diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6bcec25..9a4a0c6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Every minute, it writes the current time (UTC timezone) to `./time.log`. ### Drupal cron - Create a `./.ddev/web-build/drupal.cron` file -- Add the following code to run the drupal scheduler every 10 minute and write to a log file. +- Add the following code to run the drupal scheduler every 10 minutes and write to a log file. ```cron */10 * * * * IS_DDEV_PROJECT=true DDEV_PHP_VERSION=8.0 /var/www/html/vendor/bin/drush cron -v |& tee -a /var/www/html/cron-log.txt @@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ Every minute, it writes the current time (UTC timezone) to `./time.log`. ### Laravel cron -- Create a `./.ddev/web-build/drupal.cron` file -- Add the following code to run the drupal scheduler minute. +- Create a `./.ddev/web-build/laravel.cron` file +- Add the following code to run the laravel scheduler every minute. ```cron * * * * * cd /var/www/html && IS_DDEV_PROJECT=true php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1