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Introduction to expandr
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Load R packages

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.align = 'center')

Import data

dat <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   .default = col_double(),
##   country = col_character(),
##   region = col_character(),
##   hi1990 = col_character(),
##   isocode = col_character()
## )
## See spec(...) for full column specifications.
dat %>%
## Rows: 2,700
## Columns: 29
## $ id            <dbl> 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 13, 13, 13, 13, 62, 13, 13,…
## $ country       <chr> "Mozambique", "Mozambique", "Mozambique", "Mozambique",…
## $ year          <dbl> 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2004, 2003, 2…
## $ Y             <dbl> 7034.000, 7742.999, 6792.000, 7223.000, 8194.000, 7671.…
## $ K             <dbl> 6262, 6462, 6592, 6859, 7246, 7734, 8121, 10047, 9311, …
## $ pop           <dbl> 13.371971, 13.719853, 14.203987, 14.775877, 15.363065, …
## $ L             <dbl> 5.413710, 5.593190, 5.844729, 6.187860, 6.513672, 6.804…
## $ s             <dbl> 0.9964694, 0.9829382, 0.9694070, 0.9558758, 0.9423445, …
## $ alpha_it      <dbl> 0.5737705, 0.5737705, 0.5737705, 0.5737705, 0.5737705, …
## $ GDPpc         <dbl> 526.0256, 564.3646, 478.1756, 488.8373, 533.3571, 482.0…
## $ lp            <dbl> 1299.294, 1384.362, 1162.073, 1167.286, 1257.969, 1127.…
## $ h             <dbl> 1.347076, 1.343633, 1.340181, 1.336720, 1.333250, 1.329…
## $ kl            <dbl> 1156.693, 1155.333, 1127.854, 1108.461, 1112.429, 1136.…
## $ kp            <dbl> 1.1232833, 1.1982358, 1.0303398, 1.0530690, 1.1308308, …
## $ ky            <dbl> 0.8902473, 0.8345603, 0.9705536, 0.9496054, 0.8843056, …
## $ TFP           <dbl> 203.9550, 220.0026, 189.1149, 194.9619, 213.7372, 193.1…
## $ log_GDPpc_raw <dbl> 6.265350, 6.335700, 6.169978, 6.192030, 6.279191, 6.178…
## $ log_lp_raw    <dbl> 7.169576, 7.232995, 7.057961, 7.062437, 7.137254, 7.027…
## $ log_ky_raw    <dbl> -0.116255940, -0.180850310, -0.029888673, -0.051708743,…
## $ log_h_raw     <dbl> 0.2979364, 0.2953772, 0.2928047, 0.2902188, 0.2876196, …
## $ log_tfp_raw   <dbl> 5.317899, 5.393640, 5.242355, 5.272804, 5.364747, 5.263…
## $ log_GDPpc     <dbl> 6.163751, 6.195724, 6.227951, 6.261036, 6.295438, 6.331…
## $ log_lp        <dbl> 7.050233, 7.075745, 7.101554, 7.128354, 7.156726, 7.187…
## $ log_ky        <dbl> -0.1290631, -0.1301618, -0.1312285, -0.1323578, -0.1333…
## $ log_h         <dbl> 0.2770405, 0.2796887, 0.2823892, 0.2852334, 0.2883388, …
## $ log_tfp       <dbl> 5.257494, 5.286922, 5.316501, 5.346648, 5.377597, 5.409…
## $ region        <chr> "Africa", "Africa", "Africa", "Africa", "Africa", "Afri…
## $ hi1990        <chr> "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "…
## $ isocode       <chr> "MOZ", "MOZ", "MOZ", "MOZ", "MOZ", "MOZ", "MOZ", "BDI",…
# Import data definitions
dat_def <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   var_name = col_character(),
##   var_def = col_character(),
##   type = col_character()
## )
dat_def %>%
  print(n = Inf)
## # A tibble: 28 x 3
##    var_name      var_def                                                  type  
##    <chr>         <chr>                                                    <chr> 
##  1 country       Standardized country name (from PWT)                     cs_id 
##  2 year          Year                                                     ts_id 
##  3 Y             GDP                                                      numer…
##  4 K             Physical Capital                                         numer…
##  5 pop           Population                                               numer…
##  6 L             Labor Force                                              numer…
##  7 s             Years of Schooling                                       numer…
##  8 alpha_it      Variable Capital Share                                   numer…
##  9 GDPpc         GDP per capita                                           numer…
## 10 lp            Labor Productivity                                       numer…
## 11 h             Human Capital Index                                      numer…
## 12 kl            Capital per Worker                                       numer…
## 13 kp            Capital Productivity                                     numer…
## 14 ky            Capital-Output Ratio                                     numer…
## 15 TFP           Aggregate Efficiency                                     numer…
## 16 log_GDPpc_raw Log of GDP per capita                                    numer…
## 17 log_lp_raw    Log of Labor Productivity                                numer…
## 18 log_ky_raw    Log of Capital-Output Ratio                              numer…
## 19 log_h_raw     Log of Human Capital                                     numer…
## 20 log_tfp_raw   Log of Total Factor Productivity                         numer…
## 21 log_GDPpc     Trend (HP400) of log of Labor Productivity               numer…
## 22 log_lp        Trend (HP400) of log of GDP per capita                   numer…
## 23 log_ky        Trend (HP400) of log of Capital-Output Ratio             numer…
## 24 log_h         Trend (HP400) of log of Human Capital                    numer…
## 25 log_tfp       Trend (HP400) of log of Aggregate Efficiency             numer…
## 26 region        Regional group (Classification of the UN)                factor
## 27 hi1990        High income country (as of 1990, World Bank classificat… factor
## 28 isocode       ISO code from the PWT9.0                                 factor

