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
+Converts `x` to its textual representation. Textual representation _do not_
+contain underscores to represent commas.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.toText(1234); // => "1234" : Text
## Function `min`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -45,6 +139,11 @@ func min(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.min(123, 200); // => 123 : Nat16
## Function `max`
``` motoko no-repl
func max(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -52,84 +151,249 @@ func max(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.max(123, 200); // => 200 : Nat16
## Function `equal`
``` motoko no-repl
func equal(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Nat16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.equal(1, 1); // => true
+(1 : Nat16) == (1 : Nat16) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Nat16.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func notEqual(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Nat16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.notEqual(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat16) != (2 : Nat16) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Nat16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.less(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat16) < (2 : Nat16) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Nat16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.lessOrEqual(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat16) <= (2 : Nat16) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Nat16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.greater(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat16) > (1 : Nat16) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Nat16 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.greaterOrEqual(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat16) >= (1 : Nat16) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
func compare(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General purpose comparison function for `Nat16`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.compare(2, 3) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([2, 3, 1] : [Nat16], Nat16.compare) // => [1, 2, 3]
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
-Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.add(1, 2); // => 3
+(1 : Nat16) + (2 : Nat16) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 0, Nat16.add) // => 6
## Function `sub`
``` motoko no-repl
func sub(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
-Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`. Traps on underflow.
+Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
+Traps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.sub(2, 1); // => 1
+(2 : Nat16) - (1 : Nat16) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 20, Nat16.sub) // => 14
## Function `mul`
``` motoko no-repl
func mul(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
-Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.mul(2, 3); // => 6
+(2 : Nat16) * (3 : Nat16) // => 6
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 1, Nat16.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
``` motoko no-repl
func div(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
-Returns the division of `x by y`, `x / y`.
+Returns the quotient of `x` divided by `y`, `x / y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.div(6, 2); // => 3
+(6 : Nat16) / (2 : Nat16) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -138,12 +402,35 @@ func rem(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the remainder of `x` divided by `y`, `x % y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.rem(6, 4); // => 2
+(6 : Nat16) % (4 : Nat16) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
-Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the power of `x` to `y`, `x ** y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.pow(2, 3); // => 8
+(2 : Nat16) ** (3 : Nat16) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -152,6 +439,17 @@ func bitnot(x : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitnot(0); // => 65535
+^(0 : Nat16) // => 65535
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -159,12 +457,29 @@ func bitand(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the bitwise and of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitand(0, 1); // => 0
+(0 : Nat16) & (1 : Nat16) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
-Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x \| y`.
+Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitor(0, 1); // => 1
+(0 : Nat16) | (1 : Nat16) // => 1
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -173,6 +488,12 @@ func bitxor(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the bitwise exclusive or of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitxor(0, 1); // => 1
+(0 : Nat16) ^ (1 : Nat16) // => 1
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -180,6 +501,17 @@ func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the bitwise shift left of `x` by `y`, `x << y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitshiftLeft(1, 3); // => 8
+(1 : Nat16) << (3 : Nat16) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -187,6 +519,17 @@ func bitshiftRight(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the bitwise shift right of `x` by `y`, `x >> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitshiftRight(8, 3); // => 1
+(8 : Nat16) >> (3 : Nat16) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -194,6 +537,17 @@ func bitrotLeft(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the bitwise rotate left of `x` by `y`, `x <<> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitrotLeft(2, 1); // => 4
+(2 : Nat16) <<> (1 : Nat16) // => 4
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -201,12 +555,29 @@ func bitrotRight(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the bitwise rotate right of `x` by `y`, `x <>> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.bitrotRight(1, 1); // => 32768
+(1 : Nat16) <>> (1 : Nat16) // => 32768
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p mod 16` in `x`, `(x & 2^(p mod 16)) == 2^(p mod 16)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.bittest(5, 2); // => true
## Function `bitset`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -215,6 +586,11 @@ func bitset(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Nat16
Returns the value of setting bit `p mod 16` in `x` to `1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.bitset(0, 2); // => 4
## Function `bitclear`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitclear(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Nat16
@@ -222,6 +598,11 @@ func bitclear(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Nat16
Returns the value of clearing bit `p mod 16` in `x` to `0`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.bitclear(5, 2); // => 1
## Function `bitflip`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitflip(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Nat16
@@ -229,6 +610,11 @@ func bitflip(x : Nat16, p : Nat) : Nat16
Returns the value of flipping bit `p mod 16` in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.bitflip(5, 2); // => 1
## Value `bitcountNonZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
@@ -236,6 +622,11 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.bitcountNonZero(5); // => 2
## Value `bitcountLeadingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
@@ -243,6 +634,11 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.bitcountLeadingZero(5); // => 13
## Value `bitcountTrailingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
@@ -250,6 +646,11 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat16) -> Nat16
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat16.bitcountTrailingZero(5); // => 0
## Function `addWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func addWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -257,6 +658,17 @@ func addWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.addWrap(65532, 5); // => 1
+(65532 : Nat16) +% (5 : Nat16) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -264,6 +676,17 @@ func subWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`. Wraps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.subWrap(1, 2); // => 65535
+(1 : Nat16) -% (2 : Nat16) // => 65535
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
@@ -271,9 +694,31 @@ func mulWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.mulWrap(655, 101); // => 619
+(655 : Nat16) *% (101 : Nat16) // => 619
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Nat16, y : Nat16) : Nat16
Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat16.powWrap(2, 16); // => 0
+(2 : Nat16) **% (16 : Nat16) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Nat32.md b/doc/md/base/Nat32.md
index 17efaee29e6..c080931ec35 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Nat32.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Nat32.md
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# Nat32
-32-bit unsigned integers with checked arithmetic
+Provides utility functions on 32-bit unsigned integers.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Nat32 "mo:base/Nat32";
## Type `Nat32`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -10,33 +15,122 @@ type Nat32 = Prim.Types.Nat32
32-bit natural numbers.
