docker build -t hub .
arguments at build stage:
docker build -t hub-0.6.1 --build-arg VERSION_CXX=ndn-cxx-0.6.1 --build-arg VERSION_NFD=NFD-0.6.1 .
docker run -d --rm --name hub1 hub
Query status:
docker exec hub1 nfd --version
docker exec hub1 nfd-status
docker run -d --rm --name hub1 -p 6364:6363 -p 6365:6363/udp hub
If you want to run NFD as a service inside of container to accept outside connections, map TCP and UDP ports to 6363:
docker run -d --rm --name hub1 -p 6363:6363 -p 6363:6363/udp hub
You can create faces from your local machine towards conatiner (this will only work if container was started with ports exposing, as described above):
nfdc face create tcp://localhost:6364
nfdc face create udp://localhost:6365
Or vice versa:
docker exec hub1 nfdc face create udp://<ip-address>
To start NDN container with custom config file, copy your config file to designated folder and mount it into the container:
mkdir conf
cp <path-to-config>/nfd.conf conf/
docker run -d --rm --name hub1 -v $(pwd)/conf:/cong -e CONFIG=/conf/nfd.conf hub
To save log file to a host machine, mount logs folder into a designated folder on a host machine:
mkdir logs
docker run -d --rm --name hub1 -v $(pwd)/logs:/logs hub
To start container with custom config and saving log to a host machine, combine commands above:
mkdir conf logs cp <path-to-config>/nfd.conf conf/ docker run -d --rm --name hub1 -p 6364:6363 -p 6365:6363/udp -v $(pwd)/logs:/logs -v $(pwd)/conf:/conf -e CONFIG=/conf/nfd.conf hub
- Start ndnping sever:
docker network create -d bridge ndn
docker run -d --rm --name pingserver --network ndn peetonn/ndn-docker:latest
docker exec -d pingserver ndnpingserver ndn:/ndn-docker/test
- Start ndnping client:
docker run -d --rm --name pingclient --network ndn peetonn/ndn-docker:latest
faceId=`docker exec pingclient nfdc face create udp://pingserver | sed "s/^face-created id=\([0-9][0-9]*\) .*$/\1/g"`
docker exec pingclient nfdc route add /ndn-docker $faceId
docker exec -ti pingclient ndnping /ndn-docker/test