The VOLTTRON User Interface API.
The authentication endpoints are provided by the VOLTTRON master web service.
Authentication is required before using other API endpoints, which must be accessed using the JWT bearer token provided by the
POST /authenticate
endpoint. -
The token will expire afer some time, and to avoid loss of any session which is established by other endpoints, the session must be renewed using the
PUT /authenticate
endpoint. -
Sessions may be manually ended by calling the
DEL /authenticate
Built-in authorization endpoint for VOLTTRON web subsystem. Returns JWT bearer token.
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>" }
With valid username and password:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
- Content Type:
With invalid username and password:
401 Unauthorized
Renew authorization token.
User provides credentials again, with current token to renew the same session.
Returns new JWT bearer token. All subsequent requests should include the new token. The old bearer token is no longer considered valid.
- Content Type:
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Body:
{ "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>" }
With valid username and password:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
- Content Type:
With invalid or mismatched username, password, or token:
401 Unauthorized
Log out of API. Bearer token will be invalidated, and any session will data be cleared.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid username and password:
200 OK
- With invalid token:
401 Unauthorized
Platforms endpoints expose functionality associated with specific VOLTTRON platforms.
As all functionality of VOLTTRON is the purvue of one or another platform, the /platforms tree forms the core of the VOLTTRON User Interface API. Other top level partitions of the API consist of convenience methods which refer to endpoints within /platforms.
- All endpoints in this tree require authentication using a JWT bearer token provided by the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
PubSub endpoints expose functionality associated with publication and subscription to topics on the VOLTTRON message bus.
- All PubSub endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve routes for message bus topics being monitored by this user of the VUI API.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Body:
[ "/platform/:platform/pubsub/:topic", "/platform/:platform/pubsub/:topic", ... ]
- Body:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Return the subscription to the topic.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token if subscription exists:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "topic": "<topic">, "push_bind": <bind_object> or null, "last_value": <last_value>, "number_of_subscribers": <number_of_open_subscriptions_to_topic> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body: { "error": "" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Create the specified subscription. Returns details. For publishing to the topic, see the PUT /platforms/:platform/pubsub/:topic
- Content Type:
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Body:
{ "push_bind": <bind_object> or null }
- With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Content Type:
- Location:
- Body:
{ "topic": "<topic>", "push_bind": <bind_obaject> or null, "last_value": "<last_value>", "access_token": <JWT_access_token_for_resource> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Unsubscribe to the topic.
NOTE: If multiple subscriptions are open to the same topic, the server should remove this subscriber but keep the subscription resource open.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Publish to the specified topic on the specified platform and return confirmation details.
The value given in the request body must contain the intended publish body. This may be a single value or dictionary as expected by subscribers to the topic. The publish_type will be used in formatting the publish before it reaches the message bus. If a dictionary is provided for the value and no publish_type is given, the publish will be treated as a record type.
- Content Type:
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Body:
{ "headers": {<message_bus_headers>}, "publish_type": "<datalogger|device|analysis|record>" "value": <value> }
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "number_of_subsribers": <number_of_subsribers> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agents endpoints expose functionality associted with applications running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
RPC endpoints expose functionality associted with remote procedure calls to agents running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All RPC endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get available remote procedure call endpoints for the specified agent.
Success will yield a dictionary with available RPC methods as keys and routes for these as values.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<function_name>": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity"/rpc/:function_name", "<function_name>": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity"/rpc/:function_name", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Get parameters for an remote procedure call method.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "param1": <type>, "param2": <type> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Send an remote procedure call to an agent running on a VOLTTRON platform.
The return value of an RPC call is defined by the agent, so this may be a scalar value or another JSON object, for instance a list, dictionary, etc.
- Content Type:
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Body:
{ "<param_name": <value>, "<param_name": <value>, ... }
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "return": <value> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agent Configs endpoints expose functionality associted with configuration of agents running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Configs endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get routes to available configuration files for the specified agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ ":config_file_name": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity"/configs/:config_file_name", "<config_file_name>": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity"/configs/:config_file_name", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Save a new configuration file to the config store.
The file name should be passed in the query parameter file-name
The file should match the content type and contents which the VOLTTRON configuration store expects. The configuration store currently accepts only JSON, CSV, or RAW files. The content type header should match the type of file being sent. Optionally, this endpoint may return 409 Conflict
if the configuration file already exists. In this case, the user should use PUT /platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/configs/:file_name
if modification of the existing file is truly intended.