+## Value `maximumValue`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let maximumValue : Nat32
+Maximum 32-bit natural number. `2 ** 32 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.maximumValue; // => 4294967295 : Nat32
## Value `toNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let toNat : Nat32 -> Nat
+Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to an unsigned integer with infinite precision.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.toNat(123); // => 123 : Nat
## Value `fromNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromNat : Nat -> Nat32
-Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts an unsigned integer with infinite precision to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.fromNat(123); // => 123 : Nat32
+## Function `fromNat16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func fromNat16(x : Nat16) : Nat32
+Converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.fromNat16(123); // => 123 : Nat32
+## Function `toNat16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func toNat16(x : Nat32) : Nat16
+Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.toNat16(123); // => 123 : Nat16
+## Function `fromNat64`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func fromNat64(x : Nat64) : Nat32
+Converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.fromNat64(123); // => 123 : Nat32
+## Function `toNat64`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func toNat64(x : Nat32) : Nat64
+Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.toNat64(123); // => 123 : Nat64
## Value `fromIntWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromIntWrap : Int -> Nat32
-Conversion. Wraps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.fromIntWrap(123); // => 123 : Nat32
## Function `toText`
``` motoko no-repl
func toText(x : Nat32) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
+Converts `x` to its textual representation. Textual representation _do not_
+contain underscores to represent commas.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.toText(1234); // => "1234" : Text
## Function `min`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -45,6 +139,11 @@ func min(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.min(123, 456); // => 123 : Nat32
## Function `max`
``` motoko no-repl
func max(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -52,75 +151,229 @@ func max(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.max(123, 456); // => 456 : Nat32
## Function `equal`
``` motoko no-repl
func equal(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Nat32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.equal(1, 1); // => true
+(1 : Nat32) == (1 : Nat32) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Nat32.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func notEqual(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Nat32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.notEqual(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat32) != (2 : Nat32) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Nat32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.less(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat32) < (2 : Nat32) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Nat32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.lessOrEqual(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat32) <= (2 : Nat32) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Nat32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.greater(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat32) > (1 : Nat32) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Nat32 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.greaterOrEqual(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat32) >= (1 : Nat32) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
func compare(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General purpose comparison function for `Nat32`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.compare(2, 3) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([2, 3, 1] : [Nat32], Nat32.compare) // => [1, 2, 3]
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
-Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.add(1, 2); // => 3
+(1 : Nat32) + (2 : Nat32) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 0, Nat32.add) // => 6
## Function `sub`
``` motoko no-repl
func sub(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
-Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`. Traps on underflow.
+Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
+Traps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.sub(2, 1); // => 1
+(2 : Nat32) - (1 : Nat32) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 20, Nat32.sub) // => 14
## Function `mul`
``` motoko no-repl
func mul(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
-Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.mul(2, 3); // => 6
+(2 : Nat32) * (3 : Nat32) // => 6
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 1, Nat32.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -130,6 +383,17 @@ func div(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the division of `x by y`, `x / y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.div(6, 2); // => 3
+(6 : Nat32) / (2 : Nat32) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -138,6 +402,17 @@ func rem(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the remainder of `x` divided by `y`, `x % y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.rem(6, 4); // => 2
+(6 : Nat32) % (4 : Nat32) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -145,6 +420,17 @@ func pow(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`. Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.pow(2, 3); // => 8
+(2 : Nat32) ** (3 : Nat32) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitnot(x : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -152,6 +438,17 @@ func bitnot(x : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitnot(0) // => 4294967295
+^(0 : Nat32) // => 4294967295
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -159,12 +456,34 @@ func bitand(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the bitwise and of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitand(1, 3); // => 1
+(1 : Nat32) & (3 : Nat32) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
-Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x \| y`.
+Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitor(1, 3); // => 3
+(1 : Nat32) | (3 : Nat32) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `|` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `|`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -173,6 +492,17 @@ func bitxor(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the bitwise exclusive or of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitxor(1, 3); // => 2
+(1 : Nat32) ^ (3 : Nat32) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -180,6 +510,17 @@ func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the bitwise shift left of `x` by `y`, `x << y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitshiftLeft(1, 3); // => 8
+(1 : Nat32) << (3 : Nat32) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -187,6 +528,17 @@ func bitshiftRight(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the bitwise shift right of `x` by `y`, `x >> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitshiftRight(8, 3); // => 1
+(8 : Nat32) >> (3 : Nat32) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -194,6 +546,17 @@ func bitrotLeft(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the bitwise rotate left of `x` by `y`, `x <<> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitrotLeft(1, 3); // => 8
+(1 : Nat32) <<> (3 : Nat32) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -201,12 +564,29 @@ func bitrotRight(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the bitwise rotate right of `x` by `y`, `x <>> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.bitrotRight(1, 1); // => 2147483648
+(1 : Nat32) <>> (1 : Nat32) // => 2147483648
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p mod 32` in `x`, `(x & 2^(p mod 32)) == 2^(p mod 32)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.bittest(5, 2); // => true
## Function `bitset`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -215,6 +595,11 @@ func bitset(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Nat32
Returns the value of setting bit `p mod 32` in `x` to `1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.bitset(5, 1); // => 7
## Function `bitclear`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitclear(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Nat32
@@ -222,6 +607,11 @@ func bitclear(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Nat32
Returns the value of clearing bit `p mod 32` in `x` to `0`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.bitclear(5, 2); // => 1
## Function `bitflip`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitflip(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Nat32
@@ -229,6 +619,11 @@ func bitflip(x : Nat32, p : Nat) : Nat32
Returns the value of flipping bit `p mod 32` in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.bitflip(5, 2); // => 1
## Value `bitcountNonZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
@@ -236,6 +631,11 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.bitcountNonZero(5); // => 2
## Value `bitcountLeadingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
@@ -243,6 +643,11 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.bitcountLeadingZero(5); // => 29
## Value `bitcountTrailingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
@@ -250,6 +655,11 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat32) -> Nat32
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat32.bitcountTrailingZero(16); // => 4
## Function `addWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func addWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -257,6 +667,17 @@ func addWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.addWrap(4294967295, 1); // => 0
+(4294967295 : Nat32) +% (1 : Nat32) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -264,6 +685,17 @@ func subWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`. Wraps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.subWrap(0, 1); // => 4294967295
+(0 : Nat32) -% (1 : Nat32) // => 4294967295
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
@@ -271,9 +703,31 @@ func mulWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.mulWrap(2147483648, 2); // => 0
+(2147483648 : Nat32) *% (2 : Nat32) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Nat32, y : Nat32) : Nat32
Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat32.powWrap(2, 32); // => 0
+(2 : Nat32) **% (32 : Nat32) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Nat64.md b/doc/md/base/Nat64.md
index 8ad9048790b..315202d0816 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Nat64.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Nat64.md
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# Nat64
-64-bit unsigned integers with checked arithmetic
+Provides utility functions on 64-bit unsigned integers.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Nat64 "mo:base/Nat64";
## Type `Nat64`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -10,33 +15,96 @@ type Nat64 = Prim.Types.Nat64
64-bit natural numbers.
+## Value `maximumValue`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let maximumValue : Nat64
+Maximum 64-bit natural number. `2 ** 64 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.maximumValue; // => 18446744073709551615 : Nat64
## Value `toNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let toNat : Nat64 -> Nat
+Converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to an unsigned integer with infinite precision.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.toNat(123); // => 123 : Nat
## Value `fromNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromNat : Nat -> Nat64
-Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts an unsigned integer with infinite precision to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.fromNat(123); // => 123 : Nat64
+## Function `fromNat32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func fromNat32(x : Nat32) : Nat64
+Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.fromNat32(123); // => 123 : Nat64
+## Function `toNat32`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func toNat32(x : Nat64) : Nat32
+Converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.toNat32(123); // => 123 : Nat32
## Value `fromIntWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromIntWrap : Int -> Nat64
-Conversion. Wraps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.fromIntWrap(123); // => 123 : Nat64
## Function `toText`
``` motoko no-repl
func toText(x : Nat64) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
+Converts `x` to its textual representation. Textual representation _do not_
+contain underscores to represent commas.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.toText(1234); // => "1234" : Text
## Function `min`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -45,6 +113,11 @@ func min(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.min(123, 456); // => 123 : Nat64
## Function `max`
``` motoko no-repl
func max(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -52,84 +125,249 @@ func max(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.max(123, 456); // => 456 : Nat64
## Function `equal`
``` motoko no-repl
func equal(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Nat64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.equal(1, 1); // => true
+(1 : Nat64) == (1 : Nat64) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Nat64.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func notEqual(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Nat64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.notEqual(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat64) != (2 : Nat64) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Nat64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.less(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat64) < (2 : Nat64) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Nat64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.lessOrEqual(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat64) <= (2 : Nat64) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Nat64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.greater(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat64) > (1 : Nat64) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Nat64 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.greaterOrEqual(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat64) >= (1 : Nat64) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
func compare(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General purpose comparison function for `Nat64`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.compare(2, 3) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([2, 3, 1] : [Nat64], Nat64.compare) // => [1, 2, 3]
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
-Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.add(1, 2); // => 3
+(1 : Nat64) + (2 : Nat64) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 0, Nat64.add) // => 6
## Function `sub`
``` motoko no-repl
func sub(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
-Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`. Traps on underflow.
+Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
+Traps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.sub(3, 1); // => 2
+(3 : Nat64) - (1 : Nat64) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 10, Nat64.sub) // => 4
## Function `mul`
``` motoko no-repl
func mul(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
-Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.mul(2, 3); // => 6
+(2 : Nat64) * (3 : Nat64) // => 6
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 1, Nat64.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
``` motoko no-repl
func div(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
-Returns the division of `x by y`, `x / y`.
+Returns the quotient of `x` divided by `y`, `x / y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.div(6, 2); // => 3
+(6 : Nat64) / (2 : Nat64) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -138,6 +376,17 @@ func rem(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the remainder of `x` divided by `y`, `x % y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.rem(6, 4); // => 2
+(6 : Nat64) % (4 : Nat64) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -145,6 +394,17 @@ func pow(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`. Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.pow(2, 3); // => 8
+(2 : Nat64) ** (3 : Nat64) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitnot(x : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -152,6 +412,17 @@ func bitnot(x : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitnot(0); // => 18446744073709551615
+^(0 : Nat64) // => 18446744073709551615
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -159,12 +430,34 @@ func bitand(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the bitwise and of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitand(1, 3); // => 1
+(1 : Nat64) & (3 : Nat64) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
-Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x \| y`.
+Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitor(1, 3); // => 3
+(1 : Nat64) | (3 : Nat64) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `|` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `|`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -173,6 +466,17 @@ func bitxor(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the bitwise exclusive or of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitxor(1, 3); // => 2
+(1 : Nat64) ^ (3 : Nat64) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -180,6 +484,17 @@ func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the bitwise shift left of `x` by `y`, `x << y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitshiftLeft(1, 3); // => 8
+(1 : Nat64) << (3 : Nat64) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -187,6 +502,17 @@ func bitshiftRight(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the bitwise shift right of `x` by `y`, `x >> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitshiftRight(8, 3); // => 1
+(8 : Nat64) >> (3 : Nat64) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -194,6 +520,17 @@ func bitrotLeft(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the bitwise rotate left of `x` by `y`, `x <<> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitrotLeft(1, 3); // => 8
+(1 : Nat64) <<> (3 : Nat64) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -201,12 +538,29 @@ func bitrotRight(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the bitwise rotate right of `x` by `y`, `x <>> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.bitrotRight(8, 3); // => 1
+(8 : Nat64) <>> (3 : Nat64) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p mod 64` in `x`, `(x & 2^(p mod 64)) == 2^(p mod 64)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.bittest(5, 2); // => true
## Function `bitset`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -215,6 +569,11 @@ func bitset(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Nat64
Returns the value of setting bit `p mod 64` in `x` to `1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.bitset(5, 1); // => 7
## Function `bitclear`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitclear(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Nat64
@@ -222,6 +581,11 @@ func bitclear(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Nat64
Returns the value of clearing bit `p mod 64` in `x` to `0`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.bitclear(5, 2); // => 1
## Function `bitflip`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitflip(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Nat64
@@ -229,6 +593,11 @@ func bitflip(x : Nat64, p : Nat) : Nat64
Returns the value of flipping bit `p mod 64` in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.bitflip(5, 2); // => 1
## Value `bitcountNonZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
@@ -236,6 +605,11 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.bitcountNonZero(5); // => 2
## Value `bitcountLeadingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
@@ -243,6 +617,11 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.bitcountLeadingZero(5); // => 61
## Value `bitcountTrailingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
@@ -250,6 +629,11 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat64) -> Nat64
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat64.bitcountTrailingZero(16); // => 4
## Function `addWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func addWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -257,6 +641,17 @@ func addWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.addWrap(Nat64.maximumValue, 1); // => 0
+Nat64.maximumValue +% (1 : Nat64) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -264,6 +659,17 @@ func subWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`. Wraps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.subWrap(0, 1); // => 18446744073709551615
+(0 : Nat64) -% (1 : Nat64) // => 18446744073709551615
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
@@ -271,9 +677,31 @@ func mulWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.mulWrap(4294967296, 4294967296); // => 0
+(4294967296 : Nat64) *% (4294967296 : Nat64) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Nat64, y : Nat64) : Nat64
Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat64.powWrap(2, 64); // => 0
+(2 : Nat64) **% (64 : Nat64) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Nat8.md b/doc/md/base/Nat8.md
index 6f257989317..0c23c20f1c1 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Nat8.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Nat8.md
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# Nat8
-8-bit unsigned integers with checked arithmetic
+Provides utility functions on 8-bit unsigned integers.
-Most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Note that most operations are available as built-in operators (e.g. `1 + 1`).
+Import from the base library to use this module.
+```motoko name=import
+import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";
## Type `Nat8`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -10,33 +15,95 @@ type Nat8 = Prim.Types.Nat8
8-bit natural numbers.
+## Value `maximumValue`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let maximumValue : Nat8
+Maximum 8-bit natural number. `2 ** 8 - 1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.maximumValue; // => 255 : Nat8
## Value `toNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let toNat : Nat8 -> Nat
+Converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to an unsigned integer with infinite precision.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.toNat(123); // => 123 : Nat
## Value `fromNat`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromNat : Nat -> Nat8
-Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts an unsigned integer with infinite precision to an 8-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.fromNat(123); // => 123 : Nat8
+## Value `fromNat16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let fromNat16 : Nat16 -> Nat8
+Converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to a 8-bit unsigned integer.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.fromNat16(123); // => 123 : Nat8
+## Value `toNat16`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let toNat16 : Nat8 -> Nat16
+Converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.toNat16(123); // => 123 : Nat16
## Value `fromIntWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
let fromIntWrap : Int -> Nat8
-Conversion. Wraps on overflow/underflow.
+Converts a signed integer with infinite precision to an 8-bit unsigned integer.
+Wraps on overflow/underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.fromIntWrap(123); // => 123 : Nat8
## Function `toText`
``` motoko no-repl
func toText(x : Nat8) : Text
-Returns the Text representation of `x`.
+Converts `x` to its textual representation.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.toText(123); // => "123" : Text
## Function `min`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -45,6 +112,11 @@ func min(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the minimum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.min(123, 200); // => 123 : Nat8
## Function `max`
``` motoko no-repl
func max(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -52,84 +124,249 @@ func max(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the maximum of `x` and `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.max(123, 200); // => 200 : Nat8
## Function `equal`
``` motoko no-repl
func equal(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
-Returns `x == y`.
+Equality function for Nat8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x == y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.equal(1, 1); // => true
+(1 : Nat8) == (1 : Nat8) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `==` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `==`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
+let buffer1 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+let buffer2 = Buffer.Buffer(3);
+Buffer.equal(buffer1, buffer2, Nat8.equal) // => true
## Function `notEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func notEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
-Returns `x != y`.
+Inequality function for Nat8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x != y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.notEqual(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat8) != (2 : Nat8) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `!=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `!=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `less`
``` motoko no-repl
func less(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
-Returns `x < y`.
+"Less than" function for Nat8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x < y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.less(1, 2); // => true
+(1 : Nat8) < (2 : Nat8) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `lessOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func lessOrEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
-Returns `x <= y`.
+"Less than or equal" function for Nat8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x <= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat.lessOrEqual(1, 2); // => true
+1 <= 2 // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greater`
``` motoko no-repl
func greater(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
-Returns `x > y`.
