Cyclone has been tested with Kubernetes 1.12, 1.13 and 1.14.
Cyclone can be easily installed with Helm with a version higher than 2.10, refer to helm install guide for Helm installation.
You can use helm template
to generate Kubernetes manifests for Cyclone and then install it using kubectl apply
or you can use helm install
to manage Cyclone installation by Tiller.
You can install Tiller after Helm is ready with command:
$ helm init --history-max 200
The simplest way to install Cyclone is using Helm chart. By default, images are pulled from DockerHub, so make sure DockerHub is accessible from your cluster.
$ helm install --name cyclone --namespace cyclone-system ./helm/cyclone
If you want to use your own private registry, you can configure it as:
$ helm install --name cyclone --namespace cyclone-system --set,imageRegistry.project=release ./helm/cyclone
For more detailed configuration, please use values file, default values file is a good reference on how to write it.
$ helm install --name cyclone --namespace cyclone-system -f <path-to-your-values-file> ./helm/cyclone
If you want to release after change charts, you can upgrade with command:
$ helm upgrade cyclone ./helm/cyclone
If you want to uninstall Cyclone, you can clean up it with command:
$ helm delete --purge cyclone
Parameter | Description | Default |
imageRegistry.registry |
Image registry where to pull images | |
imageRegistry.project |
Project in the registry where to pull Cyclone component images | k8sdevops |
imageRegistry.libraryProject |
Project in the registry where to pull common images, like busybox |
library |
serverAddress |
Address of the Cyclone Server (provides Restful APIs) | cyclone-server.default.svc.cluster.local::7099 |
systemNamespace |
Namespace where Cyclone will be installed | default |
Parameter | Description | Default |
engine.images |
Images used in workflow engine, for example, engine.images.gc (default alpine:3.8 ) defines image used for garbage collection. |
alpine:3.8 for engine.images.gc , docker:18.03-dind for dind |
engine.gc.enabled |
Whether enable garbage collection | true |
engine.gc.delaySeconds |
Time to wait before cleaning up execution of a workflow. It gives users chance to check the execution details (for example, pods, data on PVC) when execution finished | 300 |
engine.gc.retry |
How many times to retry (include the initial one, so 1 means no retry) when performing GC |
1 |
engine.limits.maxWorkflowRuns |
Maximum number of execution records to keep for each workflow | 50 |
engine.resourceRequirement |
Default resource requirements that would be applied to each stage, if non specified when execute a workflow | CPU: 50m/100m, Memory: 128Mi/256Mi |
engine.notification.url |
URL where to notify workflow execution result, it's Cyclone server by default | http://cyclone-server.default.svc.cluster.local::7099/apis/v1alpha1/notifications |
engine.developMode |
Whether it's in develop mode, in develop mode, ImagePullPolicy would be Always in the engine |
true |
engine.executionContext.namespace |
If no execution context(cluster, namespace, PVC) specified when run workflow, use this namespace in control cluster | cyclone-system |
engine.executionContext.pvc |
If no execution context specified when run workflow, use this PVC | cyclone-pvc-system |
Parameter | Description | Default |
server.listenAddress |
Address where Cyclone server will serve | |
server.listenPort |
Port that Cyclone server will serve on | 7099 |
server.nodePort |
Node port that Cyclone server will expose its service from the cluster | 30011 |
server.init.defaultTenant |
Whether init default tenant system in the installation |
true |
server.init.templates |
Whether init stage templates | true |
server.openControlCluster |
When a tenant created, whether to open control cluster for the tenant to run workflow, to open control cluster, PVC would be created | true |
server.pvc.storageClass |
Default StorageClass used to create PVC | Empty string |
server.pvc.size |
Default PVC size if not specified | 10Gi |
server.resourceRequirement |
Resource quota applied to namespace create for tenant to run workflow | CPU: 1/2, Memory: 2Gi/4Gi |
server.storageWatcher.reportUrl |
URL to report PVC usage, it's Cyclone server by default | http://cyclone-server.default.svc.cluster.local::7099/apis/v1alpha1/storage/usages |
server.storageWatcher.intervalSeconds |
Time interval to report PVC usage | 30 |
server.storageWatcher.resourceRequirements |
Resource requirements applied to the storage watcher pod | CPU: 50m/100m, Memory: 32Mi/64Mi |
Parameter | Description | Default |
web.replicas |
Replicas of cyclone web | 1 |
web.listenPort |
Port Cyclone web will listen on | 80 |
web.nodePort |
Node port that Cyclone web will expose its service | 30022 |
If you'd like to build images from the source code, please do it as:
$ docker login <registry> -u <user> -p <pwd>
$ make push REGISTRIES=<registry>/<project>
Here / specifies the registry and project where to push your images, for example,
Then install Cyclone with Helm.
$ helm install --name cyclone --namespace cyclone-system --set imageRegistry.registry=<registry>,imageRegistry.project=<project> ./helm/cyclone