- docker
- git
- ahoy (https://github.com/ahoy-cli/ahoy)
- Add any extensions you will be modifying in the file
- ahoy init
- This will clone the extensions from
to thesrc
folder which will be a mounted folder to the ckan docker containers - Copy the
which is the env file uses for the CKAN docker containers- Update the
file to. The extension https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-envvars reads this file on CKAN startup and require to be in a certain format. Please read the readme file https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-envvars#ckanext-envvars- Enable plugins via
- Add/Update CKAN core configuration values
- Add/Update CKAN extensions configuration values
- Any updates to this file will recreate the container service to use the updates values when
ahoy up
is used
- Enable plugins via
- Update the
- This will clone the extensions from
- ahoy build (Build the projects docker images)
- ahoy up (Starts the projects container services)
- The first time the CKAN Dev containers are created the mapped volume will look in the
folder to install any extensions cloned from theahoy init
step and will pip install the extension and any any requirements file if they exists
- The first time the CKAN Dev containers are created the mapped volume will look in the
- To see the list of available commands with short descriptions run ahoy
ahoy - Creates a configurable cli app for running commands.
ahoy [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
attach Attach to a running container
build Build project.
cli Start a shell inside container.
db-dump Dump data out into a file. `ahoy db-dump local.dump`
db-import Pipe in a postgres dump file. `ahoy db-import local.dump`
down Delete project (CAUTION).
generate-extension Generates a new CKAN extension into the src directory
info Print information about this project.
init Initialise the codebase on first-time setup (ahoy init)
logs Show Docker logs.
open Open the site in your default browser
ps List running Docker containers.
recreate Recreate a local container | ahoy recreate ckan
restart Restart Docker containers.
run Run command inside container.
stop Stop Docker containers.
up Build project.
--verbose, -v Output extra details like the commands to be run. [$AHOY_VERBOSE]
--file value, -f value Use a specific ahoy file.
--help, -h show help
--version print the version
[fatal] Missing flag or argument.```