This package contains USB descriptor definitions and a host controller implementation for Linux.
We provide support for building drivers that interact with connected USB devices in Linux. All the
packages which use USB devices should define them in the central udev.rules
file in this
directory. To set up permissions for all devices, run the following commands:
sudo cp pkg/usb/udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/80-dacha.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
When writing driver code, a device can be discovered and opened like in the below example:
let ctx = usb::Context::create()?;
// Open based on a vendor and product id.
let mut dev = ctx.open_device(0x8888, 0x0001).await?;
dev.write_interrupt(0x02, b"ABC").await?;
let mut data = [0u8; 256];
let n = dev.read_interrupt(0x81, &mut data).await?;
println!("Num bytes read: {}", n);
println!("{:?}", &data[0..n]);