- Content Type:
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Body (shown for JSON conntent):
{ "<setting_name>": <value>, "<setting_name>": <value>, ... }
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Location:
- Content Type:
- Location:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
,409 Conflict
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Get a configuration file for the agent from the config store.
The configuration store can currently return JSON, CSV, or RAW files. If the Accept header is not set, the configuration store will return JSON by default. If the client wishes to restrict the type of file received, it should set the Accept header to the correct MIME type(s).
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Accept:
- Body:
{ "<setting_name>": <value>, "<setting_name>": <value>, ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Overwrite a configuration file already in the config store.
The file should match the content type and contents which the VOLTTRON configuration store expects. The configuration store currently accepts only JSON, CSV, or RAW files. The content type header should match the type of file being sent.
- Content Type:
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Body:
{ "<setting_name>": <value>, "<setting_name>": <value>, ... }
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Remove an existing configuration file for the agent from the config store.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agent Frontend endpoints expose control panels provided by agents running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Frontends endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get available front-end applications made available by an agent running on the VOLTTRON platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<frontend_name>": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/frontends/:frontend_name", "<frontend_name>": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/frontends/:frontend_name", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Load a front-end applications made available by an agent running on the VOLTTRON platform.
The application must have been created by the developer of the application, but possible use cases include configuration front-ends and control panels. Front-end applications can define addtional routes as necessary within the namespace /platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/frontends/:frontend_name/.... Applications which require interactivity may also open websockets or link to other resources. All applications should provide a schema to load the user interface for the application, but may also provide other resources, for instance an access_token, in this response as needed in the app_data key. If a websocket is opened, the response should use 201 Created
and the URI should be made available in the Location
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Location:
- Body:
{ "ui_schema": {...}, "app_data": {...} }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
PubSub retrieve informaton about publish and subscription topics used by an agent running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All PubSub endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve routes for message bus topics monitored by and to which are published by an agent running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Body:
{ "subscribes: [ "/platform/:platform/pubsub/:topic", "/platform/:platform/pubsub/:topic", ... ], "publishes: [ "/platform/:platform/pubsub/:topic", "/platform/:platform/pubsub/:topic", ... ] }
- Body:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agent Status endpoints expose staus information provided for agents by a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get status for the specified agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "name": "<agent_name>", "priority": "<priority>", "tag": "<tag>", "uuid": "<uuid>", "running": "<running_status>", "enabled": "<enabled_status>" }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Clear status for the specified agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agent Health endpoints expose health information regarding agents running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get health for the specified agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "status": {<agent_health>} }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agent Running endpoints expose functionality related to starting and stopping agent execution.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve the running status of the specified agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "status": true|false }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Start the specified agent.
Accepts the query parameter restart
to restart an agent. If the agent is already running, an error will be returned if the restart
parameter is not "true".
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Stop the specified agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Start an agent from the remote platform from a path on the filesystem.
The placeholder -
is used for the :vip_identity
. The request body is used to dictate the path on the remote filesystem from which the agent should be run, as well as the vip-identity and tag to use.
The response code will be 201 Created
and provide a Location
header with the route to the agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "run_from_path": "<agent_path>", "conig_path": "<config_path>" "vip_identity": "<tag>", }
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Content Type:
- Location:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agent Enabled endpoints expose functionality regarding the automatic startup of agents running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve the enabled status of the specified agent. If true, the agent will start with the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "status": true|false }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Enable the specified agent to run on platform start-up.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Disable the specified agent from running on platform start-up.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Agent Tag endpoints expose functionality regarding tags used to reference agents running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve the tag of an agent installed on the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "tag": "<tag>" }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Set the tag to an agent installed on the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "tag": "<tag>" }
With valid BEARER token on success: `201 Created'
- Content Type:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Remove the tag from an agent installed on a VOLTTRON platfrom.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Return routes for the agents installed on the platform.
Accepts a query parameter packaged
, which is false by default. If true, this endpoint will instead return filenames of packaged agents on the platform which can ben installed.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<vip_identity>": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity", "<vip_identity>": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Install an agent on the VOLTTRON platform.
This request may use the query parameters vip_identity
, tag
, start
and enable
. These will be used when installing the agent.
