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Legacy Appeals tied to Non‐SSC AVLJs

Blake Manus edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 21 revisions


The ReturnLegacyAppealsToBoard job automates the process of identifying and moving legacy appeals tied to non-SSC AVLJs. It operates on a regular schedule to ensure appeals are properly managed and moved back to the Board. This process ensures appeals are handled efficiently and in accordance with set priorities. This job identifies all Legacy appeals tied to non-SSC AVLJs, moves these appeals to the appropriate location (location 63) for further processing, updates relevant database records, and sends notifications upon completion. This job runs immediately following the weekly push priority job, or triggered manually when needed.

Post-Run Actions:

  • Once the job runs, it updates the database with completion status and sends a Slack notification to appeals-job-alerts channel.
  • The moved appeals are acted on in VACOLS.

Relevant Acronyms:


  • Non-Supervisory Senior Counsel


  • Acting Veteran Law Judge

Accessing The Job in Demo Environment


To run this job, you must have the appropriate permissions within the Caseflow system. Typically, this is a role assigned to Admin or authorized personnel with access to the Caseflow demo environment.

  • Log into Caseflow as BVADWISE
  • Navigate to [demo environment url]/acd-controls/test
  • Scroll to the Case Movement section
  • Click the Run ReturnLegacyAppealsToBoard job button

Verification of Appeals Movement

Check Banner:

  • Ensure the banner confirms the job completion

Verify Appeals:

  • Click on the "Download Loc 63 Appeals Last 48 hrs CSV" button
  • It generates a CSV report listing the appeals that were moved in the last 48 hours.
  • Open the downloaded CSV file to verify the list of appeals that were moved
  • If no appeals were moved, you can click the "Download RTD Appeals tied to Non-SSC AVLJs CSV" button to see if any qualifying appeals exist.

Implementation Details

When the ReturnLegacyAppealsToBoardJob is triggered, the following sequence of operations is performed:

  • Appeals Identification: All appeals tied to non-SSC AVLJs are found and grouped by AVLJ.

  • Appeal Sorting: Appeals are sorted by priority and then by date (BFD19).

  • Appeal Selection: Appeals are selected based on the following criteria:

    1. Two oldest priority appeals.
    2. If fewer than two priority appeals are found, selects the oldest non-priority appeals.
    • The fist selection criteria is priority, the second selection criteria is Docket Date
  • Appeal Movement: Selected appeals are moved to location 63 (BFCURLOC = 63):

    1. VACOLS::Case.batch_update_vacols_location('63', appeals_to_move)
  • Record Creation: A new record is created in the returned_appeal_jobs table.

  • Completion Actions: The job updates the database record with the results, including stats and a list of appeals moved.

  • Notification: A Slack message is sent with the job summary to the appropriate channels:

    1. prod - #appeals-job-alerts
    2. prodtest - #appeals-prodtest-alerts
    3. uat - "#appeals-uat-alerts"
    4. For local and demo, the Slack message pretty prints to Rails Logs
  • Error Handling: If an error occurs, it is logged, and a Slack message is sent detailing the error.

Returned appeals are an array of BRIEFF.BFKEY:

  • Docket number
  • AOD
  • CAVC
  • Receipt Date
  • Ready to Distribute Date
  • Veteran File Number
  • Veteran name
  • Most recent hearing judge name
  • Most recent deciding judge name
  • Date/time moved
  • Previous Owner 
  • BFCURLOC (derived = 63)

When an error occurs in the ReturnLegacyAppealsToBoardJob class, the errored_returned_appeal_job method is called. This method updates the errored_at column and includes the error message in the stats column.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 11 59 59 AM

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