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CS@Illinois Proficiency Exams |
If you have already mastered the material covered in certain CS@Illinois courses, you may receive credit and satisfy prerequisites by taking a *proficiency exam*. Here you will find details about how to prepare and sign up for CS@Illinois proficiency exams.
Proficiency exams are similar in topic coverage and scope to a comprehensive final exam.
They are intended to ensure that you are well-prepared for later courses in the same subject area.
Passing criteria are at the discretion of each course instructor.
But in general an exam score that would correspond to a course grade of a B- is considered a passing score.
Written proficiency exams are generally offered at two times near the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
Courses that give computer-based proficiency exams in the Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF) generally offer their exams during a window of time near the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
Please consult the course-specific information below to determine whether the proficiency exam you want to take is written or computer-based.
For Fall 2018 written proficiency exams will be held on:
- Saturday 8/25/2018 @ 5:30–10PM in Siebel 1404, and
- Wednesday 8/29/2018 @ 5:30–10PM in Siebel 1404.
Note that most proficiency exams are three hours in length.
The extra time is provided for students that are entitled to take extra time or are attempting multiple exams.
If you are only taking one exam and are not taking extra time you should be finished by 8:30PM.
You must arrive on time to take a proficiency exam.
If you arrive late you will not be seated.
In certain cases you may not be eligible to take a proficiency exam.
You are responsible for understanding these conditions.
We will not attempt to determine whether you are eligible to take a proficiency exam before you sit for it.
You will only find out later that you will not receive credit.
So please review these restrictions carefully.
- You may not take a proficiency exam for a course that you have already received a grade for.
This is true even if it was a failing grade.
- You may only take each proficiency exam once per semester.
If you sit for multiple exams within the same semester only the first score will be considered.
This restriction applies both to written proficiency exams and to ones given in the CBTF.
- You may not take a proficiency exam if you have taken more than one later course in the same area.
For example, you may not take the CS 173 Proficiency Exam if you have already taken CS 225 and CS 374.
Instead of taking the proficiency exam, you may be required to substitute other later courses to fulfill your degree requirements.
- Graduate students generally may only take CS@Illinois proficiency exams when required to satisfy other degree programs.
Please contact the CS academic office to obtain permission if needed.
Other course-specific restrictions may also apply.
Please consult the information below specific to the proficiency exams you plan to take for more details.
To take a written proficiency exam simply show up at one of the scheduled exam times.
To take a computer-based proficiency exam you must schedule a time with the CBTF.
You must bring your University of Illinois ID to the proficiency exam.
If you show up late or without proper identification, you will not be able to sit for the exam.
You may attempt multiple different proficiency exams during one written exam sitting.
However, each exam period finishes promptly at the times indicated above, so you will need to work quickly to complete multiple exams in the time allotted.
If the exam is written, it may take several days before your exam is graded.
You will receive your proficiency exam results directly from the instructor supervising the exam.
If the exam is given in the CBTF you may receive your results immediately.
We will accommodate any disabilities that have been registered with the Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES).
Please use their online application to notify them of your disability and register for support services.
If you are new to the University of Illinois you should begin this process as soon as you are admitted.
If you are entitled to up to 50% extra time to complete the exam but can complete it in a typical testing environment, please just report at one or both of the usual dates and times.
Make sure to bring a copy of your DRES accommodation letter.
If you need further accommodations or to take the proficiency exam in the DRES
testing center, please contact
proficiency‑[email protected]
to make the necessary arrangements.
Include a copy of your DRES letter documenting your accommodations.
If you have questions not covered here, or on the course-specific pages below, please start a conversation on the CS Advising Piazza Forum.
That is the best way to have your questions answered quickly.
Please avoid contacting the course instructors directly.
Please review the information below for any proficiency exams you plan to take.
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