# Operations
This document aims to outline day-to-day operations, and how to work efficiently without letting important things slip.
Create a Trello Card on the Ops
Board named like: MON 01 Jan - Person Name
This card will be used first thing in the morning to plan your day, then throughout the day to keep tabs.
It should contain the lists:
- Must Do -- List of important things that must be done today
- Should Do -- List of less important things that should be done today
List items should be links to Trello Cards, and contain Time Spent Today and Estimated Time Left Today.
- Any updates on your area (support, code quality, clients, dev team)?
- What did you do yesterday?
- What are your must-do's today?
- Are you waiting on anyone for something?
- Do you need to discuss anything with anyone?
- If it it not urgent: use Email.
- If it is urgent, but not important, and they have headphones on: use Instant Messaging.
- If it is both urgent and important, interrupt them.
If an interruption looks like it might prevent a Must Do
from being done today, consult with Team Leader to determine whether the interruption takes priority.