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background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-position: 35px 10px; - background-size: 15px 15px; - padding-left: 10px; + background-position: 35px $base-unit-sm; + background-size: $base-unit-sm + 5 $base-unit-sm + 5; + padding-left: $base-unit-sm; } // adding tons symbols @@ -401,7 +398,7 @@ input[data-constraint="(. >= '0') and (. <= '100')"]{ background-image: url(""); background-position: 97% 12px; background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-size: 10px 10px; + background-size: $base-unit-sm $base-unit-sm; } .or-repeat{ @@ -498,7 +495,7 @@ i.icon.icon-minus{ .question.non-select.or-appearance-w1{ .question-label{ position:absolute; - top: 10px; + top: $base-unit-sm; } } } @@ -515,9 +512,13 @@ i.icon.icon-minus{ } } >span{ - position: absolute; + position: relative; top: $base-unit-sm - 2; - right: 0; + >span{ + left: -14px; + position: absolute; + top: -29px; + } &:first-child{ position: relative; } @@ -554,6 +555,15 @@ i.icon.icon-minus{ width: 95px; } } + +.geopicker .toggle-input-visibility-btn.open{ + width: 0px; + height: 0px; + border-top: $base-unit-sm - 2 solid transparent; + border-bottom: $base-unit-sm - 2 solid transparent; + border-left: $base-unit-sm - 2 solid $theme-green; + border-right: $base-unit-sm - 2 solid transparent; + outline:none; // offline mode .offline-enabled{ margin-top: $base-unit + 10; @@ -597,3 +607,4 @@ i.icon.icon-minus{ left: -15px; outline:none; } +} diff --git a/public/Malawi_Government_V4.xml b/public/Malawi_Government_V4.xml deleted file mode 100644 index b5446f757..000000000 --- a/public/Malawi_Government_V4.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Malawi Government V4Zambia11.2) (if applicable) Number of private seed inspectors that have been authorized by SSU:If exported to another COMESA member state, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?Kenya<span>Note to Researcher: If answer is yes, please ask if you can get more information on any such programs – e.g., program description document or online source. If such documents are available, please submit them as background materials along with your report. </span>6.2) Does/did it have an intended end-date?BeanSomaliaIf opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:SudanA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedBurkina FasoChadCape VerdeSoya beanBotswanaZambiaIf opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:CameroonEgyptRwandaIf yes, describe these coordination arrangements.Seed distribution:South SudanDemocratic Republic of the CongoDescribe the import process for a variety that is listed in the COMESA Variety Catalogue but is not yet included in the National Variety Catalogue.Does the oversight committee/ board/ council, provided for in the legal instrument(s), meet on a regular basis?Yes, but not all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA labelOpinion of seed import process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**Central African RepublicAdd a key challengeAdd a numberCameroonA maximum of 255 chars are allowedOtherNiger3.6) How frequently is the National Variety Catalogue updated?1.1) No. of companies/entities were registered to _process_ certified seed in _2019_?OtherMoroccoA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedYes, all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA labelA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAfter more than 3 yearsName of government agency/departmentSource countryTogoDjibouti<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>GroundnutAre the national seed certification standards harmonized with the COMESA seed standards?Add year12.2) Does the government provide training/capacity building for agro-dealers that has the explicit goal of improving outreach to women farmers?ComorosMaliOn average, how many days does it take to obtain an import permit for soya bean?South AfricaIf yes, describe the measures and/or areas of collaboration.MoroccoVolume (in metric tons) of seed procured under FISP in **2019**Under developmentEswatiniEthiopiaA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedThe index monitors 22 indicators, divided into five broad categories: **Research and Development, Industry Competitiveness, Service to Smallholder Farmers, Policy and Regulations**, and **Institutional Support**. Using both quantitative and qualitative information TASAI's outputs include country-level reports and cross-country comparisons of Africa's seed industry.Ivory CoastBurundiNigerA maximum of 255 chars are allowedMaliFemale:Number of farmers who received seed under FISP in **2019**BurundiMadagascarAngolaIf imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?4.1) Mark all the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) Malawi belongs to:MauritiusIvory CoastCOMESASudanA maximum of 2000 chars are allowed<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>Burkina FasoProgram M&E:A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIn place but not functioning fully/wellNoA maximum of 255 chars are allowedUgandaSouth AfricaBorder points of exitNot in placeEquatorial GuineaGhanaHarmonization is on-goingMaizeIf yes, describe these coordination arrangementsGuinea-BissauNot applicableProvide a brief description of the agro-dealer accreditation process, if one exists.Male:If exported to another COMESA member state, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?No/neverDate of interviewAlgeriaMauritiusYesNoHarmonization is on-goingMalawiImpact on farmer behavior, if anyNoSierra LeoneRepublic of the CongoOpinion of seed import process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**NamibiaIf yes, how?Soya beanGambiaUsing your experience as the basis, rate the following statements about the seed subsidy program in 2019Opinion of seed import process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**15.2) In your opinion, what are the key opportunities for the formal seed sector in the upcoming year?Maize (OPV)Sao Tome and PrincipeLibyaGhanaNot in place, but has been approvedEthiopiaMadagascarYesValue should have a valid year format and less than current year11.3) Number of para-inspectors trained and accredited by SSU?YesYes14.4) Status of intra-ministerial coordination:Under developmentAggregate volume of exports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)SometimesEthiopiaBotswanaSenegalLiberiaRepublic of the CongoAngolaLesothoAlgeriaEswatiniEswatiniLibyaMalawiGuinea8) Evaluate the following aspects of the FISPF) **For questions/clarifications** about this survey, please contact: Mainza Mugoya, Program Coordinator, The African Seed Access Index (TASAI) E-mail: mmugoya@tasai.org. Tel: +254 73 167 14653.4) Does country have a National Variety Catalogue?If yes, describe this framework/system.A maximum of 255 chars are allowedYesEswatiniYesBurkina FasoEritrea10.1) Does the government track/record the number of cases of fake seed?15.1) In your opinion, what were the key challenges facing the formal seed sector in the past year?TunisiaCape VerdeSouth SudanGambiaGroundnuntYesZimbabweNo### Thank you for your thoughtful responses.SomaliaRwandaSenegalTool<span>Note to Researcher: Ask details such as who/what entity is in charge of receiving the reports, do they have dedicated staff to investigate, etc.