+"Greater than" function for Nat8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x > y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.greater(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat8) > (1 : Nat8) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `greaterOrEqual`
``` motoko no-repl
func greaterOrEqual(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Bool
-Returns `x >= y`.
+"Greater than or equal" function for Nat8 types.
+This is equivalent to `x >= y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.greaterOrEqual(2, 1); // => true
+(2 : Nat8) >= (1 : Nat8) // => true
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>=` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>=`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `compare`
``` motoko no-repl
func compare(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : {#less; #equal; #greater}
-Returns the order of `x` and `y`.
+General purpose comparison function for `Nat8`. Returns the `Order` (
+either `#less`, `#equal`, or `#greater`) of comparing `x` with `y`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.compare(2, 3) // => #less
+This function can be used as value for a high order function, such as a sort function.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.sort([2, 3, 1] : [Nat8], Nat8.compare) // => [1, 2, 3]
## Function `add`
``` motoko no-repl
func add(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
-Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x + y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.add(1, 2); // => 3
+(1 : Nat8) + (2 : Nat8) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 0, Nat8.add) // => 6
## Function `sub`
``` motoko no-repl
func sub(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
-Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`. Traps on underflow.
+Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x - y`.
+Traps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.sub(2, 1); // => 1
+(2 : Nat8) - (1 : Nat8) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 20, Nat8.sub) // => 14
## Function `mul`
``` motoko no-repl
func mul(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
-Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x * y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.mul(2, 3); // => 6
+(2 : Nat8) * (3 : Nat8) // => 6
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*`
+as a function value at the moment.
+```motoko include=import
+import Array "mo:base/Array";
+Array.foldLeft([2, 3, 1], 1, Nat8.mul) // => 6
## Function `div`
``` motoko no-repl
func div(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
-Returns the division of `x by y`, `x / y`.
+Returns the quotient of `x` divided by `y`, `x / y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.div(6, 2); // => 3
+(6 : Nat8) / (2 : Nat8) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `/` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `/`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `rem`
``` motoko no-repl
func rem(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -138,12 +375,35 @@ func rem(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the remainder of `x` divided by `y`, `x % y`.
Traps when `y` is zero.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.rem(6, 4); // => 2
+(6 : Nat8) % (4 : Nat8) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `pow`
``` motoko no-repl
func pow(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
-Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`. Traps on overflow.
+Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x ** y`.
+Traps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.pow(2, 3); // => 8
+(2 : Nat8) ** (3 : Nat8) // => 8
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitnot`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -152,6 +412,17 @@ func bitnot(x : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the bitwise negation of `x`, `^x`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitnot(0); // => 255
+^(0 : Nat8) // => 255
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitand`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitand(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -159,12 +430,34 @@ func bitand(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the bitwise and of `x` and `y`, `x & y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitand(3, 2); // => 2
+(3 : Nat8) & (2 : Nat8) // => 2
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `&` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `&`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitor`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitor(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
-Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x \| y`.
+Returns the bitwise or of `x` and `y`, `x | y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitor(3, 2); // => 3
+(3 : Nat8) | (2 : Nat8) // => 3
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `|` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `|`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitxor`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -173,6 +466,17 @@ func bitxor(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the bitwise exclusive or of `x` and `y`, `x ^ y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitxor(3, 2); // => 1
+(3 : Nat8) ^ (2 : Nat8) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `^` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `^`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -180,6 +484,17 @@ func bitshiftLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the bitwise shift left of `x` by `y`, `x << y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitshiftLeft(1, 2); // => 4
+(1 : Nat8) << (2 : Nat8) // => 4
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitshiftRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitshiftRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -187,6 +502,17 @@ func bitshiftRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the bitwise shift right of `x` by `y`, `x >> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitshiftRight(4, 2); // => 1
+(4 : Nat8) >> (2 : Nat8) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotLeft`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -194,6 +520,17 @@ func bitrotLeft(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the bitwise rotate left of `x` by `y`, `x <<> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitrotLeft(128, 1); // => 1
+(128 : Nat8) <<> (1 : Nat8) // => 1
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<<>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<<>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bitrotRight`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitrotRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -201,12 +538,29 @@ func bitrotRight(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the bitwise rotate right of `x` by `y`, `x <>> y`.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.bitrotRight(1, 1); // => 128
+(1 : Nat8) <>> (1 : Nat8) // => 128
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `<>>` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `<>>`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `bittest`
``` motoko no-repl
func bittest(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Bool
Returns the value of bit `p mod 8` in `x`, `(x & 2^(p mod 8)) == 2^(p mod 8)`.
+This is equivalent to checking if the `p`-th bit is set in `x`, using 0 indexing.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.bittest(5, 2); // => true
## Function `bitset`
``` motoko no-repl
@@ -215,6 +569,11 @@ func bitset(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8
Returns the value of setting bit `p mod 8` in `x` to `1`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.bitset(5, 1); // => 7
## Function `bitclear`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitclear(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8
@@ -222,6 +581,11 @@ func bitclear(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8
Returns the value of clearing bit `p mod 8` in `x` to `0`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.bitclear(5, 2); // => 1
## Function `bitflip`
``` motoko no-repl
func bitflip(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8
@@ -229,6 +593,11 @@ func bitflip(x : Nat8, p : Nat) : Nat8
Returns the value of flipping bit `p mod 8` in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.bitflip(5, 2); // => 1
## Value `bitcountNonZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
@@ -236,6 +605,11 @@ let bitcountNonZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
Returns the count of non-zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.bitcountNonZero(5); // => 2
## Value `bitcountLeadingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
@@ -243,6 +617,11 @@ let bitcountLeadingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
Returns the count of leading zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.bitcountLeadingZero(5); // => 5
## Value `bitcountTrailingZero`
``` motoko no-repl
let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
@@ -250,6 +629,11 @@ let bitcountTrailingZero : (x : Nat8) -> Nat8
Returns the count of trailing zero bits in `x`.
