DataStax Apache Pulsar Connector is based on OSS Pulsar Sink functionality plus hardened, production-ready code repurposed from DataStax Apache Kafka Connector.
Use the product to transfer events/messages from Pulsar topics to Apache Cassandra®, DataStax Astra, or DataStax Enterprise (DSE) tables.
DataStax Apache Pulsar Connector 1.5.x is compatible with Apache Pulsar™ 2.8.x (and newer) and Datastax Luna Streaming 2.8.
DataStax Apache Pulsar Connector 1.4.x is compatible with Apache Pulsar™ 2.6.x and 2.7.x.
Your feedback and contributions are welcome! Refer to the open-source resources in the GitHub repo.
To contribute, fork the repo and submit Pull Requests (PRs) for review.
The connector tarball is available on the DataStax Downloads site.
See the DataStax Apache Pulsar Connector installation topic for details.
See the DataStax Apache Pulsar Connector documentation.
To report issues or receive community support, visit the issue tracker on GitHub.
For Luna Streaming customers who have a commercial support contract with DataStax, you can open a support ticket on the DataStax support portal. If you are interested in learning more about commercial support from DataStax, please visit the DataStax website for more information.