This file is meant to be a guide for any and all ToF community members wanting to export the game on their own. It is not meant to help with game development, but rather focuses on the existing configuration.
Engine settings for ToF contain a number of custom parameters, that allow for a limited configuration of funcionalities available in the exported binary.
There are no special restrictions regarding most of the default engine settings. Some of these are strongly recommended though. For the documentation of these parameter please refer to Godot Engine docs. Resolution notice: game is not guaranteed to render correctly in resolutions lower than 800x480 and bigger than 1920x1080.
recommended: false
recommended: 0.5
recommended: 0.2
recommended: "disabled"
recommended: "keep"
at least: 800 recommended: 1280 at most: 1920
at least: 480 recommended: 720 at most: 1080
recommended: "landscape"
recommended: false
recommended: false
recommended: false
recommended: 1.0
recommended: true
recommended: false
recommended: 2
recommended: 0
recommended: false
recommended: #ff005784
recommended: true
ToF adds a number of custom settings to the engine configuration. While some of these might be omitted, we strongly suggest not to do so, as the game might become unstable.
Enable game save and resume. Could be turned off for systems with filesystem restrictions. Values: true/false
Enable of disable in-game map editor. Could be turned off for systems with filesystem restrictions. Values: true/false
Require a map to be won in skirmish mode before upload is allowed. Values: true/false
Enable online funcionalities (map sharing, multiplayer). Values: true/false
Allow to switch between set-resolution windowed mode and native-resolution fullscreen. IMPORTANT: set this to false for platforms with fixed resolution (i.e. mobile, consoles). Values: true/false
Default zoom value. This setting no longer works. Values: float
Map tiles click detection offset. This setting no longer works. Values: integer
A url where a ToF server is hosted. This parameter must be set up correctly for online functions to work. Values: string/URL
Enable controls specific for Pandora handheld console Values: true/false
Default HUD layout to be loaded into the game Values: "default", "overscan", "pandora"
Allow HUD layout to be switched to overscan Values: true/false
ToF export settings has very few particular requirements. In most cases, you can use your own settings file.
If the target platform requires permission settings, here is a list of requirements.
recommended: true (required, if online functions are enabled in the engine)
ToF repository contains a set of predefined engine and export configurations for a variety of platforms. These configurations can be found in the buildConfig folder. When preparing a new export, please check, if one of the provided files does cover your needs already. For example, default desktop settings should be fine for any desktop environment, while android settings should be a baseline for any platform with fixed resolution and enforced fullscreen.
Provided export settings are often just defaults generated by the Godot Engine. Android export settings have all of the required permissions already configured. Please note, that android export is only provided as a .dist file, and additional release configuration (versioning, keystore) must be filled in.
Repository contains a bin folder with some bash scripts to help out with game exports. In order to use this, you need:
- bash shell
- godot headless (server) binary available in PATH named as 'linux_server.64' or 'godot_headless'
- export templates installed
All of the commands assume, that you are using bash, and current directory is the project root
will show you the list of available commands
will show you the list of configured target platforms detected
will bootstap the configuration for (target) from the buildConfig dir, while preserving current ones
(target name) - one of the target names from 'list'
will attempt to remove bootstrapped configs and restore ones, that were present during bootstrap
will export a target binary
(target name) - one of the target names from 'list'
(destination dir) - a directory, where binary will be placed, additional subfolder defined in build_(target name).cfg will be created (i.e. tof-build)
(base file name) - base for a binary file name, additional suffix defined in build_(target name).cfg will be added (i.e. win64.exe)
will export all available targets
(destination dir) - a directory, where binary will be placed, additional subfolder defined in build_(target name).cfg will be created (i.e. tof-build)
(base file name) - base for a binary file name, additional suffix defined in build_(target name).cfg will be added (i.e. win64.exe)
There are two scripts dedicated for work with android devices. Only one android device (with developer mode turned on) must be plugged in via usb cable, and adb binary must be available in the PATH.
will build default 'android' target, and upload it to the device
same as above, but will start a logcat (log printing) as well
will connect to the android device and start logcat