BEARER <jwt_token>
To upload a wheel:
- Content Type:
- Content Length:
- Body:
- Content Type:
To install wheel already on the remote platform:
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "wheel_path": "<wheel_path>" }
- Content Type:
To upload zipped source for packaging and installation:
- Content Type:
- Content Length:
- Body:
- Content Type:
To package and install from source on the remote system:
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "source_path": "<source_path>", "config_path": "<config_path>" }
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Content Type:
- Location:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Get information about one installed agent. Returns routes to get information on health, status, remote procedure calls, monitored pubsub topics, configurations, front-ends (if available), and to perform control actions such as run status (starting/stoping), enabled status (enable/disable), disabling, and any other relevant actions.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "status": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/status", "health": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/health", "rpc": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/rpc", "pubsub": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/pubsub", "configs": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/configs", "frontends": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/frontends", "running": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/running", "enabled": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity/enable" }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Upgrade an agent on the VOLTTRON platform.
BEARER <jwt_token>
To upgrade from an uploaded wheel:
- Content Type:
- Content Length:
- Body:
- Content Type:
To upgrade from a wheel already on the remote platform:
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "wheel_path": "<wheel_path>" }
- Content Type:
To upload zipped source for packaging and upgrade:
- Content Type:
- Content Length:
- Body:
- Content Type:
To package and upgrade from source on the remote system:
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "source_path": "<source_path>", "config_path": "<config_path>" }
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Response: -
With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<vip_identity>": "<uuid>" }
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Uninstall an agent from the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Configs endpoints expose functionality associted with configuration files for a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Platform Configs endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get routes to available configuration files for the specified platform (not an indiviual agent, but the platform itself).
- Authorization: BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<config_name>": "/platforms/:platform/configs/:config_name", "<config_name>": "/platforms/:platform/configs/:config_name", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Save a new platform configuration file.
The file name should be passed in the query parameter file-name
The platform configuration files are currently either JSON, INI files. The MIME type of the response will be either applciation/json
or text/plain
in the case of INI files. This endpoint will return an error if the file already exists. To update an existing file, use the PUT /platforms/:platform/configs/:file_name
⚠️ Editing platform configuration files can affect the ability of the platform to restart. It is not currently possible to repair an unstartable platfrom from the API. Fixing mistakes will require direct access to the device or SSH.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body (shown for JSON):
{ "<setting_name>": <value>, "<setting_name>": <value>, ... }
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Location:
- Content Type:
- Location:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Request body:
{"<setting_name>": <value>, ...}
Response body:
{"return": <value>}
Get a configuration file for the platform (not for an individual agent).
The platform configuration files are currently either JSON, INI files. The MIME type of the response will be either applciation/json
or text/plain
in the case of INI files.
⚠️ Editing platform configuration files can affect the ability of the platform to restart. It is not currently possible to repair an unstartable platfrom from the API. Fixing mistakes will require direct access to the device or SSH.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<setting_name>": <value>, "<setting_name>": <value>, ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Replace an existing platform configuration file.
The platform configuration files are currently either JSON, INI files. The MIME type of the response will be either applciation/json
or text/plain
in the case of INI files. This endpoint will return an error if the file does not already exist. To create a new file, use the POST /platforms/:platform/configs
⚠️ Editing platform configuration files can affect the ability of the platform to restart. It is not currently possible to repair an unstartable platfrom from the API. Fixing mistakes will require direct access to the device or SSH.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<setting_name>": <value>, "<setting_name>": <value>, ... }
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Request body:
{"<setting_name>": <value>, ...}
Response body:
{"return": <value>}
Delete an existing configuration file for the platform (not for an individual agent).
⚠️ Editing platform configuration files can affect the ability of the platform to restart. It is not currently possible to repair an unstartable platfrom from the API. Fixing mistakes will require direct access to the device or SSH.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Status endpoints expose functionality regarding the status of a VOLTTRON platform instance.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get status for the agents on the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
[ "<vip_identity>": { "name": "<agent_name>", "priority": "<priority>", "tag": "<tag>", "uuid": "<uuid>", "running": "<running_status>", "enabled": "<enabled_status>" }, "<vip_identity>": {...}, ... ]
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Health endpoints expose functionality regarding the health of a VOLTTRON platform instance.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get health for the specified platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "status": {<platform_health>} }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Devices endpoints expose functionality associted with devices managed by a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Platform Devices endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Note on the use of topics in Device and Platform Device Requests
There is no special meaning to most segements of a topic in the VOLTTRON platform. Topics typically, however do follow some convention, for instance :campus/:building/:device/:point
. In the context of devices, however, the final segement in a full topic denotes a point which can be read or actuated. Partial topics (not including the last segment) denote some collection of these point resources. A topic, for instance which is complete up to the :device
level in the campus example would yield a single device containing one or more points. A topic complete to the :building
level would include a set of devices, each containing some set of points. The response to any request containing a full topic may differ, therefore, from a partial topic because it contains a complete path to a resource which can be individually queried or acted upon. The exact difference may vary by endpoint, and as dictated by query parameters as described below.
