This is the driver to control ASI cameras, not all the features of the original ASI SDK have been implemented yet, but the goal is to have a fully functional driver.
This driver is lightspeed compliant and exposes the following RPC:
- GetDevices
- SetProperty
- expose
Following you can find the list of features from the ASI SDK and the current status in the driver (implemented VS not implemented):
- Get count of connected cameras--> ASIGetNumOfConnectedCameras | IMPLEMENTED
- Get cameras' ID and other informations--> ASIGetCameraProperty | IMPLEMENTED
- Open camera -->ASIOpenCamera | IMPLEMENTED
- Initialize-->ASIInitCamera | IMPLEMENTED
- Get count of control type--> ASIGetNumOfControls | IMPLEMENTED
- Get capacity of every control type-->ASIGetControlCaps | IMPLEMENTED
- Set image size and format-->ASISetROIFormat | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Set start position when ROI-->ASISetStartPos | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Get control value-->ASIGetControlValue | IMPLEMENTED
- Set control value-->ASISetControlValue | IMPLEMENTED
- Start video capture-->ASIStartVideoCapture | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Stop video capture-->ASIStopVideoCapture | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Get video frames-->ASIGetVideoData | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Start image exposure-->ASIStartExposure | IMPLEMENTED
- Cancel exposure-->ASIStopExposure | IMPLEMENTED
- Get snap status-->ASIGetExpStatus | IMPLEMENTED
- Close camera-->ASICloseCamera | IMPLEMENTED
- Get supported mode of the camera--> ASIGetCameraSupportMode | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Set a mode --> ASISetCameraMode | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Get the mode--> ASIGetCameraMode | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Send a trigger signal for software simulation-->ASISendSoftTrigger | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Get version string of SDK-->ASIGetSDKVersion | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Send ST4 guiding pulse start guiding-->ASIPulseGuideOn | NOT IMPLEMENTED
- Send ST4 guiding pulse stop guiding-->ASIPulseGuideOff | NOT IMPLEMENTED