Bar Chart

df <- dat
df$year <- as.factor(df$year)
df$hi1990 <- as.factor(df$hi1990)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = year)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = hi1990), position = "fill") +
  labs(x = "year", fill = "hi1990", y = "Percent") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = percent_format()) 
p <- p + scale_x_discrete(breaks = pretty(as.numeric(as.character(df$year)), n = 10))

Missing Values

df <- dat
prepare_missing_values_graph(df, "year")

Descriptive Statistics

df <- dat[df$year == "1990", ]
t <- prepare_descriptive_table(df)
t$kable_ret  %>%
  kable_styling("condensed", full_width = F, position = "center")
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. dev. Min. 25 % Median 75 % Max.
id 108 54.500 31.321 1.000 27.750 54.500 81.250 108.000
year 108 1,990.000 0.000 1,990.000 1,990.000 1,990.000 1,990.000 1,990.000
Y 108 364,598.139 1,030,271.047 3,067.000 19,377.750 76,730.500 234,608.000 9,259,567.000
K 108 962,050.796 2,873,937.935 2,004.000 31,131.000 162,679.000 713,896.250 26,453,210.000
pop 108 45.410 140.672 1.565 5.106 10.354 34.444 1,154.606
L 108 19.507 69.002 0.703 2.056 4.352 12.218 637.075
s 108 6.499 2.905 0.893 4.164 6.982 8.792 12.199
alpha_it 90 0.433 0.113 0.148 0.355 0.432 0.493 0.768
GDPpc 108 9,784.000 9,475.931 526.026 2,103.651 6,126.897 16,453.113 37,503.441
lp 108 23,223.794 20,088.835 1,299.294 6,294.126 16,984.627 38,834.154 75,036.344
h 108 2.682 0.734 1.320 2.085 2.767 3.246 4.252
kl 108 63,403.227 68,027.748 725.042 9,651.041 35,519.549 102,058.916 255,639.410
kp 108 0.614 0.610 0.209 0.329 0.458 0.625 5.070
ky 108 2.279 0.987 0.197 1.599 2.184 3.039 4.775
TFP 108 824.208 652.602 139.966 360.481 702.477 1,053.205 4,164.725
log_GDPpc_raw 108 8.606 1.182 6.265 7.651 8.720 9.708 10.532
log_lp_raw 108 9.564 1.101 7.170 8.747 9.740 10.567 11.226
log_ky_raw 108 0.699 0.563 -1.623 0.470 0.781 1.112 1.563
log_h_raw 108 0.946 0.291 0.278 0.735 1.018 1.177 1.447
log_tfp_raw 108 6.441 0.756 4.941 5.887 6.555 6.960 8.334
log_GDPpc 108 8.542 1.189 6.164 7.568 8.676 9.604 10.492
log_lp 108 9.519 1.123 7.050 8.633 9.698 10.386 11.225
log_ky 108 0.740 0.585 -1.807 0.478 0.846 1.130 1.574
log_h 108 0.948 0.293 0.266 0.728 1.031 1.176 1.453
log_tfp 108 6.391 0.787 4.913 5.713 6.543 6.948 8.336
t <- prepare_descriptive_table(df)