</span>KenyaSoya beanSouth SudanLibyaIf yes, how many times were such meetings convened in **2019**?13.2) Do agricultural extension programs deliberately promote new (improved) varieties to farmers?NoCentral African Republic3) Degree of implementation of national seed law and regulationsKenyaComorosSomaliaAlgeria6.1) What year was FISP started?Choose oneIn place and functioning fully/wellNumber of farmers who received seed under FISP in **2019**NoIf opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:B) **Crop selection**: This survey evaluates the performance of the formal seed sector in Malawi with a focus on the following key food security crops: maize, bean, groundnut, and soya bean.Guinea-BissauA maximum of 255 chars are allowedRepublic of the CongoChoose oneChoose oneBeninTanzaniaNigerAggregate volume of imports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)Tanzania4) Degree of implementation of regional harmonizationNational seed committee:Democratic Republic of the CongoHow it is usedNoIf exported to another COMESA member state, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?Guinea-BissauLiberia7) Performance of the FISPUgandaIn place and functioning fully/wellSouth AfricaMalawiOther aspects not included above:MauritiusGuinea-Bissau<span>Note to Researcher: Record all measures including the 'traditional' (monetary fines) to the more recent, technology-based tools (such as tracking codes).</span>ComorosMadagascarOn average, how many days does it take to clear soya bean seed at the border?Add a numberRate 0, if completely disagree 5, if completely agreeChadUgandaAre the following key seed sector functions defined in the legal instruments? Mark all that apply.Volume (in metric tons) of seed procured under FISP in **2019**GhanaTogoNigerKenya14.2) Functions of the coordinator vs other public institutions:DjiboutiBeninIvory CoastA maximum of 2000 chars are allowed<span>Note to researcher: This question asks about the key institutions, their mandates, capacities and the coordination arrangements within the seed sector.</span>EgyptNigeriaMaliName of respondentCameroonBeninGuineaIs the number of seed inspectors broken down by gender?Add a numberBotswana1.2) No. of seed entities/companies registered to _market/sell_ certified seed in _2019_?If exported to another COMESA member state, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?TunisiaSeychellesEritreaMaliDestination country5.1) Over the past three years (2017-**2019**), has the government released any varieties without following the variety release process?NamibiaSudanA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedNoPlant variety protection:AngolaIs the National Quarantine Pest List harmonized with the COMESA Quarantine Pest List?YesNoCentral African RepublicMauritius13) Availability of agricultural extension services for smallholder farmers3.5) Is the National Variety Catalogue publicly available?MadagascarNigeriaMaizeNo9.2) _Seed exports in 2019:_ Please provide aggregate data on exports of certified seed for the four key crops:GhanaEgyptComorosMauritania9) **Seed import/export processes:** Please respond to the following questions related to seed imports into and seed exports out of Malawi in **2019**.SenegalMoroccoKenyaSeed certification:BotswanaA maximum of 255 chars are allowedGroundnutChadA maximum of 255 chars are allowedChadYes, all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA labelSoya beanGabonAggregate volume of imports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)Respondent's position in the agency/departmentMoroccoA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedValue must be between 0 and 20.000Name of enumeratorGuineaOpinion of seed export process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**RwandaEswatiniTanzaniaA maximum of 255 chars are allowedNoSoya beanCape VerdeSoya beanToolA maximum of 255 chars are allowedLesothoIf opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:Cape VerdeLibyaEthiopiaSouth SudanBeninEthiopiaSeychellesNeverIs there coordination between the government agencies and the private sector in the design, implementation, and/or monitoring of government agricultural programs that have a seed sector component (e.g., agricultural input subsidy programs, agricultural extension programs)?NigeriaEswatiniIf no, describe any duplication of functions among the various institutions in charge of coordination.TunisiaNumberNoGabonList is harmonized and but not yet implementedGambiaTotal time takenYes, all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA labelBorder points of exitSao Tome and PrincipeNigeriaSomalia<span>Note to researcher: Examples include providing information to farmers by SMS or internet.</span>On average, how many days does it take to obtain an import permit for bean?Burundi<span>Note to researcher: Legal instruments include all relevant policy and legislative instruments that exist in the country, such as the Seed Act/Regulations, Plant Variety Protection Act/Regulations and the Seed Policy</span>Border points of entry into Malawi3.7) Procedures for seed importation and exportation are strictly followedIs the number of para-inspectors broken down by gender?13.1) Number of agricultural extension officers employed by MAIWD in _2019_:Opinion of seed export process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**BeanAggregate volume of imports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)Add a toolMaliNamibiaA maximum of 255 chars are allowed14) Status of institutional arrangements for sector coordinationBurkina FasoMauritaniaMauritaniaThe African Seed Access Index (TASAI) is a seed industry research program coordinated by the nonprofit organization TASAI Inc. TASAI monitors the development and competitiveness of national seed sectors in Africa. Its intended outcome is improved access to locally adapted, affordable, and high-quality seeds of appropriate varieties by smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa.GuineaGroundnuntCape VerdeYes, but not all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA labelZambiaBeanGambia11) Seed inspection servicesMaizeMozambiqueOtherCape VerdeDo the legal instruments designate a specific institution responsible for these functions?A maximum of 255 chars are allowedMoroccoZimbabweBriefly describe the human resource capacity of the institution responsible for seed sector coordinationKenyaYesNoNoGuineaVolume (in metric tons) of seed procured under FISP in **2019**A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIvory CoastNoSouth SudanAggregate volume of exports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)OtherEritreaAngolaEquatorial GuineaChadNamibiaNoNumber of farmers who received seed under FISP in **2019**Is the number of agricultural extension officers broken down by gender?MalawiEritreaFemale:BeninMadagascarA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedDemocratic Republic of the CongoBotswanaNigerGabonChoose one<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>NoBotswanaNot in placeSource country8.1) "In 2019, the seed procurement process through FISP was _open and transparent_." (i.e., The bidder with the best service/product was awarded the contract.)South AfricaYesGroundnutAggregate volume of imports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)EritreaChoose oneChoose oneCameroonLibyaLesothoMaize<span>Note to Researcher: Please collect (in hard or soft copy format) any official documents relevant to this question, e.g., seed law and regulations, Variety Release Catalog, variety registration guidelines, etc. and submit it along with the Narrative Report to the TASAI team.