+```motoko include=import
+Nat8.bitcountTrailingZero(6); // => 1
## Function `addWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func addWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -257,6 +641,17 @@ func addWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the sum of `x` and `y`, `x +% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.addWrap(230, 26); // => 0
+(230 : Nat8) +% (26 : Nat8) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `+%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `+%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `subWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func subWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -264,6 +659,16 @@ func subWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the difference of `x` and `y`, `x -% y`. Wraps on underflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.subWrap(0, 1); // => 255
+(0 : Nat8) -% (1 : Nat8) // => 255
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `-%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `-%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `mulWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func mulWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
@@ -271,9 +676,31 @@ func mulWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns the product of `x` and `y`, `x *% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.mulWrap(230, 26); // => 92
+(230 : Nat8) *% (26 : Nat8) // => 92
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `*%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `*%`
+as a function value at the moment.
## Function `powWrap`
``` motoko no-repl
func powWrap(x : Nat8, y : Nat8) : Nat8
Returns `x` to the power of `y`, `x **% y`. Wraps on overflow.
+```motoko include=import
+ignore Nat8.powWrap(2, 8); // => 0
+(2 : Nat8) **% (8 : Nat8) // => 0
+Note: The reason why this function is defined in this library (in addition
+to the existing `**%` operator) is so that you can use it as a function
+value to pass to a higher order function. It is not possible to use `**%`
+as a function value at the moment.
diff --git a/doc/md/base/Option.md b/doc/md/base/Option.md
index 7acf1548052..8bf84923aa8 100644
--- a/doc/md/base/Option.md
+++ b/doc/md/base/Option.md
@@ -124,6 +124,13 @@ func isNull(x : ?Any) : Bool
Returns true if the argument is `null`, otherwise returns false.
+## Function `equal`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func equal(x : ?A, y : ?A, eq : (A, A) -> Bool) : Bool
+Returns true if the optional arguments are equal according to the equality function provided, otherwise returns false.
## Function `assertSome`
``` motoko no-repl
func assertSome(x : ?Any)
diff --git a/doc/md/base/OrderedMap.md b/doc/md/base/OrderedMap.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a2302f3fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/md/base/OrderedMap.md
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+# OrderedMap
+Stable key-value map implemented as a red-black tree with nodes storing key-value pairs.
+A red-black tree is a balanced binary search tree ordered by the keys.
+The tree data structure internally colors each of its nodes either red or black,
+and uses this information to balance the tree during the modifying operations.
+* Runtime: `O(log(n))` worst case cost per insertion, removal, and retrieval operation.
+* Space: `O(n)` for storing the entire tree.
+`n` denotes the number of key-value entries (i.e. nodes) stored in the tree.
+* Map operations, such as retrieval, insertion, and removal create `O(log(n))` temporary objects that become garbage.
+The core of this implementation is derived from:
+* Ken Friis Larsen's [RedBlackMap.sml](https://github.com/kfl/mosml/blob/master/src/mosmllib/Redblackmap.sml), which itself is based on:
+* Stefan Kahrs, "Red-black trees with types", Journal of Functional Programming, 11(4): 425-432 (2001), [version 1 in web appendix](http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/people/staff/smk/redblack/rb.html).
+## Type `Map`
+``` motoko no-repl
+type Map = { size : Nat; root : Tree }
+Collection of key-value entries, ordered by the keys and key unique.
+The keys have the generic type `K` and the values the generic type `V`.
+If `K` and `V` is stable types then `Map` is also stable.
+To ensure that property the `Map` does not have any methods, instead
+they are gathered in the functor-like class `Operations` (see example there).
+## Class `Operations`
+``` motoko no-repl
+class Operations(compare : (K, K) -> O.Order)
+Class that captures key type `K` along with its ordering function `compare`
+and provides all operations to work with a map of type `Map`.
+An instance object should be created once as a canister field to ensure
+that the same ordering function is used for every operation.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+actor {
+ let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare); // : Operations
+ stable var keyStorage : Map.Map = natMap.empty();
+ public func addKey(id : Nat, key : Text) : async () {
+ keyStorage := natMap.put(keyStorage, id, key);
+ }
+### Function `fromIter`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func fromIter(i : I.Iter<(K, V)>) : Map
+Returns a new map, containing all entries given by the iterator `i`.
+If there are multiple entries with the same key the last one is taken.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let m = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+// [(0, "Zero"), (1, "One"), (2, "Two")]
+Runtime: `O(n * log(n))`.
+Space: `O(n)` retained memory plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+Note: Creates `O(n * log(n))` temporary objects that will be collected as garbage.
+### Function `put`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func put(m : Map, key : K, value : V) : Map
+Insert the value `value` with key `key` into the map `m`. Overwrites any existing entry with key `key`.
+Returns a modified map.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+var map = natMap.empty();
+map := natMap.put(map, 0, "Zero");
+map := natMap.put(map, 2, "Two");
+map := natMap.put(map, 1, "One");
+// [(0, "Zero"), (1, "One"), (2, "Two")]
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(log(n))`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+Note: The returned map shares with the `m` most of the tree nodes.
+Garbage collecting one of maps (e.g. after an assignment `m := natMap.put(m, k)`)
+causes collecting `O(log(n))` nodes.
