A CHIP-8 emulator/interpreter in Rust
To run the emulator just type
"cargo run -- -d".
It will run a simple inline program in main.
Commandline switches:
-r, --rom <ROM> : Choose ROM file to execute
-d, --demo : Run the demo program
-f, --fps <FPS> : Set emulation speed [default: 60]
--debug <N> : Set degug level. [default: 0]
-s N, --scale N : Set display scale to N. [default: 1]. Valid range, 1 to 4.
--paused, -p : Start emulation in paused state.
-h, --help Print help
The demo program plays a sound an draw an alien on screen. You can move the alien pressing the emulated 0, 5, 7 and 9 keys. The actual keys from computer keyboard is W, A, D and X.
To pause/resume emulation, press SPACE.
To reset emulation, press F5.
To run emulation step by step, press F6. Then press F6 to run next step.
You can run any chip8 rom. In the roms folder, there are some.