The -
character may be used alone to represent any value for a segment: /:campus/-/:device
will match all devices with the name :device on the :campus in any building. It is not possible to use -
as a wildcard within a segment containing other characters: /campus/foo-bar/:device
will only match a building called "foo-bar", not one called "foobazbar".
⚠️ It is possible that more than one device on several connected systems may share the same topic. In this case, as with theGET /devices
endpoint, the duplicates will be contained within a list. Users should always check the type of the value to determine if a given value in the dictionary is a string, list, or dict.
Device and Platform Devices endpoints can accept the following query parameters to refine their output:
- tag (default=null): Filter the result by the provided tag.
- regex (default=null): Filter the result by the provided regular expression (follows python re syntax).
GET requests additionally accept:
- include-points (default=false):
- If true, the response will return entries for every point. These will be a dictionary of dictionaries with route, writability, and value unless the result is further filtered by the corresponding parameters. If only one of
, orvalue
are additionally provided, the result will be a dictionary of the corresponding item. If none of these are set to true (the default), all will be returned:{ "route: <route_to_point>, "writable": true|false, "value": <value> }
- If false, the response will consist of a dictionary of routes to devices (the most complete topic without points).
, andvalue
will be ignored.
- If true, the response will return entries for every point. These will be a dictionary of dictionaries with route, writability, and value unless the result is further filtered by the corresponding parameters. If only one of
- route (default=false): IF true, the result will include the route to the points.
- writable (default=false): IF true, the result will include the writability of the points.
- value (default=false): IF true, the result will include the value of the points.
Get routes to all devices for a platform.
Note: Platform Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<topic>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic", "<topic>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Returns a collection of points and values for a device topic.
Note: Platform Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Platform Devices section for information on the use of topics.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<topic>": "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "<topic>": [ "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", ] ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Sets the value of the specified point and returns its new value and meta-data.
Note: Platform Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Platform Devices section for information on the use of topics.
If an attempt is made to set a point which is not writable, the response will be 405 Method Not Allowed
If the request uses partial topics and/or query parameters to select more than one point to set, the query parameter write-all
must be set. If write-all
is not set, the request will fail with 405 Method Not Allowed
. The request will also fail unless all writes are successful, and any points which would otherwise be set will be reverted to their previous value.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "value": <value> }
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "value": <new_value>, "meta": <meta_data> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token if any point is not writable:
405 Method Not Allowed
:- Conent Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message indicating unwritable points>" }
- Conent Type:
- With valid BEARER token on any other failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
resets the value of the specified point and returns its new value and meta-data.
Note: Platform Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Platform Devices section for information on the use of topics.
If an attempt is made to set a point which is not writable, the response will be 405 Method Not Allowed
If the request uses partial topics and/or query parameters to select more than one point to set, the query parameter write-all
must be set. If write-all
is not set, the request will fail with 405 Method Not Allowed
. The request will also fail unless all writes are successful, and any points which would otherwise be set will be reverted to their previous value.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "value": <new_value>, "meta": <meta_data> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token if any point is not writable:
405 Method Not Allowed
:- Conent Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message indicating unwritable points>" }
- Conent Type:
- With valid BEARER token on any other failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Statistics endpoints expose functionality regarding the monitoring of the message bus of a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get enabled status of message bus statistics on the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "status": "<enabled|disabled>" }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Enable message bus statistics on the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Disable message bus statistics on the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Auths endpoints expose functionality related to authentication/authorization records for agents running within a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Get routes for authentication/authorization records of all agents running in the VOLTTRON platform.
Request accepts the query parameter records
which will cause the response to include auth records in addtion to the routes.
can take any value specified in auser_id
field in an auth record on the system. For local agents, this should be the actual VIP identity. The string, however is arbitrary and may have other values for remote agents to distinguish them from local versions of the same agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body (with record=false):
{ "<auth_user_id>": "/platforms/:platform/auths/:auth_user_id", "<auth_user_id>": "/platforms/:platform/auths/:auth_user_id", ... }
- Body (with records=true):
{ "<auth_user_id>": { "route": "/platforms/:platform/auths/:auth_user_id", "record": { "domain": "<domain>", "address": "<address>", "capabilities": ["<capability>", ...], "roles": ["<role>", ...], "groups": ["<group>", ...], "mechanism": "<mechanism>", "credentials": "<public_key>", "comments": "<comments>", "enabled": true|false }, ... } }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Create authentication/authorization record for an agent running in the VOLTTRON platform.