# Create a function to round the decimals of a df
round_df <- function(x, digits) {
    # round all numeric variables
    # x: data frame 
    # digits: number of digits to round
    numeric_columns <- sapply(x, mode) == 'numeric'
    x[numeric_columns] <-  round(x[numeric_columns], digits)

round_df(t$df, 2)
##                 N      Mean  Std. dev.    Min.     25 %    Median      75 %
## id            108     54.50      31.32    1.00    27.75     54.50     81.25
## year          108   1990.00       0.00 1990.00  1990.00   1990.00   1990.00
## Y             108 364598.14 1030271.05 3067.00 19377.75  76730.50 234608.00
## K             108 962050.80 2873937.94 2004.00 31131.00 162679.00 713896.25
## pop           108     45.41     140.67    1.57     5.11     10.35     34.44
## L             108     19.51      69.00    0.70     2.06      4.35     12.22
## s             108      6.50       2.90    0.89     4.16      6.98      8.79
## alpha_it       90      0.43       0.11    0.15     0.35      0.43      0.49
## GDPpc         108   9784.00    9475.93  526.03  2103.65   6126.90  16453.11
## lp            108  23223.79   20088.83 1299.29  6294.13  16984.63  38834.15
## h             108      2.68       0.73    1.32     2.08      2.77      3.25
## kl            108  63403.23   68027.75  725.04  9651.04  35519.55 102058.92
## kp            108      0.61       0.61    0.21     0.33      0.46      0.63
## ky            108      2.28       0.99    0.20     1.60      2.18      3.04
## TFP           108    824.21     652.60  139.97   360.48    702.48   1053.21
## log_GDPpc_raw 108      8.61       1.18    6.27     7.65      8.72      9.71
## log_lp_raw    108      9.56       1.10    7.17     8.75      9.74     10.57
## log_ky_raw    108      0.70       0.56   -1.62     0.47      0.78      1.11
## log_h_raw     108      0.95       0.29    0.28     0.73      1.02      1.18
## log_tfp_raw   108      6.44       0.76    4.94     5.89      6.55      6.96
## log_GDPpc     108      8.54       1.19    6.16     7.57      8.68      9.60
## log_lp        108      9.52       1.12    7.05     8.63      9.70     10.39
## log_ky        108      0.74       0.59   -1.81     0.48      0.85      1.13
## log_h         108      0.95       0.29    0.27     0.73      1.03      1.18
## log_tfp       108      6.39       0.79    4.91     5.71      6.54      6.95
##                      Max.
## id                 108.00
## year              1990.00
## Y              9259567.00
## K             26453210.00
## pop               1154.61
## L                  637.07
## s                   12.20
## alpha_it             0.77
## GDPpc            37503.44
## lp               75036.34
## h                    4.25
## kl              255639.41
## kp                   5.07
## ky                   4.78
## TFP               4164.72
## log_GDPpc_raw       10.53
## log_lp_raw          11.23
## log_ky_raw           1.56
## log_h_raw            1.45
## log_tfp_raw          8.33
## log_GDPpc           10.49
## log_lp              11.23
## log_ky               1.57
## log_h                1.45
## log_tfp              8.34


var <- as.numeric(dat$log_lp[dat$year == "1990"])
hist(var, main="", xlab = "log_lp", col="red", right = FALSE, breaks= 10)