</span>If imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?Sierra LeoneSometimesGuinea1) **Active crop seed companies.** How many seed companies/entities were registered to produce, process and market certified seed in Malawi in _2019_?Every 2 to 3 yearsA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedA) **Government seed agency**: This survey targets the government agency/ department mandated to handle issues related to the country's seed industry.2.2) Volume (in metric tons) of _certified seed_ produced in _2019_13.3) Do the public extension services employ any ICT tools?MauritiusNoNumber of farmers who received seed under FISP in **2019**2.1) Volume (in metric tons) of _basic seed_ produced in _2019_Central African Republic5) Variety Release ProcessSenegalECOWAS16) Any additional comments regarding the seed sector in your country?GroundnutA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedComorosGambiaDestination countryUgandaDestination countryMaliSomaliaA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAlgeriaZambiaSierra LeoneBurkina FasoAccreditedSudanFemale:NigerYesBurkina FasoComorosSierra LeoneFemale:BeanDjiboutiMauritiusA maximum of 255 chars are allowedCentral African RepublicNigerDraft list has been prepared but is not yet approvedMorocco6) Overview of the Farmer Input Subsidy Program (FISP)LibyaA maximum of 255 chars are allowedZimbabweRate 0, if completely disagree 5, if completely agreeSomaliaNigerLiberiaMozambiqueD) **Opinion questions**: Throughout the questionnaire, we use a 10-point scale to gauge respondents' satisfaction rating about various seed-sector related issues, and we use a 5-point scale to evaluate respondent's extent of (dis)agreement.NamibiaGhanaTanzaniaBurundiNoMozambiqueValue must be between 0 and 20.000How it works (briefly)Equatorial GuineaAdd your commentEswatiniAlgeriaDjiboutiBurkina FasoEquatorial GuineaUgandaDo the legal instruments (laws/ regulations/ ordinances) define the **institutional arrangements** for seed sector coordination? (E.g., is there an oversight committee/ board/ council that brings together different seed sector stakeholders with the purpose of sector coordination/oversight?)Democratic Republic of the CongoNot in placeGuinea-BissauSeychellesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBeninNot in place, but has been approvedGuinea-BissauNoEswatiniZimbabweDjiboutiRepublic of the CongoCape VerdeMale:ChadSeychellesA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedZambiaIvory CoastNot in placeChoose oneEritreaBotswanaMale:Yes, but not all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA label10.2) What do you think are the main sources of fake seed?AngolaYesSenegalZambia8.2) "In 2019, the seed procurement process through FISP was _predictable_." (i.e., seed companies were provided with sufficient information and advance notice about the types and quantities of seed to be procured to inform their production plan.)SenegalRwandaAdd a toolA maximum of 255 chars are allowedNational seed sector support fundGabonMalawiSeed pricing:GabonNoBorder points of entry into MalawiPlease ensure the sum of male and female matches the total number entered above. Delete the entered number in both male and female and try again.SURVEY INSTRUMENT – GOVERNMENTGuineaOpinion of seed export process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**Import tariff? Percentage or amount of any import tariff, if it exists.SudanIf opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:MauritaniaSoya beanGabonAngolaAbout TASAI:Yes14.1) Legal status of seed sector coordination10.3) List all measures used by government to address the challenge of counterfeit seed.MozambiqueOtherChoose one or moreDemocratic Republic of the CongoLesothoA maximum of 255 chars are allowedA maximum of 255 chars are allowedApproved, but not being implementedIvory CoastNoUganda3.8) Procedures for registration of seed companies/merchants/growers/producers are strictly followedNo/neverYesEthiopiaYes5.2) If yes, please provide the information below:2) Volume of basic and certified seed produced. How much _basic_ and _certified_ seed was produced in 2019 for the four crops?If yes, how many cases of fake seed were brought to the attention of government in **2019**?LibyaNoYesIs there coordination between the seed regulatory agency/seed unit and the parent ministry in the design, implementation and/or monitoring of government agricultural programs that have a seed sector component (e.g. agricultural input subsidy programs, agricultural extension programs)?Guidelines for Survey: Please take note of the following information to guide your responses.Central African RepublicAggregate volume of exports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)UgandaA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedTotal time takenEritreaSierra Leone3.1) Institution/agency/department leading the implementation of the national seed law and regulationsAlwaysYesSouth AfricaMadagascarNoMozambiqueMauritiusBotswanaIf opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:The central objective of TASAI is to encourage African governments and local and international development agencies to foster enabling environments that will accelerate the development of local, private sector-led seed systems serving smallholder farmers. TASAI is intended for use by practitioners in the public and private sectors and development agencies to inform and compel change in a country's seed sector. For more information on TASAI, please visit [https://tasai.org](https://tasai.org).Republic of the CongoYesIn place but not functioning fully/wellOn average, how many days does it take to obtain an import permit for groundnut?<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>BeninValue should have a valid year format and greater or equal than the year entered in previous questionZimbabwe<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>GuineaA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedYesSao Tome and PrincipeRepublic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoNoMauritania14.3) Capacity of the coordinatorUgandaEffectiveness (0-10 rating)NoTogoSADCIf yes, describe these tools belowPlease ensure the sum of male and female matches the total number entered above. Delete the entered number in both male and female and try again.A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedIf opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:SomaliaMalawiYesSeychellesAlwaysNoNigeriaSouth AfricaYesImport tariff? Percentage or amount of any import tariff, if it exists.Burkina FasoChadSurvey numberStandards are harmonized but not yet implementedAggregate volume of exports of certified seed in **2019** (in mt)Nigeria<span>Note to Researcher: Please collect relevant documentation/reports that describes or reviews the program and submit with the Narrative Report.