The <user_id>
will become the :auth_user_id
in the route returned in the Location
header of the response.
Note: A
can take any value but should be unique on the platform. For local agents, this should be the actual VIP identity. The string, however is arbitrary and may have other values for remote agents to distinguish them from local versions of the same agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "domain": "<domain>", "address": "<address>", "user_id": "<user_id>", "capabilities": ["<capability>", ...], "roles": ["<role>", ...], "groups": ["<group>", ...], "mechanism": "<mechanism>", "credentials": "<public_key>", "comments": "<comments>", "enabled": true|false }
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Location:
- Location:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Get authentication/authorization record for the specified agent running in the VOLTTRON platform.
can take any value specified in auser_id
field in an auth record on the system. For local agents, this should be the actual VIP identity. The string, however is arbitrary and may have other values for remote agents to distinguish them from local versions of the same agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "domain": "<domain>", "address": "<address>", "user_id": "<user_id>", "capabilities": ["<capability>", ...], "roles": ["<role>", ...], "groups": ["<group>", ...], "mechanism": "<mechanism>", "credentials": "<public_key>", "comments": "<comments>", "enabled": true|false }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Update existing authentication/authorization record for an agent running in the VOLTTRON platform.
can take any value specified in auser_id
field in an auth record on the system. For local agents, this should be the actual VIP identity. The string, however is arbitrary and may have other values for remote agents to distinguish them from local versions of the same agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "domain": "<domain>", "address": "<address>", "user_id": "<user_id>", "capabilities": ["<capability>", ...], "roles": ["<role>", ...], "groups": ["<group>", ...], "mechanism": "<mechanism>", "credentials": "<public_key>", "comments": "<comments>", "enabled": true|false }
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Remove an authentication/authorization record for an agent running in the VOLTTRON platform.
can take any value specified in auser_id
field in an auth record on the system. For local agents, this should be the actual VIP identity. The string, however is arbitrary and may have other values for remote agents to distinguish them from local versions of the same agent.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Retrieve public keys for an agent or the platform.
Passing "-" as the path variable auth_user_id
will return all public keys, including the server key for the platform. Passing "platform" for :auth_user_id
will return only the server key.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "platform": "<server_key>", "<vip_identity>": "<public_key>", "<vip_identity>": "<public_key>", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Known-Hosts endpoints expose functionality regarding authentication of other VOLTTRON instances known to a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve routes to the known-host records of platforms known to the specified platform.
In the case where more than one host has the same address on different ports, the value will be a list of routes to the corresponding hosts.
To retrieve the records for all known-hosts on the platform, set the records
query parameter to true.
⚠️ The colon is a reserved character in a URI. The path variable for routes to known hosts is delimited by a dash: e.g.:<address>-<port>
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<host_address>": "/platforms/:platform/known-hosts/:host_address-:host_port", "<host_address>": [ "/platforms/:platform/known-hosts/:host_address-:host_port1", "/platforms/:platform/known-hosts/:host_address-:host_port2", ], ... }
- Body (with records=true):
{ <host_address>": { "route": "/platforms/:platform/known-hosts/:host_address-:host_port", "record": { "port": "<port>", "key": "<server_key>" }, ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Create a new known-host record for another platform known to the specified platform.
The Location
header will return a route to the new resource, with :known-host
having the format :address-:port
⚠️ The colon is a reserved character in a URI. The pathknown-hosts
variable is delimited by a dash: e.g.::address-:port
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "address": "<address>", "port": "<port>", "key": "<server_key>" },
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Location:
- Location:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Retrieve the address, port, and server keys of another platform known to the specified platform.
⚠️ The colon is a reserved character in a URI. The pathknown-hosts
variable is delimited by a dash: e.g.::address-:port
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "address": "<address>", "port": "<port>", "key": "<server_key>" },
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Update the address, port, and server keys of another platform known to the specified platform.
⚠️ The colon is a reserved character in a URI. The pathknown-hosts
variable is delimited by a dash: e.g.::address-:port
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "address": "<address>", "port": "<port>", "key": "<server_key>" },
With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Remove the known-host record of another platform known to the specified platform.
⚠️ The colon is a reserved character in a URI. The pathknown-hosts
variable is delimited by a dash: e.g.::address-:port
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Roles endpoints expose functionality related to roles which provide authorization for certain functionality exported by VOLTTRON agents.
Roles contain a set of capabilities which grant access to protected resources.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve routes to the role records on the specified platform.