+### Function `replace`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func replace(m : Map, key : K, value : V) : (Map, ?V)
+Insert the value `value` with key `key` into the map `m`. Returns modified map and
+the previous value associated with key `key` or `null` if no such value exists.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map0 = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+let (map1, old1) = natMap.replace(map0, 0, "Nil");
+// [(0, "Nil"), (1, "One"), (2, "Two")]
+// ?"Zero"
+let (map2, old2) = natMap.replace(map0, 3, "Three");
+// [(0, "Zero"), (1, "One"), (2, "Two"), (3, "Three")]
+// null
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(log(n))` retained memory plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+Note: The returned map shares with the `m` most of the tree nodes.
+Garbage collecting one of maps (e.g. after an assignment `m := natMap.replace(m, k).0`)
+causes collecting `O(log(n))` nodes.
+### Function `mapFilter`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func mapFilter(m : Map, f : (K, V1) -> ?V2) : Map
+Creates a new map by applying `f` to each entry in the map `m`. For each entry
+`(k, v)` in the old map, if `f` evaluates to `null`, the entry is discarded.
+Otherwise, the entry is transformed into a new entry `(k, v2)`, where
+the new value `v2` is the result of applying `f` to `(k, v)`.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+func f(key : Nat, val : Text) : ?Text {
+ if(key == 0) {null}
+ else { ?("Twenty " # val)}
+let newMap = natMap.mapFilter(map, f);
+// [(1, "Twenty One"), (2, "Twenty Two")]
+Runtime: `O(n * log(n))`.
+Space: `O(n)` retained memory plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+Note: Creates `O(n * log(n))` temporary objects that will be collected as garbage.
+### Function `get`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func get(m : Map, key : K) : ?V
+Get the value associated with key `key` in the given map `m` if present and `null` otherwise.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.get(map, 1)));
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.get(map, 42)));
+// ?"One"
+// null
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(1)`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+### Function `contains`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func contains(m : Map, key : K) : Bool
+Test whether the map `m` contains any binding for the given `key`.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+Debug.print(debug_show natMap.contains(map, 1)); // => true
+Debug.print(debug_show natMap.contains(map, 42)); // => false
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(1)`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+### Function `maxEntry`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func maxEntry(m : Map) : ?(K, V)
+Retrieves a key-value pair from the map `m` with a maximal key. If the map is empty returns `null`.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.maxEntry(map))); // => ?(2, "Two")
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.maxEntry(natMap.empty()))); // => null
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(1)`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+### Function `minEntry`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func minEntry(m : Map) : ?(K, V)
+Retrieves a key-value pair from the map `m` with a minimal key. If the map is empty returns `null`.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.minEntry(map))); // => ?(0, "Zero")
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.minEntry(natMap.empty()))); // => null
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(1)`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+### Function `delete`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func delete(m : Map, key : K) : Map
+Deletes the entry with the key `key` from the map `m`. Has no effect if `key` is not
+present in the map. Returns modified map.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+Debug.print(debug_show(Iter.toArray(natMap.entries(natMap.delete(map, 1)))));
+Debug.print(debug_show(Iter.toArray(natMap.entries(natMap.delete(map, 42)))));
+// [(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two")]
+// [(0, "Zero"), (1, "One"), (2, "Two")]
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(log(n))`
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+Note: The returned map shares with the `m` most of the tree nodes.
+Garbage collecting one of maps (e.g. after an assignment `m := natMap.delete(m, k).0`)
+causes collecting `O(log(n))` nodes.
+### Function `remove`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func remove(m : Map, key : K) : (Map, ?V)
+Deletes the entry with the key `key`. Returns modified map and the
+previous value associated with key `key` or `null` if no such value exists.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map0 = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+let (map1, old1) = natMap.remove(map0, 0);
+// [(1, "One"), (2, "Two")]
+// ?"Zero"
+let (map2, old2) = natMap.remove(map0, 42);
+// [(0, "Zero"), (1, "One"), (2, "Two")]
+// null
+Runtime: `O(log(n))`.
+Space: `O(log(n))`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map and
+assuming that the `compare` function implements an `O(1)` comparison.
+Note: The returned map shares with the `m` most of the tree nodes.
+Garbage collecting one of maps (e.g. after an assignment `m := natMap.remove(m, k)`)
+causes collecting `O(log(n))` nodes.
+### Function `empty`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func empty() : Map
+Create a new empty map.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.empty();
+// 0
+Cost of empty map creation
+Runtime: `O(1)`.
+Space: `O(1)`
+### Function `entries`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func entries(m : Map) : I.Iter<(K, V)>
+Returns an Iterator (`Iter`) over the key-value pairs in the map.
+Iterator provides a single method `next()`, which returns
+pairs in ascending order by keys, or `null` when out of pairs to iterate over.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+// [(0, "Zero"), (1, "One"), (2, "Two")]
+var sum = 0;
+for ((k, _) in natMap.entries(map)) { sum += k; };
+Debug.print(debug_show(sum)); // => 3
+Cost of iteration over all elements:
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: `O(log(n))` retained memory plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+Note: Full map iteration creates `O(n)` temporary objects that will be collected as garbage.
+### Function `entriesRev`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func entriesRev(m : Map) : I.Iter<(K, V)>
+Same as `entries` but iterates in the descending order.
+### Function `keys`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func keys(m : Map) : I.Iter
+Returns an Iterator (`Iter`) over the keys of the map.
+Iterator provides a single method `next()`, which returns
+keys in ascending order, or `null` when out of keys to iterate over.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+// [0, 1, 2]
+Cost of iteration over all elements:
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: `O(log(n))` retained memory plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+Note: Full map iteration creates `O(n)` temporary objects that will be collected as garbage.