Extreme Observations

t <- prepare_ext_obs_table(dat, n = 10,
                           cs_id = "country",
                           ts_id = "year",
                           var = "log_lp")
##           country year    log_lp
## 2700       Norway 2014 11.984427
## 2699       Norway 2013 11.958503
## 2698       Norway 2012 11.932280
## 2697       Norway 2011 11.905351
## 2696       Norway 2010 11.877324
## 2695 Saudi Arabia 2014 11.871549
## 2694       Norway 2009 11.847876
## 2693 Saudi Arabia 2013 11.820003
## 2692       Norway 2008 11.816551
## 2691      Ireland 2014 11.797161
## 10        Burundi 2005  7.249489
## 9         Burundi 2003  7.248836
## 8         Burundi 2004  7.247464
## 7      Mozambique 1996  7.219810
## 6      Mozambique 1995  7.187088
## 5      Mozambique 1994  7.156726
## 4      Mozambique 1993  7.128354
## 3      Mozambique 1992  7.101554
## 2      Mozambique 1991  7.075745
## 1      Mozambique 1990  7.050233

By Group: Bar Graph

df <- dat
df <- df[df$year == "1990", ]
prepare_by_group_bar_graph(df, "hi1990", "lp", mean, TRUE)$plot +
  ylab("mean lp")

By group: Violin plot

df <- dat
prepare_by_group_violin_graph(df, "region", "log_lp", TRUE)

Trend Graph

df <- dat
prepare_trend_graph(df, "year", c("lp"))$plot

Quantile Trend Graph

df <- dat
prepare_quantile_trend_graph(df, "year", c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), "lp", points = FALSE)$plot

Custimized quantile trend graph

log_lp_raw <- prepare_quantile_trend_graph(dat, "year", c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), "log_lp_raw", points = FALSE)$plot
log_lp_raw <- log_lp_raw +
theme_minimal() +
  guides(color = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)) +
  scale_color_discrete(name = "Quantile") +
  labs(x = "",
       y = "Log of Labor Productivity")
## Scale for 'colour' is already present. Adding another scale for 'colour',
## which will replace the existing scale.
#ggsave("figs/quintiles_all_log_lp_raw.pdf", width = 6, height = 4)

Correlation Graph

df <- dat
ret <- prepare_correlation_graph(df)

ret2 <- prepare_correlation_graph(df[, c(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)])

Scatter Plot

df <- dat
df <- df[, c("country", "year", "log_lp", "log_GDPpc", "region", "pop")]
df <- df[complete.cases(df), ]
df$region <- as.factor(df$region)
df <- sample_n(df, 1000)
prepare_scatter_plot(df, "log_lp", "log_GDPpc", color = "region", size = "pop", loess = 1)
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'gam' and formula 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'

