Releases: delawarePro/platina-scripts
Releases · delawarePro/platina-scripts
What's Changed
- Support branch conventions to skip packaging by @WimVergouwe in #13
Full Changelog: 1.6.0...1.7.0
NuGet tool version
What's Changed
- Allow using specific NuGet tool version. by @WimVergouwe in #12
Full Changelog: 1.5.0...1.6.0
Allow to execute steps after tests
What's Changed
- Allow to execute steps after tests by @WimVergouwe in #11
Full Changelog: 1.4.0...1.5.0
Web app deploy skipping
What's Changed
- Skip web app deploy when name is unavailable by @WimVergouwe in #10
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0
Convention based release of nugets and binaries
What's Changed
- Branch conventions and push/publish by @WimVergouwe in #9
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.30
Platina async test initialization
Support dynamic Platina test initialization
Support postStagingSteps and postDeploySteps
Allows configuration of postStagingSteps and postDeploySteps
NuGet restore performance
Improved nuget restore performance by
- removing need for nuget tool
- opt-in to use daily nuget cache
Dotnet tool restore
Support restoring local dotnet tools during CI build