Shoutcast2HLS is a bash script embedded in a Docker container that can read any Shoutcast audio stream and outputs a HTTP Live Streaming playlist.
It uses libav as its core and creates a variant playlist for multiple bitrate streams.
./ [options] <stream> where options are:
-f <format> | --output-format <format> : Output encoding. Possible values are 'mp3', 'aac' or 'copy'.
The default is 'copy'.
-d <directory> | --output-directory <directory> : Output directory
The default is '/tmp'
-n <name> | --name <name> : Output playlist name
The default is 'playlist'
-b <bitrates> | --bitrates <bitrates> : List of output bitrates expressed in kilobits, separated by colons (:)
The default is '32:64:128'
-c <time> | --chunk-time <time> : Chunck time in seconds for each HLS element
The default value is '10'
-k <time> | --keep-chunk <time> : Get old chunck for 'x' minutes
The default value is '1'
./ -d /usr/share/nginx/html -f aac -n morow -b 32:64:128
$ docker run -d -e "STREAM=" -e "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=/usr/share/nginx/html" -e "FORMAT=aac" -e "BITRATES=32:64:128" -e "PLAYLIST_NAME=morow" --name shoutcast2hls akerbis/shoutcast2hls
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --volumes-from shoutcast2hls nginx:latest
$ vi docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up
The playlist file is now available at http://server/morow.m3u8