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Perform host discovery

  • Perform host discovery using Nmap
    ARP Ping: nmap -sn -PR [Target IP Address]
    UDP Ping: nmap -sn -PU [Target IP Address]
    ICMP ECHO Ping: nmap -sn -PE [Target IP Address]
    ICMP timestamp ping: nmap -sn -PP [Target IP Address]
    ICMP Address mask ping Ping: nmap -sn -PM [Target IP Address]
    TCP SYN Ping: nmap -sn -PS [Target IP Address]
    TCP ACK Ping: nmap -sn -PA [Target IP Address]
    IP Protocol Ping: nmap -sn -PO [Target IP Address]

  • Perform host discovery using Angry IP Scanner

Perform port and service discovery

  • Perform port and service discovery using MegaPing
    windows software

  • Perform port and service discovery using NetScanTools Pro
    Manual tools (all) -> Ping scanner
    -> Port scanner

  • Perform port scanning using sx tool
    sx arp [Target subnet] --json
    sx udp [Target subnet] -p [port]

  • Explore various network scanning techniques using Nmap
    -sT TCP full open
    -sS stealth scan
    -sX Xmas scan (If the target has openedthe port, then you will receive no response from the target system. If the target has closed the port, then you willreceive a target system reply with an RST.)
    -sM Maimon scan (a FIN/ACK probe is sent to the target; if there is no response, then the port isOpen|Filtered, but if the RST packet is sent as a response, then the port is closed)
    -sA ACK scan (no response impliesthat the port is filtered (stateful firewall is present), and an RST response means that the port is not filtered)
    -sU UDP scan (no response means that the port is open. If the port is closed, an ICMP port unreachable message is received.)
    -sN Null scan
    -sI IDLE-IPID spoofed source address
    -sY SCTP INIT Scan (An INIT chunk is sent to the target host; an INIT+ACK chunk response implies that the port is open, andan ABORT Chunk response means that the port is closed)
    -sZ SCTP COOKIE ECHO Scan (A COOKIE ECHO chunk is sent to the target host; no response implies that the port is openand ABORT Chunk response means that the port is closed)

    -A advanced aggressive includes:
    -sV detects service versions
    -O OS detection

  • Explore various network scanning techniques using Hping3

    • hping3 -A [Target IP Address] -p 80 -c 5
      -A ACK flag
      -p port
      -c packet count
    • hping3 -F -P -U [Target IP Address] -p 80 -c 5
      -F FIN flag
      -P PUSH flag
      -U URG flag
      -S SYN flag
    • hping3 --scan 0-100 -S [target ip address]
    • hping3 -1 [Target IP Address] -p 80 -c 5
      -1 ICMP ping scan
    • hping3 -1 [Target Subnet] --rand-dest -I eth0
      Entire subnet scan for live host
      sample target subnet: 10.0.1.x
    • hping3 -2 [Target IP Address] -p 80 -c 5
      UDP scan

Perform OS discovery

  • Identify the target system’s OS with Time-to-Live (TTL) and TCP window sizes using Wireshark OS | TTL | Window Linux | 64 | 5840 FreeBSD | 64 | 65535 OpenBSD | 255 | 16384 Windows | 128 | 65535 to 1 GB Cisco | 255 | 4128 Solaris | 255 | 8760 AIX | 255 | 16384

  • Perform OS discovery using Nmap Script Engine (NSE)
    nmap --script smb-os-discovery.nse [Target IP Address] -A -O -sV

  • Perform OS discovery using Unicornscan
    unicornscan [Target IP Address] -Iv

Scan beyond IDS and Firewall

  • Scan beyond IDS/firewall using various evasion techniques

    • nmap -f [Target IP Address]
      -f split packet
    • nmap -g 80 [Target IP Address] -g or --source-port to modify the source port of the scan
    • nmap -mtu 8 [Target IP Address]
    • nmap -D RND:10 [Target IP Address]
      decoy scan, randomly creating 10 IP and randomly positions the real IP address between the decoy IP
    • nmap -sT -Pn --spoof-mac 0 [Target IP Address]
      --spoof-mac randoming MAC address
      -Pn skip host discovery
  • Create custom packets using Colasoft Packet Builder to scan beyond the IDS/firewall
    ARP Packet template, set Delta Time as 0.1
    Send All Packets window, check the Burst Mode

  • Create custom UDP and TCP packets using Hping3 to scan beyond the IDS/firewall

    • hping3 [Target IP Address] --udp --rand-source --data 500
    • hping3 -S [Target IP Address] -p 80 -c 5 -S TCP SYN
    • hping3 [Target IP Address] --flood TCP flooding

Perform network scanning using various scanning tools

  • Scan a target network using Metasploit
    nmap -Pn -sS -A -oX Test
    db_import Test
    use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/syn SYN scan
    use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp TCP scan
    use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version