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This script automates the creation/population of a fully normalized, non-sparse, geo-enriched version of JHU's COVID-19 time-series data.

  1. Be sure to follow steps 1 through 4 of the main README.

  2. Run to initialize the environment. It will automatically download OpenRefine and openrefine-client. You need to do this only once.


  1. Modify the file to add your Postgres connection parameters, and your API key.

  2. Run It will automate several OpenRefine projects to normalize and enrich the latest JHU's time-series data and insert it into Timescale. It will be a relatively long-running automation (6 minutes) as it will run OpenRefine in headless mode, and geographically enrich the location data to support filtering on additional facets (continent, for the US - locality, county, state).


  1. Slice and dice the data using Postgres/Timescale! Note these tables/hypertables/continuous aggregates:
  • covid19_loclookup we assign a loc_id to help with joins. We also geocode the data, adding continent; and for the US - locality, county and state for additional aggregrations (sample).
		CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS covid19_loclookup (
		  province_state TEXT,
		  country_region TEXT NOT NULL,
		  latitude NUMERIC NOT NULL,
		  longitude NUMERIC NOT NULL,
		  us_locality TEXT,
		  us_state TEXT,
		  us_county TEXT,
		  continent TEXT,
		  location_geom geometry(POINT, 2163),
		  geocode_earth_json JSONB);
  • covid19_normalized_ts from the running totals compiled by JHU, we also derive the daily incidents for any specific date/location (e.g. how many confirmed, deaths, recoveries for each day/location). This will allow you to do aggregations for arbitrary date ranges, compute rates of confirmed/deaths/recoveries, and do benchmarking across locations.
		CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS covid19_normalized_ts (
		  loc_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
		  observation_date TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,
		  confirmed_total INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		  deaths_total INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		  recovered_total INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		  confirmed_daily INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		  deaths_daily INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		  recovered_daily INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		  PRIMARY KEY(loc_id, observation_date));
There are several Timescale-powered continuous aggregates as well:
		CREATE VIEW confirmed_3days
		WITH (timescaledb.continuous, timescaledb.refresh_lag = '-6 days')
		  time_bucket('3 days', observation_date) as bucket,
		  max(confirmed_total) as running_total,
		  sum(confirmed_daily) as sum,
		  avg(confirmed_daily) as avg,
		  max(confirmed_daily) as max,
		  min(confirmed_daily) as min
		  covid19_normalized_ts a
		GROUP BY loc_id, bucket;

		CREATE VIEW confirmed_weekly
		WITH (timescaledb.continuous, timescaledb.refresh_lag = '-14 days')
		  time_bucket('7 days', observation_date) as bucket,
		  max(confirmed_total) as running_total,
		  sum(confirmed_daily) as sum,
		  avg(confirmed_daily) as avg,
		  max(confirmed_daily) as max,
		  min(confirmed_daily) as min
		  covid19_normalized_ts a
		GROUP BY loc_id, bucket;

With the continuous aggregates, you can ask questions like:

		SELECT b.*,  province_state, country_region
		FROM confirmed_weekly b, covid19_loclookup a 
		WHERE a.loc_id = b.loc_id 
		   AND country_region = 'Mainland China'
		ORDER BY loc_id, bucket asc;

you can view the result here (as of Mar 5, noon EST).