📝 Automate the process of researching and selecting general education requirements custom to student schedules at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
💻 Developed with the help of Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider's data sets on courses and GPAs at UIUC. Links to the CSV files can be found here:
ACP - Advanced Composition
HUM - Humanities and the Arts HP - Historical and Philosophical Perspectives LA - Literature and the Arts
SBS - Social and Behavioral Sciences
BSC - Behavioral Sciences SS - Social Sciences
NAT - Natural Sciences and Technology
LS - Life Sciences PS - Physical Sciences
CS - Cultural Studies
NW - Non-Western Culture(s) US - US Minority Cultures WCC - Western/Comparative Culture(s)
QR - Quantitative Reasoning
QR1 - Quantitative Reasoning I QR2 - Quantitative Reasoning II
✔️ The goal is to make a site where students can schedule their entire 4-year plan using GeneratEd