Regresssion Table

df <- dat
df <- df[, c("log_lp", "log_ky", "log_h", "log_tfp", "country", "year", "hi1990")]
df <- df[complete.cases(df), ]
df$hi1990 <- as.factor(df$hi1990)
df <- droplevels(df)
t <- prepare_regression_table(df, dvs = "log_lp", idvs = c("log_ky", "log_h", "log_tfp"), feffects = c("country", "year"), clusters = c("country", "year"), byvar = "hi1990", models = "ols")
Dependent variable:
Full Samplenoyes
Fixed effectscountry, yearcountry, yearcountry, year
Std. errors clusteredcountry, yearcountry, yearcountry, year
Adjusted R20.8830.8870.886
Note:*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
df <- dat
df <- df[, c("log_lp", "log_ky", "log_h", "log_tfp", "country", "year", "hi1990")]
df <- df[complete.cases(df), ]
df$hi1990 <- as.factor(df$hi1990)
df <- droplevels(df)
t <- prepare_regression_table(df, dvs = "log_lp", idvs = c("log_ky", "log_h", "log_tfp"), feffects = c("country", "year"), clusters = c("country", "year"), byvar = "hi1990", models = "ols", format = "text")
## $models
## $models[[1]]
## $models[[1]]$model
## Model Formula: log_lp ~ log_ky + log_h + log_tfp
## <environment: 0x7f7ed4df3178>
## Coefficients:
##  log_ky   log_h log_tfp 
## 0.47182 0.22569 1.44690 
## $models[[1]]$type_str
## [1] "ols"
## $models[[1]]$fe_str
## [1] "country, year"
## $models[[1]]$cl_str
## [1] "country, year"
## $models[[1]]$p
##        log_ky         log_h       log_tfp 
##  2.524332e-51  8.698143e-02 6.546745e-212 
## $models[[1]]$se
##     log_ky      log_h    log_tfp 
## 0.03061389 0.13181026 0.04226128 
## $models[[1]]$omit_vars
## $models[[1]]$byvalue
## [1] "Full Sample"
## $models[[2]]
## $models[[2]]$model
## Model Formula: log_lp ~ log_ky + log_h + log_tfp
## <environment: 0x7f7edad8c7b8>
## Coefficients:
##  log_ky   log_h log_tfp 
## 0.48272 0.18284 1.50339 
## $models[[2]]$type_str
## [1] "ols"
## $models[[2]]$fe_str
## [1] "country, year"
## $models[[2]]$cl_str
## [1] "country, year"
## $models[[2]]$p
##        log_ky         log_h       log_tfp 
##  7.936025e-48  2.756112e-01 3.362078e-177 
## $models[[2]]$se
##     log_ky      log_h    log_tfp 
## 0.03232132 0.16765703 0.04757119 
## $models[[2]]$omit_vars
## $models[[2]]$byvalue
## [1] "no"
## $models[[3]]
## $models[[3]]$model
## Model Formula: log_lp ~ log_ky + log_h + log_tfp
## <environment: 0x7f7ed3207ce8>
## Coefficients:
##  log_ky   log_h log_tfp 
## 0.46857 0.43509 1.18037 
## $models[[3]]$type_str
## [1] "ols"
## $models[[3]]$fe_str
## [1] "country, year"
## $models[[3]]$cl_str
## [1] "country, year"
## $models[[3]]$p
##       log_ky        log_h      log_tfp 
## 2.890378e-14 1.350437e-03 6.453452e-60 
## $models[[3]]$se
##     log_ky      log_h    log_tfp 
## 0.06011667 0.13511032 0.06436493 
## $models[[3]]$omit_vars
## $models[[3]]$byvalue
## [1] "yes"
## $table
##  [1] ""                                                               
##  [2] "==============================================================="
##  [3] "                                 Dependent variable:           "
##  [4] "                      -----------------------------------------"
##  [5] "                                       log_lp                  "
##  [6] "                       Full Sample       no            yes     "
##  [7] "                           (1)           (2)           (3)     "
##  [8] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
##  [9] "log_ky                  0.472***      0.483***      0.469***   "
## [10] "                         (0.031)       (0.032)       (0.060)   "
## [11] "                                                               "
## [12] "log_h                    0.226*         0.183       0.435***   "
## [13] "                         (0.132)       (0.168)       (0.135)   "
## [14] "                                                               "
## [15] "log_tfp                 1.447***      1.503***      1.180***   "
## [16] "                         (0.042)       (0.048)       (0.064)   "
## [17] "                                                               "
## [18] "---------------------------------------------------------------"
## [19] "Estimator                  ols           ols           ols     "
## [20] "Fixed effects         country, year country, year country, year"
## [21] "Std. errors clustered country, year country, year country, year"
## [22] "Observations              2,700         2,050          650     "
## [23] "R2                        0.888         0.893         0.895    "
## [24] "Adjusted R2               0.883         0.887         0.886    "
## [25] "==============================================================="
## [26] "Note:                               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01"