To retrieve the records for all roles on the platform, set the records
query parameter to true.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<role>": "/platforms/:platform/roles/:role", "<role>": "/platforms/:platform/roles/:role", ... }
- Body (with records=true):
{ "<role>": { "route": "/platforms/:platform/roles/:role", "capabilities": [<capability>, <capability>, ...] }, "<role>": { "route": "/platforms/:platform/roles/:role", "capabilities": [<capability>, <capability>, ...] }, ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Create a new role on the specified platform.
The route to the new resource will be returned in the Location
header of the response.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "role_name": "<role>", "capabilities": [ "<capability>", "<capability>", ... ] }
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Location:
- Location:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Retrieve the capabilities assigned to a role on the specified platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
[ <capability>, <capability>, ... ]
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Update an existing role on the specified platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
[ "<capability>", "<capability>", ... ]
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Remove a role from the specified platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Groups endpoints expose functionality related to authorization groups within the VOLTTRON platform.
Groups contain a set of roles, which in turn contain sets of capabilities which grant authorization for protected services exported by agents.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve routes to the group records on the specified platform.
To retrieve the records for all groups on the platform, set the records
query parameter to true.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<group>": "/platforms/:platform/groups/:group", "<group>": "/platforms/:platform/groups/:group", ... }
- Body (with records=true):
{ "<group>": { "route": "/platforms/:platform/groups/:group", "capabilities": [<role>, <role>, ...] }, "<group>": { "route": "/platforms/:platform/groups/:group", "capabilities": [<role>, <role>, ...] }, ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Create a new group on the specified platform.
The route to the new resource will be returned in the Location
header of the response.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "group_name": "<group>", "roles": { <role>, <role>, ... } }
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
- Location:
- Location:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Retrieve the capabilities assigned to a group on the specified platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
[ <role>, <role>, ... ]
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Update an existing group on the specified platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
[ <role>, <role>, ... ]
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Remove a group from the specified platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Platform Historian endpoints expose functionality related to historians running on a VOLTTRON platform.
- All Agent Control endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Retrieve routes to historians on the platform.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<vip_identity>": "/platform/historians/:historian", "<vip_identity>": "/platform/historians/:historian", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Retrieve routes for an historian.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "topics": "/platforms/:platform/historians/:historian/topics", "metatdata": "/platforms/:platform/historians/:historian/metadata", "records": "/platforms/:platform/historians/:historian/records" }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Query topics from the historian.
By default, the response will contain all topics in the historian. The pattern
query parameter may be used to filter the results. The aggregate
query parameter may be used to retreive aggregate topics.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<topic>": {"id": <id>, "route": "/platforms/:platform/historians/:historian/topics/:topic"}, "<topic>": {"id": <id>, "route": "/platforms/:platform/historians/:historian/topics/:topic"}, ... }
- Body (with
):[ {"topic_name": <topic>, "aggregation_type": <aggregation_type>, "aggregation_time_period": <aggregation_time_period>, "metadata": <metadata>} {"topic_name": <topic>, "aggregation_type": <aggregation_type>, "aggregation_time_period": <aggregation_time_period>, "metadata": <metadata>} ... ]
- Content Type:
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Query data for a topic.
Several query parameters may be used to refine the results:
- start: datetime of the start of the query. None for the beginning of time.
- end: datetime of the end of of the query. None for the end of time.
- skip: skip this number of results (for pagination)
- count: return at maximum this number of results (for pagination)
- order: “FIRST_TO_LAST” for ascending time stamps, “LAST_TO_FIRST” for descending time stamps.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "values": [ {"datetime": <datetime>: "value: <value>}, {"datetime": <datetime>: "value: <value>}, ' ... ], ' "metadata": { "key1": value1, ' "key2": value2, ' ... } }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Insert records into the historian.
The request body should contain a list of JSON objects matching the format of the record type being inserted (e.g.: record, analysis, datalogger, devices).
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
[ { <record> } ]
With valid BEARER token on success:
201 Created
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Get routes for connected platforms.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<platform>": "/platforms/:platform", "<platform>": "/platforms/:platform", ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Stop all agents on all connected platforms.
⚠️ When the request is sent with theplatfroms=true
query parameter, this will stop the platforms themselves. This is not generally recommended, as there is currently no way to restart the platforms through the API.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Return information about the platform and routes to related endpoints.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "status": "/platforms/:platform/status", "health": "/platforms/:platform/health", "agents": { "vip_identity": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity", "vip_identity": "/platforms/:platform/agents/:vip_identity", ... }, "configs": { "<config_name>: "/platforms/:platform/configs/:config_name", "<config_name>: "/platforms/:platform/configs/:config_name", ... } }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Stop all agents on the platform.
