A Helm chart for default resources
Name | Url | |
amartingarcia | [email protected] | https://github.com/devops-ia |
- Helm 3+
helm repo add devops-ia https://devops-ia.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] devops-ia/default-resources
This install all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and creates the release.
See helm install for command documentation.
# Helm
helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]
This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
See helm uninstall for command documentation.
See Customizing the chart before installing. To see all configurable options with comments:
helm show values devops-ia/default-resources
Key | Type | Default | Description |
limitRange.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
limitRange.config[0].labels | object | {} |
limitRange.config[0].name | string | "my-limit-range" |
limitRange.config[0].namespace | string | "my-namespace" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[0].max.cpu | string | "2" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[0].max.memory | string | "1Gi" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[0].min.cpu | string | "200m" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[0].min.memory | string | "6Mi" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[0].type | string | "Pod" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].default.cpu | string | "300m" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].default.memory | string | "200Mi" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].defaultRequest.cpu | string | "200m" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].defaultRequest.memory | string | "100Mi" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].max.cpu | string | "2" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].max.memory | string | "1Gi" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].min.cpu | string | "100m" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].min.memory | string | "4Mi" |
limitRange.config[0].spec[1].type | string | "Container" |
limitRange.create | bool | false |
namespaces.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
namespaces.config[0].labels | object | {} |
namespaces.config[0].name | string | "my-namespace" |
namespaces.create | bool | false |
networkPolicies.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
networkPolicies.config[0].labels | object | {} |
networkPolicies.config[0].name | string | "my-netpol" |
networkPolicies.config[0].namespace | string | "my-namespace" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.egress[0].ports[0].port | int | 5978 |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.egress[0].ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.egress[0].to[0].ipBlock.cidr | string | "" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.ingress[0].from[0].ipBlock.cidr | string | "" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.ingress[0].from[0].ipBlock.except[0] | string | "" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.ingress[0].from[1].namespaceSelector.matchLabels.project | string | "myproject" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.ingress[0].from[2].podSelector.matchLabels.role | string | "frontend" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.ingress[0].ports[0].port | int | 6379 |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.ingress[0].ports[0].protocol | string | "TCP" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.podSelector.matchLabels.role | string | "db" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.policyTypes[0] | string | "Ingress" |
networkPolicies.config[0].spec.policyTypes[1] | string | "Egress" |
networkPolicies.create | bool | false |
quotas.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
quotas.config[0].labels | object | {} |
quotas.config[0].name | string | "my-quota" |
quotas.config[0].namespace | string | "my-namespace" |
quotas.config[0].spec."limits.cpu" | string | "2" |
quotas.config[0].spec."limits.memory" | string | "2Gi" |
quotas.config[0].spec."requests.cpu" | string | "1" |
quotas.config[0].spec."requests.memory" | string | "1Gi" |
quotas.config[0].spec."services.loadbalancers" | string | "4" |
quotas.config[0].spec."services.nodeports" | string | "4" |
quotas.config[0].spec.configmaps | string | "1" |
quotas.config[0].spec.persistentvolumeclaims | string | "2" |
quotas.config[0].spec.pods | string | "0" |
quotas.config[0].spec.replicationcontrollers | string | "6" |
quotas.config[0].spec.resourcequotas | string | "2" |
quotas.config[0].spec.secrets | string | "1" |
quotas.config[0].spec.services | string | "2" |
quotas.create | bool | false |
secrets.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
secrets.config[0].data[0].name | string | "data-name" |
secrets.config[0].data[0].value | string | "data-value" |
secrets.config[0].labels | object | {} |
secrets.config[0].name | string | "my-secret" |
secrets.config[0].namespace | string | "my-namespace" |
secrets.config[0].type | string | "Opaque" |
secrets.create | bool | false |
serviceAccounts.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
serviceAccounts.config[0].automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
serviceAccounts.config[0].labels | object | {} |
serviceAccounts.config[0].name | string | "my-sa" |
serviceAccounts.config[0].namespace | string | "my-namespace" |
serviceAccounts.create | bool | false |
storageClass.config[0].allowVolumeExpansion | bool | true |
storageClass.config[0].allowedTopologies[0].matchLabelExpressions[0].key | string | "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone" |
storageClass.config[0].allowedTopologies[0].matchLabelExpressions[0].values[0] | string | "us-central-1a" |
storageClass.config[0].allowedTopologies[0].matchLabelExpressions[0].values[1] | string | "us-central-1b" |
storageClass.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
storageClass.config[0].labels | object | {} |
storageClass.config[0].mountOptions[0] | string | "debug" |
storageClass.config[0].name | string | "azuredisk-csi-zrs" |
storageClass.config[0].parameters.skuname | string | "Premium_ZRS" |
storageClass.config[0].provisioner | string | "disk.csi.azure.com" |
storageClass.config[0].reclaimPolicy | string | "Delete" |
storageClass.config[0].volumeBindingMode | string | "WaitForFirstConsumer" |
storageClass.create | bool | false |
volumeSnapshotClass.config[0].annotations | object | {} |
volumeSnapshotClass.config[0].deletionPolicy | string | "Retain" |
volumeSnapshotClass.config[0].driver | string | "my-driver" |
volumeSnapshotClass.config[0].labels | object | {} |
volumeSnapshotClass.config[0].name | string | "my-volume-snapshot-class" |
volumeSnapshotClass.config[0].parameters.tags | string | "foo=aaa,bar=bbb" |
volumeSnapshotClass.create | bool | false |