</span>Targeted beneficiaries:Degree of implementation of the ECOWAS Harmonized Seed RegulationsAlgeriaIn place and functioning fully/wellCentral African RepublicSouth AfricaGabon6.3) Describe how FISP was administered in 2019, including the following and any other relevant information: who are the target beneficiaries, how/when crops are selected, how seed suppliers (companies) are selected, how seed is procured from the seed suppliers (companies), how seed is priced (including the % of price subsidy, if applicable), how seed is distributed, and how the program's performance is monitored.In place but not functioning fully/wellNumber surveys consecutively starting at 001, 002,… 999DjiboutiRwanda10) Efforts to reduce/eliminate counterfeit/fake seedEgyptEquatorial GuineaGroundnutBurundiAdd a numberTunisiaNo special questions for SADCVolume (in metric tons) of seed procured under FISP in **2019**YesBeanAdd your comment:Volume (in metric tons) of seed procured under FISP in **2019**Seed import/export:Choose oneGuinea-BissauEquatorial GuineaDjiboutiSelection of companies:No<span>Note to researcher: The question asks whether the institution's human resource capacity is adequate in terms of numbers and skills in the managerial and technical positions; if not, what are the areas inadequacy? The responses are subjective but useful nevertheless</span>Malawi\_govt\_2020\_SeychellesSierra LeoneImport tariff? Percentage or amount of any import tariff, if it exists.yearSudanBACKGROUND INFORMATIONNumber of farmers who received seed under FISP in **2019**Reason for not following release processSao Tome and Principe<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>survey4.2) COMESA questions:YesFor a variety that is already included in the COMESA Variety Catalogue, describe the process of adding that same variety to the National Variety Catalogue.E) **Confidentiality**: The accompanying Confidentiality Statement summarizes how TASAI handles the collected data. All responses are treated as confidential; the only exception to this is information provided by a public official in his/her public capacity and on the record. The information TASAI collects is reported in the aggregate and does not contain information that can be used to identify an individual respondent or an individual company. All raw data is stored and backed-up securely.Name of varietyA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedDraft standards have been prepared but are not yet approvedEgyptZimbabweC) **Year**: This survey collects the most up-to-date information as of the time of data collection. Where the period of focus is different, this is specified in the questions.LibyaTunisiaLiberiaAdd a key opportunitySouth SudanMoroccoChoose oneIn place but not functioning fully/wellBeanNot in place, but has been approvedLiberia10.4) Do the government and the private sector/seed trade association collaborate in the design and implementation of measures to address counterfeit seed?8.3) "In 2019, the FISP _payment_ process was _efficient_." (i.e., seed companies got paid on time.)KenyaStandards are harmonized and implementedSierra LeoneIvory CoastA maximum of 255 chars are allowedRequest for supporting documentation on the FISP program.LesothoYes, but not all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA labelMauritaniaAlgeriaA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedIn place and functioning fully/wellGambiaSenegalYesBurundiNoBeanOpinion of seed export process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**MostlyNoA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedChoose one12.1) Number of agro-dealers registered with and accredited by Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (MAIWD) in Malawi in 2019MoroccoLiberiaIf yes, what year was/is it?In place and functioning fully/wellOn average, how many days does it take to obtain an import permit for maize?TogoChoose oneZimbabweChoose oneAngolaA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedComoros4.3) SADC questions:NamibiaAdd your comment:Opinion of seed import process. **0, if not satisfied at all, to 10, if very satisfied**EthiopiaMauritaniaList is harmonized and implementedBorder points of entry into MalawiNoSouth SudanTunisiaTotal time takenEquatorial GuineaTotal time taken4.3) ECOWAS questions:At least once a yearRegistration of seed actors:<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>GambiaGhanaChoose oneOtherImport tariff? Percentage or amount of any import tariff, if it exists.A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedProvide a brief description of the steps of the authorization process that private seed inspectors undergo.EgyptYesA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedTanzaniaTogoOn average, how many days does it take to clear soya bean seed at the border?Sao Tome and PrincipeZambiaNot in place3.3) Committee(s) responsible for variety registration and releaseLesothoLesothoNamibiaIf imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?TogoCentral African RepublicRwandaSudanMale:Rate 0, if completely disagree 5, if completely agreeBorder points of exitChoose oneIvory CoastSao Tome and PrincipeCameroonRegistered15) Opportunities and Challenges in 2020<span>Enter comma separated border points</span>GabonMozambiquePlease ensure the sum of male and female matches the total number entered above. Delete the entered number in both male and female and try again.A maximum of 2000 chars are allowed<span>Note to researcher: The question asks about the institution's financial capacity. Responses may mention (i) if the organization regularly faces significant budget shortfalls (i.e. big difference between planned vs actual budget), and (ii) the various sources of funding, e.g. government, service fees, donors, etc.</span>GhanaBurundiEgyptOtherA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedBurundiEritreaSomaliaAngolaNigeriaBorder points of exitA maximum of 255 chars are allowedYesSeychellesTanzaniaYesSao Tome and PrincipeZimbabweChoose oneYesSao Tome and PrincipeMalawiNoRepublic of the Congo<span>Note to researcher: Rating should assess how effective the tool is at attaining the desired outcome.</span>A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedPlease ensure the sum of male and female matches the total number entered above. Delete the entered number in both male and female and try again.Guinea-BissauNoMadagascarDestination countryMaliNoGhanaA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedTanzaniaNot in placeAdd a measure<span>Note to researcher: Please number surveys consecutively starting at 001, 002,… 999 (e.g., Malawi\_govt\_2020\_001). Replace "001" above and edit numbers as needed in subsequent entries. Please capture respondent biodata in the Excel document provided.