This simulator was developed as an academic project in 2009. It is not officially supported anymore, but you are welcome to fork and change it if you wish.
The project was transferred to GitHub from Google Code in 2015.
Allows to simulate traffic and routing building between moving in 2D space stations. Each station has the following properties:
- Initial location
- Data traffic schedule
- Velocity vector
- During simulation, each station faces with constantly changing network topology, updating dynamic routing tables automatically, finding a route to destination.
Simulator allows to analyze:
- Total traffic ratio
- Effective traffic ratio
- Collisions ratio
- Maximum/Minimum/Average throughput
Simulator has very extensive GUI, allowing performing deeper research, such as:
- Sniffing - all frame transactions (filtering by frame type may be applied)
- Current station position and it's velocity vector
- All data transaction shown on the world map
- Each station may be investigated for packets queue and routing table
The source code of this simulator is distributed under GPL version 2 license. See license agreement for more details