+### Function `vals`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func vals(m : Map) : I.Iter
+Returns an Iterator (`Iter`) over the values of the map.
+Iterator provides a single method `next()`, which returns
+values in ascending order of associated keys, or `null` when out of values to iterate over.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+// ["Zero", "One", "Two"]
+Cost of iteration over all elements:
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: `O(log(n))` retained memory plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+Note: Full map iteration creates `O(n)` temporary objects that will be collected as garbage.
+### Function `map`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func map(m : Map, f : (K, V1) -> V2) : Map
+Creates a new map by applying `f` to each entry in the map `m`. Each entry
+`(k, v)` in the old map is transformed into a new entry `(k, v2)`, where
+the new value `v2` is created by applying `f` to `(k, v)`.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+func f(key : Nat, _val : Text) : Nat = key * 2;
+let resMap = natMap.map(map, f);
+// [(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4)]
+Cost of mapping all the elements:
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: `O(n)` retained memory
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+### Function `size`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func size(m : Map) : Nat
+Determine the size of the map as the number of key-value entries.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+// 3
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: `O(1)`.
+### Function `foldLeft`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func foldLeft(map : Map, base : Accum, combine : (Accum, K, Value) -> Accum) : Accum
+Collapses the elements in the `map` into a single value by starting with `base`
+and progressively combining keys and values into `base` with `combine`. Iteration runs
+left to right.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+func folder(accum : (Nat, Text), key : Nat, val : Text) : ((Nat, Text))
+ = (key + accum.0, accum.1 # val);
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.foldLeft(map, (0, ""), folder)));
+// (3, "ZeroOneTwo")
+Cost of iteration over all elements:
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: depends on `combine` function plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+Note: Full map iteration creates `O(n)` temporary objects that will be collected as garbage.
+### Function `foldRight`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func foldRight(map : Map, base : Accum, combine : (K, Value, Accum) -> Accum) : Accum
+Collapses the elements in the `map` into a single value by starting with `base`
+and progressively combining keys and values into `base` with `combine`. Iteration runs
+right to left.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "Zero"), (2, "Two"), (1, "One")]));
+func folder(key : Nat, val : Text, accum : (Nat, Text)) : ((Nat, Text))
+ = (key + accum.0, accum.1 # val);
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.foldRight(map, (0, ""), folder)));
+// (3, "TwoOneZero")
+Cost of iteration over all elements:
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: depends on `combine` function plus garbage, see the note below.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+Note: Full map iteration creates `O(n)` temporary objects that will be collected as garbage.
+### Function `all`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func all(m : Map, pred : (K, V) -> Bool) : Bool
+Test whether all key-value pairs satisfy a given predicate `pred`.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "0"), (2, "2"), (1, "1")]));
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.all(map, func (k, v) = (v == debug_show(k)))));
+// true
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.all(map, func (k, v) = (k < 2))));
+// false
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: `O(1)`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+### Function `some`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func some(m : Map, pred : (K, V) -> Bool) : Bool
+Test if there exists a key-value pair satisfying a given predicate `pred`.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
+import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
+let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+let map = natMap.fromIter(Iter.fromArray([(0, "0"), (2, "2"), (1, "1")]));
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.some(map, func (k, v) = (k >= 3))));
+// false
+Debug.print(debug_show(natMap.some(map, func (k, v) = (k >= 0))));
+// true
+Runtime: `O(n)`.
+Space: `O(1)`.
+where `n` denotes the number of key-value entries stored in the map.
+### Function `validate`
+``` motoko no-repl
+func validate(m : Map) : ()
+Debug helper that check internal invariants of the given map `m`.
+Raise an error (for a stack trace) if invariants are violated.
+## Value `Make`
+``` motoko no-repl
+let Make : (compare : (K, K) -> O.Order) -> Operations
+Create `OrderedMap.Operations` object capturing key type `K` and `compare` function.
+It is an alias for the `Operations` constructor.
+import Map "mo:base/OrderedMap";
+import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
+actor {
+ let natMap = Map.Make(Nat.compare);
+ stable var map : Map.Map = natMap.empty();
diff --git a/doc/md/base/OrderedSet.md b/doc/md/base/OrderedSet.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97495b55ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/md/base/OrderedSet.md
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+# OrderedSet
+Stable ordered set implemented as a red-black tree.
+A red-black tree is a balanced binary search tree ordered by the elements.
+The tree data structure internally colors each of its nodes either red or black,
+and uses this information to balance the tree during the modifying operations.
+* Runtime: `O(log(n))` worst case cost per insertion, removal, and retrieval operation.
+* Space: `O(n)` for storing the entire tree.
+`n` denotes the number of elements (i.e. nodes) stored in the tree.
+The core of this implementation is derived from:
+* Ken Friis Larsen's [RedBlackMap.sml](https://github.com/kfl/mosml/blob/master/src/mosmllib/Redblackmap.sml), which itself is based on:
+* Stefan Kahrs, "Red-black trees with types", Journal of Functional Programming, 11(4): 425-432 (2001), [version 1 in web appendix](http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/people/staff/smk/redblack/rb.html).
+## Type `Set`
+``` motoko no-repl
+type Set = { size : Nat; root : Tree }
+Ordered collection of unique elements of the generic type `T`.
+If type `T` is stable then `Set` is also stable.
+To ensure that property the `Set` does not have any methods,
+instead they are gathered in the functor-like class `Operations` (see example there).
+## Class `Operations`
+``` motoko no-repl
+class Operations(compare : (T, T) -> O.Order)
+Class that captures element type `T` along with its ordering function `compare`
+and provide all operations to work with a set of type `Set