</span>Decree for seed import and exportRwandaG) **Instructions for researchers** are marked by the following icon: **<span> </span>**Cape VerdeCameroonSenegalOn average, how many days does it take to clear soya bean seed at the border?Maize (Hybrid)Under developmentMaizecountryTanzaniaSource countryCameroonSierra LeoneMaliChoose oneSeychelles12) Concentration of the agro-dealer network:Briefly describe the financial capacity of the institution responsible for seed sector coordinationLiberiaDo laws/regulations establish/define the key **institution(s) responsible** for seed sector coordination?DjiboutiRwandaMalawiA maximum of 255 chars are allowedLesothoBeninMaizeTunisia<span>Note to researcher: This question should be directed at the Ministry of Agriculture and not the seed agency/department, as it pertains to the agriculture sector as a whole.</span>ChadA maximum of 255 chars are allowedTogoYes, all exports to COMESA member states had a COMESA labelMauritaniaCameroonIf imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?MadagascarMozambiqueEquatorial GuineaNoCrop selection:Is the number of private seed inspectors broken down by gender?EgyptComorosYesTunisiaLiberiaA maximum of 255 chars are allowedZambiaSource countryMauritiusNamibiaNoA maximum of 255 chars are allowedGambiaIf yes, is the private sector an active participant in these meetings?Place of the interviewMostlyIn place but not functioning fully/well9.1) _Seed Imports in 2019:_ Please provide aggregate data on seed imports for the four key crops:11.1) Number of seed inspectors employed by the Seed Services Unit:If opinion rating is 5 or below, please provide your suggestions for improving the export process below:OtherDemocratic Republic of the CongoTogoKenya3.2) Committee/Board overseeing the implementation of the regulationsAlgeriaSouth SudanApproved and being implemented well.YesEthiopiaDemocratic Republic of the CongoBorder points of entry into MalawiAdd a sourceDemocratic Republic of the CongoMozambiqueNigeria11.4) Do government seed inspectors use any ICT/digital tools to support seed inspection services?South AfricaSeed procurement:On average, how many days does it take to clear soya bean seed at the border?Is there a framework/system for coordination (including reporting) of seed-sector actions within the parent ministry?Sudan001government2019malawi \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/Malawi_Seed_Companies_V7_1.xml b/public/Malawi_Seed_Companies_V7_1.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fea1746a --- /dev/null +++ b/public/Malawi_Seed_Companies_V7_1.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Malawi Seed Companies V7.1SURVEY INSTRUMENT – SEEDS COMPANIESAbout TASAI:The African Seed Access Index (TASAI) is a seed industry research program coordinated by the nonprofit organization TASAI Inc. TASAI monitors the development and competitiveness of national seed sectors in Africa. Its intended outcome is improved access to locally adapted, affordable, and high-quality seeds of appropriate varieties by smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa.The index monitors 22 indicators, divided into five broad categories: **Research and Development, Industry Competitiveness, Service to Smallholder Farmers, Policy and Regulations**, and **Institutional Support**. A comprehensive study covering all 22 indicators is conducted every other year; in the interim years data is collected on a subset of the indicators in the form of an update study. Using both quantitative and qualitative information TASAI's outputs include country-level reports and cross-country comparisons of Africa's seed industry.The central objective of TASAI is to encourage African governments and local and international development agencies to foster enabling environments that will accelerate the development of local, private sector-led seed systems serving smallholder farmers. TASAI is intended for use by practitioners in the public and private sectors and development agencies to inform and compel change in a country's seed sector. For more information on TASAI, please visit [https://tasai.org](https://tasai.org)Guidelines for Survey: Please take note of the following information to guide your responses.A) **Seed companies**: This survey targets active seed companies in Malawi.B) **Crop selection**: This survey evaluates the performance of the formal seed sector in Malawi with a focus on the following key food security crops: maize, bean, groundnut, and soya bean.C) **Year**: This survey collects the most up-to-date information as of the time of data collection. Where the period of focus is different, this is specified in the questions.D) **Opinion questions**: Throughout the questionnaire, we use a 10-point scale to gauge respondents' satisfaction rating about various seed-sector related issues, and we use a 5-point scale to evaluate respondent's extent of (dis)agreement.E) **Confidentiality**: The accompanying Confidentiality Statement summarizes how TASAI handles the collected data. All responses are treated as confidential; the only exception to this is information provided by a public official in his/her public capacity and on the record. The information TASAI collects is reported in the aggregate and does not contain information that can be used to identify an individual respondent or an individual company. All raw data is stored and backed-up securely.F) **For questions/clarifications** about this survey, please contact: Mainza Mugoya, Program Coordinator, The African Seed Access Index (TASAI) E-mail: mmugoya@tasai.org. Tel: +254 73 167 1465G) **Instructions for researchers** are marked by the following icon: **<span> </span>**Survey numberMalawi\_co\_2020\_<span>Note to Researcher: Please number surveys consecutively starting at 001, 002,… 999 (e.g., Malawi\_co\_2020\_001). Replace "001" above and edit numbers as needed in subsequent entries. Please capture respondent biodata in the Excel document provided.</span>Number surveys consecutively starting at 001, 002,… 999NumberBackground informationA maximum of 255 chars are allowedName of enumeratorDate of interviewPlace of the interview1) Ownership of seed company1.1) Which of the following _best_ describes you? Please tickOwnership of seed companySeed company (Malawian-owned)Seed company (foreign-owned)Seed company (government-owned)2) Management of seed company2.1) What is the gender of the top manager of company (i.e. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ Country Manager).Choose oneMaleFemale2.2) Provide a breakdown of management staff by gender.Number of malesNumber of females3) Did you produce, process or sell seed of any of these four crops in 2019?3.1) Seed productionChoose all that applyMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean3.2) Seed processingChoose all that applyMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean3.3) Seed marketing/salesChoose all that applyMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean4) Number of varieties sold in 2019Of the focus crops, list the number of varieties and the name of each variety your company sold in 2019.4.1) Number of varieties soldMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean4.2) Names of varieties soldNames of varieties sold for maizeA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedVariety nameNames of varieties sold for beanA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedVariety nameNames of varieties sold for groundnutA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedVariety nameNames of varieties sold for soya beanA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedVariety name5) Number and name of varieties dropped over the last 10 years (2010-2019)List the number of varieties and name of each variety of the following four crops that you dropped over the last 10 years (2010-2019). That is, which variety did you sell at one time but no longer sell?5.1) Have you dropped any varieties?Choose all that applyMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean5.2) If yes, number of varieties droppedMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean5.3) If yes, name of varieties dropped and the reasons for dropping themMaizeA maximum of 255 chars are allowedVariety:A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedReason for dropping:BeanA maximum of 255 chars are allowedVariety:A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedReason for dropping:GroundnutA maximum of 255 chars are allowedVariety:A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedReason for dropping:Soya beanA maximum of 255 chars are allowedVariety:A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedReason for dropping:6) Number and Adequacy of Active Breeders in 2019This question tracks the number of breeders employed by your company. Please note that this applies only to breeders _employed in the country_. If a company is foreign-owned and only uses the breeding capacity from their parent company located in another country, then the number should be zero.6.1) How many active breeders do you currently employ for each crop?'Active breeder' is defined as one who is currently engaged in breeding/maintaining of a variety.Value must be between 0 and 50MaizeValue must be between 0 and 50BeanValue must be between 0 and 50GroundnutValue must be between 0 and 50Soya bean6.2) How would you rate your satisfaction with the adequacy of active breeders <span style="color:red;">at national level</span> on a **scale of 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied)?**MaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean7) Variety Release Process from 2017-20197.1) How many varieties did you release during the 2017-2019 period?"MaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean7.2) What is the average length of the release process _(in months)_ for each crop?<span>Note to Researcher: Length of release process starts when the variety release application is submitted to the variety release committee and ends when the variety has been approved for release. (It does not include time spent on developing the variety.)</span>Value must be between 0 and 50MaizeValue must be between 0 and 50BeanValue must be between 0 and 50GroundnutValue must be between 0 and 50Soya bean7.3) What are the official costs (in USD) incurred during the variety release process (e.g., those related to DUS and VCU tests, etc.?) Tick all that apply, add additional items, if needed, and indicate cost for each of them.MaizeItemDUSVCUOtherDUS CostDUS CurrencyUSDMWKVCU CostVCU CurrencyUSDMWKOther costsA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd cost nameAdd costAdd currencyUSDMWKBeanItemDUSVCUOtherDUS CostDUS CurrencyUSDMWKVCU CostVCU CurrencyUSDMWKOther costsA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd cost nameAdd costAdd currencyUSDMWKGroundnutItemDUSVCUOtherDUS CostDUS CurrencyUSDMWKVCU CostVCU CurrencyUSDMWKOther costsA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd cost nameAdd costAdd currencyUSDMWKSoya beanItemDUSVCUOtherDUS CostDUS CurrencyUSDMWKVCU CostVCU CurrencyUSDMWKOther costsA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd cost nameAdd costAdd currencyUSDMWK7.4) How satisfied are you with the variety release process for each crop on a scale of 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied)?MaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean7.5) (optional) Indicate areas of improvement in the variety release process; if crop-specific, specify the crop your comment refers toA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd your comments8) Availability of basic seed in 2019This question asks about the source(s) and availability of basic seed of the four priority crops for seed company operations8.1) For each crop, list the **organization** (and country) you sourced basic seed from in 2019 and rate the quantity, quality, and timeliness of delivery. Click "+" button below to enter all sources of basic seed in 2019.CropMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya beanSource OrganizationCIATCIMMYTDARSICRISATIITALUANAROwnOtherCountryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherQuantity of basic seed. Did you receive the quantity of basic seed that you requested?YesNoTimeliness of delivery of basic seed. Did you receive basic seed on time?YesNoRate the quality of the basic seed you received from the source above on a **scale of 0 o (extremely poor) to 10 (excellent)**For this source, rate the availability of basic seed on a **scale of 0 (extremely difficult to access) to 10 (readily available)?**8.2) (optional) Provide additional explanation or details for your responses above:A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd your comments9) Total Volume of certified seed _production_ and seed _sales_ in 2019. (This information will be kept confidential and reported only in the aggregate).9.1) How much certified seed did your company _produce_ for each crop in 2019 in metric tons?MaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean9.2) How much certified seed did your company _sell_ for each crop in 2019 in metric tons?MaizeBeanGroundnutSoya bean10) Seed sales by category of buyer10.1) How much seed (in % of overall sales) did you sell to the categories of buyers listed below in 2019?Category of buyer - MaizeThen % of overall seed sales<span>FISP stands for Farmer Input Subsidy Program</span>Agro-dealers **(under FISP)**Agro-dealers **(not under FISP)**Direct sales to farmersNGO buyersOther buyersTotal percentage<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>Specify NGO buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd nameSpecify other buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd nameCategory of buyer - BeanThen % of overall seed sales<span>FISP stands for Farmer Input Subsidy Program</span>Agro-dealers **(under FISP)**Agro-dealers **(not under FISP)**Direct sales to farmersNGO buyersOther buyersTotal percentage<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>Specify NGO buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd nameSpecify other buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd nameCategory of buyer - GroundnutThen % of overall seed sales<span>FISP stands for Farmer Input Subsidy Program</span>Agro-dealers **(under FISP)**Agro-dealers **(not under FISP)**Direct sales to farmersNGO buyersOther buyersTotal percentage<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>Specify NGO buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd nameSpecify other buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd nameCategory of buyer - Soya beanThen % of overall seed sales<span>FISP stands for Farmer