⚠️ When the request is sent with theplatfroms=true
query parameter, this will stop the platform itself. This is not generally recommended, as there is currently no way to restart the platform through the API.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
With valid BEARER token on success:
204 No Content
With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Devices endpoints expose functionality associted with devices managed by all connected VOLTTRON platforms.
- All Devices endpoints require a JWT bearer token obtained through the
POST /authenticate
orPUT /authenticate
Note on the use of topics in Device and Platform Device Requests
There is no special meaning to most segements of a topic in the VOLTTRON platform. Topics typically, however do follow some convention, for instance :campus/:building/:device/:point
. In the context of devices, however, the final segement in a full topic denotes a point which can be read or actuated. Partial topics (not including the last segment) denote some collection of these point resources. A topic, for instance which is complete up to the :device
level in the campus example would yield a single device containing one or more points. A topic complete to the :building
level would include a set of devices, each containing some set of points. The response to any request containing a full topic may differ, therefore, from a partial topic because it contains a complete path to a resource which can be individually queried or acted upon. The exact difference may vary by endpoint, and as dictated by query parameters as described below.
The -
character may be used alone to represent any value for a segment: /:campus/-/:device
will match all devices with the name :device on the :campus in any building. It is not possible to use -
as a wildcard within a segment containing other characters: /campus/foo-bar/:device
will only match a building called "foo-bar", not one called "foobazbar".
⚠️ It is possible that more than one device on several connected systems may share the same topic. In this case, as with theGET /devices
endpoint, the duplicates will be contained within a list. Users should always check the type of the value to determine if a given value in the dictionary is a string, list, or dict.
Device and Platform Devices endpoints can accept the following query parameters to refine their output:
- tag (default=null): Filter the result by the provided tag.
- regex (default=null): Filter the result by the provided regular expression (follows python re syntax).
GET requests additionally accept:
- include-points (default=false):
- If true, the response will return entries for every point. These will be a dictionary of dictionaries with route, writability, and value unless the result is further filtered by the corresponding parameters. If only one of
, orvalue
are additionally provided, the result will be a dictionary of the corresponding item. If none of these are set to true (the default), all will be returned:{ "route: <route_to_point>, "writable": true|false, "value": <value> }
- If false, the response will consist of a dictionary of routes to devices (the most complete topic without points).
, andvalue
will be ignored.
- If true, the response will return entries for every point. These will be a dictionary of dictionaries with route, writability, and value unless the result is further filtered by the corresponding parameters. If only one of
- route (default=false): IF true, the result will include the route to the points.
- writable (default=false): IF true, the result will include the writability of the points.
- value (default=false): IF true, the result will include the value of the points.
Get routes to all devices for all connected platforms.
In the case where a device with the same topic appears on multiple platforms, the value for that topic in the result will be a list of routes where each element is the route to the device topic on on of the platforms where it appears.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<topic>": "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "<topic>": [ "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", ] ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Get routes matching a topic for devices for all connected platforms.
Note: Platform Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Devices section for information on the use of topics.
Providing a partial topic returns all devices which share the given segements of the provided topic. Using a partial topic: /:campus/:building
will produce the same dictionary as the response of GET /devices/
but with only the topics beginning with the segments :campus
and :building
Providing a full topic will usually produce a single result, except where more than one connected platform has the same topic, in which case the result will be the list of routes to that topic on each containing platform.
In the case where a device with the same topic appears on multiple platforms, the value for that topic in the result will be a list of routes where each element is the route to the device topic on on of the platforms where it appears.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<topic>": "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "<topic>": [ "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", ] ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Sets the value of the specified point(s) and returns its new value(s) and meta-data.
Note: Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Devices section for information on the use of topics.
If an attempt is made to set a point which is not writable, the response will be 405 Method Not Allowed
If the request uses partial topics and/or query parameters to select more than one point to set, the query parameter write-all
must be set. If write-all
is not set, the request will fail with 405 Method Not Allowed
. The request will also fail unless all writes are successful, and any points which would otherwise be set will be reverted to their previous value.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "value": <value> }
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "value": <new_value>, "meta": <meta_data> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token if any point is not writable:
405 Method Not Allowed
:- Conent Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message indicating unwritable points>" }
- Conent Type:
- With valid BEARER token on any other failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Resets the value of the specified point(s) and returns its new value(s) and meta-data.
