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SimNet is a tool to simulate a decentralized application using the cloud to host the simulation nodes. It provides multiple configurations to affect the topology so that specific link between two nodes can have a delay or a loss of packets for instance.

The tool is designed to work with three phases:

  • Deployment: everything the simulation needs is deployed to the cloud.
  • Execution: the actual simulation is performed and statistics are written to a JSON file.
  • Cleaning: it wipes everything in scope to the simulation.

Thoses phases are designed to be independant so that they can be run separatly which means that simulations can be executed multiple times without deploying.


The environment the simulation is running on depends on the chosen strategy. Two are currently available: Kubernetes and Docker.

It is completly interchangeable so that you can test your simulation locally with Docker and a small number of nodes. Then the simulation can be deployed on Kubernetes with a bigger amount of nodes.


When a simulation is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster, each instance of the application uses a POD that will contain the application Docker container alongside with a monitor container that will gather data for the statistics.

One POD will also be used to deploy a router that will simply run OpenVPN so that the simulation can open a tunnel to the cluster network, on the simnet-router pod and thus make requests to the simnet nodes. Simnet uses a NodePort to communicate with the Kubernetes node running the simnet-router Pod. If you are using a public cloud provider, please ensure the NodeIP is publically accessible and UDP traffic is allowed on the cluster.


Simulations with the Docker strategy will interact with the local Docker setup to create one container per Node. Each of those containers will need another temporary container to configure the network emulation (latencies, etc...) but they will terminate before the simulation begins and they are booted one after the other.


Some strategies like Kubernetes might need additionnal containers to work. These are built independently using the automated build of DockerHub.

Router Router Init Monitor
Docker Cloud Build Status Docker Cloud Build Status Docker Cloud Build Status

Docker images for the daemons have their own version that will trigger a build for each new version. The master branch will also build its own tag for each new commit.

Dockerhub is configured to automatically create the following tags:

  • latest for the master branch
  • x.y.z for each daemon-vx.y.z tag on the repository

Getting started


To run simulations with Kubernetees, OpenVPN needs to be installed.

By default, simnet looks for OpenVPN in /usr/local/opt/openvpn/sbin/openvpn (that should be the case for example if you used Homebrew on MacOS to install OpenVPN), but you can specify a different path with the -vpn CLI option.

For MacOS users, OpenVPN is also required to run Docker simulation (this is due to MacOS runing docker via a VM).

Writing the simulation

A basic template with the Docker strategy is shown below:

type simRound struct {}

func (s simRound) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
    return nil

func main() {
    engine, err := docker.NewStrategy(options...)
	if err != nil {

	sim := simnet.NewSimulation(simRound{}, engine)

	err = sim.Run(os.Args)
	if err != nil {

A few number of options is necessary to run an application.

options := []sim.Option{
        net.NewSimpleTopology(3, 25),
        "nginx", // DockerHub image
        nil, // CMD if needed
        nil, // ARGS if needed

Finally, the simulation tool provides a bunch of command-line arguments so that it is easier to run the different phases. Assuming a main.go, use the following:

# Runs the simulation from A to Z.
go run main.go

# ... or do it step by step
go run main.go -do-deploy

# This can be done multiple times but be aware that statistics will be
# overwritten.
go run main.go -do-execute

# Important to reduce the cost
go run main.go -do-clean


First you need to install the plot tool

go get -u

Then to draw a plot

simplot graph -output plot-tx.png tx
simplot graph -output plot-rx.png rx
simplot graph -output plot-cpu.png cpu
simplot graph -output plot-mem.png mem

You can always use the -h option (for example simplot -h, or simplot graph -h) to see the full list of options and commands available, such as computing the max or average.


The context passed to the round execution contains some pieces of information that can be useful when running a simulation.


nodes := ctx.Value(sim.NodeInfoKey{}).([]sim.NodeInfo)
addr := nodes[0].Address


A file mapper can be specifiec in the strategy options. This file will be read on each application node and stored in the execution context.

files := ctx.Value(sim.FilesKey("my.conf")).(sim.Files)
for ident, file := range files {

See the skipchain example for more details.

How to

How to simulate with Kubernetes locally ?

This section describes a setup using Minikube to run a local Kubernetes cluster where the simulation can be deployed.

Caveat: Minikube VM does not have the sch_netem module which means Chaos testing does not work out of the box and requires a few steps more.

Install Minikube

Follow the instructions here then

# Start the cluster.
minikube start --docker-opt bip=

# In case of error, you can first try to delete the previous cluster.
minikube delete

# After the cluster has started, you can monitor with the dashboard.
minikube dashboard

Build the docker images

A local change to the daemon images can be used by building the images inside minikube and forcing it to use the local ones. You will need to add "Never" for the image pull policy in the kubernetes deployments.

# Set the docker environment variables for this session.
eval $(minikube docker-env)

make build_monitor
make build_router

Mininet will now have the required images in its local images store. The simulation image still need to be deployed on DockerHub.

Run the simulation

The simulation is now ready to be run.

make EXAMPLE="skipchain" run # be patient, time for a coffee !
# or make run to run the default simulation.

# In case the simulation fails and cannot clean the cluster correctly, you
# can force the deletion.
make clean

Chaos testing in Minikube

This section describes the steps to get a local cluster that supports Chaos by enabling the right kernel module in the Minikube ISO.

cd $HOME/workspace # ... or a different folder
git clone [email protected]:kubernetes/minikube.git

cd minikube
make buildroot-image
make out/minikube.iso
make linux-menuconfig

# Inside the Kconfig menu, you will to navigate to
#   --> Networking support
#   --> Networking options
#   --> QoS and/or fair queuing
#   --> Network Emulator (NETEM) + HTB
# Press space until you have <*> for NETEM
# Finally, save and close the menu

make out/minikube.iso
./out/minikube delete
./out/minikube start --iso-url=file://$(pwd)/out/minikube.iso

You can check that you are good to go by checking that the Minikube VM has the module enabled.

./out/minikube ssh
$ modprobe sch_netem # should not display an error

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825377.