Input Subsidy Program</span>Agro-dealers **(under FISP)**Agro-dealers **(not under FISP)**Direct sales to farmersNGO buyersOther buyersTotal percentage<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>Specify NGO buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd nameSpecify other buyers namesA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd name10.2) If you indicated above that you sold seed through FISP, please answer the following questions:**Using your experience as the basis, rate the following statements about the seed subsidy program**Rating scale of 1-5, with 1=Completely Disagree, 2=Somewhat Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Somewhat Agree and 5=Completely Agree"The seed procurement process through FISP is **open and transparent**." (i.e., The bidder with the best service/product, will get the contract.)"The seed procurement process through FISP is **predictable**." (i.e., seed companies are provided with sufficient information and advance notice about the types and quantities of seed to be procured to inform their production plan.)The FISP **payment** process is **efficient**. (i.e., seed companies get paid on time.)11) Marketing strategiesDoes your company employ marketing strategies such as product pricing or product promotion?YesNoDoes your company employ marketing strategies that deliberately target women farmers?YesNoA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedIf yes, please describe the marketing strategies12) Import/export of certified seed in 2019?12.1) Did you import/export certified seed of any of the four crops in 2019?ImportMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya beanN/A in 2019ExportMaizeBeanGroundnutSoya beanN/A in 201912.2) Which Regional Economic Community(ies) does your country belong to?Choose one or moreECOWASCOMESASADC12.3) _Seed Imports in 2019:_ This question applies to _seed companies that imported certified seed_ in 2019. The import process starts from the time the seed company applies for an import permit. Please provide estimates for the following:MaizeSource countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of entry into MalawiVolume of imports (in mt)Number of days to obtain an import permitNumber of days to clear seed at the border pointTotal time takenIf applicable, list tariff levied on seedChoose oneAmountPercentageList amount of tariff levied on seedList percentage of tariff levied on seedIf imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the process of importing seed on a **scale of 0 (extremely difficult to import) to 10 (easy to import)**A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the import process (rating of 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:BeanSource countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of entry into MalawiVolume of imports (in mt)Number of days to obtain an import permitNumber of days to clear seed at the border pointTotal time takenIf applicable, list tariff levied on seedChoose oneAmountPercentageList amount of tariff levied on seedList percentage of tariff levied on seedIf imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the process of importing seed on a **scale of 0 (extremely difficult to import) to 10 (easy to import)**A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the import process (rating of 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:GroundnutSource countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of entry into MalawiVolume of imports (in mt)Number of days to obtain an import permitNumber of days to clear seed at the border pointTotal time takenList tariff levied on seedChoose oneAmountPercentageList amount of tariff levied on seedList percentage of tariff levied on seedIf imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the process of importing seed on a **scale of 0 (extremely difficult to import) to 10 (easy to import)**A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the import process (rating of 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:Soya beanSource countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of entry into MalawiVolume of imports (in mt)Number of days to obtain an import permitNumber of days to clear seed at the border pointTotal time takenList tariff levied on seedChoose oneAmountPercentageList amount of tariff levied on seedList percentage of tariff levied on seedIf imported from within COMESA, did the imported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the process of importing seed on a **scale of 0 (extremely difficult to import) to 10 (easy to import)**A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the import process (rating of 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:12.4) _Seed Exports in 2019:_ This question applies to _companies that exported certified seed_ in 2019. Please provide estimatesMaizeDestination countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of exitVolume of exports (in mt)Length of export process (in days) This starts from the time a company applies for all the relevant export documents (including export permit, ISTA Orange certificate, etc.) to the time the seed is cleared at the border point of exit.If exported to COMESA, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the efficiency/effectiveness of the export process on a scale of 0 (not efficient/effective) to 10 (extremely efficient/ effective)A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the export process (rating 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:BeanDestination countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of exitVolume of exports (in mt)Length of export process (in days) This starts from the time a company applies for all the relevant export documents (including export permit, ISTA Orange certificate, etc.) to the time the seed is cleared at the border point of exit.If exported to COMESA, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the efficiency/effectiveness of the export process on a scale of 0 (not efficient/effective) to 10 (extremely efficient/ effective)A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the export process (rating 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:GroundnutDestination countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of exitVolume of exports (in mt)Length of export process (in days) This starts from the time a company applies for all the relevant export documents (including export permit, ISTA Orange certificate, etc.) to the time the seed is cleared at the border point of exit.If exported to COMESA, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the efficiency/effectiveness of the export process on a scale of 0 (not efficient/effective) to 10 (extremely efficient/ effective)A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the export process (rating 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:Soya beanDestination countryAlgeriaAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoBurundiCameroonCape VerdeCentral African RepublicChadComorosDemocratic Republic of the CongoRepublic of the CongoDjiboutiEgyptEquatorial GuineaEritreaEswatiniEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauIvory CoastKenyaLesothoLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaRwandaSao Tome and PrincipeSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanTanzaniaTogoTunisiaUgandaZambiaZimbabweOtherA maximum of 255 chars are allowedBorder point of exitVolume of exports (in mt)Length of export process (in days) This starts from the time a company applies for all the relevant export documents (including export permit, ISTA Orange certificate, etc.) to the time the seed is cleared at the border point of exit.If exported to COMESA, did the exported seed have a COMESA label?YesNoHow would you rate the efficiency/effectiveness of the export process on a scale of 0 (not efficient/effective) to 10 (extremely efficient/ effective)A maximum of 255 chars are allowedIf not satisfied with the export process (rating 5 or below), please list primary areas for improvement here:13) Quality assurance systems in seed companies.13.1) Does your company have a formal, written protocol for quality assurance (control) for the following core activities?Seed (field) productionYesNoSeed processingYesNoSeed packagingYesNo13.2) How does your company receive feedback from customers (farmers/ agro-dealers, etc.) on issues of product quality (both good and bad)? Mark all that you use – and add others, if applicable.Choose one or moreBy phoneThrough sales agentsDuring field daysOtherIf 'Other' was ticked, please specifyA maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd your commentPlease remove "other" option<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">The number of "other" should not be more than 3 </span>14) Availability of Seed in Small Packages in 201914.1) How much seed (as a percentage of total seed sold) did you sell in 2019 in different package sizes? For example, if half of your maize seed was sold in 2 kg packages, write 50% in the 2 kg column for maize, and fill in the remaining boxes for the other sizes, too. If you did not sell any amount in the particular package size, add 0. Note: Numbers for each crop must total 100%.Maize2kg or lessMore than 2kg and up to 10 kgMore than 10kg and up to 25kgMore than 25kgTotal<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>Bean2kg or lessMore than 2kg and up to 10 kgMore than 10kg and up to 25kgMore than 25kgTotal<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>Groundnut2kg or lessMore than 2kg and up to 10 kgMore than 10kg and up to 25kgMore than 25kgTotal<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>Soya bean2kg or lessMore than 2kg and up to 10 kgMore than 10kg and up to 25kgMore than 25kgTotal<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Ensure that total percentage adds up to 100%</span>15) Concentration of the agro-dealer network15.1) How many agro-dealers stocked your seed in 2019?Add a number15.2) Does your company offer any training to agro-dealers?Choose oneYesNo15.3) Does your company offer agro-dealer training that promotes better service to women farmers?Choose oneYesNoA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedIf yes, how?15.4) How satisfied are you with the concentration of the rural agro-dealer network in the country on _a scale of 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied)?_Add your rate16) Regulatory and Enforcement Systems (including seed inspection)16.1) Did your company employ (i.e., have on staff) seed inspectors in 2019?Choose oneYesNo16.2) If yes, please provide type and number:TypeInspectors (trained and accredited)Para-inspectorsFemale number of Inspectors (trained and accredited)Male number of Inspectors (trained and accredited)Female number of Para-inspectorsMale number of Para-inspectors16.3) Rate the following aspects of the regulatory systems, _on a scale of 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied)_The level of enforcement/ implementation of the seed regulationsPublic seed inspection services(optional) Please provide additional detail to explain your response to either of the above.A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd your comment17) Efforts to stamp out counterfeit ('fake') seed17.1) How many reports of fake seeds did your company receive in 2019?Add a number17.2) In your opinion, what are the main sources of fake seed?A maximum of 255 chars are allowedAdd a main source17.3) Does your _company_ have measures to combat the problem of fake seeds?Choose oneYesNo17.4) List measures used by government to combat fake seeds _that you are aware of_ and rate each one on a _scale of 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied)._A maximum of 255 chars are allowedMeasureRating18) Availability of Extension Services for Smallholder Farmers18.1) Does your company employ any extension agents?Choose oneYesNo18.2) If yes, how many are male and female?No. of maleNo. of female18.3) How satisfied are you with the availability of public extension services for smallholder farmers in the country, on a _scale of 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied)?_Add your rate19) Quality of the Seed Trade Association of Malawi (STAM)19.1) Are you currently a member of the Seed Trade Association of Malawi (STAM)?Choose oneYesNo19.2) Rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of STAM _in the past year_, _on a scale of 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (extremely satisfied)?_Activity on important seed sector issuesEffectiveness in advocacyManagerial abilityProviding value to membersDemocracy in elections and decision makingAbility to mobilize resourcesOverall level of satisfactionAny other area (specify)A maximum of 255 chars are allowedAreaRanking19.3) (optional) Explain any of your ratings.A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd you comment19.4) What are the three seed industry priority issues that STAM should focus on?A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedPriority OneA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedPriority TwoA maximum of 2000 chars are allowedPriority Three19.5) What do you see as your role(s) as a member of STAM?Add your comment19.6) Please provide suggestions for how STAM could improve its performance.A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd your suggestion19.7) If you are not a member of STAM, please state your reasons for not being a member.A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedReason20) Seed prices: What were the average retail prices of your seeds per 2 kg bag in 2019Maize (Hybrid)Average priceCurrencyUSDMWKMaize (OPV)Average priceCurrencyUSDMWKBeanAverage priceCurrencyUSDMWKGroundnutAverage priceCurrencyUSDMWKSoya beanAverage priceCurrencyUSDMWK21) Challenges and opportunities in the seed sector21.1) In your opinion, what were the key challenges facing the formal seed sector in the past 12 months?A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd your comment21.2) In your opinion, what are the key opportunities for the formal seed sector in the upcoming 12 months?A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd your comment22) Any additional comments regarding the seed sector in your country?A maximum of 2000 chars are allowedAdd your comment### Thank you for your thoughtful responses.surveyyearcountry001companies2019malawi \ No newline at end of file