Note: Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Devices section for information on the use of topics.
If an attempt is made to set a point which is not writable, the response will be 405 Method Not Allowed
If the request uses partial topics and/or query parameters to select more than one point to set, the query parameter write-all
must be set. If write-all
is not set, the request will fail with 405 Method Not Allowed
. The request will also fail unless all writes are successful, and any points which would otherwise be set will be reverted to their previous value.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "value": <new_value>, "meta": <meta_data> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token if any point is not writable:
405 Method Not Allowed
:- Conent Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message indicating unwritable points>" }
- Conent Type:
- With valid BEARER token on any other failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Get routes matching a topic for devices for all connected platforms.
Note: Platform Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Platform Devices section for information on the use of topics.
Providing a partial topic returns all devices which share the given segements of the provided topic. Using a partial topic: /:campus/:building
will produce the same dictionary as the response of GET /devices/
but with only the topics beginning with the segments :campus
and :building
Providing a full topic will usually produce a single result, except where more than one connected platform has the same topic, in which case the result will be the list of routes to that topic on each containing platform.
In the case where a device with the same topic appears on multiple platforms, the value for that topic in the result will be a list of routes where each element is the route to the device topic on on of the platforms where it appears.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<topic>": "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "<topic>": [ "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", "/platform/:platform/devices/:topic", ] ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Retrieve a topical hierarchy of all devices on all platforms.
The response provides a dictionary organized hierarchically by segments within the device topic. There is no special meaning to the segments of device topics, but the example response shown here assumes that devices are organized in a pattern common for a campus of buildings: /:campus/:building/:device/:point
⚠️ It is not necessary that topics all have the same number of segments, therefore some parts of the tree may be deeper than others. Users should not assume a uniform depth to all branches of the tree. It is also possible that a given level of the tree is not uniformly either a dict or a string. For example, in the third building shown in the example, zone level devices have an extra segment to indicate they are served by a particular air handling unit, however the air handling unit device itself has the normal number of segments.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "<campus>": { "<building>": { "<device>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic/", "<device>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic/", ... }, "<building>"" { "<device>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic/", "<device>": [ "/platforms/:platform1/devices/:topic/", "/platforms/:platform2/devices/:topic/", ... ], ... }, "<building>": { <ahu_device>: "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic/", <ahu>: { "<zone_device>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic/", "<zone_device>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic/", ... }, ... }, ... }, ... }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Retrieve a partial topical hierarchy of all devices on all platforms.
Note: Device endpoints accept query parameters to refine their output, as described in the introduction to the Devices section.
Note: See the introduction to the Devices section for information on the use of topics.
As with the GET /devices/hierarchy
endpoint, the response provides a dictionary organized hierarchically by segments within the device topic. Providing a partial topic produces a clade of the device tree with its root at the provided topic.
As elaborated on in the introduction to the Devices section, there is no special meaning to the segments of device topics, but the example response shown here assumes that devices are organized in a pattern common for a campus of buildings: /:campus/:building/:device/:point
. Using a partial topic: /:campus/:building
will produce a the same object which could be obtained by indexing the response of GET /devices/hierarchy
first with <campus>
and then n<device>
, e.g.:
The example shown in the response section below is produced by GET /devices/hierarcy/:campus/:building
, where :building
has the same value as the second building in the example shown for GET /devices/hierarchy
Providing a full topic will usually produce a single leaf node, except where more than one connected platform has the same topic, in which case the result will be the list of leaf nodes corresponding to that topic on each containing platform.
⚠️ It is not necessary that topics all have the same number of segments, therefore some parts of the tree may be deeper than others. Users should not assume a uniform depth to all branches of the tree. It is also possible that a given level of the tree is not uniformly either a dict or a string. For example, in the third building shown in the example, zone level devices have an extra segment to indicate they are served by a particular air handling unit, however the air handling unit device itself has the normal number of segments.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
201 Created
204 No Content
- Content Type:
- Body:
"<device>": "/platforms/:platform/devices/:topic/", "<device>": [ "/platforms/:platform1/devices/:topic/", "/platforms/:platform2/devices/:topic/", ... ], ... } }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized
Generate a new public/private keypair.
- Authorization:
BEARER <jwt_token>
- With valid BEARER token on success:
200 OK
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "public": "<public_key>, "private": "<private_key> }
- Content Type:
- With valid BEARER token on failure:
400 Bad Request
- Content Type:
- Body:
{ "error": "<Error Message>" }
- Content Type:
- With invalid BEARER token:
401 Unauthorized