Python 3.12+
If you have multiple versions of python installed, please make sure the correct one is being referenced in the files in _prj/script_
prj/script> ./
This will create a virtual environment and install the required packages (as listed in prj/pip_reqs.txt)
Note: on Ubuntu one may need to first separately install python3-venv
sudo apt install python3-venv
Note: Poetry has superior dependency handling, and should be preferred in a production environment. Direct use of pip was chosen here, however, as poetry requires global modifications on the developers machine, and I wanted to avoid requiring this of anyone else, wishing to run/test this project
Note: If you are behind a proxy you may need to configure https_proxy (eg export as an environment var) appropriately for pip to be able to download the packages, and the app to download the files. eg:
> export http_proxy= > export https_proxy=
./prj/venv/bin/python -m src.main
...perc_value = 0.5967
...perc_value = 0.582025
...perc_value = 0.590375
...perc_value = 0.5999
...perc_value = 0.600575
...perc_value = 0.590325
...perc_value = 0.593075
...perc_value = 0.57915
...perc_value = 0.57955
...average p: 0.5909945 with (200x200) grid, 50 iterations in 34.69 secs
ex_auto> ./prj/venv/bin/pytest test/
============================= test session starts ==============================
collecting ... collected 8 items PASSED [ 12%] PASSED [ 25%] <- ../../SiMo/test/ PASSED [ 37%] <- ../../SiMo/test/ PASSED [ 50%]...perc_value = 0.55
...0.0 secs for (5x4) grid PASSED [ 62%] PASSED [ 75%] <- ../../SiMo/test/ PASSED [ 87%] PASSED [100%]
======================== 8 passed, 16 warnings in 1.15s ======================== [100%]
> ./prj/venv/bin/mypy --check-untyped-defs -p test -p src
Success: no issues found in 18 source files
> ./prj/venv/bin/python -m pylint --errors-only src test
`> ./prj/venv/bin/black --skip-string-normalization --line-length=120 src test [--check [--diff]]`
- `--check` -dont actually modify files. list files which would be modified
- `--diff` show actual changes in files